
I decided to basically skip the whole explanation of what we all know already. I mean common how many times we read basically the same first chapter. I find it better to skip the obvious and get straight to the story. I also find that it is pointless to sit there and write out the whole thing out again and again unless you're changing something with how the show starts.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and if I did he'd be one badass mother ******

Chapter 1 the Meeting

"Eight years ago a great demon came to the land of Konoha. This demon, the Kyuubi, was a great fox with nine tails which was told to hold so much power that one swing could destroy mountains, tear a forest down with a swift swing, or burn a village down with a single breath.

When the fox attacked Konoha, the village leader, Minato Namikaze, tried all he could to repel the beast. When all else failed Minato took his new born son from his wife, Kushina Uzumaki. As he held his son for the first and last time Minato summoned the boss toad, Gamabunta, and ordered him to hold the beast while he sealed it within his son. Before hopping on the giant toads head The Yondaime Hokage turned to his elderly master, Jiraiya the toad sage, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage. He proclaimed to both men that he respected more than any other man, "My son, Naruto, shall be the jailor. He shall face many hardships, pains, and sufferings. I have faith in my heir, faith that he can put the power of the Kyuubi to good use. I ask for one thing, one small thing that will cost everyone in this village nothing. I ask for my son to be seen as the hero that he is. As the jailor not the prisoner."

With his speech made the beloved fourth Hokage jumped upon the summoned boss toad and jumped towards the Kyuubi already going through the hand seals needed for the forbidden jutsu needed to seal the great demon inside his son. Soon all ninja heard their great hero yell, "Shiki Fuujin Jutsu" and the Kyuubi was gone. No one saw the death god floating behind the dying kage as he handed his son to Jiraiya and said with his last breath, "a hero, he is a hero." With his last mission complete the greatest kage the hidden leaf village had ever seen to date died.

Sarutobi tried to explain things to the village council about the boy; sadly he messed up by telling them that the boy had the Kyuubi sealed within him before mentioning that he was Minato's son. In a last ditch effort to save the boy from the assassins that would surely be coming for the boy if his heritage became known. To prevent this he named the boy Naruto Uzumaki after his mother until such time he was strong enough to take on his father's enemies.

8 years later

It had been eight years since the Kyuubi attack and the village had fully repaired itself. It was a bright and sunny day when a blond hair, blue eyed, orange jumpsuit wearing child exited the Konoha general hospital. This would make the twelfth time this week the boy had left this hospital.

Sadly the village respected the fourth as a kage. They did not however respect his last wishes and shunned Naruto, not knowing that he was his son. It was a daily routine for the boy to get beat by the villagers by breakfast, stabbed by a ninja by lunch, and poisoned by someone 'trying' to help out the orphan. The boy could not think of one time where he could walk down the street of his village without the villagers glaring, throwing things, pulling their children away from him in fear, or yelling things he did not understand at him. He had asked one of his only friends, the third Hokage, why they did these things but he continued to say that he did not know but that one day they would pay.

As Naruto walked the street again he saw the glares and heard the whispers of him. Finally having enough the boy ran to his friend to demand answers and this time I don't know was not an answer he was willing to except.

"Old man I want answers and I want them now!" yelled the distraught blond, "why do they hate me! Answer me and no more of this I don't know crap…please Jiji I have to know."

Sarutobi sat behind his desk as his surrogate grandson had busted through his door and started screaming. He leaned back in his chair and said, "I am sorry Naruto-kun I am not a liberty to tell you the answer to the question yet. I know you go through hard things each day because of this but you must understand that mentally you are not ready to handle the answer. When the day comes we will discuss many things but that day is not today."

The child was quiet for a moment but finally spoke. When he did his voice was defeated and had a dead feeling to it. "I understand Jiji I will wait."

"Raise your head my child. Today has meaning for a day of a great surprise." Said the old kage as the blonds eyes instantly lit up at the thought of a surprise. "You have been enrolled into the ninja academy, and will start there in two months from now."

The eight year old instantly lost his sadden look as he forgot about the pain temporarily as he yelled in excitement. It took the Hokage many minutes to calm him down to hand him a big sac of money.

"Now go Naruto and buy all the equipment you think you will need." Said the Kage noticing that his grandson's face fell as quickly as it had risen. "What is wrong Naruto-kun?"

"Jiji, the stores will not sell me anything…" said the now depressed blond.

"Hmm… how about this then. Tomorrow I shall accompany you to help you pick your things. That way the stores cannot deny you service with me there. I'll meet you here at…noon?" asked the elder as the blond had tears in his eyes from joy.

"Ok Jiji! I'll see you tomorrow." Yelled the blond as he ran out yelling he would be the best ninja and become Hokage.

Naruto's Apartment Night Time

That night after a dinner of instant ramen and water, Naruto was ready for bed but could not figure out why he felt so weird. It had started when Naruto left the hospital that morning and gotten worse as the day continued. As Naruto contemplated what it could be, he felt a sudden tug in his gut and everything went black.

Naruto's mindscape

Naruto was just coming to when he felt wetness on his back. His eyes shot open as he heard crying. As he looked around he saw what looked like a sewer all around him. As the child listened he heard the sound coming from deeper in the tunnel. Naruto walked for a few minutes and soon was in front of a large cage with a slip of paper on it with the word seal written on it.

'What is this place' thought the blond. All of a sudden he heard the crying again, this time coming from the inside of the cage. Naruto found that the sound was louder and knew he was getting closer so he ran past the bars of the cage and saw a sight of what he would later describe as seeing an angel.

Naruto saw a woman with waist length red hair; she had a black kimono with a blood red sash and red high heels. Her face was so enticing that Naruto almost…almost missed her most important feature; the nine tails swaying behind her. With further inspection Naruto found that the angel before him was the maker of the crying as he saw tears sliding down her perfect face.

"Excuse me miss are you ok?" asked the blond as he came up to her and put his arms around her waist giving her a hug trying to help her. "Just tell me who did this to you and I'll make them pay. No one so beautiful as you deserves to be treated so badly that they cry."

"Please do not say that" said the woman "I am not worth your words. Me, the being that has caused all your suffering and pain."

"But I have never met you before" said the confused blond "how can one as beautiful and sweet as you be so bad?"

"If you only knew who I was than you would not say such things. I am a monster to torment one as sweet, kind, forgiving, and cute child, such as yourself." Said the woman making the blond blush a deep shade of red.

"Try me what have you got to lose?" asked the blond "if your life is as bad as you say you have nothing to lose but everything to gain."

"A-alright I s-shall try you Naruto-san." Said the woman as she took a deep breath to calm herself "my name is Kyuubi no Kitsune. Otherwise known as the nine tailed fox, I was sealed inside of you at your birth by your father the Yondaime Hokage."

"O-ok wasn't expecting that" stammered the blond as Kyuubi started to cry again "one question though. Why did you attack my village?" asked the boy, to caught up in his emotions to catch the last part.

"I swear to Kami-Sama that it was not my fault" pleaded the fox demon "I was sleeping in one of my dens when something woke me up with a twig snapping. As I opened my eyes I saw red eyes and then nothing. The next thing that I know I am being sealed within you by your father. Sadly your mother died soon after from an illness unknown to most doctors except your godmother, Senju Tsunade. Your godfather Jiraiya and she are two of the three sannin of Konoha."

"So you did not mean to attack?" questioned the blond just to make sure.

"No and if your father were here he would tell you that I am mostly a calm and gentle spirit." Explained the demoness.

"Ok then see was that so hard?" asked the blond to the woman "can I call you something else though Kyuubi is a scary name you're not scary to me so I'd like to call you something that fits. How about Kyu, short, simple, and lovely."

"Kyu? Hmmm I like it. Can we possibly be friends Naruto-kun? I would very much like to be your friend." Asked the frightened fox scared the blond would say no.

"I thought we already were friends to be honest" laughed the blond.

"Then as your new friend I have a few gifts for you" said the fox as she got ready to surprise her blond friend

"Gifts?" asked the curios blond" what kind of gifts?"

"My summoning contract for my clansmen." Kyuubi laughed, as she performed some hand seals and summoned a three tailed, blue fox. "Hello Sol-San, please bring me the summoning contract for our clan. Naruto-kun here is going to become our first summoner."

"Y-Yes Mistress Kyuubi-Sama." the fox hollered before making a hand signs and bringing forth a giant scroll.

With his new friends help Naruto signed the contract, and became the first kitsune summoner.

"Thank you Sol-San. You may return to Makie now," informed the female fox.

"Thank you Kyu-Chan...But there is one thing that is bothering me. I really am glad that you allowed me your kinsman's summoning contract but I am not a ninja and am only starting the academy in two months. I don't think I am ready. I don't want to be the dead last of my class...do you think you can help me Kyu-Chan?" rambled a worried blond.

"Well Naruto-kun, your father did ask me to train you so that you can be the best ninja you can be." the fox demoness laughed, not realizing her mistake for the second time during the conversation.

"There it is again." the child shouted. "I was wondering why you said that before. That my "FATHER" told you to train me. If you know who he is please tell me. Jiji knows but he will not tell me. Please I must know who he is, if you know please, please tell me." By the time the boy was done there was a river of tears going down his whiskered face.

Kyuubi had realized earlier that she had said it, but surprisingly the boy did not seem to grasp the idea that his father was named already.

"Oh...well shit...Naruto I knew your father and mother." said the nervous female. "Your mother was...she was one of us Naruto. She was a kitsune Demon. When Kushina, your mother, decided to have a baby with her husband...she changed him into this thing we call demis. A half demon, half human crossbreed. She did this because she wanted her husband to live with her in our realm Makie, when they died."

"More about that later who was my father, Kyu-Chan, please tell me!" yelled the blond not even caring that his mother was a demon at the moment.

"Ok Naruto-kun, your father was Konoha's Yellow Flash, Minato Namikaze, and you're Yondaime Hokage." stated the fox queen.

Naruto immediately shut up and performed the deer in the headlights no jutsu.

"Oh shit I think I broke him..." joked the Kyuubi.

"Do you know if...did they ...love me," whispered the blond.

"Are you kidding me Naruto" yelled the woman as she laughed "when Kushi-Chan found out she was pregnant she was so happy she passed out. They loved you so much that they were willing to die to protect you."

Finally the previous conversation topic donned on Naruto.

"M-My mom w-was a demon?" the scared blond asked 'so it's true. The things the villagers say are true. I am a demon.'

"Yes your mother was a demon." responded the blonds new friend "Your mother was my best friend; I was even her bridesmaid in her wedding. She turned your father into, what we demons call a demi. That means he was half mortal, and half demon. They did this so that you would not be a demi or mortal. You are actually a demon kitsune."

"So I am a demon." announced the red heads jailor with a dead look to him.

"Yes, yes you are. But why is that a bad thing, you have met me and know that I am a demon. Why is it that you do not like that you are one? "Asked the confused woman.

"Because demons are supposed to be mean and dangerous." answered the still saddened blond.

"Naruto," Kyuubi yelled, "if that was true do you think that I would be here right now talking to you? No I would be trying to kill you, but I am not so that proves not all demons are bad. To be honest most demons are peaceful and fun loving only certain once like to fight."

"Really?" the shocked blond asked.

"Of course Naruto. Your mother was one and she was the most polite being I have ever met. Sure she pulled some pranks now and again but that is expected of a kitsune demon." Kyuubi laughed remembering her old friend.

"...oh...but...what now Kyu-Chan? I mean why aren't I a fox or something?" The confused blond asked.

"Oh that's simple. When your father sealed me inside of you it was because I was being controlled and could not break the hold on myself. He sealed me inside you so that it would break the hold whoever was controlling me had. He chose you so I could meet his son and help train you later on in life. Which brings me to the next order of business; I want you to break the seal. Only the bottom right corner. This will allow me to talk to you through a mental connection and I can train you to be the best ninja you can be." Answered the demon fox woman.

"Umm...you promise on your power that you are not tricking me." Questioned the blond afraid the fox was trying to trick him into releasing her.

"I swear on my power that I am not trying to trick you Naruto. You will release just enough of your own demon chakra into your system to allow us to communicate outside the seal. Once you do this you will pass out. Probably for the rest of the night but afterwards you will notice you will have a slight physical appearance change and a little more muscle than you have now. You will also have a slightly larger chakra capacity. Other than that nothing will really change." explained the fox woman.

"Oh... ok." agreed the blond as he smiled and walked to the seal. He ripped the corner off and held it, "what now?"

That's where it all went dark.



Well this is my first story ever and I don't really know if this hasn't been done before. Please review and tell me what you all think even if it is just to criticize, better to know what I did wrong than to not. Just so you know if you love Sasuke you may not want to continue this story because it has major bashing for him, and Kakashi along with slight Sakura. This is a harem and will feature lemons later on. The women have been decided already. I'll try updating as soon as I can but right now my computer is acting up so idk when I will be able to post it. in the beginning Naruto may seem a tad over powered but to be honest think about it yah he just found out about his demon heritage but with Kyuubi's training he'll be doing he's gona be able to justify it. Besides if you think about it what's more realistic a boy with a lot of power through a lot of training, or a boy that had his training sabotaged (spellings not my best attribute but I will try to get better) that can not only steal the forbidden scroll from anbu chunnin and the Hokage himself. Get away for hours and after training that whole time be able to run away from an instructor and then also defeat him. Well anyway please review and see ya when I can, and don't worry the chapters will get longer I just thought that would be a good place to stop for now.