Title: Malfo-Puff

Challenge/Prompt: Written for the One AU World Boot Camp, (#31, Ill), the Favourite Era Boot Camp (#41, Hurt), the Favourite Character Boot Camp (#7, Pain), and the Favorite Hogwarts House Boot Camp (#45, Unexpected).

Rating: K/G

Word Count: About 650

Characters/Pairings: Sick!Draco and Sweet!Harry. Pre-Drarry.


Grimacing in disgust of himself, Draco lays back on his bed in the near-silent Medical Wing, trying to will himself better; or, at the very least, to a deep, restful sleep.

It was just like Potter to catch a cold and then somehow pass it to Draco. He shouldn't have ever allowed the git share time and custody of his lovely, lovely Kneazle, Malevolence. He shouldn't have ever let Potter come so close to him in order to pass the cat over. But he had.

'Oh, woe is me,' Draco thought pitifully. After coughing harshly, he whimpered in pain and defeat. His head seemed to throb in perfect unison with every single hack he let loose.

"Malfoy?" he heard. He hadn't even noticed the footfalls echoing in the large, expansive room, and he wondered if colds also slowed down your senses. Or, maybe it was just self-pity drowning out everything else but his own thoughts.

The curtain was carefully pulled away, revealing a perfectly coiffured Potter - well, would be perfect, if the idiot didn't have such messy hair, and if he had learned how to tie his tie correctly.

"C'mere," Draco tried to growl. His voice came out rather softer and hoarser instead, like a lion cub not yet able to roar.

Potter stayed by the curtain dumbly, and Draco waved his hand towards himself impatiently, in a beckoning motion. Grunting slightly, he clumsily sat up, and waited for Potter to finally come to his senses and realise Draco was being more than serious enough for the both of them.

Potter stepped in closer, warily, and continued to do so until he was close enough for Draco to pull forward by his necktie. He felt the other boy stiffen from surprise, and Draco rolled his eyes in irritation. Deciding not to do that again, after a wave of dizziness hit him with alarming force, Draco set to redo Potter's tie clumsily done tie.

"How in Merlin's name you still haven't managed to actually tie your necktie correctly is beyond me," Draco cleared his throat, satisfied with the knot before sinking back into the bed with an audible sigh of relief. Oh, but was his body sore.

Glancing back at Potter, Draco noticed the git was still just standing by his bedside, seemingly speechless by the good Draco had done for him. That necktie had always driven him to the depths of insanity. It was more than a little relieving that he'd finally been able to do something he'd longed for since first-year.

"Potter, did you actually come here for a reason, or is there something else you need me to fix for you?"

That certainly provoked a response, if the glare the Slytherin sent his way was of any consequence.

"Yes, Malfoy," Potter shook his head in what seemed to be annoyance, placing a load of parchment on Draco's blanketed lap. Blinking in bewilderment, Draco picked through the pile and realised they were notes from all his classes, in the familiar penmanship of his friends, and even... Potter?

"I was designated with giving you the notes from today by your other friends," Potter said. Draco was still feeling stupefied at the realisation that Potter, apparently, considered him a friend, if what he'd implied had any significance. Coughing softly into the curve of his inner-elbow, Draco sat back up in his bed to read through the list of assignments attached to the stack of notes. "Well, that's it. Goodbye."

"Wait," Draco called out, still staring at the parchment from Defence Against the Dark Arts. "Potter."

Potter, who had just stepped behind the curtain, paused and peered back at Draco.

Flushing deeply, Draco muttered, "Thank you."

And then felt even more embarrassed when Potter merely smiled softly at him before responding with an equally soft, "You're welcome."

Clearing his throat, Draco shuffled the parchments about before placing them gently on the nightstand by his bed and lying back.

"Well," he thought to himself, smiling into his pillow. "That was different."

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this :3 I appreciate reviews, too XD