Disclaimer: I do not own characters, story elements of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise as well as Code Geass and Resident Evil. Sunrise owns all of it and all credit goes to them for the characters and story elements. Capcom owns the Resident Evil franchise. We're just borrowing them for this story and have no intention of making money off this story.

Sparky's note: This chapter is long over due for release. I'm very sorry for long wait and hope that you'll enjoy this chapter.

Xamusel's note: I should also apologize for the wait. Not only have we been busy with other things *looks at his own stories and other projects*, but life got in the way, like with everyone else. Besides which, I'm in the process of making a fangame, so most of my time will need to be moderated to this project… and then there's the fact that I'm writing more fics than I should.

Xamusel aside: On that note, we hope that more progress can be made with this fic and Gundam: SEEDed Chronicles of 00, before other fics try taking over.

Phase 18: Meeting the Silver Tigers and Reprieve of Battle


North Africa


"Have the people been settled into the base?" Murrue asked Ryu.

"Yes they have," answered Ryu letting out a sigh of relief. "It's not easy getting all of those refugees processed. Gotta make sure the kids stay with their families."

Murrue gave a slight nod of agreement as she watched Desert Dawn processing families from the burned down town of Tassil. Just keeping the children with their families was a job in itself. However once the families were processed, the only thing the soldiers had to do was keep non-combatants away from the restricted areas like the armory, command center, and the motor pool. As the last of the refugees were being brought into the base, Murrue looked to the direction of Benadiya and wondered how Kira and Cagalli were doing with gathering supplies.


On the Morningstar


Kyle slammed his fist onto the desk the quarters that he shared with Chopper. He had been watching the footage from when he first encountered Gundam Astray Silver Frame. He had been completely caught off guard when Silver Frame had charged at him with lightning quick speed like the samurai he learned about in history class. Just thinking about the encounter was enough to put him in a bad mood. When saw that he couldn't find a solution to overcome the ZAFT controlled Gundam, he left his quarters to work on Rogue. Some crew members noticed Kyle's foul mood as did Arleen as she was walking back to her quarters and noticed Kyle stomping off in the opposite direction.

"Kyle, you seriously can't be thinking over your encounter with the Silver Frame, are you?" Arleen asked her boyfriend with concern in her voice and her eyes.

"And why not?" Kyle shot back angrily. "I let myself get caught off guard by Silver Frame!"

"It happens to all of us, Lieutenant Matsutani," Canard suddenly said to Kyle appearing with his arms folded across his chest and a look that said 'don't even talk back' on his face. Then his face soften from its severity, "But I don't think Silver Frame nearly overpowering you has you troubled."

"What do you mean Commander?" asked Arleen with a confused look on her face. "You think it's something else that's bothering Kyle?"

Canard's lips disappeared into a thin line as he gave a slight nod as he spoke, "I think it's also on the mind of Captain Hohenheim and ISAF Command."

"You mean they're wondering how Lord Ghina was able to build the Gundam Astrays without either us or the Earth Alliance knowing about them?" asked Arleen as realization began to dawn on her face, her eyes widening at the implications of it all.

"Exactly," answered Canard neutrally as he closed his eyes in contemplation. "If Lord Ghina was able to keep us and the Earth Alliance in the dark, then there's no telling what he's got planned."


JLF Headquarters


"I still can't believe you bought model kits," Flay said after she and Jordan returned from their day trip in Tokyo. "Why of all things sane did you buy a bunch mobile suit model kits?"

"Because you dragged me out shopping for shoes and..." answered Jordan as he shook his head in sheer annoyance, "lotion of all things."

"I like having soft skin, thank you very much," Flay said as she huffed in frustration and pouting as she turned her head away with her nose up and eyes closed.

"Well how else was I supposed to deal with the hours of shoe and lotion shopping?" retorted Jordan, barely keeping his anger out of his voice given how sore his own feet were.

Sayla was walking past Flay and Jordan when she heard them arguing about how the things they had bought and she sighed and shook her head in disbelief.

"Can't believe that's really Matt's younger brother and the heir of the Mizutori clan," Sayla said to herself with a not so suppressed grin. "Those two fight like a married couple."

Speaking of Matt and Suzume, Sayla looked back at her confrontation with Matt and Suzume.




"Okay you two, spill it! What happened back up there when the Alliance reinforcements were taken out, and what happened in orbit!?" the F.A.I.T.H. operative demanded of the two who were slightly intimidated by Sayla's demanding glare.

It was Matt who first spoke as he gave a sigh.

"My reason was that my little brother was about to killed by that lunatic Amsel. He was piloting that mobile suit that looked like the Strike." he explained. "I and your father also knew that if I went back to ZAFT, Amsel would find a way to have me court martialed or, failing that, kill me in private, so he told me to go with Jordan."

He then looked at Suzme who nodded.

"My reason was because I learned my fiance thought I died, and he joined the OMNI Enforcer in order to get close to that bastard Azrael and the other high ranking members of Blue Cosmos so he could kill them, while killing himself in the process. I managed to meet up with him during the Battle of Orbit, and seeing me convinced him to leave the Alliance for good." she said. "I also want to stand by his side, until things calm down and we could decide what to do after."

Sayla blinked before sighing.

"I swear, you two." she said as she pinched the bridge of her nose hoping to avoid the inevitable migraine she could feel building. "You could've let me in on it."

The two chuckled a little, looking suitably embarrassed before Matt spoke again.

"No offense Sayla, but you are better off being with ZAFT." he said. "You still have family and not to mention your brother will go apeshit crazy if you even made a move to defect."

Sayla could nod at that, knowing they were right. But still, they should've warned her if they were going to do that.

She then removed her hand from her face and looked at them.

"What am I gonna about you two?" she said, causing the trio to laugh.


Flashback End!


Sayla wanted to join up with either Suzume or Matt, but as Matt stressed, she was needed in ZAFT while there were still lunatics like Amsel and Rau Le Creuset. Sayla even told Suzume and Matt about White Mask getting arrested for harassment and conspiracy to murder. Matt's eyes went wide as dinner plates when he heard that Le Creuset got arrested.

"Who the hell did he piss off to get arrested for that?" Matt said incredulously, and Sayla sighed.

"He pissed off the head of the medical team looking into the sterility problem in third generation Coordinators." she said with a shake of the head. "I don't know the exact details, but obviously Le Creuset definitely has some beef against her.

"I think it was the ISAF's STARS team that caught him off guard," continued Sayla. "Newsreels were showing him getting shoved into a police car by the STARS unit commander sent by the ISAF."

"Well, the ISAF and the PLANTS want to solve the sterility problem," Suzume said gently.

"Yeah, and I don't think White Mask harassing the head of the project is gonna help solve the problem," added Matt. "By the way, did the news people happen to know who Le Creuset threatened to murder? If it were an officer of the EA then STARS wouldn't have had arrested him for that. If he threatened to kill an ISAF officer or someone close to the head of the research team, then that would be another story."

"Jordan Takeo, where do you think you're going?" Flay demanded of her boyfriend as he tried to creep away -and with little doubt- to the hangar to see the GuAIZ Gundam.

"Oh…," flinching at being caught trying to sneak away, "Nowhere in particular," Jordan lied to Flay, but unfortunately for him… very poorly.

As such, Flay wasn't fooled at all and began slowly approaching Jordan and then ran after him as he tried to flee from her. Sayla, Matt and Suzume stood there, each with a blank expression on their faces. They were either quite used to it or unable to believe what they were seeing unfold before them was actually happening.

"Aw, come on Flay, don't make me put lotion all over you," whined Jordan as he was being dragged away by a very upset girlfriend, even if he planned to actually enjoy the chance to touch his girl's skin with her immediate permission too. Then, as though Fate was taking pity on Jordan, help arrived in one energetic, overly eager Earl of Pudding.

"I hate to interrupt a silly lovers' squabble," Lloyd said to Jordan and Flay as he was apparently looking for Jordan, "but Rakshata and I need Mr. Takeo so we can go over the designs for the JLF's new mass production model suits that he proposed and made models of."

"Thank god you're here Professor Asplund," said Jordan as wriggled out of Flay's grasp. "Yes, let's get to work on getting the presentation ready for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries."

"Well, we're not going to be convincing just Mitsubishi Heavy Industries," Lloyd informed Jordan. "It seems that Liberty Electronics, the newly established Anaheim Electronics and even Morgenroete are competing to get a contract to build the JLF's proposed new mass production mobile suits."

"Holy crap, looks like we've got a quite presentation to get ready for," Jordan said with a grin on his face.

Flay then huffed in frustration as Jordan began to walk away from her. Jordan then turned around to look at Flay and said, "As soon as I'm done with Professor Asplund, I'll be back at our quarters and I'll be at your mercy."

"Really Jordan?" Flay asked Jordan in a cute and innocent tone. "You'd let me do whatever I want to you?"

Jordan was a little nervous at the sweet innocent tone she used, and wondered if he had just stepped on a landmine. "Uh…Y-y-yes?"

Flay's response was for her to glomp him and causing him to land hard on his butt.



Sahaku Manor


"This was certainly unexpected with the Astray prototypes," Rhondo Gina Sahaku said to Ribbons Almark over a secret line. "Thanks to ZAFT's attack on Heliopolis and Le Creuset's carelessness, the engineers who helped develop the prototypes decided they had to destroy all of them."

"Yes, but we do know where the prototypes all are," Ribbons replied calmly. "You saved Gold Frame, like you wished to keep as per our agreement. It seems that Blue Frame is being piloted by the leader of Serpent Tail, Gai Murakumo, while the Red Frame is piloted by Lowe Guele of the Junk Guild, while the Silver Frame is being piloted by ZAFT's Natural Swordsman, Rengi Canaver, who also did us a favor by killing that nosy Blue Cosmos agent, the Green Frame has been spotted in the Republic of East Asia, piloted by Trojan Noiret, and finally the Mirage Frame has been taken by the Librarian Works."

Rhondo then gathered his thoughts at what to do. The ISAF had enough to deal with, with rumored Triad attacks on the Grimaldi Front and the Morningstar now with Terminal.

"I guess for now, I can offer ISAF Command data from the Astray project and hopefully be satisfied with creating a new mass production mobile suit," Rhondo said as he was trying to avoid getting in trouble with ISAF Command for building the prototypes behind their backs.

"Yes, that would be ideal for now," agreed Ribbons. "But Ventus Frame is also under the control of ZAFT as well. A Miss Roux Louka is piloting it for now."

"Ah yes, the self-proclaimed 'Newtype,'" Rhondo said with a smirk on his face. "I heard she is also the Swordsman's lover and is very vicious towards Blue Cosmos. I remember hiring her as the Ventus Frame's test pilot."

Ribbons chuckled at that. "Indeed. What of the status of the two new frames you have at Castleguard?" he asked and Rhondo placed his hand on his chin.

"They're at seventy nine percent completion. The Black Frame's Beam sniper rifle is almost calibrated to perfection, while the White Frame's laser glaive is finished, all there is left to do is fix the O.S. and panoramic monitors in the cockpit. And finally there are the pilots." he said, and Ribbons nodded.

"Ah yes. Pilots." the green haired man honestly agreed. "The most important piece of a mobile suit. I assume you have candidates for them."

Rhondo responded by pulling up a stack of file binders and placing them in front of him. "I have a...few ideas. But there's something about the Silver Frame that has me troubled."

"Oh? What troubles you?" asked Ribbons.

"The Silver Frame wasn't made with the Foaming metal armor that all of the Astray prototypes were built with," answered Rhondo. "Even I don't know what type of armor the Silver Frame has."

"Hmm... that is troubling to know," replied Ribbons. "Is it possible that you might've had one extra person on your staff?"

"Yes, it is possible," replied Rhondo. "I'll look into the development staff of the Astray prototypes."


Back in North Africa, three days later


"Alright then, let's move move on to the next one," Cagalli said to Kira as she stuck another grocery item in a paper bag.

Both teens had been doing a lot of shopping for supplies for the frontline base and were about to take a break at a local restaurant where another couple was sitting down and ordering their food. One of them having a sword leaning against the table in it's sheath.

"We'll have Doner Kebabs," the lavender haired girl said for her and her orange haired boyfriend to the waiter.

"Again Roux?" moaned the boyfriend. "Every time we come here, you order us Donner Kabobs. I'm surprised the waiters here don't go, 'It's the Doner kebab couple. Quick grab some Doner kebabs.'"

"When will you stop stop being a sissy Rengi?" Roux asked her boyfriend. "I'm going to get you to learn to eat spicy food."

"You've known that I can't handle the kind of spicy foods that you like," Rengi said before switching topics. "But you know, your green outfit makes you look really sexy."

"Thank you my love," Roux said with a slight grin. "But flattery's not gonna get me in bed for round two later tonight."

Kira and Cagalli sat at the table next to Rengi and Roux and had to listen to their conversation.

The two teens blushed at what they said with "Bed" and "Round two".

"Geesh! Talk about a bunch of sex addicts." said Cagalli, but low enough for only herself and Kira to hear. "You think in a country like North Africa, the women would be more...restraint, considering the religion here is mainly Islam."

"Well, after the discovery of Evidence 01, many religious authorities lost a lot of influence. If we lived in the Pre-Cosmic Era, it would be a different story." the Orb youth said, while his blonde companion sighed. "But they may not be from North Africa."

"Yeah, the time where religious fanatics ran rampant all over the place, slamming passenger planes into buildings." Cagalli said.

(Patriot-112: No pun intended for the 9/11 attacks, nor do I hate Islam, or any other religion, just the radical hypocrites.

Tomcat: Yep. No different from some nutjobs here. I can distinctly remember a few clinics back in the mid-90s.)

"And you're going to put chill sauce on your kabobs," Roux said as the waiter brought their order to their table. "Otherwise, I'll spike your tea with chili sauce like I did last time."

"I love ya, babe," Rengi began gently but sternly, "But there's no way I'm going to have chili sauce without yogurt sauce."

"Wha? How could you ever put yogurt sauce on Doner kebabs?" Cagalli asked Rengi. "You should listen to your girlfriend and put chili sauce on your kebabs. Chili sauce and Doner kebabs were made for each other."

"Maybe the guy can't handle spicy food," Kira said to Cagalli.

"Really? What's he gonna say next?" challenged Cagalli. "Putting chili sauce on Doner kebabs is sacrilege?"

On a rooftop nearby, a group of terrorists observed Rengi and Roux as they were talking to Kira and Cagalli.

"Just look at those fucking traitors," snarled the first terrorist. "Causally laying back."

"Humph, and they call themselves Naturals," added a second terrorist. as he readied his rifle. "But who are those kids with the traitors?"

"Dunno, just a couple of teens wanting to talk to those traitors," answered the first terrorist. "Oh well, they'll die for the cause, just the same as those damn traitors to the human race.

The first terrorist looked to his comrade and finished, "I'll leave the opening fireworks to you."

Two buildings away, a pair of flashing green eyes observed the terrorists and analyzed the weapons that the terrorists were using. The pair of green eye belonged to Rengi Canaver's robotic friend, the combat AI Silver. Now armed with recently shipped weapons from MMI, Silver was now armed to the teeth to handle the terrorists. On the ground, another member of the Silver Tigers made her way towards armed with one of the Israeli-made weapons that had been salvaged from the last attack.

Unknown to either group, in the shadows of the alleys, a group of five figures were waiting for the time to strike. Though it wasn't Rengi or Roux they were after.

"Get ready, those fuckers are about to make their move." said one of them, his voice rough like a soldier's that's seen too many battles.

"Copy that." said another. "Waiting on your go."

"Make sure that you keep eyes for any Blue Cosmos or Triad scumbags," said the soldier... apparently wearing a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and a Panama hat. "Let Hisato and Silver go in first if Canaver and Louka are getting overwhelmed."

"Yes sir," acknowledged the squad as they kept eyes on Naomi Hisato.

Back to Rengi and Roux, as they were talking with their new friends, Roux had a tingling sensation as she felt something coming towards them as well as the two they were talking to. Rengi could hear the familiar sound of an RPG being fired at them and was quick to grab his sword as he slammed his table down as a makeshift barricade. Kira leapt towards Cagalli, trying to protect her and unfortunately getting yogurt and chili sauce all over her clothes as well as tea.

"Die you fucking traitors to the human race!" shouted one terrorist as he burst out of the building opposite to the restaurant firing an old Soviet AU-94MS rifle.

"For the preservation of our blue and pure world!" shouted another one as he shot a nine month pregnant woman, only for a passing young man to throw himself in the way of the barrage instead.

"Son of a bitch, these bastards are really pissing ME OFF!" Rengi exclaimed in rage.

"Dammit! Blue Cosmos is here too!" snarled Cagalli before taking a peek and seeing one assailant having their head explode in a fountain of blood.

"Who the hell is shooting at us?" demanded a Blue Cosmos terrorist before feeling something red hot come out of his stomach. The terrorist coughed up some blood as he looked down and his eyes widened. He saw a beam saber of all things retract from inside his stomach. After it had been fully removed, he dropped down as darkness claimed him.

Rengi saw that and looked to see that Silver had joined the fighting after putting away his beam saber motioned for him to join the battle. Rengi gave a slight nod and leapt over the table, dodging bullets fired him.

"Kill the traitor and secure his fucking body!" shouted a terrorist before trying to level his rifle.

Before the terrorist could level his rifle, Rengi leapt up with sword ready and sliced his head off before moving to the next target.

Nearby, Naomi was targeting the terrorists that were trying to fire down on Rengi and Roux. With her Tavor STAR-21 Medium-range sniper rifle, she sniped terrorists wielding RPG launchers.

"Where's our support damn it?!" demanded a terrorist looking up to the roof of the building.

"Shit! There's SOF here!" exclaimed a startled terrorist wearing a bandana. "We gotta get the fuck out of here."

"We can't leave, not without killing those traitors," said the terrorist holding an AU-94MS rifle.

"But ZAFT is coming with backup," protested the terrorist with the bandana covering his face. "If we get captured, then ZAFT is gonna know where the Triad base is at."

Before he could react, the leader was shot dead by Naomi from the rooftop and Kira launched himself at another terrorist leveling his AK-174M at Rengi and kicking the terrorist to the ground. Kira then spotted another BC wearing a blue colored beret coming around a corner, and before he react, a black clad figure came out of nowhere and jump-tackled the terrorist, knocking him down before drawing a FN Five-Seven pistol, placing it against the Terrorist's head and pulled the trigger. The BC's body went limp, and Kira blinked as he got a good look at the person. He wearing black combat fatigues, a Tactical Plate carrier with numerous mag and grenade pouches, but the thing that got his attention the most was the black mask with a white skull pattern.

"Look alive, kid!" he shouted as he shot the terrorist Kira knocked down.

Once the carnage was finished, Roux stood with a glare on her face at the dead terrorists as she said, "This is the fifth time those bastards tried to hit us. Damn Blue Cosmos and their stupid charge of treason against the human race!"

Rengi looked to the black-clad figures and saluted them as he asked, "Did Commander Waltfeld send you to keep a watchful eye on us?"

"Yes he did Ensign Canaver," answered the black-clad figure. "He also sent Ensign Hisato and your robot, Silver."

As Rengi and Roux were talking with the black-clad figures, Kira went to help Cagalli off the ground and looked to see that the things they bought were destroyed and/or ruined thanks in part to the skirmish. Cagalli had chili and yogurt sauce as well as tea all over her clothes and was very annoyed.

"Hey, why don't you two come with us and we'll help you get cleaned up," Roux said to Cagalli and Kira snapping them out of their funk about their things being shot to pieces.

"What I want to know is who the hell are you?" Cagalli suddenly and angrily snapped at Roux.

"I'm Roux Louka of the ZAFT Silver Tigers team," Roux answered calmly, not at all surprised by the blonde's angry outburst, before looking to her boyfriend. "That's my lover Rengi Canaver. Both of us are Naturals and we enlisted in ZAFT willingly."

Cagalli blinked at the names. "I know you two..." she said, first pointing to Roux. "You're the self proclaimed Newtype everyone's talking about!" she then pointed at Rengi. "And you're the sword prodigy son of Eileen Canaver!"

"I'm also wanted by Blue Cosmos for treason against the human race," added Rengi, his tone making it sound like he didn't find the joke funny.

"Don't forget about me too," Roux said to her lover as she elbowed him in the gut, earning a solid grunt from him.

"Hey Rengi!" called out Naomi as she came out of the building next to the one the terrorists came out of.

"Oh hey Naomi," Roux said to the jungle green haired Coordinator. "I take it you were on the rooftop shooting down on the terrorists."

Before Naomi answered, the Israeli-born Coordinator looked to Cagalli and said, "I'm sorry. My name is Naomi Hisato. I'm from Jerusalem in the nation of Israel... swallowed up by the Eurasian Federation."

Cagalli and Kira blinked owlishly at that but managed to answer.

"My name's Kira, it's a pleasure to meet Miss Hisato." Kira said managing to recover first.

Cagalli nodded in kind before she spoke. "You're from former Israel? But your name's Japanese." she asked, and Naomi nodded.

"Yes, I know, my great grandparents moved to Israel before it was absorbed into the E.F., I'm a third generation Israeli of Japanese Heritage, or Sansei." she explained. "But your girlfriend looks like she needs to get cleaned up."

"Wait, wha? Girlfriend?" Cagalli asked Naomi, before looking at Kira nervously as she blushed. "I'm not his girlfriend. No way!"

Roux sighed as she was irritated with Naomi's occasional teasing. But she was willing to help out Cagalli, after getting caught up in her's and Rengi's mess.

The black-clad figures made themselves scarce as they made their way back to the base to file their reports on the attack. As for Roux, she saw Silver coming with their ride base to the house.

"Everyone, get in and we'll get take you the house to get cleaned up," Roux instructed everyone.

As Rengi and Naomi got in the jeep Kira and Cagalli were stunned to see Silver as it looked at them both with piercing green eyes that flashed at them.

"Take it easy, Silver," Rengi said to his partner, "they can't understand you like I can."

The AI gave a slight nod and motioned for Kira and Cagalli to get in the jeep. Unfortunately there was only room for one other person in the jeep. Kira got in the seat followed by Cagalli as she had to sit in his lap. As Cagalli sat in Kira's lap, she glared at Kira as she said with a dark aura behind her, "Speak of this to anyone on the Archangel or the Morningstar and you can forget about a long lifespan, got it?"

Kira gulped in terror and replied, "Y-yeah, you got it."

Within fifteen minutes of driving, through Benidya, the jeep arrived at the house where they were living. Once everyone got out of the jeep, Silver gave a slight nod and then drove the jeep to one of berths and was quick to join his partner.

"I see you're back already," observed Andrew Waltfeld as he looked at the group teens and robot.

"No thanks to those bastards from Blue Cosmos," snarled Rengi. "We really need to find their base. I'm tired of seeing innocent people get killed because of me and Roux."

Andrew saw Cagalli covered in yogurt and chili sauce and tea and sighed as Aisha came and saw Cagalli. All Aisha could do was also sigh and shake her head. But Andrew could see through it. Aisha was already thinking about this or that nice dress. That woman he loved sure loved to place dress up, but he had to admit…

He looked good in a Sail Age captain's uniform.

"Well, it appears I have a lot of work to do," she said, making Cagalli a little fearful, as Aisha grabbed her hand. "Come with me and we get you all fixed up."

She then proceeded to drag the Orb noble away who gave Kira a look that said 'Help me!'

Kira was confused and then looked to Andrew Waltfeld as to what to do. Andrew just grinned and then said, "Come join me in here."

"Uh sure," Kira replied nervously.

As Kira entered, he saw the Eurasian Coordinator, Naomi, with freshly brewed coffee and a few cups. Kira then took notice of Naomi's face and arms, noticing silver stripes on her face and both arms running down from her shoulders to her wrists. Naomi saw Kira looking at her and grinned as she asked, "You looking to date a real hot girl like me?"

"Wait, wha?" Kira asked in shock as he was blushing after being asked such a question. "N-No. I just noticed the silver paint on your arms and face."

Naomi giggled slightly as Andrew cleared his throat and then asked, "Weren't you going to brief me about intel on the JLF?"

"Oh... y-yes sir," answered Naomi as she regained her composure. "My contact said that the JLF has received additional support from Terminal, an EA pilot from the Moderate Faction and a ZAFT FAITH Special Forces agent."

"I see," replied Andrew as he got his cup of coffee. "Anything new on the JLF's mobile suit program?"

"Yes sir," answered Naomi. "A Terminal agent named Jordan Takeo has submitted three designs for new mass production mobile suits to Kyoto House."

Kira's eyes widened at the name as Naomi then pulled out a data disk. "She was able to send me copies. I gotta admit, this guy is a skilled MS designer, he could give the guys at Martius a run for their money." she then gave the disk over to Andrew who gave it a examining glance.

"I see," said Andrew as he received the disk and then took a sip from his coffee.


Meanwhile in Japan


"Hmm... it seems that you've made quite the presentation," Lloyd said to Jordan. "And it seems that Kyoto House is sharing the development contracts with not just Liberty Electronics, but Morgenroete and the newly established Anaheim Electronics."

"Indeed," agreed Rakshata. "So now we'll be able to hopefully keep up with the ISAF and ZAFT in producing mobile suits."

"Yeah," replied Jordan. "We might want to look into developing variants of the Samurai and Raiden. I know that ZAFT and the ISAF have variants of their mainstay mobile suits like the GINN and Patriot."

"Yes, that would be for the best," said Marianne as she had opened the door to the car that the three developers had rode to the meeting site. "But until most of the Earth Alliance and Triad forces have been driven out of Japan, the JLF won't be able to develop variants."

The three MS developers gave a slight nod of agreement as they got in the car and Marianne drove back.

"I'd like to try and compete in the local Gunpla tournament," Jordan said to Lloyd and Rakshata. "Maybe use the models of the JLF's new mass production models in the tournament."

"Thinking of using the Gunpla tournament as a testbed for the performance capabilities of the new mass production models?" asked Rakshata.

"There is a risk that agents of Triad and Blue Cosmos will be at the tournament," chimed in Lloyd. "You might have to talk to General Katase before going to any such tournament. You're too valuable to us until you have to rejoin your friends on the Morningstar."

"What? A Gunpla tournament?" asked Flay in shock at first.

"Yeah," answered Jordan to his girlfriend lovingly. "I wanna use the tournament as a testbed for the JLF's new mass production mobile suits and for possible future mobile suits for the JLF and the ISAF as well."

Flay laid on bed and sighed of huff of annoyance at Jordan. Ever since he and the others got to the JLF, Jordan threw himself into the work he did with Rakshata and Lloyd. He did spend time with Flay as he promised, but most of what he talked about was the project to build mass production mobile suits for the JLF. This was upsetting to Flay and she was about to go to Lloyd and Rakshata and ask them to reduce the work time Jordan had with them.

"Flay, I want you to compete with me in the tournament," Jordan said eagerly. "If you say yes, then we'd need just one more person and we'd have a team of three ."

"Let me get this straight, you want me to join you in a Gunpla tournament," Flay began in a cautious but stern tone, "and compete with one other person as a team of three. Is that right?"

"Yup," answered Jordan. "And the prize for winning the tournament is 100,000 Earth Dollars."

"Come again? The prize is 100,000 Earth Dollars?" Flay asked Jordan as she was now interested at the mention of the prize for winning the tournament. "Hmm... think of all the lotion I could get with that prize money."

"Oh god, what have I have done?" asked Jordan as Flay laid him down on the tatami and got on top of him with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Nothing yet," she purred into his ear cutely before she began to have Jordan at her mercy.


In a secret location


A young woman of roughly fourteen with wavy blue hair, wearing nothing but a hospital gown, was sleeping in a bed that didn't look all that comfy with an IV attached to her bloodstream. The clock next to her on the bedstand was slowly going through the seconds, keeping track of when she'd potentially wake up, and showing the time as it currently was. The packet attached to the IV was empty, having not been replaced in roughly a week, which seemed to be a fatal mistake.


There was a sudden movement of her wrists and her hands, barely perceptible by any standard, even the security camera that was watching her room that was supposed to catch even the most minute of details.


Her hands clenched, in order to circulate the blood flow better, and her feet moved slightly to allow for more blood to flow there. Her heartbeat, which was very slow and a bit steady, started to pick back up again.


Her breathing, which was almost non-existent, picked up again as well, moving her developing chest up and down to a degree, showing anyone that might have paid attention to the cameras that she was well endowed for her age. Her eyes struggled to open up, as if something was forcing them to stay closed, showing that there was something wrong with the situation.


Slowly, ever so slowly at that, her amethyst eyes started to open and take in the unfamiliar ceiling and the rest of her surroundings.


It was midnight, and she was in outer space, if the window to her left showing the outside was any indication.

'Where… am I? How long have I been asleep?' She thought.

Getting up from her lying down position, she noticed the IV sticking out of her right arm, so she took it out. Noticing that there weren't any clothes out for her to put on, she decided to look in the drawers, if there were any. She got out of the bed she was in and looked for a drawer with clothing in it, though it seemed that there weren't any drawers except for in the bedstand, which she opened in pursuit of clothing. When she opened the only drawer on the bedstand, she saw that there was a fresh set of clothes, though not in her style.

'What am I going to do? I don't know where I am, nor do I know how to get the clothes that I'll need for later on, and especially in my style!' She had almost dismissed the clothes as being nothing good, but she then decided, 'eh, they're better than nothing, I suppose.'

When she took off her hospital gown, she looked her body over in a cursory glance, before she paused at seeing her proportions. No, it had nothing to do with her sleeping, because she was certain that she should have lost her proportions under normal circumstances of her sleeping for who knows how long. Instead….

'How the bloody heck did I grow four sizes? I'm pretty sure that my growth pattern would be one size while I slept.'

Deciding that now was the time to put on her clothes and see if they fit, she first put on her underwear, which, fortunately, fit her just right. She then put on her knee-length skirt and the shirt, before realizing that there were extra things in the drawer that didn't make sense to her, namely a pistol with extra clips of ammo and a combat knife.

'What the… how come I have weapons in my possession?! I'm a student, not a soldier, right?!'

It was at this time that the intercoms started blaring with a female voice, "Warning! Project KYOU has awakened! All combat personnel are to subdue the project before she makes it to the Mobile Suit hangar bay!"

It was at this time that the doorway opened to her room, and a soldier stormed in, gun held at the ready position before it could be aimed. Upon seeing her up and at the bedstand, he pointed his assault rifle at her and barked out, "Put the gun away, stand up, and turn around and face me!"

She felt a predicament come up here. There were only two choices here, and she knew it; fight, or flight.

Taking the combat knife out of the sheath carefully and silently, she got up, keeping the bladed weapon out of sight from the soldier. When she did turn around, she spun faster than the grunt could keep up with and sent the knife flying into the man's jugular, sending him to the ground without his head.

When she got over the minor combat rush, she felt a little bit sick in her stomach, like she was hoping to throw up. However, part of her squelched that sickness, a part of her that she never thought existed. It was as if… she had become something like the Perfect Soldier!


Meanwhile, in AC195


In the cockpit of the Wing Gundam, before it could launch from the L1 space colony it was stationed at, Heero Yuy sneezed.

'Who could be talking about me behind my back? Doctor Jay Null?' Heero thought, before he noted that he had to leave for Earth to begin Operation Meteor, so he prepared with one final check of the Gundam's systems.

[Sparky: Okay... joke's over. Back to the Cosmic Era]


Back with the unknown girl


After gathering the equipment that was on the grunt soldier, the girl moved to leave the room, until she remembered that she needed the sheathe for the combat knife, the knife itself, and the pistol that she didn't take before then. When she grabbed the clips and the pistol, she attached the holster, with the pistol inside, to her right thigh and stashed the clips inside her shirt pocket, while she attached the sheath of the combat knife to her left thigh. With that complete, she moved over to the door, making sure to check for anything that would assist in her getting out of this hell in outer space.

In record time, she made it out of the room, looking out each way before she did anything rash. It was while she did this that bullets whizzed by her face, impacting the wall that was parallel and to her right, forcing her to quickly draw her pistol and shoot the perpetrator in the forehead in a single shot. The grunt fell to the ground, dead, and his equipment strewn to the floor.

She gathered the equipment that laid about, even picking up the ammo that would be good for the assault rifle, and moved down the corridor. She knew that she had to deal with this in a manner that she somehow became comfortable with, mainly by masking her emotions, but it had to be done.

Going from what seemed to be a prison hospital, she made her way to a sector which looked like a lab, with the stereotypical lab stuff that made it look like it belonged in a chemistry lab of some sort. Seeing that there wasn't anyone in the room yet, she moved through the rows of tables and found that there was a gun that looked like a compartmentalized one-handed flamethrower, which she picked up and put inside her shirt.

As soon as she got to the door leading out of the lab on the other side, the guard detail looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to have gotten out through the lab. It was during this surprise that she took out the gun she got from the lab and shot… was that a beam of thermal energy?!

Two soldiers fell dead from that beam shot, while the rest of the soldiers started aiming their guns at her, consistently missing her as they panicked and started firing on full auto. Taking advantage of their bad aim, she put away the beam pistol and started firing away with the assault rifle with crisp, precise burst shots, making sure that the guards stayed dead as they were hit center mass.

Upon collecting the ammo from the dead guards, she moved to where the Mobile Suit hangar bay was supposed to be, somehow having the knowledge inside her of which way to go. She decided to rush in a full run, which was fortunate of her, because she missed an incoming wave of soldiers headed her way.

When she got to where the Mobile Suits were kept, she found that there was only one, a Mobile Suit with a Samurai head that looked like it could transform into a fighter jet. It was painted in a metallic white on the arms, legs and head, while the torso was painted blue and red (with red soles of the feet). While there should have been technicians looking out for it, there was nobody else in here, just herself.

When she got to the cockpit of the Mobile Suit, she saw that it was different from typical cockpit, with the flight seat being surrounded by inky darkness that hid all but the seat. Climbing in and sliding down the curved inside, she managed to pull herself up and into the flight seat. It was a pretty basic layout with control bars on both sides, foot pedals, two panels of buttons and controls, two small multipurpose screens, and a flight harness. Flipping a switch helpfully marked to turn the mobile suit from inactive to active status, the blunette gave a startled jump when the walls came to life as the cockpit hatch closed and sealed, disappearing seamlessly into a wall of screens that were covered in at first static and snow until they cleared up and showed her the outside area of the hangar.

"This is new," she muttered as she continued to hit controls, bringing up on one of the small screens a power indicator and saw it charging well enough. Though power was reading at full with fully topped off tanks and a full combat load of stores, she noticed that the various systems needed to connect and come online as cycles activated and began to move lubricants and warm up various components.

"There she is!" someone shouted.

"Don't let her get that thing powered up! Stop her!" someone else also shouted as gunfire crackled and repeated dull dinging began to be heard.

Much to their dismay, the girl in the cockpit had finished doing all the prep work and checks needed to launch in the Mobile Suit, which she found was called the Vanguard Gundam. When she moved the Gundam over to the launch pad, she locked herself into the launch device, forcing the computer of the launching mechanism to let her launch. With a 'ready' confirmation, she called out, "Kyou Yamato, Vanguard Gundam, taking off!"

With that, the Vanguard Gundam launched forward, before it transformed into its Mobile Armor mode and taking off towards the Earth.


Back in North Africa


Cagalli sat in a bathtub, cleaning herself after having the chili and yogurt sauce and tea spilled all over her. She sat there just thinking about the people of Tassil and what they had to endure with two attacks from Triad. Aisha and Roux were browsing over what Cagalli could wear while her clothes were being washed and dried.

"That green dress is a little too much," Roux said to Aisha. "Besides, she's more of a tomboy than a girly girl like you and Naomi."

"I know, but I think it might be nice for her to occasionally show off those her feminine charms," Aisha replied coolly. "Besides, I know she's a tomboy. This might help with bringing out some of those charms she might be hiding."

"I think this exotic top with gold, fiery red and pink ribbon ends look much better," said Roux.

"You know, you could've told me that you didn't like that shirt," Aisha said to Roux as she recognized the shirt as one she gave Roux after becoming friends. "But if you insist on your new friend wearing that, I would have to suggest auburn colored shorts with orange riding shoes."

Roux gave a nod of approval as she liked the outfit and then went to check on Cagalli.

In Andy's study, Kira nervously looked at Rengi and then asked, "So you're with ZAFT?"

"Yup," answered Rengi. "I'm also a Natural like my girlfriend."

"So why did you decide to join ZAFT if you're a Natural?" Kira asked with interest as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Because my real parents were murdered by Blue Cosmos," answered Rengi. "Commander Waltfeld here was a close friend of my real parents and he tried to get to me before BC moved in and kidnapped me."

Silver then opened the door to bring in more coffee and a disc with his findings on the last battle.

"Looks like you've gotten the combat footage analyzed, Silver," Rengi said to his partner. "Great work man. We'll finish up that little project of ours later. Right now, come sit with us and say hello."


Back in Japan

JLF Base


Jordan sighed as he headed for the quarters he and Flay shared after their arrival, and, unofficial, induction into the JLF. He had just returned from the meeting with the Kyoto Houses, and the CEOs for Mitsubishi, Morgenroete, Liberty Electronics and Anaheim Electronics and Nakajima, and presented his designs for them. To say it was mentally exhausting was an understatement, it was brutal! The one thing on his mind, was taking a nice few days off to compete in the Gunpla tournament in Tokyo.

General Katase had given Jordan permission to participate under the condition that either Lloyd or Rakshata was to go with them and Suzaku was to be part of his Gunpla team of up to three or four members. Jordan grinned as he was excited to be competing in the tournament. He was also lucky that Flay's godfather had a vacation home in Tokyo that Jordan, Flay, Suzaku and one other person could write on the registration form for the Gunpla tournament. Jordan had also made a model of the Lancelot Gundam so Suzaku could compete with a model of his own Gundam. Jordan had asked Kallen if she wanted to compete in the tournament, but she declined to join the team. In three days, Jordan and his two other teammates would travel to Tokyo for the tournament and he would be able to show off the JLF's soon-to-be newest mass production mobile suits.


Back in North Africa


"So you're the one Blue Cosmos is after?" Cagalli asked Rengi as he had explained why BC had attacked the restaurant.

"Yeah, not to mention I stole the Silver Frame from the BC asswipe who was going to turn it into that fucker Azrael as evidence of 'Orb's betrayal of the human race,'" answered Rengi with finger quotes to emphasize his point.

Cagalli narrowed her eyes at the thought of the Earth Alliance invading Orb because of Rhondo Gina Sahaku sticking his hand in the cookie jar.

"But Silver and I are really good partners," continued Rengi as he had a grin on his face. "Without him, I would've been able to pilot Silver Frame and the Silver Tigers wouldn't have quite the record it's got."

"Huh? Silver?" asked a dumbfounded Kira. "Who's Silver?"

Rengi gave no answer to Kira at first, but gestured to his robotic partner and then answered, "That is the self-learning AI I named Silver. I saved him from becoming a pawn of Blue Cosmos and even Triad."

Kira then studied Silver and finally noticed that it looked like a smaller version of the Gundam Astray Silver Frame. Both Kira and Cagalli widened their eyes in disbelief at the sight of the AI in his smaller body.

"Rengi here was studying to be a robotics expert before the war started," explained Andrew. "But he used his knowledge of robotics to build Silver a smaller human-sized body."

"That's gotta be expensive," commented Cagalli.

"It can be, but when you have friends in the right places things tend to work out," replied Rengi. "MMI helped build the weapons and power source that Silver has and replacement parts. And in exchange, Silver tests out miniaturized versions of new weapons they wanna develop for their mobile suits."

"Even if Silver's Beam Saber is just a glorified plasma torch, it's useful as can be," Andrew stated, knowing just how useful Silver has been.

"That... doesn't sound like a bad deal," agreed Kira.


Japan, JLF Headquarters


"Has the information Clovis given us about Umbrella having a facility here in Japan been confirmed?" General Katase asked Todoh.

"Wait a sec," said Keisei as he overheard General Katase from the hallway, "Oswell E. Spencer set up an Umbrella facility here in Japan?"

Todoh sighed as he gave a slight nod to both Katase and Keisei and said, "We even got confirmation from a ZAFT AWACS DINN of the Umbrella facility in Hokkaido. It sticks out like a sore thumb and has an European-style mansion built over the facility."

"You'd think that all three founders of Umbrella would've been smart enough to know never build a mansion unless it blended in with the culture," Keisei said shaking his head in disbelief.

Todoh and Katase had a smirk on their faces and nodded in agreement at Keisei's remark. For them, the oldest founder of Umbrella seemed to have the idea that a mansion had to be built as a cover for their research facilities and B.O.W. production facilities. But then again, it didn't really matter. The Umbrella facility would be destroyed as would the Sheena Island facility near Orb territory. Katase had a reason for sending Suzaku to be part of Jordan's Gunpla team. He knew that the son of Genbu Kururugi was in love with one of the EA Moderates that were stationed in Japan and felt that he could give the Moderates Intel on the locations of Umbrella's facilities.


A few days later

Tokyo, Japan, Republic of East Asia


"This will be one helluva tournament and the perfect place to test these new mobile suits," Jordan said with enthusiasm and big grin on his face.

"Matt was definitely right about you, Jordan," Flay said with a blank expression on her face. "You're definitely a mecha otaku alright."

"Well, let's try to enjoy ourselves while we're here," Suzaku said before looking up in the sky as he remembered the instructions that General Katase gave him.




"You want to get in contact with the EA Moderates, sir?" Suzaku asked General Katase in surprise. "What do the EA Moderates need to know?"

"Even though the Moderates are still Earth Alliance," began General Katase, "we at least try to share information with them like we do with ZAFT and the ISAF. ZAFT was able to confirm Clovis's information about the Umbrella facility in Hokkaido because of the information we gave them. The ISAF was also able to confirm the Sheena Island facility and an underwater facility off the coast of Ceylon."

"So you want me to..." began Suzaku.

"Make contact with EA Moderates and inform them of the location of the known Umbrella facilities Clovis provided us," finished Katase. "If Terminal's communications with the Moderate Faction are accurate, then the EA Moderates will want to join the effort to dismember the Umbrella Corporation."


Flashback-no-jutsu ended


'Make contact with the EA Moderates about the Intel we received from Governor Scalinger's interrogation,' Suzaku thought to himself. 'Okay. That should be a piece of cake.'

"Suzaku!" called a young woman around Suzaku's age with long pink hair wearing a white EA uniform.

Suzaku then snapped out of his daze to see the young woman calling out to him. The Lancelot Gundam's pilot at first had a smile on his face before her older sister showed up with her 'knight,' as she called him. Before Suzaku could say anything, Jordan came out of the arena with a slight sigh and said, "Great, we need four people to compete in the Gunpla tournament."

"That's not good," Suzaku said as his attention shifted back to Jordan for a moment. "Now we have to find one more person to join our team."

"I know," agreed Jordan. "Flay's taking the Samurai, I've got the Skyknight and my Dagger Gundam as backup and now we need someone to pilot this Raiden Gunpla."

Euphie studied the model of the mass production quick assault mobile suit and then grabbed her older sister Cornelia and asked, "If you need someone to pilot that mobile suit, why not ask my sister Cornelia?"

Cornelia herself was surprised and dumbstruck at first. Once Cornelia regained her composure, she looked to Jordan and to Raiden as she narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't have time for playing in a tournament with amateur mobile suit designers and kids."

Flay looked to Cornelia and pleaded, "Please join us, Miss. It would mean so much to my boyfriend to have one more person on our team and he's desperate to get one person on the team to test out the Raiden."

"And I said that I don't have time to play around with amateurs and kids," shot back Cornelia before turning her back to the team.

"Oh man and I was looking forward to having someone test out the performance capabilities of this mass production quick assault mobile suit," whimpered Jordan.

As soon as Cornelia heard Jordan mentioned quick assault mobile suit, she turned around with great interest now. She studied the Raiden closely and became fascinated with it as she changed her mind.

"Alright then," began Cornelia, "you have another teammate. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Cornelia Lamperouge of the EA's Moderate Faction."

"Uh... Jordan Takeo... of Terminal," Jordan said nervously.

"Flay... Allster," added Flay as she was careful not to reveal that she was of the Mizutori clan.

"I'm..." began Suzaku.

"I know who you are, " Cornelia said as she looked at the Lancelot Gundam's pilot. "You're Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi's son and a pilot in the JLF, Suzaku Kururugi."

Suzaku looked to Cornelia nervously as he looked like a deer caught looking in the headlights of a car. Cornelia noticed that Suzaku was nervous and she softened her gaze at him and said, "Relax, I have no intention of arresting you. You and the JLF aren't enemies of the Moderate Faction right now. But I will say this, if any harm comes to Euphie, I'll personally make your life a living hell!"

Euphie sighed as her older sister was threatening her boyfriend. Before Euphie could say anything, three figures stepped out of the arena which was a surprise to Suzaku and Jordan.

"What the?!" asked a surprised Jordan.

"Why the surprised look on your face?" Lelouch asked Jordan. "Captain Lamperouge ordered that C.C., Nunnally and I come to Tokyo and make sure Triad or Blue Cosmos wouldn't try to attack you."


Meanwhile back in Northern Africa


Cagalli and Kira were able to meet back up with Kisaka and the others they arrived at Benidiya. However, Natarle was a bit upset to see Kira and Cagalli as they had arrived at the rendezvous point an hour late and being dropped off by Naomi Hisato. As soon as the group was back at the camp, Natarle went to town on both Kira and Cagalli.

"So let me get this straight: You sat down to eat after you got the supplies, you met the pilots of those two ZAFT Gundam-types, then you end up in a crossfire between Blue Cosmos terrorists and ZAFT, and after the terrorists were dealt with, you met Andrew Waltfeld, the Commander of all ZAFT Forces in Northern Africa, and actually spoke to him at his Headquarters!?" the irked ensign said and the two just sighed while nodding.

"I do like the outfit you have on Lady Cagalli," Trisha said to try and liven up the mood.

"Uh... thanks Captain," replied Cagalli. "But we also saw that the pilot of the Silver Frame built a smaller human-sized version of his mobile suit."

Natarle looked to both teens with a quizzical look on her face. It didn't seem possible that there could be a smaller version of the Silver Frame. But then again she didn't exactly know about the ISAF Gundams being built or for that matter, Morgenroete stealing data under orders from Rhondo Gina Sahaku leading to the creation of the Gundam Astray prototypes.

"Did you find out anything about the self-learning AI that's supposed to be equipped to the Silver Frame?" asked Mu as he was part of the inquiry, not by choice.

"ZAFT has control over it," answered Kira. "But the self-learning AI, or Silver, as it's called, inhabits the smaller version of the Silver Frame when it's not in battle and it appears to have smaller versions of its armaments."

"It looks like it was equipped with weapons from the Buster," added Cagalli. "Carries two beam sabers, a shield and a high-energy beam rifle like the other Gundam Astray prototypes."

Natarle shook her head as she was now wondering how many of these Gundam Astray prototypes were constructed at the Heliopolis Morgenroete facilities. If there were more Gundam Astray prototypes built, she wanted to know how of many there were and who had possession of them. Hopefully ZAFT didn't acquire all of them.


Back with Kyou Yamato


Kyou was beginning to feel rather irritated at her situation. Who wouldn't feel irritated at being harassed by a warship with beam weapons being fired on them… while they were in a special Nuclear-powered Mobile Suit, flying at full speed away from the pursuers?

Still, Kyou knew that she had to get out of this situation faster than a speeding bullet… no, wait, that's Superman she was thinking of. Either way, she understood that she had to escape, but not when she was being targeted like this! If she wasn't careful, she'd be hit by a second ship's beam weapons, or maybe‒

A jolt of awareness instructed her to shift into Mobile Suit mode and move back slightly, which she did, before a pair of beams lanced right in front of her. Turning her head to face her right, she saw a small ‒compared to the one chasing her‒ vessel that turned out to be a Nelson-class ship, though the colors were different from the standard. It had a pinkish color all over the main body of the hull, which meant that someone outside of the OMNI Enforcer had access to these ships… or did they?

Suddenly, a multitude of Moebius Units, all painted in a dark gray color scheme, appeared with beam guns attached to their underside that they continuously fired at her with. Kyou grimaced, before she moved out of the way, jinking and dodging all the while. Putting away her beam rifle, she then drew one of her Beam Sabers from her unit's left arm area, moving towards the Moebius Units and slicing them down one by one.


Bridge of the Nelson-class ship Domain


The captain of the Nelson-class Domain, Bask Om, was growling in fury. Not only was he called from shore leave to head on a retrieval mission, but he had to use paltry Moebius Units to get the job done, while his rival in the other pinkish-colored ship, Paptimus Scirocco, had a limited production run of Mobile Suits from Acteon Industries to use for this! That wasn't the only thing making him furious, because the main thing was that he was losing his Mobile Armors one by one because of just one thrice-damned Mobile Suit, which wasn't even piloted by a Patchworker!

Sure, he was a member of the OMNI Enforcer, but he wasn't aligned with Blue Cosmos or Triad. Instead, he was part of a separate group, one that worked in secret to gather supporters before they could unveil themselves and overthrow all the governments of the Earth Sphere to make one government stand on top. This group, the Titans, worked around the clock to ensure their goals weren't compromised… but, here they were, having them compromised because they couldn't keep one lousy Mobile Suit from leaving their space colony area in L3!

It was times like this when he wondered if ZAFT was going to find out what was going on over here… before he crushed that thought. He didn't want to jinx himself because he wondered if enemy Mobile Suits were going to show up.



340 klicks away


Nazca-class Mulani

ZAFT Blanton Team


Commander John Blanton, a Caucasian brown haired man with deep green eyes, was sitting in his seat, pondering his orders from Council Chairman Patrick Zala. Normally, the man wouldn't have trusted anyone other than Rau Le Creuset with these orders. The fact of the matter was, however, that John Blanton proved he was more than able to carry out the mission. He had only gotten back from what was supposed to simply be border patrol which, as his luck would have it, turned into a skirmish against Triad forces… and he was forever grateful that the one member of the team that was a borderline psychic warned him about the X Mobile Suit before it could be deployed.

'I'm just glad he was put on my team,' was the White Coat's main thought on this particular subordinate. 'Otherwise, things would have gotten messier than they should have, considering the enemy unit we had to prevent from launching.'

He was lucky, to say the least. Patrick Zala knew that no mere Green Coat was supposed to stay a Green Coat for that feat, especially since the pilot could easily be a Commander of his own team. The pilot, however, didn't want to move up in rank. He had said that he liked being with Commander Blanton, the man being a second father to him, especially since his first one died when he was young.

'Gregory Kyle, you really need to accept the promotion, given that you deserve it more than I deserve being your Commander.'

Still, back to the mission at hand. John Blanton, despite worrying for the PLANTs' future when Patrick was running for the highest possible position on the Council, had realized that Zala's wife really restored much of his sanity, so it came to no surprise that the Councilman wanted to trust people with important missions… well, people not named Rau Le Creuset, that is.

The mission was simple: Get to a battlefield where they could easily test the DRAGOON System, currently equipped with heat blades on the pods, and help out whoever needed the most help at present. Of course, due to the fact that he didn't want to test Murphy, he was going to say it would be when they neared the area of space called L3 that they would find a ba‒

It was at this time when he heard an alert from the Sensor Operator's station. Turning to the Sensor Operator, he asked, "What's being detected?"

The Sensor Operator worked at his console as he said, "Hold on a moment…." Upon finishing his work momentarily, he nearly cursed up a storm, though he refrained from doing so. "Commander Blanton, there's a battle between several Moebius units, a Nelson-class, and an unknown Mobile Sui‒ FUCK! I'm just now picking up an unknown vessel with what appears to be 12 Mobile Suit launch pads in total, with the only way for me to see it being the first Mobile Suit it launched, and the ship's firing on the lone Mobile Suit!"

John was going to reprimand the sensor operator for the cursing, but the rest of what he said was shocking enough to make him forget the reprimand. It was not a pretty picture in his head, where the Mobile Suit fighting alone was being forced to run out of ammo and, potentially, battery life.

Turning to the Helmsman, the Commander asked, "How long until we get within launching distance?"

The Helmsman responded, "T-minus 190 seconds until we get within launching distance."

"Parasite Control, Alert-5 pilots?" he asked next of the Parasite Controller.

"Both units report ready and are go for launch," came the reply as as the commander turned to his communications, but the operator spoke first.

"All ships report Alert-5 teams ready for immediate launch and are matching speed to us."

"Excellent," Blanton replied as he knew as soon as his pilots were away, the others would launch at the same time, "Tactical, prep all weapons and get me a targeting solutions, but hold fire until we can identify who's who in that mess."

"Aye sir," Tactical was already on it, though a Natural, he was the only one in the entire crew with previous military training and was the father of two healthy young Coordinator girls after the loss of two boys due to childhood sickness.

John knew that he had to do something for the pilot of the unknown Mobile Suit, and he was doing it right now, especially since he had a sinking feeling that, if he did nothing, the Earth Sphere would be no more.


150 seconds later

In the Mulani's hangar bay


Gregory Kyle, in his ZAFT Green pilot suit, was sitting in his newly assigned Mobile Suit, the ZGMF-X08A Eternity Gundam, to test out the effects of the DRAGOON System with someone who had some existential experience at predicting enemy movement patterns. It was this sort of trait that let him become its test pilot, to see how well it would respond at all, and even to see if it could be piloted by a regular Coordinator.

While that last part was highly doubtful, it was something the R&D boys needed confirmation on, so they decided to give Kyle his chance to pilot it first.

Regardless, he was about to step onto the catapult, when a message came through to him in the cockpit. Turning on the comm channel, he saw his Commander in the Pilot Locker Room, dressed in the standard pilot suit, making him snap to attention. "Commander Blanton, sir!" Gregory said with a salute.

"At ease," John said to the Green Coat. After Gregory put his arm back down, John said, "I need you to stay on the Mulani in reserve unless something requires you to be out there with the Eternity Gundam. I don't want you to be captured because of a stray Mobile Suit beating you in combat through sheer luck, so‒"

"Sir, with all due respect, I've been dying to see action in the Eternity Gundam ever since we got it!" Kyle interrupted with a fire in his voice. "I've been adjusting the OS on this unit to match my exact specifications, doing all that I could to make sure I didn't need to make them in the middle of battle, and I don't want to be seen as a last re‒"

"Gregory Kyle, that's enough! You are not a last resort, we just need you in reserve for an additional five minutes after I launch, which is when we expect the testing conditions will be at their most optimum. Don't worry about us when you get out there, just focus on three things when you're out there." John ordered his soldier.

"Sir, what would those three things be?" Gregory asked, unsure if he even wanted to know.

"In order: One, keep the unknown pilot alive as much as possible; Two, keep yourself alive as much as possible; and Three, get that test data ready for shipment back to Chairman Zala, before he decides to get Le Creuset on the job!" Commander Blanton finished relaying the orders for Kyle.

The Green Coat, for his part, was shocked by the orders, as he protested, "Commander Blanton, are you sure that's the right thing to say?! I mean, you're effectively saying you don't want anyone to keep you alive!"

At that point, all the ships in the Team started launching Mobile Suits, prompting John Blanton to say, "I'll get in my CGUE before you go out, and quit worrying about me! You need to learn to accept promotions more, Gregory, which would prove that you're more than capable of handling better responsibilities!" With that, the Commander turned off the comm channel, leaving Kyle alone in his thoughts.


Sheena Island

300 klicks east northeast of the Orb Union

Sheena Community General Hospital


The young hot headed commander of Umbrella's Sheena Island facility was getting really nervous. He had received distressing calls from the secret Umbrella facilities at Orb, India, the URA and even the Rio de Janeiro facility was out of action and put out of action by the SALF. From the way things were going, if Blue Cosmos wasn't going to protect Umbrella facilities like they were supposed to, then who could he rely on to protect the Tyrant and other BOW mass production facilities? The USS was only deployed when 'sensitive issues' needed to be dealt with or protecting shipments of BOWs to Blue Cosmos and Triad. Triad cared not where they got the BOWs from and he certainly could not place trust in a bunch of money grubbing bastards. That left the UBCS, Umbrella's private military force. But the problem with the UBCS was that they were just mercenaries and couldn't be trusted to handle defense of Sheena Island. It was especially going to difficult if the ISAF came and came with mobile suits.

"What am I going to do?" Vincent asked himself and no one particular. "It's obvious that the ISAF is going to come here and invade this island. They'll shut down this facility, destroy all of the BOWs here and I'll be on the chopping block for all the kidnappings across the world."

As Vincent was pacing around his office, a detective from the St. Louis Police Department, named Ark Thompson, was observing the unstrung commander of the Umbrella-owned island and facilities. The detective was also recording everything that he was hearing Vincent say with a sonic hearing device.

"That's right you asshole, keep singing like a fucking canary," the detective said to himself silently. "Just lead me to the victims and where your facilities are."

Inside his office, Vincent thought about this and that. After 20 minutes of deliberation with himself, he ecstatically nodded to himself to the solution he came up with.

"I have to make sure that the ISAF doesn't get their mitts on this island," Vincent said to himself. "Luckily for me and for Umbrella, Sheena Island isn't the only place where Tyrants, Lickers and Hunters are mass produced. I'll unleash the T-Virus on this place and walk out as the only survivor here. Upper Management will be upset to lose this facility, but it'll be for the best. At least Orb has no knowledge of this island and who knows, maybe the T-Virus will spread to Orb and eliminate one threat to the survival of the human race."

"Son of a bitch..." Ark snarled softly as he watched Vincent briefly sitting down and scribbling a note for someone in Blue Cosmos to receive. "He's a member of Blue Cosmos too. I bet he's just as nutty as that Azrael bastard."

Within three hours, the Umbrella-owned island was in chaos. Many citizens were running everywhere for their lives. Some of the citizens of Sheena Island tried to reach the island's two harbors only to be either gunned down by Vincent's men or blown away when they tried to board one of the remaining boats left at the island's harbors. Even Vincent's men were eventually overrun and succumbed to the infection. Those who weren't infected tried to fight back to no avail and fell to the infection. As for the St. Louis detective, he had been following the disillusioned Umbrella manager and even far as to leave transponders at the facilities for a future attack on Sheena Island. After marking certain areas with transponders, Ark Thompson then broke off his silent pursuit of Vincent and headed back to his safe house and hoped that it hadn't been overrun yet zombies or worse... looters looking for weapons and equipment to hopefully survive longer. Once he reached his safe house, he found it to be untouched by either infection or looters.

"To the nearest listening outpost or ship," began Ark, "this is Spirit of St. Louis. The Gates of Hell have been opened. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. I repeat, the Gates of Hell have been opened. Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

"Roger that Spirit of St. Louis," replied the nearest listening ship belonging to Admiral Danforth Whitcomb. "The light of hope shall come forth and shut the gates of Hell.'

"Copy that, I'll sit tight," acknowledged Ark before shutting off the radio.


JLF Headquarters


"So... we're doing some new training?" Tamaki asked Naoto.

"Looks that way, man," answered Naoto. "Colonel Todoh said there was going to be some sort of training going on. Something must've prompted General Katase after interrogating Clovis."

"I wonder what kind of training we're getting," said Suzume.

Before anyone could respond to Suzume, General Katase entered the room with Todoh, Keisei and Sayla behind him and everyone stood at attention when the general arrived.

General Katase gave a slight nod to everyone in the room as they then sat down and waited for the briefing to start.

"As you are all aware, we were able to capture the former EA Governor Clovis Scalinger," began Katase. "During his interrogation, he revealed the locations of a few facilities that are controlled by the giant pharmaceutical company Umbrella."

"Oh please, everyone knows that Umbrella does illegal experiments and that being a pharmaceutical company is just a front," Kallen snarled in disgust in at the mention of the Umbrella Corporation.

Katase made a slight glance at Kallen and then sighed briefly as he returned to the briefing.

"During the interrogation of former governor Scalinger, he revealed the location of a few Umbrella facilities. One of which is located here in Japan."

"Wha? Why the hell does Umbrella have a facility here?" asked a startled Matt. "You'd think with all of the resistance movements here that Umbrella would wait until all anti-EA resistance groups were wiped out to build a facility."

General Katase gave Matt a slight nod of agreement to his statement and continued.

"The facility is believed to be disguised as a mansion and is possibly harboring BOWs as well as victims from around the Earthsphere. We will begin training on fighting such threats, including having to face zombies as well."

"With all due respect General," began Tamaki, "there's no such thing as zombies."

"Really Mr. Smartass?" sassed back Kallen. "Then what do you call those things that were at the Mendel Colony when it got overrun by a biohazard?"

"They were... they were..." Tamaki stammered trying to come up with a logical explanation for what happened at the Mendel Colony. "They were just crazed people, that's all!"

"Enough with your bickering Kozuki and Shinichiro," General Katase snapped at the two pilots. "We will begin training in a few days after Jordan Takeo returns from the Gunpla tournament he and two others went to compete in. In the mean time, I will introduce to you your trainers. I expect you show them courtesy and professionalism, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes General Katase," said everyone in the briefing room.


Dubliner Restaurant and Pub

Washington, DC, Atlantic Federation


"So that detective that Agent Kennedy recruited signaled that another biohazard was started by Umbrella?" General Revil asked his partner Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb.

The silver haired, 63 year-old admiral gave General Revil a slight nod before taking a sip of his Irish-brewed beer. This new outbreak was not something that the Earth Alliance was going to care of. Any official involvement was going to mean that they had a hand in starting the outbreak and were more than likely trying cover it up. The Moderate Faction was different and had their own private counter bio-terrorism unit called Spec Ops. Established in secret and trained with the STARS and Wolfpack units of the ISAF, Spec Ops was established to handle threats of bio-terrorism from most terrorist groups that were known to purchase and deploy BOWs manufactured by Umbrella. The leaders of the Moderate faction knew full well that Blue Cosmos would turn a blind eye to all forms of bio-terrorism that targeted innocent people and, of course, Coordinators. With the formation of Spec Ops, bio-terrorist attacks in nations of the Earth Alliance had gone down drastically and the number of Coordinators killed in bio-terrorist attacks had also gone down drastically.

"Yes, it appears that way," answered Admiral Whitcomb. "Word of the outbreak reached Blue Cosmos pretty quick."

"So what was Azrael's response?" General Revil asked Whitcomb.

"His response was the same as any biohazard," answered the Moderate Admiral. "'At least Coordinators are being exterminated.' As well as 'We should be thanking the Umbrella Corporation for helping with Coordinator Troubles.'"

"Then I guess I'll send the order to the Spec Ops," summarized General Revil. "I'll need you to contact the ISAF through Terminal and have the ISAF's STARS and Wolfpack stand down while our Spec Ops troops go in and deal with biohazard."

"You got it," agreed Admiral Whitcomb. "I'll see if STARS and Wolfpack can be put on standby."

General Revil gave a slight nod, finished his beer and went on his way.


In an abandoned colony


"So, how are the improvements we made to the Silver Frame working out?" asked an elderly man wearing a lab coat and futuristic looking glasses.

"It seems to be working out perfectly," answered another elderly man as he too wore lab coat over a casual suit, having gray hair cover one eye and a very long nose. "And it was equally surprising that Rhondo Gina Sahaku didn't stop the production of the Silver Frame either."

The other scientists with him gave a slight nod of agreement. The five of them stood there silently for a moment before taking a drink from the selected alcohol beverage they chose to drink.

"So was Gina also aware that we stole the self-learning AI and installed it on the Silver Frame?" asked the third scientist who had a fake nose.

"If he was aware, then he would've taken Silver Frame for himself instead of the Gold Frame," answered the second scientist.

The five scientists again gave a slight nod of agreement, took a sip of their drinks and silently filed out to their separate directions.

RTXP-03A1 Samurai

Unit Type: Mass production close quarters combat mobile suit

Manufacturer(s): Mitsubishi Heavy Industries/Kyoto House, Liberty Electronics

Operator(s): JLF, Terminal, ISAF, Three Ships Alliance, Civilians

Known Pilot(s): Kyoshiro Todoh, Nagisa Chiba, Shogo Asahina, Kosetsu Urabe, Ryoga Senba, Kazuto Kirigaya, Asuna Yuuki, Flay Allster

Head Height: 18.0 meters

Weight: Max weight: 79.84 metric tons (Fortrestra Mode), Standard Weight: 41.2 metric tons

Powerplant: Ultracompact energy battery, power output: unknown

Pilot accommodations: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso (ground type), panoramic monitor/linear seat in torso (space variant)

Armor: unknown, laminated armor (Fortrestra armor)

Special Equipment and Design features: sensors, range: unknown, Combat visor, Fortresta armor (optional)

Fixed Armaments: 50mm CWIS 'Black Talon' x2, fire-linked, mounted on head, beam saber, stored on recharge rack on backpack, Slash Harken x2, mounted on chest

Optional Armaments: Beam katana 'Murata,' stored on left hip armor, hand carried in use, beam dagger 'Kunai' x2, mounted on leg holsters

Historical/Technical Notes: As the three major factions and Triad were creating new mass production mobile suits, the JLF and numerous rebel factions were still using discarded and refurbished mobile suits. The JLF sought to keep up with the major factions and were slowly able to create their own mobile suits. The first two mobile suits developed by the JLF were the Guren and Lancelot Gundams. The backbone of the JLF's mobile suits were mostly Patriots purchased through the Junk Guild and on the black market. Things then began to turn around with the arrival of Terminal agent Jordan Takeo. With help from Professor Lloyd Asplund and MS engineer Rakshata Chawla, Jordan Takeo was able to use the data from the G-Weapons and Cavaliers to create a new mass production model mobile suit.

Heavily influenced by the Cavaliers and Duel, the Samurai is the first mass production close quarters combat mobile suit that carries no long-range weapons. The only ranged weapons used by the Samurai are its CIWS and beam daggers that can be thrown. The most notable pilots that use the Samurai effectively are the Four Holy Swords and their leader Kyoshiro Todoh. The Samurai also includes an optional set of laminated armor, inspired by the Duel's Assault Shroud. This additional layer of armor provides excellent protection against beam weapons and also has the same unfortunate weakness that Duel has when equipped with it's Assault Shroud armor.

Appearance: Based off the RGM-79FP GM Striker with optional Fortrestra armor from the GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger.

RTXP-02A Raiden

Unit Type: Mass production quick assault mobile suit

Manufacturer(s): Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Kyoto House), Morgenroete

Operator(s): JLF, Terminal, ISAF, Desert Dawn, Civilians

Known Pilot(s): Emma Sheen, Katz Kobayashi, Sarah Zabiorov, Cornelia Lamperouge

Height: 18.0 meters

Weight: Max weight: 59.5 metric tons, standard weight: 41.2 metric tons

Powerplant: Ultracompact energy battery, power output: unknown

Accommodations: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso (ground variant), panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso (space variant)

Armor: Unknown

Special Equipment and Design features: sensors, range: unknown

Fixed Armaments: 50mm CWIS 'Black Talon' x2, fire-linked, mounted on head, beam saber, stored on recharge rack on left hip, Slash Harken x2, mounted on chest

Optional Armaments: Recoilless rifle, stored on rear hip armor, hand carried in use, Excalibur rifle (limited mass production of the Lancelot Gundam's VARIS rifle), stored on rear hip armor, hand carried in use (special forces and Sharp Thorn variants), 57mm beam rifle, stored on rear hip armor, hand carried in use

Historical/Technical Notes: Needing to keep up with the three major factions, mostly ZAFT and the ISAF, Jordan Takeo designed another mass production model mobile suit, designed for the type of warfare that the JLF and even Desert Dawn uses. Inspired by the Patriot series, the Raiden was designed for fast assault and hit and run operations.

Armed with a new form of CIWS, the Slash Harken, as well as an new upgraded version of the Musashi and Garuda type MS katana swords, the Shihano II anti-armor katana, rumored to be more effective than the previous weapons. The Raiden, like the Patriot-series has many variants for each environment, including ground, space, and the sea.

The Raiden's first appearance was during the Gunpla tournament when Cornelia Lamperouge joined Jordan's Gunpla team and piloted the Raiden with devastating effects against all opponents. After the Gunpla tournament, Cornelia would place an order for one of the Raidens in the first batch developed. For Cornelia, the Raiden would be her primary MS and passes on her Duel Gundam Ground Type to one of her subordinates, Li Xingke.

Appearance: Based off of RGM-79(GRS) Armored GM with the head of the RGM-89De Jegan (ECOAS Type)

RVXF-13A Skyknight

Unit type: Mass production transformable general purpose mobile suit

Manufacturer(s): Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Anaheim Electronics

Operator(s): JLF, Terminal, ISAF, Three Ships Alliance

Known pilot(s):, Lenindor Kisaka, Aisha, Jordan Takeo

Height: 20.5 meters

Weight: Max: 50.4 metric tons, Standard: 24.7 metric tons

Powerplant: Ultracompact energy battery, power output: unknown

Special equipment and design features: sensors, range: unknown, Waverider mode

Accommodations: Pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso

Fixed Armaments: 50mm CWIS 'Black Talon' x2, fire-linked, mounted on head; beam saber, stored on recharge rack on backpack; 2 Tube grenade launcher x2

Optional Armaments: Beam rifle, stored on rear hip armor, hand carried in use, in MS mode, mounted on backpack in Waverider mode

Historical/Technical Notes: Adding to the two mass production models to help the JLF keep up with mostly ZAFT and the ISAF, Jordan, Rakshata and Lloyd create an atmospheric mobile suit to compete with ZAFT's DINN and the ISAF's Confederate. The end result was the Skyknight. The Skyknight would be the precursor to the ISAF's Murasame.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shared the development contract with the newly established Anaheim Electronics based on the Moon at Von Braun City. With the Skyknight's armaments, it is a well balanced mobile suit and is considered the first mass production mobile suit to have the ability to reenter the atmosphere independently without needing to take shelter in an entry pod like most mobile suits. The first appearance of the Skyknight would be during a Gunpla tournament when Jordan Takeo takes models of the JLF's first three mass production mobile suits and uses the Gunpla tournament as a testbed for testing their capabilities in battle.

Appearance: Based off of RGZ-91 ReGZ with MSZ-006 Z Gundam Waverider

RX-71 Vanguard Gundam

Model Number: RX-71

Code Name: Vanguard Gundam

Unit Type: Prototype Transformable Mobile Suit

Manufacturer: Acteon Industries

Operator(s): Civilians, ISAF, Three Ships Alliance

First Deployment: February 21, CE 71

Accommodation: Pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso

Head Height: 20.5 meters

Base Weight: 25.8 metric tons

Full Weight: 57.6 metric tons

Armor Materials: Gundarium Alloy

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3840 kW

Maximum Thrust: 81500 kg

Sensor Radius: 22000 meters

Special Features: Waverider mode

Fixed Armaments: 75mm "Igelstellung" Vulcan guns x2, fire linked, mounted in head; Beam Saber x2, stored in left arm

Optional Armaments: Shield x1, mounts beam gun and 2 barrel grenade launcher, mounted on left arm; Beam rifle x1; Mega beam launcher x1; Beam gatling gun x2; More to come later

Historical/Technical Notes: As the Earth Sphere was plunged into chaos, three factions split from the OMNI Enforcer, one of which came to Acteon Industries and commissioned a Mobile Suit to be made as a test bed for transformable Mobile Suits that could double as an Earth-based Fighter Jet. This faction, the Titans, later relocated the unit to their secret colony in the L3 region of Outer Space, where they had kept an Enhanced Natural as an experiment to see how well someone could pilot a Mobile Suit without being a full Coordinator.

It was during the time when they were supposed to keep the pilot under heavy sedatives that the pilot got out of there and stole the Vanguard Gundam out from under their noses.

The machine is capable of using a nuclear fusion reactor instead of a battery, though it runs into the problem of needing to refuel every so often, given that it uses a different propulsion system. Not only that, but it has the capability of frying electronics with its beam weapons, similar to an EMP blast.

Pilot: Kyou Yamato

Appearance: Based off of the RGZ-95 ReZEL, though it has the head and colors of the Strike Gundam, thus the main reason why it's a Gundam.


Photo-Recon (Part 1)

Kira finally returned to his personal quarters on the Archangel. It had been a hectic day today. What with everything happening. The ambush, the robot, the meeting with Andrew Waltfeld and that Naomi girl… all of it.

Taking his shirt off and putting it to the side to be cleaned later. The shirt was soon followed by his pants. Though, while he put it to the side, something fell out of one of the pockets. Hearing the item clatter to the ground, Kira turned back to it.

"What's this?" he questioned aloud, looking at it with a blank face for a few moments. Then it dawned on him what it was. It was something that that nice woman, Aisha if recalled correctly, gave him. He had no idea what it was, but she said it would help him with his relationship with Cagalli.

"Like I need this for that," he said to himself… they weren't even in a relationship! Why did everyone in that ZAFT camp think they were a couple? Aside from the fact that the two of them were both from Orb, how could he not recognize her accent and that tan she sported.

Kira shook his head to clear his thoughts. He must have been tired. So he decided to see what all this was about. Taking the small datastick he inserted into one of the computers and turned the machine on. Next he brought up the data from the USB and then opened it up just as Mu was sticking his head in.

"Kira, I was-" the blonde officer stopped at seeing Kira, dressed only his boxer shorts sitting at one of the computer terminals that was showing…

"W-wait! I can explain!" Kira stated suddenly as the older male withdrew his head with a 'Sorry to interrupt' and all Kira could do was moan pitifully as he rested his head in his hands as images of Cagalli were cycled through on the screen, each one showing her in a new outfit.

After a few moments, Kira sighed to himself.

"At least it isn't porn," he muttered before noticing another bit of data that was separate. "What's this?" Kira opened it and it was images of Cagalli as she undressed, bathed, and redressed, "GURK!"

"Kira," Cagalli suddenly entered, in her normal clothes, "I want-" her words trailed off and Kira felt a very real darkness behind him.

Xamusel: *sigh* When will Kira learn to leave things be?

Sparky: Dunno man. At any rate, sorry for the wait with this chapter. We'd like to thank F-14 Tomcat Lover for his help in completing this chapter. I'll be off for a while.

Everyone: Ja Ne! ^_^