Empire State of Mind

Kura: Hello, *spreads arms dramatically as she waves to a building* and welcome to the second story in my series, Expect the Unexpected. It's called,*dramatic pause* Empire Stateof Mind!

Sakura: Ironically, she was listening to the song when she decided to write this. Well, enjoy.

Chapter 1: Bands and New Names

We last left our turtle friends in an awkward position. They all have wings, and as a bonus, Raph and Mikey were girls! Now what?!

"I did it!" A voice cried out. Donnie ran up to his brothers, uh, brother and sisters, and handed each a silver hand with their names etched in kanji. He also handed one to Master Splinter, "I used the last bit of that drink to make these. Who's gonna test it out?" The others looked at him with an 'are-you-serious?!' look. He chuckled nervously as he slipped on the band, and grabbed a towel. He felt something and quickly wrappes his lower body in the towel to hide his... noodle. (Sakura: Noodle? Kura: Don't judge...) When he looked at himself, thanks to April bringing him a mirror, he saw he had tanned skin, chocolate brown eyes, and his hair wasn't green like the last time, now it was a dark chestnut brown. He smiled as he looked at his brother and sisters.

"Raphael, Michelangelo, we need to change your names," Splinter said, "Raphael, add an "a" to the end of your name."

"Raphaela Taneuma Hamato?" Leo said, "it could work."

"Same to you Michelangelo, just change the "o" in your name to an "a" amd that will be your name," Splinter told the blond.

"So, I'm Michelangela Haipa Hamato?" Mikey thought out loud. Splinter nodded. He smiled as his children began to talk. It was then that April decided to bring something up.

"Since you can all turn human, why don't you sign up for school?"

Kura: Done. I did some research, Taneuma means stallion and Haipa means hyper, both are japanese. Michelangela is the female name for Michelangelo such as Raphaela would be what some call theirmbaby girls after Raphael.

Sakura: Review!