Gosh, where do I start? For one, THIS ISN'T AN UPDATE! It's merely a 'I'M BAAACKKK!' statement and a little gift!

So, I've noticed... LOONNGGG ago that I haven't really done much! Summer vacation's coming up, and I'm sure I'll be writing more stories then, but to start off I'm starting a new Mortal Instruments fic, Saudade, which I've just posted recently! I've got the first few chapters written up and since... errr... November(?) my writing has improved a lot. :D (YAY for that!)

I do apologize for the wait! Seriously, Grade 8 is hard... and I've been lazy, to be completely honest. I mean, cosplaying and sculpting and doing quick writes and drawing simply no inspiration and ARRGGGG! BUT I AM really satisfied with Saudade and I really hope you read it and maybe leave a review! And forgive me for being a couch potato!