Chapter 5: The Calm Before the Storm Part 3


The night was getting colder, and the hollow prison carried in a cold, unwelcome air through the window. Haru pulled the thin blanket closer around her and Kyoko to keep the little warmth between. The blanket was so thin it couldn't even be considered a blanket. And Kyoko was literally freezing. She was also coming down with a high fever. Haru pulled her closer to allow a little of her body heat to warm the other woman up.

The cell door was brutally kicked open, startling the two women. Kyoko snapped awake and huddled against Haru, while Haru moved a little in front to shield her.

"Hey beautiful," a tall, dark hair guard called with a disgusted seductive voice, "The Warden wants you."

"We're not going," Haru glared at him in disgust, "Tell him he can just drop dead."

"Look here bitch," the guard stepped into the cell, all seductiveness thrown out the window, "I don't care if you're the Vongola Decimo's bitch," he seethed, "The Warden gave the order. He wants you and your little missy to get you're ass up to his room."

"And I said he can go to hell," Haru glared harder.

"Why you fucken bitch!" The guard brought his hand up and swung at her. But Haru didn't cower away. She held her gaze and glared straight at him as his hand swung down to slap her.

"That's enough."

A cold voice resounded throughout the small cell, causing all movement to cease. The guard quickly retreated his hand, only inches from her face. "General," the guard turned around and saluted him.

"Who gave you the permission to disturb these two ladies," the general, a tall and blond hair man asked coldly and dangerously to the guard. His red eyes were fierce and void of emotions, glaring down the guard.

"S-Sir, the Warden asked for them," the guard stuttered in fright.

The temperature suddenly dropped and caused everyone present to shiver slightly. Kyoko clutched onto Haru's arm under the thin blanket, and Haru squeezed her hand in return.

The general stepped into the room, and, for a moment, Haru could have sworn he disappeared but to only reappeared in front of the guard, his hand around the other man's neck in a tight hold.

"G-General," the guard gasped.

"Tell the Warden," he slammed the man against the cell wall, "The girls are mine. If he or anyone touches them, I won't hesitate," he breathed the last sentence threateningly.

"S-Sir," the guard begged for breath. The general carelessly dropped him and turned back to Haru and Kyoko. "Get out of here," he said to the other man.

"Y-Yes sir," the guard quickly scrambled onto his feet and ran out of the cell.

Silence suddenly reigned over the room, causing the atmosphere to create a dangerous air around the remaining occupants. Haru glared up at the general as he looked impassively down to her. Kyoko suddenly cough, causing the immediate change in the atmosphere; from dangerous to concern.

Haru quickly turned to her, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm… fine," she said between cough.

"Come," the general turned away from them and began walking back to the door, "The infirmary is this way."

"We're not going with you," Haru glared, "For all we know, you're no different from that perverted Warden."

His red eyes flared in anger, turning a deep blood red and making Haru flinched in sudden fear. "Suit yourself then." He turned to leave.

"Cough cough," Kyoko coughed harder. She clutches her chest in pain.

"Kyoko-chan," Haru panicked and patted her back.

The general glanced over at them before continued walking out. He had offer his help and they declined. If they didn't want medical attention then he wasn't going to enforce it on them.

"Wait." Haru called and stood up to fully face him. "Help her."

He stopped but did not turned back around to face them, "Then come." He said and stepped out of the cell.

Chrome glanced around the room and stood against the wall in awkward silence. It seem she wasn't the only one told to come the Sawada residence. Gokudera and Yamamoto were here as well, talking in a corner, along with Mukuro-sama and the Kokuyo crew, whose near the living room television, and Kyoya Hibari, who seem to be in a very bad mood over at his corner of the room. Ryohei had just presently arrived and his shouting loudly at his much older look-alike.

She gasped quietly and looked down in embarrassment when her eyes met with those of the older Mukuro. She felt her face flush and she timidly hid her eyes with her bangs. For some reason, it didn't bother her as much that her older self is here, but rather the way the older Mukuro kept staring at her with love in his eyes; something the Mukuro of this era will never do.

And speaking of the younger Mukuro, a sudden shiver ran down her spine and she looked up behind her bangs at him. He doesn't to be very pleased with her. She looked away confusingly and back down to the ground. She doesn't understand why he looked so displeased with her. She hadn't done anything that would consider displeasing to the eye except for looking at the older version of the man she loves. Could it be… she glanced at him and then away quickly. He was still glaring at her. And she could still feel the older Mukuro's gaze on her as well.

She fidgeted uncomfortably, drawing younger Lambo's attention to her.

"Chrome-nee?" he tugged on her skirt.

She looked quickly down at him, "Yes?"

"Are you alright," he asked, frowning cutely.

"I-I'm fine," she assured him, and patted his head affectionately. She shivered again, feeling younger Mukuro's gaze intensified.

"U-Um, everyone," Tsuna began awkwardly, drawing everyone attention to him. "Uh… W-Welcome to my home," he finished just as awkwardly.

Reborn hit him disapprovingly on the back of the head with a Leon-transformed-hammer, "That's no way to begin a mafia meeting, No-Good-Tsuna."

"Ow! Reborn!" Tsuna exclaimed in pain.

"Boss!" Gokudera rushed to his side and thoroughly check his wound, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Tsuna nodded, a little dizzy from the pain.

"I apologize for the wait," Tsunayoshi ignored his younger self and said to everyone; his voice resonating through out the room, full of authority and power. It made Chrome shiver slightly from his voice alone. The air around him also spoke of power and charismatic.

"No problem Tsuna," Takeshi assured him.

"I trust that everyone here had already met his or her older self," he began. Chrome almost wanted to raise her hand and said she and Lambo hadn't, not one-on-one at least, but she held her voice in. It was not her place to speak at the moment.

"I know that many of your had questions, but," he continued, using his tone of authority, "I recommend you all listen before questioning our motive for coming back in time." Tsunayoshi moved over to the armchair facing the television and sat down, "I suggest everyone sit down. It's going to be a long story."

"Onii-chan," Kyoko Sasagawa looked into her brother's bedroom, looking around the room.

"Kyoko," her mother called from down stairs, "Is he up there?"

"No he's not," she replied, frowning. Now where did that older brother of hers go? He had promised to go to the super market with her today and now he's bailing out on her, again. She pouted angrily, "Sometimes I don't even know why I kept asking him to go to the super market with me."

Kyoko shut the door and went back down the hallway to her room. Her brother is probably out somewhere training anyway. Besides, they can always go tomorrow.

Sudden loud flapping noises startled her out of her own thoughts. She looked towards the window in the hallway and found nothing there. She frowned but decided against checking where the noise came from. Instead, she walked into her room and closed the door.

"Hahi!" Haru squeaked as she accidentally dropped the plate she was washing on the ground. It crashed and scattered over the floor. "What is wrong with Haru today?" she scolded herself, "Haru can not keep dropping everything."

She picked up the bigger pieces with a towel. She scolded herself mentally. It was her favorite plate too. She had gotten it as a gift from Kyoko-chan a few years back. It was one of her treasure that she was able to use daily.

"Haru wonder if she can glue it back together," she mumbled to herself, contemplating while continuing picking up the pieces.

The wind blew harshly against the window for a second, almost as if something was flapping against the window. She glanced up but there was nothing there. She frowned for a moment, contemplating about whether she should look or not. Nah, she shook her head and went back to picking up the pieces.

"I found her."

"I found the Sasagwa girl as well."

"What do you want to do with this one?"

"Bring her in." A sudden pause, "They are both needed."

"Roger that."