"Stop moving!" Seras tugged on the tall vampire's cape, trying to get it to lay right on his narrow shoulders.

Alucard grumbled a bit, but allowed the golden haired Draculina to do as she wished. It was stupid to be perfectly honest… But he had lost that bet.

"Now, are you ready, AluBunny?" Seras laughed at the sight of her master, the great Alucard of Hellsing. He stood in front of her in a black tuxedo and a pair of soft, pink bunny ears on his head, pressing down his perfectly messy mop of black hair.

She fell against the wall laughing, and was almost unable to speak. "G-g-g-g-g-go on… You know what to d-d-d-do…" She managed to squeak out between peals of laughter.

He grumbled once more and went out of the girl's room in the sub-basement and up into the main house.

The bet he lost was that Seras could not hit a fast moving target, which happened to be him, at one thousand kilometers. She hit him… A bit too easily for his liking… However, a bet is a bet, and he lost. He had to endure the walk of shame.

He knocked on the door to his master's office.

"Enter," Sir Integra's voice floated to him through the door. Without looking up, she said, "Those ears suit you, Alucard."

Seras giggled from the corner of the room. Alucard narrowed his eyes at the giggling girl and she instantly stopped.

"There. I have fulfilled my end of the debt," he said, starting to remove the ears.

"No, you will wear them for the rest of the day, AluBunny," she added the name with a small smile that grew a bit when she saw his discomfort and annoyance at the order. "Now, go and take care of business."

Seras' laughter followed him out of the office and out of the manor as he went out in search of his prey.