A Series of Failed Girlfriends: a Leo Valdez Story


Being the third wheel is hard; being the fifth wheel is annoying; but being the seventh wheel!?—it's just sad.

That was what I was told after helping save the western life style. That's all the Aphrodite kids cared about! Not the fact that I helped keep it so that they could prance around being idiots, nope all they told me is that it was so very, very sad that I was the seventh wheel. I mean COME ON!

It's not like I don't try to ask girls out, I do it all the time! But no one wants to go out with a Mexican midget who makes engines, not even if he also makes FREAKING DRAGONS! Or that I can make a fire ANYWHERE! Nope just the annoying thing about me not having a girlfriend. I mean seriously?-Seriously?!

But sorry I'm getting carried away.

My name is Leo Valdez, and this is the story of my many failed girlfriends.

Chapter One: Patricia

The first day back from the amazing trip everyone was happy and thankful, but as weeks past people seemed to forget that we all went on a life threaten quest to save all their lives, but honestly that was for the better; we all just wanted to go back to being regular campers.

Not that Percy, Annabeth, or Jason could ever be normal campers.

Jason and Percy had defeated titans and were children of the big three, Annabeth's own knife brought down Kronos and was the girlfriend of a big three kid and was the leader of the Athena cabin and well the list goes on but I don't want to continue.

Piper, Hazel, Frank, Nico and I all just went back to being regular campers after the trip. Nico even being a big three kid didn't get the attention like Jason or Percy, same with Hazel they were both almost looked down on because their dad was Hades. Frank, Piper and I were all kids of less popular topic gods so really, no one cared. Sure there were always the jokes of our parents in a permanent love triangle, and how we were probably too (I mean really can't come up with something more original?) but we couldn't help that our parents were weirdo's! So really there wasn't much to do but go on with our lives summer and just act normal. Frank, Hazel and Jason went back to San Francisco and the rest of us just went back to classes.

Maybe a month later I finally got up the courage to ask out this one girl, her name was Stella. She was one of the less annoying Aphrodite girls but just as beautiful.

Her olive color skin and rich chocolate eyes sat beautifully under her fashionable cut black hair. She dressed in jeans and the camp T-shirt all the time and looked very down to earth.

"Hi," I say to her during Greek history class.

She smiles, "Hi, you're Leo right?"

"Yeah! How did you know?" I ask.

"You helped save western civilization…I think everyone knows you." She states.

"Oh yeah, that." I make a pshaw noise and shake my head. "It was nothing really," I say making a 'flirty' face at her.

She laughs and puts her hand on mine, I feel like my face is on fire! She screams and then I feel my face…it's literally on fire…!

Let me tell you, when your face spontaneously combusts it is awkward. I was probably blushing but no one noticed…they were too busy looking for a fire extinguisher.

Needless to say, she didn't talk to me again…I think I might have singed her hair a little.