Sulley hummed softly to himself as he and Mike sipped some sludge. After a few straight hours of work, their break already taken up, they were relieved when the lunch bell rang. The sludge table was just outside of Roz's office, where Sulley waited patiently for Randall to come out.

"How long of a shift is he working?" Mike asked, leaning against the wall lazily, tapping his feet impatiently, wanting to get a good spot in the café, although now he would be impressed if they were able to get a spot at all. His feet were aching from all the running back and forth he was required to do, Sullivan filled up scream cans fast, and needed an equally fast partner.

"It's just training" Sulley said, actually he expected Randall to be finished before them today, but to his surprise Roz was keeping his hands full, all four of them. Sulley twittled his thumbs a bit "You don't have to wait with me Mikey, just save us a seat" Sulley offered Mike an escape. But the green guy shook his head; Sulley knew it was so he would not have to be bored if Randall took long, but Mike insisted it was just his desire to see Randall in the same embarrassing get up they once had to wear.

"I'm telling you Sull, he looked silly enough with that rag on, it will be priceless when I see him in uniform, some sweet justice, finally!" Mike said, relived that things were going his way.

"Don't be too harsh on him Mike" Sulley chuckled with a shrug

"Oh no way pal, I'm not letting up. Finally I get to laugh at his expense" He smirked cruelly, although he talked big Sulley suspected any insults thrown would only come back to bite him, Randall had a way with winning arguments, almost like he had a lot of practice.

Sulley noticed the two Perry boys walking down the hall; he hadn't known they were on floor today. He gave them both a wave, to which Terri waved back excitedly, then forced his older brother off their path, down the hallway towards Sulley. Terry didn't mind the interruption when he noticed just who had caught his brother's eye, working together their body made it quickly to Mike and Sulley.

"Hey boys, come to see the show?" Mike asked his eyelid half closed and arms folded smugly. Terri and Terry both looked at each other confused, as if to silently ask if they knew what he was talking about. "What show Mike?" They looked around, everything was desolate and quiet.

Mike's eye opened when he realized it, no one knew it. The only ones in on it were Mike, and Celia, and even she was not supposed to be but Smoopsypoo does not tolerate keeping secrets. He sighed "It's nothing, The janitor was going to wax the place. Personally I find it thrilling" He said, noticeably sarcastic and non-thrilled. Terry looked at his brothers and shrugged confused, thinking how Mike was acting awfully strange.

"Actually we wanted to warn you two" They looked around themselves, making sure no one was watching "We saw Randall walking around today!" They said, as if it were monstropolises biggest scandal.

Sulley looked awkwardly to Mike, "Ohh, you don't say"

"Well we know he hated you guys! He could be back for vengeance after he was fired..." Terri said, waving his hand in front of his face eerily.

"I'm sure hes not here for that.." Sulley scratched his neck, "And he wasn't fired.."

"Ohh.." Terri said confused "Rumor was that he got canned for tampering with some equipment to get ahead" He said, wanting clearance that the rumors were false.

"Impossible" Mike said, surprising Sulley as he was standing up for Randall, something he had never seen since collage. "Randall would not be allowed near the building if that was the case, not to mention he would be in jail" Mike corrected, he did not care what the others thought about why Randall left, but such a rumor was obviously fake, it should have been common sense.

"I told you it was dumb" Terry looked at his younger brother, giving him a light punch in the shoulder, not hard since he also felt it.

"You guys know whats going on?" Terri asked, rubbing where he had been punched and looking back to his friends, Sullivan in particular.

"Why does this matter guys? Is it really our business?" Of course it was Sullivan's, but the others nosing about was off putting, especially when Randall intended to keep this a secret, and Sullivan agreed to comply with that.

"It's like the hot topic issue! He does not tell anyone anything, not even Fungus knows" Terry explained, being a bit overly dramatic.

"Heh, well why doesn't someone just ask him?" Sulley raised his brow, giving the two a look as if it was the most obvious option.

"…Hes kinda scary for an omega.." Terry admitted, clearing his throat "And violent" Terri added "Just look at how he treated Fungus!" Sulley knew what they were referring to, Randall often swatted at Fungus with a newspaper, it was more humiliating than it was physically harmful, after being pushed around his whole life it was no surprise that Randall took advantage of the first Beta he had hierarchy over.

Terry and Terri both looked around the empty area, realizing they were standing there for apparently no reason "Hey, you guys going to lunch today?" Terri asked "Don is saving a table" Terry added, pointing in the direction of the café.

"Well..Sull has some, paper work he needs to get sorted out…" Mike laughed nervously; it was not a good idea to admit Sullivan was hanging out with Randall, especially when the rumor machine was running. The Perry boys both shrugged and began to simultaneously turn around, as they did Mike began to speak again "Hey I'll come with" He invited himself "I have a feeling Sull might want to handle the papers alone" He said, giving Sulley a nod "Don't take too long of you will miss lunch.." Mike said, behind his words he was telling Sullivan to leave if Randall did not show up soon.

Sulley nodded as they left, then turned to face the door Randall would hopefully come out of soon, 10 minutes of his lunch had been wasted waiting, but he honestly did not mind that, it was his building excitement that was getting to him.

As he stared at the closed door to Roz's closed office Sulley rocked on his heels. He began to whistle quietly to himself, thinking of something that would make the clock tic faster. But his whistleing was cut off as Randall's voice called from beside him, catching him off guard.

"Waiting for me?"

"yeah I-" Sulley looked around him, but saw no one. He thought for a moment he might have gone insane until Randall gradually phased back into his purple scales, snickering a humored and cruel laugh as he did.

"Randall! When did you get here?" He blushed, thinking back to what he might have said to the Perrys.

"A while, I finished A little after you did" He admitted "I was wondering how long until you noticed the office was motionless, and obviously deserted.." He gave Sulley a judgemental look, the hair ball hadn't noticed all this time. "Plus your conversation was so dull I could not motivate myself to join in"

"What made you decide to show yourself now?" Sulley asked with a smile, he was annoyed, but much to relived to show it or complain.

"Well you are only half annoying without Mike around.. so I figured my options were not getting any better" His stomach suddenly growled, which caused him to wrap his second set of arms around it.

"Hmm" Sulley smiled "You two hung-"Randall stopped him mid-sentence "Don't you dare refer to me as two monsters" He warned. Sulley put up his paws in defense "I'm sorry, I should have known better" He admitted, but he could not help but test his boundaries.

"You're not wearing your shirt?" Sulley asked, he had noticed before, or course he would not fail to see his child's bump when it was in plain sight.

Randall looked down "Yeah, spilt ink all over it" He sounded disappointed, a Sulley felt bad for the other, no doubt it aided in his choice to stay hidden while Mike and the Perry brothers were around. He took a hold of Randall's hand, gently leading him towards the Monsters inc boiler room, where the laundry machines where to clean Monsters inc uniforms. "I know where there are some old company shirts; there should be a clean one there somewhere" he smirked

Randall didn't like the sound of that, he may not be that picky, but refused to wear something already sweaty, or worse slimy. But he also could not spend the day camouflaged, that would be highly suspicious and likely to attract more attention than anything.

Still he followed, they were soon at a consistent pace beside on eanother, yet Sulley's hand was still holding Randalls, it seemed second nature to Sullivan, Randall even doubted the big guy had noticed they were still entertained.

When they made it to the steam room door, that also doubled as a janitor's storage space. Suley opened up the door, it was less dirty than Randall had expected. The only real annoyance he found was the clanking and banging of the machinery, working hard to power this entire factory.

He followed Sulley further back, to where the washing machine was busy at work also, there was a large pile of grimy shirts just to the side, even some aprons and caps, not entirely different from the ones he wore. Sulley opened up the dryer which was still spinning and drying. Reaching his hand in he felt the still damp clothing and sighed "Well.. its still a little wet.." He said, unsure what Randall wanted to do from here, either wait for the clothing to finish their dry or wear the warm, damp shirt.

"I'll wait for it" He offered, wearing a wet shirt would make him cold, even if it came out warm it would eventually begin to chill his scales. "You should go to lunch" He said, silently he wished for Sulley to leave, because he felt himself becoming more attached, which scared him a bit.

"I'll stay" He smiled, shutting the dryer once again and hearing as it started up, the clothing tumbled inside. He pulled himself up onto the washer, siting himself down upon the machines; Randall hoped they were sturdy enough to hold such a heavy monster.

"Ok" Randall said in response, he looked around and saw nowhere to really sit, well apart from sitting beside Sulley, so he opted to lean against a pipe that was behind him, it was a cold metal, but he soon got use to it.

"How was work? Thinking of quitting?" Sulley asked playfully, Randall didn't see humored as he stared at the other vacantly then said "No way Sullivan, I'm not disabled, I can still work"

"I know you can." Sulley said with confidence "I am just saying, if you ever want to I won't think of you any less" He smiled "You might feel a little tired after a while, just don't push yourself" he warned softly, Randall could see the concern and decided not to bite his head off over it, though it was tempting.

"Thanks" He said dismissively "I know I won't be working long.." He admitted, of course he would need to take it easy once he got bigger, though he would rather not admit it. "I just wanted to get out of the house, do something productive while I can"

"You know, I will miss your constant baking now that your time will be taken up" Sullivan Smiled to himself, a small curve came onto Randalls lips to "I think its best I gave it a rest for a are getting a little chubby" Randall winked before he realized what he was doing, he looked to the floor confused at himself, Sulley was feeling nervous, waiting for a sudden outburst to make up for the show of affection, but none came, just silence.

A few minutes of awkward glances passed when the machine finally stopped shaking, and a light 'ding' was heard, the clothing would be dry now, though very warm. Sulley jumped off and opened the machines door, searching for a moment before he found the shirt he was looking at before, It was not a uniform for his job with Roz or in the mail room, but it was still low ranking, and unlikely to get noticed. It was Monsters inc iconic blue, with white trim around the neck and sleeves, which there was only one set of. Randall flinched as Sulley held the shirt up, thinking it was for him to take but instead the harry monster was just modeling it. "I think it will compliment your scales a lot nicer than the black ever did" He said, receiving a half smile from the lizard. "The black is slimming; that's the point" Randall said, grabbing the shirt playfully, then pulling it over his head.

"heh, you don't need it" Sulley smiled sweetly "You should take advantage of the weight gain and pig out" Sulley would have done that, being naturally a very lazy monster without Mike to motivate him. "No thanks Sull, I'd rather not get into any bad habits" Although it seemed no matter what he ate he would always stay slim, he still didn't want to risk it, being heavy would be harder for his body type then it would for a monster like Sulley.

Sulley smiled, Randall called him Sull. It sounded rather adorable from the other, and Randall didn't seem to notice it either. "Let's see if we can catch the last minutes of lunch" Sulley offered, all this talking of bad eating habits gave him an appetite he would rather not go onto the scare floor with an empty stomach.

He put his hand on Randall's back; as they both walked from the machines and out into the open hall, only there did Randall shrug him off. "How is the shirt fitting?" He asked, it was much tighter than the black one Randall was fond of, or maybe the black one just looked looser. "Fine I guess" He said, moving his second set of arms awkwardly, showing how restrained they were in the fabric. "It will do for today, I am mostly just stamping envelopes, hardly a four arm job"

"Will keep you off your feet at least" He smiled, their walk down the hall seemed to be a long one, but neither really minded.

"Yeah it's pretty insulting for a collage graduate to be doing" Randall said, reminding himself that it was only temporary, and hopefully soon he would be back to working towards his goal, and doing what he loved; Being a respectable scarer.

"Won't be too long" Sulley said, then paused "has it been kicking at all yet?" He asked with concern, Randall did not tell him much; honestly he expected to hear about it by now. Sulley was unsure when Randall would begin to feel it move, he thought it would have happened sooner, perhaps their child is sick or worse. He frowned hard at his own thoughts, something Randall had noticed.

"Nothing" He said dismissively, looking at Sullivan with a tilt in his head "Why the sudden mood swings?" Randall asked, though he didn't have much of a right to talk.

"I just..thought it would be sooner" He admitted

"I don't know when it will begin to move.." Randall said, swallowing hard, he hoped to never feel it, knowing when he did it would most likely feel weird to him. His pregnancy was still a touchy subject that he hated talking about, but since his little panic attack and talk with Sulley, he made an effort to handle himself better when it was brought up. Randall looked to the ground, it did not seem like Sullivan would respond and the lizard, despite his better judgement, began blaming the child's inactivity on himself.

"Hey guys" Randall jumped suddenly as he heard a voice call to them, from right on the other side of Sulley, who also jumped ad was noticeably shaken. "Who's moving?" Scott asked, looking to both Randall and Sulley for an answer.

"What? Oh uh, no one" Sulley said, not exactly convincingly "Warn us when you sneak up like that Squishy, you just about gave me a heart attack" He chuckled. Randall looked at the little pink blob with five eyes, paranoid over what the guy had heard.

"Sorry, I forgot my bell" Scott gave a joking laugh, Mike had gotten him one once for a graduation gift, as a joke of course. "You guys are a little late to lunch aren't you?" Scott said, noticing they were heading to the cafeteria. "Yeah, didn't feel like waiting in the lineup" Sulley lied.

"That's why I bring mine from home" Scott said, a smug expression to go with his gloating voice

Sulley leaned down to his level "Your mom pack that for you?" He raised a brow; Squishy promptly pushed his head away "I make my own meals now thank you!" He said, he night have looked like a kid still, but he was an adult, one with his own place to stay and car to drive.

Randall watched their interactions with annoyance, and a bit of jealousy, they seemed so close, naturally happy, comfortable together. Randall considered letting Sulley be like that towards him, the idea was enough to make him sick, if he hadn't already threw up already that morning.

"When did you two start hanging out?" Scott said, not minding Randall's company, which would be rare in Sulley's social group Randall was sure.

"Ohh..we don't" Sulley said, biting his bottom lip "We just bumped in the hallway.."

"It's just me Sull" Squishy said playfully. "I don't care who you hang out with, heck Randall is a lot cooler than me" He laughed, Randall smirked, at least Squishy could tell that much.

"Ohh" Sulley was surprised, and grateful for that "Thanks Squish, I just hope the others are as open to it" After all Randall was a part of some pretty cruel things done to them in collage, but then again so was Sulley when it came to Mike.

"I heard you moved in with the Perrys?" Sulley asked "How's that going?" He smirked, by the way Scott sighed he knew it was going to be good "Sulley, they are insufferable!" He said, being overly dramatic "They cannot agree on anything, its constant debates, and arguing. Too make it worse they started dating those dames from Monsters U debate club"

"heh, dames? Really Squishy?" Sulley laughed at his friend who was picking up Don's speech patterns.

"Ohh no, I am starting to sound like Don" He slouched. Sulley let out a big sudden laugh, which made Randall look up to him, it was not that funny. At least they made it to the café already.

Randall was quick to open the door and get inside, cutting off Sulley who was about to open the door for him. There were still a good number of people there, but not enough that finding a seat would be a challenge at all, and lucky for them the lunch maids were still on duty, though they looked like they were just about to clean their stations.

"I'll meet you at the table Squishy" Sullivan said with a wave, he noticed Mike, the Perry twins and Don all conversing at a single table, where he and Randall would go to join them. Getting Randall back for cutting him off at the door Sullivan did the same, putting his hand on the last two lunch treys and holding them out of Randall's reach.

"Sullivan give me that" Randall said, not in the mood for the others games.

"No" He said bluntly "I will carry your lunch" He said, less of an offer and more of an order. Randall clearly had no choice in the matter

"I can carry my own damn lunch!" Randall's voice got a little louder, Still Sulley did not make a move to comply with Randall's wishes "What's with the sudden mood swing?" He asked the other, his brow raised, slightly agitated himself.

"My mood is not swinging! I just want to carry my own tray"

"I got it" Sulley smiled, "Don't make a scene.." He warned, Randall looked back and noticed a few eyes were on the two. The lizard lowered his head and whispered angrily, quiet enough for only Sullivan to hear "Monsters will think it strange if you of all monsters carry a tray for me"

"They will just assume were friends..which we ar-"

"Don't you dare Sulley, were not friends"

Sulley smiled warmly, which confused Randall for a second, until he spoke "only friends call me Sulley.."

Randall blushed, on one hand he liked being considered a friend, but on the other he hated Sullivan and found the title completely inaccurate "Sullivan, I am not, nor will I ever be your friend"

Sulley frowned "There's nothing wrong with just being friends.."

"Yeah, but were not friends are we?" Randall asked rhetorically.

"Well, I consider you a friend, even if you don't like me" Sulley said sweetly "Now what do you want?"

Randall blushed, was Sulley intentionally trying to piss him off? Because it was working. "I want to carry my own lunch" He glared.

"That's not on the menu.."

"Sullivan I-

"Are you boys going to order or not?" A multi tentacle female asked standing behind the counter, looking annoyed that they were prolonging her shift.

Sulley looked to Randall for an answer to his previous question, the lizard looked away. "Fine, just get me a soup, no bread" He ordered, wanting to keep his meal light as not to upset his stomach again. After ordering he stormed off.

When he turned he noticed Mike's table looking at him, smiling creepily in his opinion. He bared his teeth to them then took a seat at an empty table to the side, away from any monsters who were left in the café.

Squishy stared from the other side of the room "maybe we should go sit with him?" He questioned his friends, who were munching away

"Why?" Terri asked "After he was so mean to us?" Terry added, not wanting to sound like he was holding a grudge, but he still didn't like associating with such mean spirited monsters.

"Sulley has been hanging out with him lately.." Scott said "Maybe he's changed?" he turned around to look at Randall, who had his back to everyone, his tail tapping against the bench in annoyance.

Mike let out a snort which caught the boy's attention, than rolled his eyes "I guess Scott is right" Not that like wanted to associate with Randall, but he knew that was the table Sull would choose over them. He would rather not force his friend to make such a choice.

"Let's go talk with the grump" Mike huffed, standing up from his spot, his lunch was long finished, with only an apple left. Scott jumped up right after, glad someone saw it his way, Don shoved the last piece of cherry pie into his mouth before standing while he chewed, the Perry boys followed, though reluctantly.

"Hey Randall" Squishy said, jumping up onto the bench beside him, making the other pull away, not wanting to be touched, even by accident.

"This seat taken Randall?" Mike asked, sitting down anyway.

"Yes!" by my hatred for you, he thought to himself, but they eventually all surrounded him, looking as harmless and friendly as ever. He crossed his arms and laid his chin on the table.

"You sure took a while getting off.." Mike said, taking a bite of his apple as he waited for a response. Randall noted that Mike didn't know about their decor, thinking he had just gotten off a few short minutes ago. "I was busy" He said, it would be too much trouble to explain where they had gone, and it was none of Mike's business in the first place.

"How is your new job anyway?" Mike asked, He was not genuinely curious; he mostly just wanted to rub Randall's career downgrade in his face, the same way Randall would bring up Mike and Sullivan's beginner years at Monsters Inc and worse their screw up at Monsters University.

"It's fine, nothing compared to being a scarer…but I guess you wouldn't know.." Randall said, catching onto Mike's poor attitude, the former OK brothers looked nervous, scratching their necks and pretending they had not heard anything.

"Hey, I thought you guys were sitting over there?" Sulley said, walking in oblivious to the tension storming between Mike and Randall at that moment.

"We were" Terry said with an unimpressed, regretful tone. Mike rolled his eyes, deciding to let Randall's little comment slide.

Sulley put down Randall's tray in front of him, on it was bottled water and today's soup, carrot. There was also a piece of bread on a side plate that he glared at. "I said I didn't want bread" He looked passed Squishy to Sulley.

"I'll take it" Squishy offered it to himself, grabbing the food and promptly stuffing it in his mouth, happily. Sulley pointed at Scott as if to say 'problem solved' then took a bite from his large sub.

Randall grumbled and brought the spoon to his lips, taking in some much needed nutrition, the soup was warm as he swallowed, enjoying the taste and creamy flavour.

"Woah Nelly" Don said aloud as he looked to his watch "You guys should hurry, our scare floor opens again in 5" he informed

Randall just looked down at his soup bowl, this conversation was not for him, so he ignored it. "I don't think Sull has to worry about time constraints" Mike laughed as Sulley took the last big bite of his meal.

"Not when it came to eating" Terry said, "Remember when Sulley was running late for practice and gulped the entire Extra-large slime in one go" Terri laughed "Ice cubes and all!"

"I remember that, he had to pee all day!" Squishy added, making Sulley blush harsh under his fur. Randall's eyes looked to the side to see his bashful reaction, he had to admit, it was nice seeing the big guy show some humility.

"Laugh it up guys, I have stories ten times worse to tell about all of you" He warned, but they did not seem scared. Randall finished his soup as they all laughed, snorted and giggled, like children, he thought.

"It's nice talking like this again" Squishy said, a big smile across his face. His eyes widened when he realized something "Anyone on night shift here?" He asked, getting head shakes from the others, who apparently were not working. "We should meet up for dinner tonight!" He said, a big smile as he looked to his friends, awaiting applause.

"I dono.." Sulley was the first to say; obviously he had Randall he wanted to sit with after a long day of work.

"Oh common, we never hang out as a group anymore, I can even get a hold of Art! He has the day off!" Squishy begged "We never have the same days free"

Sulley scratched the back of his neck, then looked over to Randall to see what he thought, obviously the other did not care, or at least his expression said he did not. "Alright.." He agreed, one night without Randall would not be all bad. "How about we all go eat at your place Sulley?" Squishy offered "It's the closest to work.." Not to mention its location in town made it the closest to commute to. That did get a reaction from Randall as he glared at Sullivan, who was not looking towards the angered lizard. "I guess..that would be alright" He said, sounding unsure as he talked slow, regretting each word as they came.

Randall huffed loudly, which confused Squishy, but the pink monster decided not to question it. "We should all bring something to lighten the cooking load" Terry said "Like a pot luck!" Terri added, more happily. "Not like a pot luck, it is a pot luck" Terry said, annoyed by the other.

"I'll do the main course and Randall can make the desert" Sulley said, then got stared at by everyone, Randall included. They didn't look all too pleased that the lizard monster was attending honestly. "This will be fun" Mike said with a side smile, being the only one there who knew about Sullivan and Randall's living arrangements.