Chapter One

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office and sighed tiredly rubbing his old and tired electric blue eyes that were unique to the Dumbledore family having come from the sky nymph that birthed the first magical Dumbledore.

Albus knew that all wizards came descended from Magical creatures and Human couplings. The descendents of Dark creatures would ultimately become the Dark wizards that plagued the Wizarding world whilst the Light creatures' descendents like Albus would become the Light. If Albus had it his way no Dark creature or wizard would be allowed a wand. Never mind learning magic. But unfortunately the Dark wizards had the Ministry's ears. Albus had in the time that he had been elected Head of the Wizagamot and Hogwarts banned the learning of Dark Arts and Dark creatures entering Hogwarts. The Dark wizards were the ones who banned Light creatures from learning at their noble schools. But it was Dumbledore that all creatures – even Light – blamed.

The only Dark creature he had allowed in was Lupin because he realised that he needed an ally amongst the Werewolves. And the stupid little man thought he only got an education because of Albus! Still loyalty was good. He had even forgiven Albus loosing the brat when Sirius still held a grudge as Dark wizards tended to.

Albus shook his head to clear him of these thoughts popping another sherbet lemon which had become something of a habit for the wizened old wizard. Albus was now popping as many as twenty sherbet lemons a day. There was a good reason that since Lord Voldemort's return three years ago Albus had taken using sherbets lemons as a nervous tick and coating them with calming potions.

Voldemort's return had quickly plunged the Wizarding and the Muggle – although the majority of the Muggle worlds were unaware of the reason of the rise in unsolved murders and tragedies – worlds into hell.

Just yesterday Albus' spy in the Dark Lord's ranks Severus Snape had been murdered. Albus may have groomed Severus from the age of eleven to become his spy but he had cared for the intelligent, embittered man who constantly underplayed his bravery and ability to love even after all these years. Albus was unaware of how exactly Severus had come to be discovered. He only knew that the Dark Lord had fed them to his pet vampires. Albus almost shuddered at how painful, humiliating and hopeless that death would have been.

In the last war the seven clans of the British Isles had remained stubbornly neutral. The vampires refused on principle to ally themselves in a war to people who oppressed them. Albus was just relieved that they didn't join the Dark as he had expected. After all, Dark attracts Dark which is reason why neither the Ministry nor the Order tried to recruit the blood sucking monsters.

Severus had explained to Albus the vampires' reasoning. They were not stupid. They knew that their lives would not better if they sided with the Dark. In a world ruled by the Dark Lord the once proud vampire race – as vampires insisted they were despite the fact they were leaches – would be little more than House Elves.

Or at least they had been in the last war. Albus had no idea what had made the vampires change their mind. What lies the Dark Lord had promised them! Albus hadn't even been aware that Voldemort had managed to gain their allegiance. Oh Albus knew that Riddle was trying his best to sway the British vampires to his cause but until yesterday it appeared he had been unsuccessful.

That was until word had been obtained that vampires had murdered his spy. The only reason Albus could see was that the Dark Lord had given Severus as dinner after finding out that Severus was his spy.

At dawn a black raven with blood red eyes and sharp talons swooped down upon him squawking hatefully as it dropped a piece of yellowing parchment on his desk. Albus quickly cast detection spells upon the parchment that came clear of any spells apart from the ones used to make the parchment. However, the message appeared to be written in blood!

Headmaster-Lord Dumbledore, Advisor of the Minister of Magic, Leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizagamot

Your spy is dead!

Do not attempt to attack our people!

Any attacks will be meted out with death!

Your prejudiced society will fall. It has been foretold. I beseech you to see the error to your ways now before it is too late. It will be only you who suffers if you continue on the path you are on. This is your only warning.

Just the sun cannot exist without casting shadows on the ground so Light cannot exist without Darkness. Neither can shadows exist without the sun casting them so Dark cannot exist without Light. That is the Balance and Order of all that is Magic. To go against Dark is to go against Magic herself. Tragedy befall to any who may incur Her mighty wrath!

Our kind learnt that Light must exist for us to be whole so Wizard kind will learn that Dark does not equate goodness nor Light equate evil. Take the examples of the Overlord Morgana Le Fay a Light witch daughter of a Fae and the Great Defender Myrddrin Emrys son of the Great Demon. Learn your lesson now or fall to the wrath that is Magic.

Lord Ruaidri Lochlainn Mac an Sagairt, Head of the Mac an Sagairt Coven

The letter was finished with a red wax seal that marked the letter as having the permission of the Head of Mac an Saggairt Vampire Coven. Meaning that the letter was true and Severus was dead. Their inside knowledge of the Dark was lost.

Albus' heart had grown weary when reading it owing to the news that his spy was dead. Albus had always known that it was a dangerous game sending Severus into enemy camp. But if they were to have any hope of stopping Voldemort they needed an insider. Once again the lives of the many outweighed the safety and happiness of one man.

Anyway Severus was Dark. The fact that he was allowed a wand at all was proof of the corruptness of their society. Albus didn't even taken the vampire lord's warnings into considerations. He was the Leader of the Light for Merlin's sake he wasn't going to be lectured of good and evil by a blood thirsty murderer!

Albus had to have this moral argument with himself many times since Severus Snape had stepped into Hogwarts. Albus had begun manipulating the boy as he was at the time so eventually he would become his spy. He done the same with Lupin and had attempted to do with Potter although not as a spy but as the Light Poster Boy to encourage Neutrals to join up.

Albus realised that he was going to have to start again. Find another child to replace Severus. But that could take another decade at the least. And Albus was well aware that they didn't have a decade. Already the Ministry was on the verge of collapse from inside thanks to the idiot Fudge.

He didn't know if anyone would be able to fit into Severus' shoes. The young man had been exactly what he was looking for from the start. Even at the tender age of eleven when most children had barely begun gaining control of their Magical Core Severus had a aura Dark enough to match the Dark Lord's.

Add his mistrust of Muggles thanks to his drunk of a father's negative influence he would be an ideal candidate for a Death Eater. This was the reason why Albus hadn't stepped in and stopped the abuse of Eileen Prince and Severus Snape or the constant bullying of a child. It was beneficial to him to have an angry, bitter, resentful, vengeful Severus rather than a healed Severus.

However, what made Albus know he was more than a Death Eater in training was the young witch he was in best friends with; a young Muggleborn girl who would be one of the first to go in the Dark Lord's new regime. Strangely enough Albus never could get a reading off of Lily's magic.

The final push that made Severus fall in with the Death Eaters in his house was loosing Lily as a friend. Lily and Severus had had one of their many arguments over Death Eaters, houses and friends they didn't approve of. Albus knew that they would make up again – they always did – so he attempted to implant the idea of not forgiving Severus. But apparently she was resistant. In the end Albus was forced to tell her the story of Albus and Gellert appealing to her not to go down the same route that he had gone down in the name of love. What had got to her the most was the fact that it ended with his sister dead on the ground. Apparently Severus had always had a problem with Lily's sister, Petunia – no wonder considering that she had abandoned a seven year old abused child – but Lily still loved her sister and could only see her hurt sister lashing out. Not the bitch she was even then becoming. Lily did not forgive Severus this one time for the sister who hated her.

Now all Albus had to do was orchestrate Lily's death which would be the incentive Severus needed to join the Order as a spy. Revenge for one you have loved and lost was always a great motivator Albus had found over the years.

There was a reason that Lily – and as a consequence James who wouldn't let his wife fight battles without him at her side – had managed to face Voldemort three times and more Death Eaters than Albus cared to remember.

The only reason he was able to do this was thanks to the weak link in the chain. Pettigrew had never been a brilliant wizard so having him under the Imperious Curse wasn't hard. As such he joined Voldemort apparently willingly and began betraying Lily and whoever happened to be with her at the time.

Lily's survival was a constant toothache to Dumbledore as Severus remained firmly on Voldemort's side. He just didn't understand it. He couldn't sense anything much from the Potter couple but with wands in their hands they fought inhumanly. Dumbledore never challenged them fearing what his reputation would be like if two twenty year olds' defeated him.

Then in august 1979 the granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney made the prophecy concerning the child born at the end of July. Severus gave the details of the prophecy to the Dark Lord. To his shock as much as Albus' it was revealed in December that Lily Potter and Alice Longbottom were both expecting children in July.

It could have been either of them but Voldemort chose the Potter baby thanks to Albus' meddling. Both the Potters and the Longbottoms retreated to their family Manors safe behind Family Wards for the duration of their pregnancies. The males in the families continued fighting and working.

Then at eleven o'clock in the morning of the thirtieth of July Neville Francis Longbottom was born. A day and a half later on the thirty-first of July at 11:59 Harry James Potter was born. Soon as Albus heard this he thought of the prophecy and in the eyes of the new parents so did they. They all knew that Harry was born exactly as the seventh month died. Lily and James attempted to keep the time of birth a secret but Albus through Pettigrew informed the Dark Lord of what had happened.

Albus had seen Harry briefly at the few Order meetings that the terrified parents had allowed their wanted son to attend. Albus had been quickly frightened by the sheer power of the infant. Harry Potter was both Light and Dark all rolled into one which should have been possible. Wizards were either Dark, or Neutral or Light. True they could be Dark or Light tending towards Neutral. They couldn't be both Dark and Light. It didn't work. The only reason if the baby Potter was if he had some creature inheritance that Albus had never heard of before.

At the age of one Albus walked in on the boy happily conversing with snake in Parselmouth. It was then that Albus decided that the Dark child had to die. He hoped Lily – Severus had already turned to their side due to the threat of Lily's life so Lily's death was no longer needed – and James would live. They were powerful, and loyal although Albus couldn't get a read on their magical signatures their auras were pure.

Killing off the green eyed wizard wouldn't be too hard. Voldemort already hunted him in fear of the prophecy. However, at that point Lily, James and Harry Potter were currently holed up behind masses of Family Wards and all manner of other wards some forgotten by all in the Potter Family Manor in Yorkshire. Albus knew that it was unplottable and only a direct invitation from the Potters would allow you entrance so not even using Pettigrew would have the Potters found. And as there was always one parent with Harry at all times out of fear of what would happen if they weren't around and Voldemort attacked. Perfectly understandable given the nature of the deadly threat on their one year old son but still it was inconvenient in the present circumstances.

Albus, however, using all his cunning and setting up several high ranking families to be betrayed by Pettigrew and killed in their homes managed to convince them that not even their Manor was safe. The best bet was to use the Fidelius Charm but could not be done for the Manor which had to many Wards which would interfere with the Charm. Complete lies but they trusted Albus so believed him. Albus naturally volunteered as the secret keeper which meant that the Potters would all have to die or Lily and James would tell the world who the real Secret Keeper was. But considering Voldemort's knack of wiping out whole families then Albus doubted he'd need to do anymore.

However, Albus was rejected and replaced with Black. This made Albus furious they chose a reject Dark wizard over Albus Dumbledore Order of Merlin first class! But he forced himself not to show his feelings and found another way to insure that the Potter family were found and killed by Voldemort!

He knew nothing he could do or say would make Black betray James. Sirius Black was as loyal as well a dog and would die before even thinking of betraying the Potters. Mind magic wouldn't work. As much as Black hated to admit it he was a Black and had as such been taught Occlumency from an early age.

Albus had never trusted Black. He had only accepted Black in the order to keep James happy. Black was a Black meaning he had the Black family magic; the natural Darkness that had been descended from the Incubi who started their family in the ninth century. It did not matter to Albus that Black had rejected the Darkness only that he was born with it Sirius Black was still Dark so Albus would never trust him. It was the principle of it.

The only good thing was Albus would be in no way implacable of the Potter's deaths. But still he had to go about it another way. Once again he used the imperioed Pettigrew to obtain his goals. Pettigrew was showing to be stroke of pure genius. Pettigrew suggested to Black a ruse. Black would pretend to be the Secret Keeper whilst Pettigrew really would be. Albus of course would perform the Charm so that no one but the dead Potters and the imperioed Pettigrew would know who the real secret keeper was. And it wasn't like anyone there could do anything about it. Albus could get rid of Black and Harry Potter together as it would be Black who went down for assisted homicide and terrorism.

That was the only part of the plan that went right. On the morning of the first of September Black was arrested after apparently murdering Pettigrew in front of Muggle witnesses. Only Albus knew the truth that Pettigrew was alive, imperioed and living with Percy Weasley in his rat form. It was only in the summer of 1994 that Pettigrew's apparent treachery was made aware but fortunately Black killed him before he could have Veritserum administered.

Apart from that everything went wrong. The wrong people died and the wrong baby lived. Voldemort as expected came and murdered the adult Potters exactly as Albus wanted. Voldemort then turned his wand on the green eyed baby and the prophecy came true much to Albus' and presumably Voldemort's disgust and fury. Harry Potter did indeed vanquish the Dark Lord although really it was Lily and James' Dark and Ancient Ritual based on two willing sacrifices resulting in the murder of the attacker and the protection of the one in the rune circle. How the two had obtained the ritual Albus would never know.

Albus couldn't tell the public the truth. If it came out that Dark magic could be used to protect their children the Dark families would use it as the advantage claiming that Dark magic isn't bad just different. Complete lies. He had fallen for it when he was nineteen and it had ended up with his sister dead!

Overnight Harry James Potter was proclaimed as the Boy Who Lived; the press adored him and forgot all about the man who had seen them through the harsh years. Every Wizarding family knew his name for better or for worse. Albus was furious at the child who had eclipsed Albus' fame.

Albus couldn't let his fame be stolen by an infant. He needed Potter out of the way. But if it came out that the Boy Who Lived had been killed it would be a huge blow to the Light. So Albus bound the child's Dark magic leaving only fifty percent of his core working. He was no longer a threat to Albus and with the right manipulations would become Albus' puppet.

Then he deposited – much to complaints about suitability from the wolf and Minerva – at his aunt and uncle's home. The Dursleys Albus knew were magic hating Muggles who would make the boy's life living hell so by the time he came to Hogwarts he would be so desperate for affection he would lean to the first person who gave him such. That would be Albus, of course. He would choose the boy's friends. Couldn't have him making friends with the wrong sort and gaining ideas!

Albus hoped in the decade that Potter would remain with the Dursleys that Potter and away from the Wizarding Public eye would make the world forget all about him. Unfortunately fourteen years on and both the Ministry and Voldemort were still obsessed.

It didn't even affect them that Potter had been missing for the last seven years and been presumed dead for the last four years. Albus still had to endure witches and wizards speaking in reverence about a forgotten child who everyone but Albus hoped would return. Some like Lupin and Black wanted him because they loved the child. Others like Minerva and Molly fretted over an innocent child being abandoned. Then there was the Dark who like Albus hoped he would never return him. Then there was the rest who saw Harry Potter as some sort of messiah who would one day return and once again save them from Lord Voldemort.

Albus doubted that the boy was even alive. Never mind return to them. And if he did somehow appear Albus doubted he would be the hero everyone wanted him to be. There was the obvious fact that Potter's name had not been on the Hogwarts Book of Names which listed every child who was due to attend Hogwarts.

Albus knew this very well considering that every year on the first of July when the next year's school lists were written up Minerva, Hagrid, Black – well since the first of July 1994 anyway which was the first time he was out of prison and exonerate – and Lupin gathered around hoping against hope that Potter's name would turn up this year. Naturally it never had and Albus doubted that Harry Potter's name would ever show.

Potter's name being absent from the Book of names could only mean one of five things; two that were impossible, one that was unlikely, and two that were likely although Albus hoped against hope that it was one over the other or they'd all be in trouble.

Firstly, if a wizard child was born without magic or a connection to magic i.e. they were a squib. Albus had felt the child's magic the second he had seen him. It was very distinctive even the binding of half his magic wouldn't cause him not the registered. So that was the first of the impossible theories.

Secondly, if a wizard or his guardians didn't have access to the money to pay Hogwarts school fees and was not an heir the child would not be invited to Hogwarts. Again this was impossible considering that the boy was the sole heir to the Potter (which had been melded with the Gryffindor fortunes centuries ago) fortunes and the named heir to the Black vaults.

Thirdly, the boy was dead. This as much as no one but Albus wanted to believe it was the most likely explanation. After all how many children no matter how powerful would be able to survive in a forest for days never mind years. True the wards around Privet Drive fell that day so they were able to start searching straight away. But the fact that the wards could only mean one of two things; either he had stopped considering Privet Drive his home or was dead. Considering the boy didn't know anywhere else but school and was sure to have trust issues by then. Then the latter was probably true.

Albus still couldn't believe that the Dursleys had abandoned their own nephew. He would never do that to one of Aberforth's children and he was estranged from them and they were all grown up by now. Of course, the Dursleys claimed they "lost" the boy which was completely ridiculous.

Potter's body was never found it was true but all sorts of wild animals could have eaten him dead or alive. Albus hoped dead. Albus may be manipulative and hate Potter but he didn't want the boy to suffer more than he had to.

Fourth, the boy had had a run in with a vampire or a werewolf and was now a creature. Albus hoped not because then he could come back as a filthy creature. If he came back as a creature with the support of the people it could topple Albus' government.

Creatures were once accepted at Hogwarts but Albus had changed that when he became Headmaster. As he was in control of the Book of Names he could decide the requirements. Just like Headmaster Black had stopped Muggleborns from attending Albus stopped creatures from attending. At first it had caused an outrage as all Wizards were descended from Creatures but they couldn't do anything as Hogwarts was a Private Institution and it was up to the Headmaster what the requirements were. Now most wizards and witches had come through Hogwarts he indoctrinated – swayed – them to his way of thinking.

Hence, the reason for the strict laws on creatures but if Harry Potter was a werewolf or a vampire then the Ministry and the general public's opinion would change drastically in the light of their boy heroes statue whether he was Dark or not. They would never believe that their precious saviour could be a monster.

Fifthly, the boy had somehow nearly impossibly emigrated making his way illegally overseas to start a new life in a new country. If he was no longer a British resident then he would be transferred onto his new country's education list. But this was doubtful considering that the idea that a child under the age of eleven could illegally smuggle himself into a new country via Muggle or Magical means was insane.

Anyway if he had made his home in another country the whole world would now by the time he started his schooling there. After all it would bring their country fame if they had the one person to ever survive the Killing Curse in their residence. Wizards were naturally a very prideful people and couldn't help but appearing better than each other.

No the boy was dead!

Initially the boy's abandonment and subsequent disappearance and likely death had caused Albus problem. It was Albus who had vouched for sending a Magical child away from the Wizarding World which was preferred not to be done if at all possible. It wasn't like there was a lack of suitable candidates for adoption. At the point Alice Longbottom the child's godmother was still sane. She had attempted to get rights to her godson. Only to be beaten down by Albus for the greater good Albus told himself.

But luckily Albus had his grandfatherly persona close to hand where he pretended to be heartbroken for the child he had failed. He wore a fair amount of guilt and shock at what had happened. Stating that Albus had only wanted the best for the son of his friends and had seen how the Dursley couple doted on their son and only wanted that for him.

Albus got off scot free whilst the Dursley couple were sentenced to life imprisonment in one of the Muggle jails. Dudley was sent to live with his Aunt Marge who was just as vile as her brother. By now Dursley was probably as prejudiced as the rest of his family and on the fast track to prison.

Truthfully the Dursleys deserved everything they got. Albus had done what he believed was right for the greater good of the whole in the constant struggle against the Dark insurgents. The Dursley couple, however, were just vile bigots. If they had been wizards they would have probably been Death Eaters by now.

Albus had heard that Vernon had been murdered in a prison fight where he made a racist comment to one of his fellow inmates who was in for murder already. Unsurprisingly the once obese man who had slimmed down with prison food and forced labour had been killed by muscular murderer.

Albus shook his head once again clearing himself of these thoughts that he blamed on the fact that it was Potter's birthday today. If the boy had lived he would have been turning fifteen today and could be emancipated by now.

Albus still had yet to decide on a replacement for Severus. And he didn't mean staffing! Albus would encourage Horace to come back out of retirement and teach Potions once again. Albus could bring along a famous student and Horace would be begging to come back. But recruiting a new spy would be impossible. Nobody in the right mind would willingly spy on the Dark Lord especially as Severus was literally torn apart when it got out. That meant manipulating somebody in Severus' position. The problem was that all those who had been in abusive situation like Severus had been removed from those positions by Severus. Severus hated child abusers more than Lord Voldemort and James Potter put together.

Albus consoled himself by reminding himself in a month's time the new students would be coming. Surely there would be one Dark Slytherin who he could groom into the next spy. It would take seven years, maybe more, to complete but it would be completed.

Now Albus had to call an Order meeting to explain that they had lost their spy to Voldemort. Hopefully someone would have a suggestion for a new spy. Or at least some clue on how to deal with the vampire problem.