So, since I have a bit of a block on the other story I'm gonna work on this one so at least I'll have a story line and such. This one starts at Mizuki and should end...somewhere! I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto, at all. If I did it probably woulda ended quicker.

1st chapter: Summons?! Sympho-wha?!



So we find naruto boy under his favorite tree at the academy.

"-sigh- I failed again...dammit! What am I suppose to do now?!"

"Y'know naruto, there IS another way for you to pass this test." Mizuki calmly states

"What'dya mean mizuki-sensei?! Iruka says that is the only way to pass!"

"No, not really, there is another way."

"...Okay, what is it?" naruto says impatiently

and so Mizuki says to stea- borrow the forbidden scroll and learn at least one jutsu from it.

time-skip to-night

"I seriously wonder why the old man has those kinds of guards as ninja?! I passed by them easily,plus the oiroke no jutsu and he is a pervert..." naruto sweat drops

"OKAY TIME TO GET READING" Naruto opens the scroll and another scroll drops out, naruto picks it up and notices it has a music note on it.

"Whats this?" he opens it up "So it's a summoning contract?! COOL!" Naruto follows the instructions and write his name in blood and puts his finger prints in blood to, he then does the correct hand seals and thrusts his palm to the ground "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!" and a puff of smoke appears.

Naruto backs up for the smoke, though the smoke is only as tall as him.

The smoke clears to show a...Girl...or strangely...a tall woman.

This woman has straight blond hair reaching her ankles with...golden...armor?

The armor colors seem to be pink and gold and cover...most of her body but does give a clear view of her...assets.

"Mmmm..." she looks straight into Narutos eyes and stares.

"Umm...Did you come out of that...-gulp- summoning scroll?"

"...Yes, I am the boss summon of the sound summons. I have already checked through your memories and you pass my test to be our summoner. If this is all then I am done here. Summon me back in the morning and I'll inform you of our capabilities." and with that she left in a puff of smoke.

"...THAT WAS IT?!"

Few hours later!~

"I found you naruto! Now why did you take the scroll?!" Iruka yells

Naruto just smile sheepish grin "Mizuki-sensei said if I learned a jutsu from this that means I pass, right?"

"What?! There is no extra test! AND WHERE IS MIZUKI THEN?! "

"Here" says a voice, iruka turns around only to be stuck to a trunk of a tree by kunai.

"Hey naruto, would you mine giving me that scroll?"

"No, if you attacked iruka then that means you can't be trusted!"

"Tsh, stupid demon, just hand me the scroll before you get hurt!"

"Shut up!"

"Do you even know why people hate you?!"

Naruto just gives a questioning glance

"Oh really? well then, let me tell you! 12 years ago the demon fox kyuubi attacked this village. In actuality the demon was never defeated just sealed. and you know whom it was sealed into? it was YOU, YOU ARE THE DEMON FOX!" sneered Mizuki

Narutos world broke and shattered, he was the demon fox? So the villagers were right when he was a demon? What does it mean? His thought couldn't continue since someone stopped them.

"Naruto! Don't listen to him! He is lying!" yells iruka after getting the kunai off

"Why are you protecting the fox iruka! It killed your parents!" mizuki yells

"Yes, the fox did kill my parents..." iruka said "but naruto didn't, naruto is my student, he is not a mindless demon!"

"Tch, of course you'd side with the fox." Mizuki then flung his large shuriken at naruto, only to be blocked by irukas back.

"!" and so he did, well not exactly he just ran behind a nearby tree

"Dammit iruka! I was close to killing the fox! Why do you protect the damn thing, it killed your parents!" mizuki questioned

"Because...naruto is my student, not the damn fox!"

"You must be blinded by the beast itself, don't worry iruka I'll save you by ending your life here and now!" he threw another one of his shuriken.

All of a sudden naruto came out and grabbed the shuriken by the middle "That's enough mizuki!" he says with a new conviction and strength. He cross his index and middle finger on each hand and said "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!"

With multiple poofs and smoke come out hundreds of naruto clones all staring at mizuki with hate.

"Solid...clones!" Iruka exclaimed

"A-as if you could hurt me demon!" though this sounded like an empty threat

"THEN LETS HAVE A TEST RUN, ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" the naruto clones then converge to mizuki and...slaughter him, heh.

After the beating naruto walked towards iruka expecting a punishment of some sort but just got praised.

"Sorry Iruka-sensei I really though I could pass if I did this."

"No need for apologies naruto, you just saved my life there. Also one last thing, close your eyes."

"Uhm...okay?" so naruto closed his eyes and just heard ruffling and something closing around his head.

"Okay open your eyes naruto." so naruto opened his eyes and felt weight on his head.

He touched his head only to feel cold medal, "W-what?! S-so I pass?!"

"Well you did do a good clone, or clones for that matter." iruka explained


"Slow down naruto, now we gotta get the scroll back and give mizuki to the ANBU"

"Oh yeah...heh heh."

So after that they went back to the hokages tower to give back the scroll and give mizuki to the ANBU.

After explaining everything to the old man and giving the scroll back naruto heads back home.

By the time he got back to his apartment it was already dawn which meant morning which meant to talk back to "his" summon.

He walked to the center of his room and did the hand seals and slammed his hand on the floor "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!"

A poof erupted and out of the smoke another...girl...appeared...

Though it was a different girl, this girl has dark orange eyes, and light yellow-orange hair with a red clips on each side, she has a skin-tight jumpsuit with orange running down the middle with black on her sides and under her breasts, she also has a vest like thing that sticks to the jumpsuit with the bottom shooting off only a few inches away. She has two sticks standing behind only 5 inches long sticking straight out on the sides of her tail bone. On her feet are these metal boots that seem to increase her height (though I bet she still would be taller than naruto by a few inches with or without the boots.)the boots have a yellow streak down the middle and back on the sides, they look like the boots have layers in the front. She also has these things around her wrists which seem to be flat on the bottom with white gloves and yellow knuckles. She has yellow, black, and white headphones with 2 spikes at the top and she also has this white scarf which doesn't wrap around but just pop out of her collar, at the end of the scarfs seem to be a yellow gem with a red gem stuck in the middle.

"Whoa, you must be our new summoner, right?" the girl asked

"Uhm...yeah I'm naruto"

"Great! I'm Hibiki Tachibana! I am suppose to be your new nin-sound partner!"