And finally, this is how it all started.


"Get over there and help Edna and Jerry with those cows."

Mom wasn't taking no for an answer. Emmett already had his shoes on, so I wasn't getting any help from him. With a groan, I threw down the game controller and stomped to my closet to find my boots.

"You swore this wouldn't become a habit," I grumbled as I passed her on my way out the door.

"You'll help as much as she needs. Jerry can't do it all on his own, especially not since he's been so sick lately. You can be a gentleman and help her with the farm."


I grumbled and kicked cow shit through all the tasks, shoving my brother when he tried to rub manure in my face. We were gross, sweaty, and really smelly when Edna called us into the house.

"Cookies!" I shouted, passing Emmett on my way to the front porch.

He swiped at me and missed, but made up for that when he caught up to me at the door. We tumbled together over the threshold and came to a stop at Edna's feet.

"Hey, boys." She wasn't the least bit upset that we'd nearly knocked her over. "Come have a seat."

I plopped down on the couch just as Emmett said, "Oh, no, we're gross."

He gave me a look as dirty as my shirt, but it was too late. I was already spreading cow shit all over the upholstery.

"You're gross, Edward. Are you gonna at least wash your hands before you eat?"

I looked at the brown coating my fingers and grinned. "Probably should."

We headed for the bathroom and cleaned up some. Emmett shoved me out of the way and finished first. When I got back to the living room, he'd already taken his cookies and run.

"Come on back and have a seat, dear."

I was stuck. I couldn't say no to sweet Granny Edna. With a sigh, I trudged over and plopped back down. She passed me a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, and I started shoving them in my mouth as quickly as I could while she chattered inanely about some grandkid in Arizona.

Just before I choked down the last of the milk, Jerry tromped through the front door with the mail.

"Letter from Charlie," he said gruffly, nodding once to acknowledge me.

I couldn't leave then without looking rude, so I waited patiently for Jerry to open the envelope. He smiled and passed something over to Edna.

"Oh, this is her. This is our little Bella."

She turned the page toward me, and my world came to a screeching halt.

Big brown eyes, long brown hair… Her smile was sparkly from the braces, but I didn't care. She was beautiful.

"It's her first high school photo," Edna told me. "She's a freshman, just like you. I've got some of her other picture in that album over there."

I wanted to see those pictures, and any other pictures Edna got in the future. It was all I could do to keep from snatching the one she held and running home with it. With no other obvious plan, I turned to Granny Edna and smiled.

"Are there any more cookies?"

I was settling in for the long haul. It was time to learn about Bella.