Perhaps there was something in the air. An aroma of opportunity and adventure. But Blair Waldorf had found herself in the most romantic city in the world, not dwelling that she was alone.

The beauty of Paris had been staggering. She had started with The Louvre. The Recollection of Mortefontaine capturing her attention instantly, the opaque atmosphere of the painting mesmerized her. The sun shined throughout her trip as she made her way to the Musée Marmottan-Monet. The Claude Monet Collection was unlike anything she had ever seen. She had stood in front of Monet's painting Walking near Argenteuil until her feet were aching and red. It was there that she saw him. Standing before Weeping Willow was a familiar face. His blonde hair disheveled, lips in a pout and eyes alight. His attire was impeccable as he donned a Tom Ford navy suit.

"Carter?" his name slipped pass her lips before she could stop them. She watched as his head perked up as he turned to the call of his name.

"Waldorf?" his eyes holding delight as his sight landed on the radiant brunette that stood not five feet away. His eyes scanned her attire as she closed the distance between them. Her chocolate locks now landed beneath her chin, her Valentino floral dress fell just above her knees. Her feet adorned red peep-toe Sergio Rossi heels.

"What are you doing in Paris?" she asked softly. This was the first time in three years that Blair had seen anyone from her time in New York.

"Soaking in the scenery" Carter replied after a short pause. He watched with intensity as her eyes narrowed.

"Carter Baizen, what have you been doing with your life? Spending all of your parents money I presume?"

Carter smiled as the old Blair Waldorf started to shine through, "Now, now, Waldorf. If you had actually stayed in New York you would know that I was left with no money from my dear parents. You know me, I crave independence and that trust fund did nothing but make me subservient to mummy."

She couldn't help but laugh as they easily slipped into their usual banter.

Months had passed and Blair and Carter made sure to see each other at least once a week. The summer heat was dying down, and autumn leaves were starting to appear. On this particular afternoon, Blair was eager to meet with Carter. Their relationship had changed, not by much, but nonetheless changed. There was an intimacy that grew between the pair, soft touches and a linger of a stare. But this didn't bother either of them. She, unknowingly, had spent more time getting ready. Spending more time doing her hair and a more stressful time finding the appropriate attire. Though she did not see the change in her usual routine, her father and Roman had.

Harold Waldorf watched in glee as Blair tossed her whole wardrobe out of her closet. Yelling for Roman to help her pick an outfit. By the time they had found the perfect ensemble, there was a giant heap of clothes on her queen size bed. It wasn't that Harold didn't like the other boys that Blair had gone out with, it was the fact that he hadn't seen his daughter so happy. And in all honesty Harold was relieved to know that Blair had stopped with those foolish boys and started spending time with this endearing man. Harold was not blind, he saw the soft glances and how a simple touch would set their cheeks aflame. But most of all he saw how comfortable they were around each other, and that's what made Harold smile when he first found out about the friendship between his Blair Bear and Walter Baizen's son.

It was early Sunday morning when Roman had announced that a handsome young man was here to see Blair. At that moment Harold set down his cup of tea and made his way to his front door. There standing in a white button down with khakis was a boy he knew all too well. Walter Baizen was a close family friend to the Waldorf's. He and Harold had gone to law school together. The boy standing before was the splitting image of his dear friend and though he would have welcomed this young man with open arms, he had to make sure that Blair was in safe hands. Harold stepped out of his chateau and closed the door behind him.

"Good morning" Harold spoke warmly.

"Good morning, sir." Carter responded.

"Come, let's take a walk" Harold said, leading Carter to the flower garden that lay beside his home. Entering the garden Harold could not help but smile at the vibrant colors he was presented with. Making his way to the center of the garden Harold took a seat on the bench that lay in front of the large stone fountain.

"Now my boy, what are your intentions with my daughter?" he questions, getting straight to the point.

"I want whatever she is willing to give," Carter responds without hesitation. Harold smiled at the devotion Carter has for his daughter.

"And if she only wants a platonic friendship with you? What will you do then?" he asks.

"Then I will not even give her a reason to believe I want anything more than that" Carter answered with certainty. Harold smiled fondly at the young man that sat beside him.

"You my boy, will be good for her. Now come, let's not keep Blair waiting any longer" and in that moment Harold watched as Carter's face lightened at her name, nodding eagerly.

It was then, that Harold knew, this was going to be special.

Blair walked down the grand staircase to the sound of laughter. Walking toward the sound she walks to the kitchen. And it's there that she stops in her tracks. There wearing Roman's mint green apron was Carter Baizen, his hands covered with flour. The three males had not sensed her presence yet, and so she stood within the threshold watching as her favorite men worked to make pasta.

By the time they were finished, Blair had made herself known. Lunch had been boisterous; they drank wine, traded stories and laughed until their stomachs couldn't take it. It wasn't until their goodbyes when they found themselves alone with each other. The sun was already setting when Blair walked Carter to the door, her mood instantly dropping.

"Today was fun," she said smiling up at him.

"It really was" he mused. Carter ran his hand threw his hair, nervous at their close proximity. He had to mentally scold himself as he felt himself fidget under her stare. But as he looked down into her brown eyes he couldn't help but lean in, and to his surprise she too leant in. There was mere centimeters between their lips and he so desperately wanted to close the distance, but this would be her decision. He knew about her past relationship with Chuck and he needed to show her that all of this, whatever this may be, was all on her terms. He would show her that she had the power to deny him. And it was then that his thought process stopped because at that very moment Carter felt the soft whisper of her lips as she lay a feather light kiss upon his. His eyes were open when this had occurred and so were hers, and within them he could see the adoration that she felt for him and he hoped she saw the same in his. They had broken apart but they kept close. His arms wrapped around her protectively; her head fitting perfectly under his chin.

Blair's heart was hammering. The kiss had sparked something within in her, something she had never felt before. The moment before she placed her lips upon his, there was a moment of hesitation; a moment of doubt but as she looked up into his eyes all she saw was affection and fondness. And that was all she needed to reassure her that this was right; they were right. And so she stood there wrapped in his tight embrace, content with the warmth he set within her.

The lovers were so caught up in the moment they hadn't noticed the two men that were quietly squealing at the top of the staircase.

Carter tugged on the end of his brown cashmere sweater, he needed to figure out what he and Blair had become. Were they just friends or something more? He found himself nervous for the answer. Things were different from when he had dated Serena. The lively blonde was always ready for a party and hadn't wanted anything serious from him. But Blair was different. There was something special about her, something that made him want to have a serious relationship with her. But the question was, did Blair want that? Did she want to be with him? Knowing that he needed time to devise a plan to ask her these questions, Carter asked for another round of coffee.

Blair found herself in her father's garden. The kiss was plaguing her mind. It was a gentle kiss, something she had never experienced with her past boyfriends. Nate, who was stoned most of the time, had not been a great kisser; his kisses felt disconnected-somehow forced. Chuck was a passionate lover, but the kisses that he gave her were filled intensity, there was nothing gentle about it. Carter, who once upon a time seemed implacable, handled her as if she would break- as if she was delicate and worthy. His lips caressed hers at a soothing pace, his arms had encircled her frame holding her to his body. Her heart fluttered at the mere thought of him. But though the experience had been a pleasant one, Blair could not help but wonder where they stood. Did he want to initiate a relationship? Did he even think about the kiss? With these questions badgering her mind, Blair turned and walked farther into the garden; staying there until the sun had sunk into the sea.

They had met on a Tuesday. The two had stood awkwardly in front of the coffee shop, not knowing what the other planned to do. After a moment the pair made there way toward a booth in the far corner.

"How've you been?" Carter began after three agonizing minutes of pure silence.

"Well, and you?" Blair responded stiffly.

"I could be doing better. Look Blair, I've been thinking a lot," Carter felt his heart speed up as he began the conversation. "And I was wondering where we stand in our relationship. I mean, are we friends or… something beyond that?" he finishes, getting straight to the point. Blair was stunned, but felt hope stir from within her as she saw the anticipation in his eyes.

"…Carter," Blair paused for a moment, thinking of a way to say what she needed to say. In that second Carter felt his nerves shoot up, 'Oh dear lord, was she going to reject him?' he felt himself begin to sweat. "Carter, you aren't like anyone I know, you make me feel things that I have never felt before. Every time you are around I feel myself anxious, my heart goes rapid and my breathing becomes aberrant. And though this feeling is something foreign to me, it's not something I want to get rid of. There is something about you that get's me flustered, and I am perfectly fine with that," she finishes, gauging his reaction.

To say Carter was shocked would be an understatement. He went from being nauseous, to hopeful, to overjoyed. He couldn't stop the smile that appeared upon his face. "Blair Waldorf, I feel the exact same way," Carter beamed at her. Without a second though Carter reached across the table and grasped her tiny hand in his own, running the pad of his thumb across her knuckles. "So we're a couple now, right?" Carter asked to make sure. Blair stared into his eyes and with a soft smile, she leaned across the table and set her lips on his, confirming this notion.