Daria, 38MMM

As Jake drove in his brand new Lexus down the main drag towards his daughter's new school, he was giving them nice, soothing, comforting words to ease the transition.

Or so he sincerely hoped.

"...And I know that moving to a new town can be difficult," Jake said with a glance at his youngest daughter, Quinn at his side.

"I don't care," A flat, monotone voice emerged from the back, "As long as we beat the Maryland state legislature to the operating room I can handle."

Jake gave a nervous laugh and adjusted his rear-view mirror to look at his eldest daughter's pretty face.

Sadly that face was partly obscured by the twin globes of flesh that protruded way, waaaayyyyy out from her chest, not even the most conservative of styled custom-made tops and shirts that the family had ordered for Daria was enough to hide or downplay the simple fact that the rack that the Guinness book of world records had officially declared the 'largest natural breasts in the world' a month ago were front and center.

"Daria," Quinn said sweetly, "Don't worry about it, Grandma Barksdale said that she'd pull strings to delay them. And Dr. Ortego said that he could get you down to at least a triple D cup."

As Jake Morgendorffer pulled up in front of Lawndale High, Daria sighed with exasperation, "I'd rather be a nice A or B cup, thanks."

"Beggars can't be choosers Daria." Jake said, trying to be helpful.

Quinn however agreed with her sister, "Cus Daria having those pontoon sized funbags means that guys won't pay attention to me at all! How can I compete with those things?!"

However she was the cuter, younger, and more likable sibling so she simply had to try.

As soon as the car stopped, Quinn stepped out first and struck a pose, it didn't take long to get peoples attention.

"Come'on Daria," Quinn thought to herself, "Now's your chance to slip in."

However as soon as Daria had stepped out from the other side of the car, she was spotted by a group of guys from the football team.

"Oh my god!" One of them yelled, "It's her man! I told you that story on the internet was true man!"

Daria gave a horrified "Eep!" as her new peers looked to see what the fuss was all about, and then rushed to see the famous person herself.

Even the ones that weren't in the know figured it out from the gasps and whispers from those who did.

"She's a 38MMM, all natural!"

"Apparently they just started growing and growing last year without any sign of tumors or nothing!"

"She's clearly, like, a slut and stuff with boobs like that!"

"Say Dora, wanna go to the movies?!"

As Daria froze in place, clearly wanting to escape but not seeing a way around the swarm of kids, Quinn stood stoic and forgotten in the distance, struggling to think of a way to help her sister before something bad happened.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU, YOU MEN!" The bellow of something from the depths of hell emerged from the school's main entrance.

Every single guy (and most of the girls as well) froze for a brief moment, their faces perfect pictures of fear and horror upon seeing the face of death, and then as one they ran away screaming in terror in various directions.

Daria's body then decided that 'now' would be a good time to start shaking and shivering.

"Daria!" Quinn gasped, breaking out of her own paralysis and rushed toward her sister and hugged her waist from the back, "Don't panic, control your breathing, calm down, calm down..."

It took a minute but Daria went from a shaking leaf and (somewhat) back to her usual, deadpan self.

"...Thank you Quinn."

"No problem." Quinn replied sweetly.

Then they both heard someone say, "Ms. Morgendorffer I presume?"

Both girls looked up to see a muscular, older woman with good looks standing near them.

"Yes," Daria said to her, "I assume you're a teacher here, right?"

The woman nodded, "My name is Janet Barch, though you'll be calling me Ms. Barch in school. I read that you might be coming to this school and I suspected, correctly! That these Neanderthals would be hounding you. So I came prepared."

"Prepared with what?" Quinn asked, her curiosity overwhelming her first instinct that this woman was dangerous.

Janet Barch just gave them both a shark-like grin, "Oh don't worry about that, I've got these testosterone fueled nightmares well-trained to fear me!"

Daria sighed, and the jiggling of her breasts forced Quinn to let go lest her hands be bashed, "At this point I'd take help from Hitler if it meant being left alone. I mean come on! What's so interesting about these ridiculous things?!"

Daria jabbed a finger at the objects in question, but once more she underestimated her own size and accidently poked herself on her mammary glands.

Daria froze for a moment before growling, which had Ms. Barch giving Quinn a questioning look.

Quinn slipped around her sister and whispered in Barch's ear, "The skin of her breasts is so stretched out she can't feel much of anything there anymore. She hates being reminded about it."

Janet gave the redhead a curt nod and did her best to keep the pity off her face and said, "Well Daria and Ms..."

"Quinn Morgendorffer!" Quinn spoke up quickly.

Barch nodded again, "Ok, Quinn, follow me into Lawndale High. I'll make sure you aren't bothered, at least in your first few minutes here."

Daria swallowed another sigh of exasperation and said, "Thank you, please led us into hell."

"Don't you mean school?" Quinn asked.

"It's the same thing." Barch and Daria said in unison, and then looked at each other in surprise.

Thus began Daria's first day at Lawndale High, with the biggest (natural) breasts on the face of the Earth.