Yuki had been quiet recently; he noticed all around him how happy everyone was. He noticed that having such a strong bond with another person made each of the Zweilt feel secure and loved. For each couple it was different, but they all cared for their partner more than anyone else and protected that bond.

Yuki wondered what it was like to have that kind of bond. As he was thinking this he thought of Luka. He knew Luka would always be with him as long as Yuki wanted him there, but he was still unsure of the reasons. Luka had told him that it was because he was important to him, but he didn't know what that meant.

Was he important because of the contract, we he important like a friend, or little brother. When he thought of these relationships with Luka his chest hurt. He had grown to love the beautiful Duras and wanted him to feel the same, but he was never able to tell what Luka was thinking.

Yuki knew Luka wasn't going to tell him about their past. He had tried to ask several times and Luka just told him not to worry about it. That the past didn't matter and that everything was as it should be. Yuki noticed though that every time he asked about their past, Luka shut his emotions down as if protecting himself from the pain of the past. Seeing this made Yuki sad knowing that his inability to remember cause Luka pain.

"Yuki, hey are you doing alright?" Shuusei asked

"I'm fine, thank you" Yuki gave a smile that was forced and the older boy could tell something was bothering the Light of God.

"Yuki, you know that if you need to talk about anything, I am here. I may not be able to help, but sometimes just getting another viewpoint helps things make sense."

"I'll remember that if I need to talk. Thank you Shuusei-kun" Yuki then went back to staring out the window.

Shuusei looked at him one more time and left the room. He hoped that he could find someone to talk to because he had also noticed that the smile he gave to Luka recently has been forced as well. He was bottling up whatever it was that was bothering him, and it would blow eventually if he didn't solve the problem.

Later that evening Yuki got ready for bed and went to stand on the balcony outside of his room, he was still plagued by his growing feelings for Luka and didn't know what to do. He definitely didn't want Luka to leave, but he also wanted Luka to be happy. Yuki knew he was being selfish to keep Luka bound by the contract, but he was afraid that if he didn't have it then he would be alone.

Yuki thought more about the Duras that stole his heart and wondered what reaction Luka would have if he admitted his feelings to him. He couldn't shake the feeling that if he told Luka, the older man would be disgusted and never want to see him again. Yuki knew that them both being men, it would be weird, but he didn't know how much longer he could pretend. It was starting to wear him down.