This is my first fanfiction, so I'm very eager to see where it will go. I can't say for sure how long it will be. I hope to be able to update it often.

Myka sat quietly reading Pride and Prejudice. The book was worn from its years in Myka's hands. She could recite it word for word, but that didn't keep her from reading it constantly. The curly-haired girl turned a page, then took a moment to look around her. People bustled past her, eager to catch their flight or pick up a loved one. The Bering family was there for the latter reason, although the person they were waiting for wasn't exactly a loved one. In fact they had never actually met this person. Myka's parents had decided to host a foreign exchange student from London. They were given a Miss Helena Wells. The Bering family prepared the house for a few weeks and they were finally waiting for her arrival. Myka wasn't exactly thrilled to be sharing her room, though the thought of meeting a girl from London kept her in check.

"Is she going to get here anytime soon?" Tracey groaned. Myka rolled her eyes. Patience has never been on of her sister strong suits.

"Her flight should have just unloaded, so yes, she will be here soon." Myka's mother stated calmly.

Myka looked back down at her book. She decided to finish the chapter she was on. Her eyes flitted past the words on the page. After a few minutes she finishing up the chapter.

"Oh! I think I see her!" Exclaimed Mrs. Bering.

'Perfect timing' thought Myka. She stood up and peered around her parents and into the crowd. There, in the very middle, was the most stunning girl Myka had ever seen. The girls glassy black hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her slender body glided through the crowd. Piercing brown eyes searched the room expectantly. Myka's breath caught in her throat when those wandering eyes met hers. The girl made her way to the family.

"Hello, you must be the Bering family," said the girl who Myka realized was Helena. The British girl addressed the family but her eyes never left Myka's "it's so lovely to finally meet all of you."

Myka felt heat in her cheeks and she looked down quickly.

"Welcome to America Helena! I hope your flight went well?" wasted no time in acquainting herself with the girl.

"It went very well, thank you." Helena said politely. She handed her suitcase over to in response to his offer of carrying it for her.

Tracy and her father quickly introduced theirselves and left Myka to introduce herself as they were leaving.

The family was walking through the airport, trying to get back to their car. Myka was walking next to Helena in the back of the group. Her parents where bickering on which level they had parked the car, and Tracey (also ahead) was texting some of her friends. The two girls walked in silence for a little bit, before Myka spoke up.

"I'm Myka by the way, you'll be sharing a room with me."

Helena grinned, "Fantastic!"

Myka caught herself staring at Helena's smiling mouth. It was truly mesmerizing. She cleared her throat and met Helena's eyes again. However she found that Helena was looking at the book in Myka's hand.

"I adore that book." Helena said with a glimmer in her eyes. Myka smiled, thrilled that she was going to be roomed with a fellow book-lover. Helena caught the smile and giggled a little.

"What?" Myka asked the beautiful girl after she had giggled.

"Nothing, you just have a gorgeous smile."

Myka blushed deeply. She let her eyes drop to the ground and watched her feet. She was all too aware of the British girl watching her every move. The silence was too much for Myka and she had to break it.

"I hope you like my room." She blurted ungracefully. The blush grew in her cheeks when Helena chuckled and said something about the curly-haired girl being adorable.