Long time no see minna! I'm currently on a vacation and this idea popped into my mind. It's quite a old one but I didn't want to lose it. So, it's here! Hope you like it!

Made in heaven

Summary: Lucy Heartfilia was planning so many things. However, getting married was definitely not on it. And when it happens unexpectedly…. People were right when they said marriages are made in heaven. May be?



"Come back here! You're going to pay for it!" a purple haired lady shouted in anger, chasing a blonde haired lad who sprinted without even looking back. "Give me my rent! I've been waiting for three long months and this month you try to run away so you could escape paying the rent! You should've thought about it before hiring my apartment"

"Please, ma'am give me a little more time! I- I promise I'll give you the total amount at once!" she said in a pleading tone but still on her heels.

"No way! Get back you lad!" the older lady's angry tone didn't exactly lower the fear running through the blonde's mind. She took a sharp turn into an alley, hoping she would lose her landlady. Good for her that it worked. The landlady ran past her hideout without even noticing her.

The blonde slumped to the ground, sighing before panic hit her again. When she noted the time, she realised she was going to be late for her work. Without ado, she got to her feet and made a turn to get out of the alley. What she didn't expect was to bump into someone and what she didn't know was that this person was going to change her life forever….

"Hey! Look where you're going!" she heard the person shout. Her eyes were closed as she fell on her butt, a consequence of the collision, so she couldn't note the features of the person. Yet she could say the person was in a hurry from the tone he used.

"I'm sorry. It's not like I wanted…" she mumbled, "I was in a hurry. I was getting-"

"Others might also be in hurry. You should watch your path" the person interrupted rather rudely. She got on her feet wondering how he heard the mumbles she uttered and took a note of the girlish pink hair in his possession. Then her chocolate brown orbs made contact with his onyx ones and noted the frown which was growing bigger by the second.

"I said I'm sorry," she replied in a pissed apologetic tone. She couldn't understand why the person was so mad at her.

"Now get out of my way. I have an idiot to deal with," the pink haired man said in a rough tone, making his way past her. She just watched the person leave and was about to get back on her track. However, fate seemed to have other plans for her.

"So there you are," her landlady appeared from nowhere. The blonde wondered if she was a mage or something. "You really shouldn't be running from me, Lucy"

The landlady sounded so evil with her words that Lucy paled. She took to her heels immediately, not even watching where she was going.

"Lucy Heartfilia, I want you to get back to me and answer!" the landlady wasn't among the ones to give up so easily.

"Gomen, I have to go!" Lucy shouted, though she knew her death was coming right behind her.


"Hmm… There seems to be a play going on. I better put on some disguise too,"

Exactly how do you think Lucy ended up in a theatre? It's pretty obvious. The theatre nearby seemed the only exit available to our dear Heartfilia as her landlady wouldn't stop chasing her. So, she decided to hide in this room whatever it was till the trouble was off. Seeing a play was going on, Lucy's smart mind thought of getting a disguise for herself so even though she had to go out by any chance she could still be safe.

Lucy put on a dress which was laying on the bed there (why was a bed there in the theatre?) which happened to be a wedding dress.

"Maybe, the princess gets married in the end," she thought. She dressed herself neatly in the dress and chose a veil which covered her entire head, not even letting her blonde hair give out. She thought this was the perfect disguise for her. That was until she heard a knock on her door.

"Juvia, are you ready?" the person on the other side of the door asked in a kind voice.

Lucy squeaked a 'yes', hoping the tone must be similar to this 'Juvia' girl.

The door opened, revealing a white haired beauty whose white haired reached her knees, dressed in a pretty pink gown. She was looking like an angel come to earth. Maybe, she was her saviour sent by Mavis.

The white-haired beauty grabbed her shoulders and took her out of the room. Maybe she was taking her to the stage. Lucy felt embarrassed. She didn't even know the lines she had to say. She was in fact, shivering. She didn't want the efforts of the other actors to go to waste.

"What's the matter, Juvia? Mira can understand if you're nervous. Trust me, this is going to be the best moment of your life" the white haired girl said, her eyebrows coming together in worry.

"Ano, Mira-san…" she replied to the girl, assuming she spoke to her in third person. "I don't know what to say."

Mira gave a laugh before answering her question.

"'I do,' That's all you have to say, repeating whatever the priest tells you to repeat,"

"Okay" Lucy mumbled. That's all the heroine has to say. She should've guessed it. How lame of her! That's what people say in their wedding.

"Now, don't lift the veil until the priest tells you to." Mira said.

"I'll not even if you ask me to until the landlady is not there," Lucy thought.

" You can't see your prince also. It's really important or you'll not have fun," the girl smiled at her. The stage was in sight now and Lucy thought it was time to make her entrance. She has to live up to her expectations.

"Don't make your Mama and Papa angry," Mira gave a last suggestion before giving a slight push to the girl she held towards the centre of the stage. There was a guy standing there, wearing a hat which also had a veil to her surprise. She guessed it might be the one playing the prince but couldn't see the face. "So that was what Mira meant by' you cannot see your prince'"

She turned her head a little to see how many people are there in the theatre but was surprised when she found only a few seats occupied. A short old man was standing in front of the prince on an elevated platform holding a book. The setting seemed too extravagant for a small audience in terms of 10-15 of which, not too far from the stage but away from the front rows, her landlady was standing too. What the hell was happening here?

She saw the prince offer his hand which she gladly took but a strange kind of nervousness began to set in her heart. What is happening to me?

Lucy did as she was told to but with each sentence she repeated, she felt really weird. There was this churning feeling in her stomach which wanted to yell that she is not the girl they think but her mind kept on reminding her that it was a play, nothing more and nothing less. Her mind won over her feeling and she played along. However, when it was the part to say 'I do', she saw the prince pause. Was something wrong? She then saw the people from the audience shout "Gray, say it already. Don't keep her waiting anymore" and similar shouts to the guy playing prince. After much persuasion, the prince finally mumbled an 'I do'. Lucy couldn't take her eyes off the prince who was covered in the veil as realisation hit her. This was no play! This was REALITY!

"So, miss, do you agree?" the priest's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Her life seemed to play in front of her. Lucy Heartfilia was planning so many things but getting married was definitely not one of them and that too, to a complete stranger! What was she going to do?

"Awww… Juvia, don't be so shy when you're getting your prince at last?! Say 'I do' fast!" the audience, no people shouted. Lucy gulped under the pressure and said the first thing that her mind said.

"I do!" Her voice was followed by cheering and laughter, also a slight cursing from nearby her.

"I know there are no objections so I declare you husband and wife," the priest declared, "Now you may kiss the bride"

"Wait, Jii-chan!" Lucy turned to the source of voice which was the prince himself. How is it even possible? By analysing the situation here, she thought the bride and the groom love each other and that the others know too.

The prince removed the veil to show his pink hair to all. Wait, this face is familiar. Yes, this was the guy whom she crashed into earlier!

"Natsu?!" everyone exclaimed.

'So this guy isn't Gray and I'm not Juvia. Great!' Lucy started to feel dizzy on the turn of events.

"I cannot marry Juvia! That Ice prick will kill me if I do that! Besides, I don't love her!" the pink haired fellow said.

"But you're already married to her," the priest replied, frowning.

"This surprise is turning out for the worse" Mira sighed.

"Natsu! Why are you here?! Where is Gray?" a red-haired girl asked the male who was frozen in his place, his glance never leaving her.

Lucy had enough. There is a limit to pressure one person can handle in one day and she crossed the limit. The result you ask, she fainted, earning a few worried shouts from the people present. Well, what does fate has in store for her? Who knows?

So, what do you think? Any questions, doubts, suggestions, comments, compliments(if any)… Do not hesitate to leave them down in the box below! A review is the only way to exchange our opinions. Wait, you can also pm me!

You know I have so many stories pending but I keep on uploading new ones *sigh* Can't help but don't worry, I think about each and every one of them everyday… just needed to be writted down for which I'm too lazy to do. XD I truly apologise for the delay but I'm on a vacation my friends! Consider it a little break but hope to update soon on the other stories!

So, keep reviewing and reading my stories till then!
