Made in Heaven

Chapter – 5

Revealings (Part 1)

The moment he dashed out of the music room along with Erza, he saw the blonde walk towards the door. He inadvertently assumed that someone has rung the bell and she was going to answer the door. THE DOOR!

He changed his direction of running towards the door. If that happens to be a reporter from some TV or news paper, all his plans would just fail.

He watched her reaching for the door. His breath hitched. His mind was crowded with fear. Will he lose her too soon? Will she never be the person who'd treat him like an equal? Will she turn out to be a gold digger? Or will she be one of those persons who'd hate him?

Bright light blinded him: this light was dangerous. It could eclipse his plan and doom him. He doesn't want any light now. All he wants is darkness where he could hide. All he wants is a place where he would belong. All he wants is a heart that would love him for who he is. But that bright light is going to erase all of it. It will shine the truth on his secrets and break the wall of lies he hadn't even started building. That is what this light would do and he hates it.

"Lucy!" He shouted.

Before she could grasp what was happening, she was there in his arms yet again. The time seems to have some starting trouble for when she is close to this stranger, it doesn't seem to kick start. What is happening? Who is behind the door? Why does she get the feeling that he wants to protect her from something? Is there an evil witch who will put her to sleep? Or is there an assassin on loose attempting to take away her life? Why does she get the feeling of being hidden and safe in some corner of a home? What is it that Natsu is trying so hard to?—

"Uh, ahem" Her thoughts were cut off midway by a voice which she was sure didn't belong to Erza-san. She pulled back to meet Natsu's gaze. Why did they seem apologetic?

"Look man, if you're going to molest a woman right in front of me, then you're wrong!" The voice she heard earlier managed to break her thoughts again. She looked out the door. A raven haired man was standing there, a blush was evident on his cheeks. His one hand pointed towards her while the other was covering the eyes of a woman, with blue hair.

Her eyes then drifted to herself. The moment hers own fell on her, her cheeks flared up. She couldn't see her feet because Natsu's hand was blocking it. She was a little too close to the man whom she met just yesterday. She guessed Natsu too realised it as he let her go and looked at the other direction, mumbling a 'Like you're the one to speak'.

"Lucy? Lucy-san is here? Gray-sama, let me see!"

Gray? Where had she heard this name? Gray… Gray… Gray…

'Gray say it already. Don't keep her waiting'

A voice from the previous day made her realise that this is precisely the guy, the root of whatever was happening to her. She looked at her side to watch the pinkette frown at him and the other man grunted, removing his hand from the woman's face and scratching his neck.

"I guessed it's time I explain you in detail" he said. He smiled sheepishly which she could barely make out from all the blue hair that was currently crowding her sight.

That woman… If he was Gray, she must be Juvia. Why wasn't she informed that this Juvia person is an emotional type? Her dress is already wet and she couldn't wait to get out of her hold. Maybe, the time doesn't stop only when Natsu is close to her….


I'm really sorry for the delay. You guys must have given up on this story, right? But this is the surprise. Although much didn't happen in this chapter, I just wanted to update it all of a sudden. Inspiration came to me and here it is, a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

My shoulder is paining a bit and I can't type more today or the chapter would've been longer. Something is better than nothing right. But don't you worry, I'll be updating it till the end.

Due to certain situations in real life, I won't be able to update real soon but do expect the stories I've begun to be finished or I'll delete the ones which will be on hiatus forever and I wouldn't continue.

I hope you understand. Also, I'm planning to rewrite the previous chapters. There are just too many P.O.V. s and well it could be written better. So, the next update will be after I rewrite the first chapter.

Note: please don't ask me to update soon in your reviews. I can't be sure of the next update. Add this story to your alert list if you want or follow me on twitter or my tumblr to get updates on my fics.

Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Leave me a review if you like it. *I'm sure this has been forgotten.*