A/N: Hey guys. I've wanted to do this story for a long time. This is a pokemon fanfic with Trip/my OC Mia/Flint

This is the first pokemon fanfic I've written so *deep breath* the first Chapter.


Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon or any of the characters except my OC.


No one's POV

"What are you planning to do next?" asked the host of Pokemon Insider. Her name was Jessie, and the question hung in the air between her and her guest.

The mystery guest took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm heading to the Junior World Cup in Unova. There's going to be lots of trainers to fight there, and I want to gain more experience.

Jessie smiled. She asked "What does your mom think about that?"

There was a pause. Then a sigh. "She supports me 100%, but she doesn't want there to be rife between me and my dad. He's a great trainer and father, and I respect him." The guest smiled. "He gave me my first pokemon," she thought back to fond memories.

"Yes, it was an Eevee wasn't it?"

"Yes. My sweet little Eevee."

"Now she's become an-"

The guest cut in. "A Leafeon. My trusty partner and a great pal."

Jessie giggled. "Would it be possible to meet Leafeon?" This was a stupid question because everyone knew Leafeon and all the other pokemon she had. But the guest just laughed and drew a pokeball from the belt around her waist. She was wearing black leggings with pink leg warmers and black flats. A pink off the shoulder top w/a white tank top underneath completed the look along with her brown curly hair in a low side ponytail. There was an white Ivy flower keeping the hair in place. Her pokeballs were located on a belt around her waist.

"Leafeon, battle dance!"

A bright light was released from the pokeball. The light faded to reveal a pokemon with a slender body that had leaves coming out of it. It's ears were leaves along with it's tail, and it's paws were brown. It stretched and then jumped into the guest's hands. The guest petted the Leafeon on the head and brought her closer to her chest.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Leafeon!" A cheer erupted from the audience behind the set. Leafeon was a crowd favorite because of it's beautiful contest combos and the battling style that had dominated over many pokemon.

Jessie waited until the applause died down before posing the next question. "Do you plan to use Leafeon in the Junior Cup?"

The guest looked down at the pokemon in her arms and asked, "Wanna beat some trainers?"

"Leaf, Leaf Leafeon! (Yeah, domination!) It cried while shooting energy balls into the air. Then it leaped up and hit everyone of them with an shining iron tail. This caused the balls to shatter, creating a fine green dust. But Leafeon wasn't done. It then released an Sunny Day that caused the dust to sparkle when the light hit it.

"Finish it off Leafeon!" the guest yelled. Leafeon then released Seed Bomb, creating small fireworks in the air. Pokemon and trainer stood and bowed.

The audience exploded. The applause was defeaning. It took a few minutes for the crowd to settle down. Jessie turned to the guest. "That was amazing as ever."

The guest smirked. "Practice and Poffins. That's why Leafeon's so good." The pokemon cried in agreement. Jessie chuckled. She never ceased to amaze her or anyone with her contest and battling skills. She had talent that was almost uncomparable.

The girl smiled and gathered Leafeon into her arms once again. She thought back to receiving Eevee, and then her starter Chimchar.


A young girl around 10 years old was standing in front of Professer Rowan's Lab in Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh. She had just started her journey, and was waiting to pick up her first starter. An eevee was waiting by her side as she waved goodbye to her parents who were leaving in a jet plane A/N: I'll be leaving on a jet plane by John Denver. It's awesome! Listen to it. She waved until the plane disapeared, and then turned to her Eevee. "Are you ready girl?"

"Vee, Eevee ve!" (Yes, let's go!)

"Okay girl."

The trainer and pokemon headed into lab, both of them with butterfrees in their stomachs. Professer Rowan was standing in the middle of the room with three pokeballs sitting on the table. "Welcome, come closer so I can show you the starters." The professor said, spotting them duo.

Soon, there were three pokemon standing in the room. "Do you know what you want?" asked the Professor.

The girl smiled reaching for the fire type, Chimchar."

"Oh, a wise choice that is." Rowan remarked.

"Flint started with Chimchar as well, and I guess it rubbed off on me." The girl replied while stroking the Chimchar's head.

"Ah, I see. And what do you plan to do with Eevee?" questioned the Prof.

The girl had already thought about what to evolve Eevee into. "A Leafeon," she replied confidently.

This took the professor by surprise. Why a Leafeon?"

The girl looked at Eevee. Well, you see, I thought that a grass type would be great for contests, and it can also help me with the gyms- Roark, Crasher Wake, Volkner.. I talked it over with Eevee, and she also wanted to become a Leafeon."

"Wow, you are wise for such a young one." the Prof. said in amazement. The girl shrugged. "Well when your parents are both Champions, you kind of grow up knowing what you want to do."

"That's really nice. Now before I forget, come with me to get your pokedex."

"Okay" Turning to Chimchar and Eevee she told them to be good. They both nodded.

"Vee, Vee, Eev" (Welcome to the team pal)

"Chim, Chimchar, Chim?" (Is she a good trainer?)

"Eevee, Eevee, Vee!" (She's the best. She took good care of me when she first got me as a present for her 5th birthday from her parents. We've grown close together.)

"Chimchar, Chim, Char" (I was worried she was going to be like the last trainer that was in here. He was mean and very rude to everyone) A/N: Sound familier?

"Vee, Ve, Ee" (What pokemon did he choose?)

"Char, Char, Chim" (Turtwig)

"Eevee, Ee, vee" (Well I will assure you that there is nothing wrong with our trainer. She is probably the nicest trainer ever, and she'll take good care of us)

Eevee then proceeded to tell Chimchar about how she first met Mia.

"It was her 5th birthday. There were a lot of people gathered in the living room, but the birthday girl herself was missing. She was currently crying in an closet because there were too many people and she was claustrophobic. She kept on sniffling. her parents weren't there either because they had business. She had always thought that they focused more on thier careers than her. "

"Suddenly, there was a sound right outside the door. Mia had asked who it was. When there was no sound, she slowly opened the door and looked out. A ball of brown streaked past her into the closet and caused her to slam the door shut."

"Mia looked at the brown ball, and then slowly poked at it with a finger. The ball retracted to show a little Eevee, who was cowering in the corner. Mia told me that she wasn't going to hurt me, so I slowly inched towards her. she responded by opening her arms, and she cuddled me close to her chest."

"It felt really warm and I felt a connection with her. She told me that we should start fresh. She said her name was Mia and that it was nice to meet me. from then on, we became close friends. When her parents had gotten back, they asked her if she was enjoying her birthday present. Mia got confused and asked them what was the present. They pointed towards me in her arms. Mia suddenly broke into a smile and said that I was the best present she had ever received."

Ee, vee, Eevee" (that's how we met)

"Chinchar, Char" (wow, she was neglected by her parents?)

"Vee, vee" (Yes, so she's never actually been loved)

"Chim... Chimchar!" (we have to find someone for her to love!)

"Eevee, Eevee, Ee, vee" (Chimchar, that's a brilliant idea!)

"Chim, Chim, ChimChar" (I'm looking forward to our journey together)

"Vee, Eevee, Vee" (Me too)

"Ready guys?" Mia asked done with talking to the Prof.

"Vee" (you bet)

"Char!" (let's go!)

And with that, the trainer and her pokemon stepped forth onto the journey of Pokemon.

*End flashback*

A/N: So guys, that;s the first Chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it, and please Review!

I wonder who Eevee and Chimchar will pick for Mia? Find out in the next installment of A Champion's Journey!

