This fanfiction was edited from an rp with the lovely kankri-is-triggered. It contains themes of submission and dominance along with explicit sexual themes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no money from this.

Haruka fidgets nervously with his cell phone in the living room, waiting for Rin to arrive at his house. He had invited the other boy over to spend some time with him while his parents were out visiting his grandfather in for a few days. The other boy had responded excitedly and with about as much tact as usual. He had to delete a few texts just in case. Based on what time train he had taken from his school to here the other boy should arrive any moment. Rin had debated about what to wear for a few hours finally deciding on his favorite t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Too soon and yet not soon enough there's a knock on the door.

"COMING!" He bolts out of the room and to the door opening it with a huge grin. He hugs the other boy before dragging him inside and closing the door. "Rin! How was the trip?"

Rin was just as excited to hear from Haruka, even more that he would get to spend some alone time with him. The night at the pool had been amazing, perfect, and brought to life something he hadn't known was there. When he arrived at Haru's home, he gave the blue-eyed boy a smile, showing his characteristic sharp teeth as he wrapped his arms around the other's back.

"Took too long, Haru-san." He said, leaning down to give Haru a soft kiss. Even though now his eyes and tone showed simple affection, he had other plans. If Haru was going to be his little dolphin, he had to make sure he knew his boundaries. And any good shark must punish those who disobey them... or those who deserve it. he leans back away from Haru enough to see his face clearly. "Haru-san... tell me, how were you these past few years?"

"We were both busy, Rin-san. I had a bunch of tests last week and you had that competition to hit. I'm glad we finally have time now though! It's been good over here I suppose. Quiet and almost dull. Nagisa just moved back here too, he moved away the year after you did. It's really been just me and Makoto hanging around. He tries to keep me out of the trouble I tend to attract, but if he wasn't around to drag me off the beach and to school I think I probably would've failed out forever ago."

Haruka rambles, his body practically hums with the nervous-yet-excited energy caused by having some time with his newfound lover.

Rin keeps smiling, chucking at the stories of his time over the time they missed. Rin moves his hand up to Haru's cheek, pressing his thumb against his soft skin. He then moves his other hand to the back on his head, rubbing small circles in the back of his neck. "Heh, so you are still that goofy little kid from all those years ago. Now Haru-san, my little dolphin... how would you like to spend our time this afternoon?"

Haruka nuzzles into Rin's hand and brings his hand up to cup it. Haruka's smile hasn't left his face since Rin arrived. "And you're still that over competitive runt from back then. You have to tell me what Australia was like one of these days and we can do whatever you want Rin, we have the whole house to ourselves after all."

Rin takes a small step forward, almost pressing his chest against Haru's as he rubs Haruka's cheek. "Well... I have some questions for my dolphin. I wasn't your first, was I? and you know what a shark must do, of course, claim what is his."

Haruka fidgeted nervously for a moment before taking a breath and gathering himself together to respond. "There were a few one-offs since my first. None of them really meant anything. I don't even remember most of their names. The only one that ever mattered was Shuuichi, Minamino Shuuichi. He's two years older than us. He kinda showed me the ropes. If it helps any he has some weird little punk boyfriend now and we don't really talk anymore."

Rin moves his mouth over Haru's, biting softly on his lower lip before pulling away, playing with a strand of Haruka's hair as he speaks. "Aww, just look at my little dolphin.. so eager to get out of what he knows he deserves.. it's so cute.. heh."

Rin moves his free right hand under Haru's shirt and starts rubbing his abdomen softly. He dips his hand into Haru's shorts, and presses firmly against his hipbone. "I'll forgive you Haru-san.. but only after I punish you. Does my dolphin understand?"

Haruka's face heats up in a blush, simply because the other boy seemed to know exactly what to say to make him incredibly horny all at once. "Y-yes, Rin, I do. Not, not down here though. Upstairs? My room?"

Haruka's eyes glance over to the stairs questioningly. Haruka doesn't even register how quickly he's let Rin take control of him. Rin takes his hand out of the other's shorts, but not before using his fingernail to draw a line down his thigh. "Mmmmm, yes... where better to claim you for good than your own room? Let's go. Show me."

Haruka grabs Rin's hand and and leads him up the stairs and to the left into his room. His bookbag is propped against the wall by the door and clothes are neatly away in the closet. A tray sits on the wooden floor next to Haruka's futon with a started bottle of iced tea and a laptop. The room is fairly bare except by his desk where there's a few pictures of the old swim team and a poster of an Australian beach. Haruka looks over to the other boy questioningly while rubbing circles on Rin's hand with his thumb. "Rin? Is this alright? For you that is?"

"Perfect. My dolphin is to obey me... or your punishment will be worse. Mine... always." He says softly as he begins. Rin's smirk returns against his sharp teeth. He gently walks Haru back into the wall, all the while rubbing circles against his chest. pulling off Haru's shirt and using his fingernails to trace lines down to his waist. He pulls Haru's shorts down slightly and presses against the other's hipbones once more.

"Y-yes Rin." Haruka's voice comes out breathless. The muscles in his upper body twitch in response to Rin's ministrations. Haruka wraps his hands around Rin's biceps, clenching and unclenching in reaction to the pleasurable pain being given to him by the purple-haired boy. "Ah-always yours. Always was, just, didn't know."

Rin's biceps flex and harden as he continues to press teasingly on his hip bones, as he leans in to his neck and starts nibbling on some skin, the same area he had bruised only a few weeks before.

"M-mark me. Please?" Haruka asks as his head lolls back and and the soft thunking noise reverberates through the wall. His hands slide up Rin's arms and around his back holding the him closely as he gets marked by him. It's almost funny how hard Haruka is already. His hips are almost making that thrusting and twisting motion that happens when Haru can contain himself no longer. Haruka begins to babble unsure if he's even making any sense to Rin. "Bed first? Wall later? Or wall first, bed later? The lube is under the pillow though..."

Rin just chuckles, loving how quickly he can break Haru down, make him ask for sex only after a few minutes of teasing. If only Haru knew what he was planning, he would try to contain himself longer. "Oh Haru-san... I think it'd be best if you keep your thoughts on me.. this is punishment after all..."

He bites down hard on the same spot he had been nibbling on, producing a small streak of blood, which he quickly licks up. "Oops." He says in a mocking voice, as he pulls down Haru's shorts to his feet and quickly removes his boxers. Rin says commandingly, "Don't buck your hips, Haruka."

Rin kisses down Haruka's neck, to his chest, his waist, and finally the base of his cock, slow and soft. Haruka lets out a small squeak at the shark's bite before watching Rin descend on him shocked that this wasn't a fantasy. Rin was taking control of him. Pushing him past the limits of his own self-restraint. Haruka's hips hold still by sheer willpower as one of Haru's hands threads through Rin's hair gently and the other braces him against the wall anchoring him in reality. "R-rin! Gods, Rin. Aahhhh-"

"My, I love it when you squeak, Haru-san. My dolphin, come to life." He kisses up Haru's cock before licking circles on the head then he grazes his fingernails down Haru's thighs, before using one hand to push his hips back against the wall. With this, he stops his hips from bucking while wrapping his fingers around Haruka's cock and giving him the slowest pumps possible.

"Oooh gods Rin. That feels so- ah! Feels- Fuck you're amazing. Rin." His voice takes on a lower moaning tone as the litany of praise for Rin spills from his mouth. Hips remain where they're pressed but that doesn't stop Haruka from moving, responding. Haru's hand on the wall lifts away and lays atop Rin's steadying wrist anchoring him to Rin instead of closes his eyes, soaking in all the praise and moaning sounds. Those sounds,they're all for me. All from my little dolphin. All of them, each and every one, means everything.

"Is my dolphin sorry?" Rin taunts as he increases the pace of the pumping, now pressing his thumb against the head. "...and I'm sure my little dolphin will tell me when he's close, right?"

"Yes, I'm s-sorry. So sorry. Should've waited, aahhh, for you." Haruka trembles, legs barely able to keep him standing against the waves of pleasure.* "Soon, I'm gonna, soon-"

With the words 'gonna soon-' uttered, Rin removes his hand from Haru's cock completely, looking up to see his pained reaction. Haruka's face switches from pained to confused then shocked before he realizes what just happened and why Rin chose to do that. He closes his eyes for a moment and breathes. "I'm sorry, Rin. I, I deserve this."

Rin doesn't respond at first, just letting the feeling sink in. "Yes, Haru, yes you do... but if it helps you.. remember that at the end, you'll be forgiven. Completely."

He wraps his hand around Haru's cock again and repeats the same action as before; pumping him slowly, then faster, and when he hears lower moans, stops abrubtly, just letting the swimmer's cock throb against the cool air of the room. Haruka both moans and whimpers. He tries to hold himself back from cumming and drag out just how long he can be like this for Rin. As much as he wants to cum he wants to submit to his lover's will and demands.

"Rin- punish me. Make me earn it. Forgiveness. When you, ahhh, think it should be."

"Oh, I will." Rin moves up slowly, using a finger to lightly rub the area over the base of his cock, and leans against his left nipple, licking it, before nibbling on the flesh right below it. Haruka moans and twists his hands in Rin's shirt. It takes him a moment to realize that in the heat of the moment Rin's clothing had been entirely forgotten. He makes a disappointed whine and tugs on the shirt, asking permission to remove it wordlessly. Rin feels the tugging on his shirt and stops the nibbling.

"Of course, Haru-san, I won't deprive you of that... I'm not evil." Rin replies. He pulls off his shirt and shorts, leaving himself only in boxers. This time, he moves down to Haru's lower abdomen, sucking and biting on the soft flesh, his other hand rubbing circles in his thighs. Haruka makes a keening happy noise and runs his hands over whatever newly exposed flesh he can. Mind so overwhelmed with pleasure his vision doesn't even register anymore and his legs are trembling. All he can do is feel and respond to Rin's commands.

"Ah, Rin, th-thank you. But if you- if you keep this up, I won't- I won't be able to stand a-anymore. Rin?" Rin finally returns to pumping his dick, wrapping his fingers around it as he keeps his hand against the other's hips.

"How badly do you want me to let you cum, Haru-san? Beg me. Give in."

Haru takes a sharp breath at Rin's words. "Please? yes. god yes. Rin! Let me- let me cum. Don't tease- I can't. Ohhh Rin, let me cum, for you. Please!"

Rin smirks and keeps pumping, faster than before, pressing hard on the tip, and speaks softly, "Cum for me."

Hearing those words is all Haruka needed to snap the thread of self control that by some miracle had lasted this long. His orgasm flows through him and cum spurts out of his cock and onto Rin's hand shouting the other boy's name. His body begins to collapse on top of Rin's unable to stand or hold himself up any longer. Rin actually falls on his back since he was crouched at an awkward angle, his hand letting go, ignoring the cum on his hand, which he lazily wipes on the floor as Haru breathes heavily into his neck. "I forgive you, my dolphin."

"Mmm, sorry I fell on you Rin." Haruka stays on top of Rin, shifting enough so that it's a comfortable position for the both of them. He takes Rin's face in one hand and kisses him passionately. He runs his hand up and down Rin's side feeling the muscles beneath smooth skin. "Thank you for forgiving me. I needed that more than you know, my shark. I believe I owe you a thank you now."

Honestly, Rin wasn't expecting the rubbing or any sensualness from Haru after all he put him through, minutes and minutes of absolute torture. But now, his heart rate kicked up, trying not to hum at the feeling of contact, as each of his muscles tensed up from Haru's touch. "I suppose that's only fair.."

"You suppose? You don't sound as sure of yourself as you did before Rin-san. Does that mean you want me to take charge?" Haruka's done of voice conveys his actual curiosity in the matter and despite the light tone of voice isn't teasing at all.
"My dear shark, it's only right you should get something you'll enjoy as a thank you."

He kisses Rin's cheek lightly and lays a second peck on his lips then nuzzles back into the crook of his neck. He places kisses and a few nibbles on the sensitive skin while waiting for the his answer. Rin can't help but hum at the soft kisses, the closeness warm, sending a shiver down his body. He barely noticed that Haru was talking until the question "Oh.. Haru-san.. please... do what you please with your shark."

Haruka smiles softly at him before lifting off of him and pulling him up alongside himself, He removes Rin's boxers then pulls him towards the bed. "Lay down with me Rin."

He kisses him softly, and nibbles on his lower lip while moving to lay down in the bed right alongside him and with a smile, Rin follows him, laying on the bed with a contented sigh. "Of course, my dolphin."

Haruka kisses and bites along Rin's jawline before nibbling on his ear. He licks it then blows a cool breath at the wet skin. "Let me know If I do anything you don't like, Rin? In the meantime, enjoy yourself for me."

Haruka runs his palms up and down the toned torso symmetrically making sure to run over nipples, sensitizing them. He licks and kisses along Rin's neck and finds a particular sensitive spot he nibbles and sucks on. He fully intends to leave his own mark on his shark. He pulls his head away from Rin's neck and catches his gaze before he speaks. "One day I'm going to give you a collar of marks just like this one, going all the way around your neck."

Rin's breath hitches at all the licking and sucking. Fuck, Haru really has had experience. Good thing I punished him earlier. Even so, he couldn't help but love the way Haru did it, making his muscles shudder at the contact. "O-one day-..hnn- your shark will a-ask for exactly that."

"I look forward to the day you're ready for that my dear shark." Haruka smiles and descends upon Rin's left nipple with his mouth alternating between sucking and nibbling it while flicking the hardening nub with his tongue. His left hand pinches, pulls and rolls his right nipple between skilled digits while his left holds him up hovering over Rin's body. Immediately, Rin made an embarrassing moan, head tilting back as he squirmed under Haru, the pleasure spreading through him quickly*

"H-h-h-haru!" The sensation on both of his nipples was insane as so much intense arousal flowed into his nerves, his back had no choice but to arch. Rin looks gorgeous like that. Haruka decides to keep at this for a little while longer. He knows exactly what Rin is feeling. He wanted to push him to the point of it being too much and the point of not enough and let him hang there and enjoy that kind of pleasure. He lifts his mouth off the nipple and shifts his weight so he can replace it with his hand.

"Feels good doesn't it my sweet shark?" Haruka asks the moaning boy. His mouth is wide open, head tilted back as much as it can.

"Ah-ah-H-H-Haru! H-haru! F-fuck- ah!" He kept moaning, internally pissed that he's letting himself be taken as quickly as Haru, but at least knowing it's because he was taken by surprise with this trick. "O-oh-f-fuck-H-Haru-t-this-ah-my-my dolphin-this- o-oh fuck-"

"Mmm, you're beautiful like this you know that? Squirming in pleasure for your dolphin." Haruka slows down his pace and helps lower Rin back down to level of pleasure where he could breathe without difficulty. "Don't worry, I fully expect you to use this little trick on me one day and I'm sure I'll enjoy every moment of it."

Haruka nips and licks at Rin's abdomen before latching onto a little patch of flesh just above his hipbone. He takes the time to mark that spot so it would take longer to heal than the one on his neck. Rin smiles and makes a soft whine and moan at the sucking on his hipbone. He holds onto Haru's shoulders as he's brought down from the high, his breathing back to a closer-to-normal level. "H-heh, i-indeed..."

Haruka places a kiss on the side of Rin's cock before moving back up to be able to look at Rin face to face. His hand slides under a the pillow and grasps the lube and wraps his fingers around it hoping to warm it at least marginally. "Rin, would you be alright with me being inside you? If not I'll ride your cock. Whichever you decide you will still be under my control, for this time anyway."

"Y-you can t-take me, yes. Your control.. o-only for now."

He slides his body against Rin's on his way back down to place light kisses on the smooth sensitive flesh of Rin's inner thigh. He moans into Rin's leg and nuzzles against it with a smile.

"I have to ask Rin, will I be your first this way, or have you done this before?" He licks the underside of his cock before placing a wet kiss with just a bit of suction on the head. It leaves Haruka's mouth with a pop. Rin whines at the action as he tries to tilt his head to look at Haru.

"This way? Y-you-you'd actually be m-my first- a-all for m-my dolphin." Rin says breathlessly. Haruka growls possessively before wrapping his mouth around Rin's cock, taking it in all the way to the base. He grabs Rin's legs behind the knees and spreads them. He pops the cover off the lube and slicks up several fingers before putting the lube down. He lets Rin's cock slide out of his mouth for just a moment to talk before taking it back into his mouth. Rin's back arches and he almost squeals as Haru takes him completely, his chest rising and falling faster from anticipation.

"Relax for me shark. I won't hurt you, but if you don't relax this won't work." Haruka says with a tone of softness in his voice, trying not to startle the usually dominant boy.

"Y-yes... I-I trust my dolphin completely." He tries the best he can to calm his breathing and relax, closing his eyes in the process. Haruka begins sucking the other boy's cock again and hums around it appreciatively. He takes his first lubed up finger and teases the puckered hole before pushing the finger in slowly, hoping that the blowjob would distract the other from any pain or discomfort. He moves the finger in and out several times before pushing in and curling his finger to hit Rin's prostate and rubbing it.

For Rin the finger at first is uncomfortable, there's no way it can't be when he's never had this before, but the humming around his cock does keep him up. When the finger curves and hits his prostate, the pleasure overwhelms everything, his back arches and he moans loudly, panting and completely melting under the other swimmer.

Haruka takes his time stretching out Rin and making him ready. He inserts the next two fingers one at a time and makes sure Rin has enough pleasure humming through him as a counterbalance to the discomfort. He lets Rin's member slide out of his mouth and shifts up to kiss Rin. "Look at me, Rin. I want to watch your face while I do this."

Rin complies with Haruka's demand and then the dark haired boy curls all three fingers to hit the his sweet spot and rubs with them for just a moment. The purple-haired boy cries out in pleasure, muscles tensing as he struggles to look at Haruka. Rin keeps looking up at Haruka as fingers are pulled out slowly. Haruka wipes the remaining lube on his cock before he lines himself up and pushes in slowly, just a few inches. His clean hand holds Rin's cheek as he watches for any sight of this becoming too uncomfortable for him. Rin gasps as Haru begins to enters, but then moans, leaning into his hand.

"It's okay Rin, I've got you." Haruka says softly. He continues to push in gently in until his cock is completely inside Rin. This feeling-his first-was wonderful. The warmth he felt of such closeness was indescribable. When Haru was completely in, he made another gasp, nodding to ease any concerns from his facial expression.

Worry completely vanished from Haruka's mind once Rin had nodded that he was fine. He begins thrusting slowly, pulling back until just the head of his cock was left inside of Rin before pushing back in. It takes a few thrusts before Haru finds Rin's prostate and when he hits it, Rin makes a loud moan, grasping onto Haru's shoulders with a firm a grip as he could manage. Haruka had complete control of Rin, for now anyway.

Between Rin's moan and the heat of Rin surrounding him Haruka wasn't quite sure he'd be able to be able to string words into a coherent sentence for much longer. He decides to take advantage of his ability to speak while he can.

"How does it feel Rin, knowing your dolphin can take care of you like this? Fucking you senseless into the bed? Hmmm? You should see the faces you're making. You're so hot like this, moaning beneath me. Mmmm my dear shark-" Haruka rambles. He doesn't expect the other to respond all that coherently and if Rin even heard the entirety of what Haru was saying, he made no visible reaction. Haruka begins to pick up his pace and makes sure to hit Rin's sweet spot whenever he thrusts into him. Rin moans with each thrust, overtaken completely by the waves of pleasure rolling through him. His head tilts back and his muscles tense, showing just how close he is to his own orgasm.

Haruka feels the telling clenches of an approaching orgasm and debates for a moment stopping Rin from cumming just as he had done to Haru before. No, that can wait for another time, he's too far gone for that anyway. I want to feel Rin's ass clench around cock.

"I'm close too, Rin. I- I'm gonna cum soon, ahh, too." He possessively kisses Rin and snakes a hand down to his cock. He takes it firmly in hand and spreads the precum that was leaking out over the head with his thumb before beginning to match the pace of his hand movements with his thrusting. "Cum for me, my shark, m-make me cum, ahhh, inside you."

The combination of the increasing pressure from behind and the perfect touches on his cock make him cry out, finally tuning in to hear Haru's words; he comes with a near scream, muscles tensing tightly as he does so. And Haruka, hearing Rin's cry of completion combined with the clenching of tight muscles around his cock, lets go and tumbles over the edge of pleasure. He comes with a cry, half a scream, half Rin's name.

He lets his body lay atop Rin's not caring about the sticky mess between their bodies. They breathe heavily and Haruka rubs Rins cheek with his clean hand. he nuzzles into the hand, still breathing heavily from his powerful orgasm, the aftereffects making everything so sensitive.

"H-Haru..." He breathes out slowly, "Thank you, my dolphin."

"Of course, my shark. I enjoyed that as much as you did." He smiles and kisses Rin slowly, both of them relaxing in the afterglow for the moment. Their breathing begins to settle down after a few moments.

"Good... I'm happy, Haru-san.. so happy."

"Me too, Rin-san. We should take a shower before that dries and we get stuck together. Let me know when you're ready to move." Haruka chuckles a little and his eyes shine with amusement. Rin smiles and leans up to give a soft peck to Haru's cheek.

"I'm fine, now get up." Rin says in his usual demanding tone. Haruka helps the other boy get up, with a smile in his eyes, and grabs his hand tugging him down to the bathroom.

"Let's go get cleaned up and play in the water, Rin-san."