Chapter 3

Helena accepted the challenge gratefully, grinning. Her hips started swaying once more. Myka couldn't look away, even if she had wanted to. Helena worked her way slowly down the waistcoat buttons, and shrugged it off one shoulder, then the other. She threw it to Myka with a smile that didn't touch her eyes; her eyes were lustful, alive, stalking her prey.

Next came the trousers. With a fluid pull on the belt, Helena simply let them fall to the floor. As she stepped out of them, Myka took the time to look from her toes to her face, unashamedly, drinking her in.

"Are you enjoying this?" Helena asked, as she began to unbutton her shirt from the bottom, revealing inch after inch of exposed skin.

"It's your turn," Myka managed, enthralled by Helena's hands. "Truth. Are you enjoying this?"

"Oh, incredibly. I love watching you watch me." Her hands stopped their magic, and Helena opened her palms, beckoning Myka towards her. "Here, come and help me with my tie." Myka's body obeyed, without any protest.

Myka stood close to H.G. and began fumbling with her tie. Helena slid closer still, shirt half undone, pressing her lower body against Myka's as she worked. The feeling of her bare skin beneath the fabric of her clothes was exquisite.

"Truth," Helena whispered. "Have you ever kissed a woman before?" Helena's hands had found Myka's hips, holding her in place against her body.

Myka couldn't form words; instead she shook her head, gazing, transfixed, at Helena's lips.

"What..." Myka cleared her throat. "What is it like?"

Helena didn't reply; sometimes actions speak louder than words. She brought her lips to Myka's, and finally kissed her, soft at first. Helena helped Myka's forgotten hands away from her tie, and placed them around her neck instead.

It was happening, it was actually happening. Myka was lost in Helena's warmth. Her lips were satin and silk against her own. Her body reacted, and she felt the rush of need -a tidal wave- through her body. Warmth spread to her fingers and toes, and to her very core.

"It's soft..." Helena punctuated each word with a kiss, "Intimate..." "...Delicate..." Myka was lost within her whispers, within her kisses. "...And sometimes it's none of those things." Helena paused to look Myka in the eyes, before deepening their kiss. Myka felt a hand in her hair, gripping, owning, pulling her towards Helena. Nails scraped sensually along Myka's scalp. Myka's lips parted for Helena's exploring tongue. She gasped as Helena caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

And suddenly, the bed was beneath her, and her hands were once again tackling the mustard tie. Helena was on top of her, straddling her at the waist. Myka could feel her warmth emanating from between her legs, even through her own clothes. This was like nothing she had ever experienced before. At last the tie was free, forgotten on the floor. Helena was a vision above her, with only three buttons left closed on her oversized shirt. This needed to be rectified.

Myka's hands found the buttons, but H.G. was quicker. Together, they had her shirt open and off in seconds. Myka watched the cold air hit Helena's skin, and goosebumps appeared across her stomach.

"Are you cold?" Myka asked, dumbly. Her brain had completely shut down, blissfully fuzzy.

Helena smiled, shook her head slowly, and shifted backwards on the bed, still straddling her legs, and gently guided Myka up into a sitting position.

"Your turn." Helena whispered, and with skill and surety that Myka did not possess, Helena began to undo Myka's shirt, and kiss her neck at the same time. The sensation was overwhelming. Was this really happening? With brand new hands, Myka stroked up Helena's side, experiencing her skin for the first time. She found her bra strap. Helena mumbled her approval into her neck as she caught Myka's hear lobe between her teeth. "Yes, let's be out of these clothes." Helena whispered, breathless, into Myka's ear.

With impatience that was breathtaking, Helena moved further down the bed still, and began working on Myka's jeans.

Myka's head was spinning. She had had lovers before, but this was entirely new to her. This was different. She gasped as Helena planted kisses on her thighs, as she peeled off her jeans. The air was cooler now. How had she not noticed that? It was refreshing. Invigorating.

When Helena leaned back to drop Myka's jeans to the floor, Myka took the opportunity to gain some control. She would not lie still and let Helena seduce her. She had waited far too long for this.

"Clothes." Myka uttered, in a raw voice that was alien even to herself. Helena understood, and they both stripped off the last of their garments. Being away from Helena for even this long, was making Myka desperate to feel her skin again. They took a moment, then, to see each other naked. A desire stirred inside Myka stronger than anything she had ever felt before. Had she ever felt so aroused? She smiled at Helena; a wicked smile that she could never use in public.

"Come here." Myka demanded, and Helena obeyed in an instant.

They lay back down together, free from any barriers at last. Myka slid on top, a possessive leg thrust between Helena's thighs. She felt her way up and down Helena's body, gaining confidence by the second. "This...You..." Myka tried, and failed, to say what she was feeling. She was muted by another beautiful kiss.

With a look, and a final pull on Helena's bottom lip, Myka made her way downward, one kiss at a time. She knew exactly where she wanted to go. It took a few moments before Helena caught up.

"Myka, darling, are you sure? You've never-"

"I'm sure." Myka replied, looking up, deep into Helena's dark eyes, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. She had never been surer about anything before in her life. Helena stroked her wild, beautiful hair.

"We can take this as slow as you want."

"We are." Myka replied, and continued her trail of kisses.

Helena arched and moaned when Myka's tongue made contact with her core. Myka was sure she could never get enough of that sound. She slipped a finger inside her, and relished in another moan, before kissing and licking and tasting. The taste was exquisite; feral and sweet. Myka moved on instinct, imagining what she would like Helena to do to her, and copying her imagination.

H.G. Wells; untouchable, unfathomable, H.G. Wells, was completely at her mercy. Myka pushed deep inside her, as she felt Helena climax beneath her. She felt the shudders around her fingers. Myka was in awe; she had never felt so much pleasure, giving pleasure before. After an age, or a few moments, she felt a loving hand in her hair.

"That was..." Myka began, but words wouldn't come.

"It was..." Helena tried, and failed, breathless. "Your turn." Helena stirred, with lust and love in her eyes. She looked deliriously happy in that moment, and Myka felt pride swell inside her - that she had caused that joy.

Helena wasted no time lying Myka down, and spreading her legs. Her fingers and mouth found every single spot, and Myka was close to the edge in a matter of minutes. Her hands found Helena's hair, and she arched into her caresses. This is it, Myka thought. This is what love feels like: soft, and intimate, and delicate... and sometimes none of those things.

She could hold on no longer; with a final moan, Myka was over the edge, and Helena was there, in her arms, when she returned back to earth.

They lay, foreheads touching, legs and arms entwined, too awed to speak, or to sleep. Helena kissed Myka slowly, and she could taste herself on Helena's lips. The thought was almost enough to send her hands wandering once more, but she decided against it. She would never tire of Helena, but she was tired. Their room was in limbo; they could have been here for days, for all she knew. Or cared.

They pulled apart, unwillingly, but only an inch. They settled in, to sleep in each other's arms.

Pete woke at 6am. He had no idea why. He had intended to lie in at least until 10. But, it was ok. Suddenly, he knew, everything was alright. He had the most amazing vibe. It didn't take him long to puzzle out why.

Maybe he had better go let the ladies out later on, after all. Pete couldn't wait to see if his suspicions were correct. And anyway, he was sure Artie might have a heart attack.