In this chapter I'll briefly talk about what you can expect in this fic, if you don't care for things like spoiler alerts and small story details and would just like to jump right into the story, feel free to skip to the next chapter, the story starts there.

Hello everyone, welcome to my newest fanfiction. I have made a short list with a little info, as to give you some information what to expect in this story:

- As the title might have hinted, this is a Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction based on the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica universe. Because of this, there will be (major) spoilers about this universe. If you haven't seen the anime but are planning to do so, I suggest you read this after you finished PMMM.

- No genderbending in this fic, hence mahou 'shounen' ^_^

- The only pairing is puzzleshipping

- No appearances from characters from PMMM will occur, the only exception is Kyubey.

- No-one shall be bashed in this fic

- I will do my best to write this as an original story, since I don't want it to be a mere PMMM rip-off where the only difference is the name of the characters. But some parts might have similarities to the original anime. Please don't kill me when that happens (^^;)

- I will update as often as possible. Reviews are always welcome but I'll update regardless of the amount of reviews I get. I'm a student, so due to schoolwork I might not be able to update as often as I'd like.

- Why drama rating? Those who have watched Madoka Magica will know why.

- Rated M because deaths will occur, not because of lemon (I don't think a sex scene would fit in this kind of story).

Well, that's about it. Enjoy the story and 'follow/favourite' it if you like it ^^

The source for the coverpicture is the member . ?id=3045670 from pivx (really loved this recreation of the scene, it inspired me to write this fanfic :) )