A/N: thanks for the follow Shieldbabe! Lol thanks Wyatt Family's Bitch! I figured I'd make Bray a bit more aggressive last chapter. Him being dangerous is what makes him sexy I think, and I don't want to write that out of him lol.

So, I'm thinking this fic is getting a tad bit long. How do you guys feel about me stopping it here and starting a sequel? I know from my own experience I don't usually jump in and read 20+ chapter fics. Do you guys? Anyway, comment and lemme know please!

Evangeline stood in the ring, Bray in his chair at the base of the ramp. AJ walked to the ring, the normal skip in her step missing. As she passed Bray she shot him a look that could've stopped a grown man's heart. He grinned and waved at her, pleased with the damage he had done. Evangeline tossed her wolf mask to the side as AJ stepped in and she bounced from one foot to the other, cracking her knuckles.

The bell rung and AJ rushed for Evangeline but she sidestepped, hitting AJ with a lifted knee. Grabbing her downed opponent, Evangeline pulled her and held her as she kissed her lips before delivering the Sister Abigail. When she turned to look at Bray AJ recovered and caught her with a backstabber. Evangeline rolled to her stomach on the mat, gasping for breath. AJ kicked her over and climbed on top of her, pummeling her with punches. Evangeline got her arms up, trying to fend off some of the blows. "Fucking bitch!" AJ growled. "I could be so much better for him! I'm a champion and you're a nobody!"

With that Evangeline grabbed AJ under her legs and stood, picking AJ completely off the mat. She downed her with a spine -buster. With that she stood tall over AJ before hitting her with a standing shooting star press. She hooked AJ's leg and pinned her, but AJ kicked out at two. Evangeline rolled to her side on the mat, struggling for air. The backstabber earlier had set her lungs on fire, leaving her gasping. AJ got to her feet and hit her with a dropkick when she attempted to sit up. Evangeline managed to stand and AJ caught her in the black widow. After a few hard elbow shots AJ let go and Evangeline laid her out with an elbow to the back of the head. Once she was face down Evangeline stepped on the back of her legs and locked them around her own before rocking back and locking AJ in a surfboard hold. With nowhere to go and no option of getting out, AJ begged the ref to call the match.

Evangeline let her go and kicked her out of the ring as Bray and the boys stepped in. She grabbed her new title as Erik and Luke lifted her to their shoulders. Every member of the Wyatt family sported their own gold now. When the boys set her down she pinned the belt around her waist and Bray took her by the hand, leading her backstage. He took her face in both hands and kissed her deeply. "I'm so very proud of you. You did it baby!" He laughed gleefully. She hugged Luke and Erik at the same time and turned to Kane, giving him a broad smile before hugging him as well. Kaitlyn, AJ's former best friend passed by them and stopped, offering a hand to Evangeline. "Impressive win out there. Congrats!" Evangeline grasped her hand tightly and shook it. "It's good to see a new champion."