



He felt safe whenever he was in water.

There's always a type of calming security whenever the water embraced him. It was his home, and his soul was bound to it.

And as he willed his body to be drifted by the waves of the sea, away from the fun his friends were having, Nanase Haruka thought that he loved it this way. He could stay like this forever and he would never complain about it. The crashing motions could take him wherever they wanted to. Splashes of water could be the soundtrack of his life. The serenity of it all was a way to describe his paradise.

And, if there was a personification of the water surrounding him, he would gladly befriend whoever it will be.

Continuing to float and feel the water against his skin, Haruka closed his eyes to prevent the sun's rays to reach his line of sight. He suddenly felt a different movement next to him, but he brushed it off, thinking that it just may be the stronger waves or harmless creatures of the sea.

And there it was again.

Haruka felt like somebody was watching his movements from above, scrutinizing his form, his features, but he didn't mind. Slowly, he opened his eyes to look at whoever was observing him, whoever dared disturb his peace. He was ready for a lot of things to see when he decided to open his eyes, but not this.

A woman.

A woman who's made out of water.

He was surprised for a moment when their gazes met but he wasn't anything near being frightened.

She blinked momentarily, before giving him a sweet smile.

"Juvia's sorry to disturb your peace and enjoyment," She started saying as Haruka situated his body to face the woman properly. "But she advises you to leave the premises. It's too dangerous out here today."

He watched her as her body gradually became just like his, solid and opaque, and he saw her blush as her eyes followed the drips of water trailing down on his chest. "There are no storms today." He stared at the clear skies above them.

"Um… Ano… Juvia means that there are lots of dangerous creatures roaming around this part of the sea, at this time." She scratched her left cheek as she explained. "Better be safe than sorry, Mister."

An awkward silence befell them.

Juvia felt nervous each passing moment. The guy kind of reminded her of someone not fond of talking at all. She looked at the other people having fun in another area of the waters. Maybe, they were with him. "Well, you should warn your friends as well, Swimmer-san." The water mage felt like he found her strange. Juvia sighed inwardly. She couldn't blame him.

"Juvia shall take her leave now. Goodbye!" Summoning up her magic, she turned into her water form once again.

"It's Haruka." Juvia turned to look at the man who just muttered a few words. "And… Thank you." A small smile formed on his lips. He wasn't used to smiling and giving smiles to strangers was not his thing. He considered this as an exemption, because the girl was kind enough to warn them and as he thought of earlier, maybe she was the personification of water that he wanted to befriend.

The nod and smile she gave him was her goodbye—for this time. As he watched her body merge with the seawater, he made a promise to himself to visit the sea more often. Haruka didn't know if his chances to meet her again were slim or not, but he was willing to give it a try.


He'd like to know more about her.

Well, I made a thing. A new crack ship has invaded my life and I just have to write them together. Nothing special, but I hope you like it! I'm looking forward to write more HaruXJuvia fanfictions. :)

Reviews are always welcome and appreciated. Thanks for reading!