I don't own Young Justice.

Also 90s Kon-el aka Superboy! GO SEE HIM ON TUMBLR, LIKE OMG!

"Just… tell them, okay?" Wally said sadly before everything went white.

For a second Wally though this must have been it. That he was dead as he felt like he was falling, the lightening flashing dangerously as colors suddenly whirled in with the white space spinning so fast it was like a whirlwind of a mixture of dark colors now only black and purple.

Suddenly a portal opened and Wally found himself falling downward and he was pretty sure he passed a plane. The first thought 'Oh God I'm alive!' and the second though was 'Now I really am going to die!'

"No, wait!" Wally calmed down. "I can just speed my way out of this!"

Holding out his hands he began to move them as fast as he could but he was already so zapped of energy that and his stomach growled horrible in pain. Cursing he tried calling out to M'gann but nothing there to link onto so he thought of the only one that could help him at the moment.

"I really hope Superboy has a few of those patches left… SUPERBOY! HELP!"

There was nothing for a few seconds that felt more like hours before Wally called out again as the impending water got closer and closer. He wasn't sure if he be glad that he was losing consciousness or terrified about that pain he was going to feel either way or that he might die on impact or drown.

"Kon! KON! KON…!"


Something scooped him up and Wally looked up but the person he saw didn't exactly look like that Kon he knew but there was no time to think about that because the whole world went black.

Kon had been helping out Grandma and Grandpa Kent around the farm all day. Their work was almost done and Conner had offered to do the rest. The fourteen year old easily finished up the rest proud of his work as he dusted his hands off smirking to himself at what a great job he did.

Turning back he went to go inside to wash up before dinner because he heard a voice scream and thanks to super hearing he could single out his name.

"Superboy! Help"

Kon rushed into the trees quickly getting rid of his clothes and under was his Superboy costume, the boots he hid in a hollow tree and grabbed them flying off to towards the voice. It was frantic and weak. As he got closer he frowned hearing his name Kon being called out and soon a panicked heartbeat was heard and he saw someone in a familiar costume of red and yellow he had seen on the tv.

Scooping up the other hero who went limp a second later Kon frowned. "A Speedster from Central City?"

Heroes stayed to their own towns. Shrugging Kon flew quickly back to the forest before setting the other hero down so he could get back into his other clothes before picking up the knocked out kid and running to the house.

"Grandpa, Grandma, I need you!" Conner shouted as he entered the back door.

"Conner?" Came Jonathan's voice. "What's going on?"

"Are you alright?" Martha asked followed eyes landing on the other boy. "Who is that?"

"I think he's name Kid Flash. I heard him calling me for help but he wasn't in Central City, he was over the Alantic ocean. What do I do?"

"Help him of course." Grandpa said.

Conner rolled his eyes. "I know that, but I can't take off his mask or he'll be compromised."

"Dosne't he know you if he was calling your name?" Grandma asked as he got the first aid kit.

Conner blinked. "I have no idea how he knew my name. I don't tell people about my other name being Kon-El. He knew it though."

"Well, bring him to the the guest bed and see about his wounds and then we'll know what to do next, and Conner are you sure you don't know him?"

"Positive." Conner walked up the stairs his Grandparents following behind him. "None of us talk, neither do the adult heroes."

"Good." Grandpa said. "And stay away from those Bats."

"I would never dream about it, Grandpa." Conner opened the door with his telekinesis. "They're on their own level of creepy."

"Lay him on the bed." Martha opened the kit. "Conner, go tell your Dad that way there's no misunderstanding with the Flashes in Central City."

"What about…?" Conner looked at the other.

"We'll take care of him." Jonathan said. "Just be carefully out there."

"Alright. I'll be back as soon as I can." Kon left now fully curious about how the Speedster knew his name.

The funereal was nice.

All of Wally's friends had shown up to pay their last respects. Family cried and told Wally's parents that they were sorry for the lost. It burned both Barry and his wife that Wally's parents were not mourning but glad that Wally was gone.

They had never been kind to Wally after he had gained his powers. Barry glared at his brother in law but stopped when he heard his wife arguing with her sisterin law. Looking over he saw that Bart was holding the side of his face rubbing it, a hand print there on the red flesh clear sign that he had been hit hard but Bart didn't whine or cry but rather rush continued to rub his cheek confused.

Walking over Barry put his hand on Bart's shoulder and his grandson moved closer. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm feeling the mode." Bart answered.

"You didn't have to hit him!" Iris hissed. "All he said that Wally was greatly gifted!"

"I know very well what he meant! He's like him isn't he?!"

"Oh, not this again." Barry felt a headache coming on. Bart why don't you go wait for me over there, okay?"

"'Kay." Bart wondered over to stand next to stand next to Jamie seeking a hug from his friend.

After everything settled down they put Wally to rest and Barry went to get Bart thanking Jamie for taking care of his Grandson or now Son, as they made up a cover story since Bart had finally reviled that happens in the future and had a mental brake down after Wally had died and spilled everything and went on about how Wally wasn't supposed to die and was supposed to end up mentoring Bart in the future and raising him after his parents deaths.

Batman had come in and sedated Bart when the other started to have trouble breathing. According to Batman that when the young Speedster had come back to the past that he changed the future and that meant that the world now had a different story that Bart's.

That meant that the world split. However Batman had said he had known since Bart had come back because the Batman of the future, who Batman said wasn't him because in a letter the new Batman explained the situation and that they knew that Bart would be stuck in the past forever but had chosen Bart because they knew he could go it and the other Batman had said that now that Bart was there both world would be well and to take good care as it was known that Bart was the baby of the last remaining superheroes in that future.

So, Batman had asked Barry if they wanted to take in Bart to which both he and his wife agreed and they adopted Bart. However Bart was taking Wally's death really hard. Barry had asked Bats if he knew why and Batman had taken him aside and handed him a small bag that had been hidden away in Bart's room at Mt. Justice and Barry gasped.

It was old wrinkled up pictures. It showed Wally in the Flash outfit, beside him Bart, only three or so and the pictures of them up until Bart was maybe eleven before they changed ended with a miserable looking Bart standing next to grave someone's hand on his shoulder and it a wooden cross with Wally's name on it.

"Wally raised him," Batman said. "So Bart is going through more than a lost of a cousin…"

"He's going through a loss of a Brother and Father figure…" Barry said sadly. "What do I do?"

"Just be there for him. I'm sure he needs it."


Wally groaned as he opened his eyes a little. Sitting up he realized that he was in a room and indeed not dead so that was good. Glancing around he took in the room because freezing. Gulping he slowly looked back towards the dresser that had a mirror in it and let out a shocked scream.

"Oh my god, why am I fourteen again?!"

Requested Younger Wally in another universe instead of dying and also she requested Wally should be younger.

Did you see 90s Superboy?! If you did, answer with "OMG!"

If you didn't than "OMG GO SEE! 8D"