Author Note: Wow forgot I wrote this, I guess I should post it anyway. It was supposed to be a hella long fic, but I completely forgot the plot, but if I remember I'll write more. BTW AU ahead, plus its supposed to be W/V Disclaimer: I don't own anything especially not Trigun

Random Note: I don't like NIN, but I really like The Perfect Drug, that's a tight song

The Perfect Drug

Chapter I

I got my head, but my head is unraveling

The sun was scorching hot. It sent little rays of heat upon the highly populated city. Little beads of sweat trickled down Vash's nose. He brushed them mildly away and continued walking. It would be much nicer if he was in a car with the AC turned up, but he wasn't one to complain. He slowly made his way home ignoring the people that surrounded him. He was used to seeing hookers and pimps on the streets as he walked home from school. He was used to seeing gangs and drug dealers hustling. It was even pretty common to see a gun now and then. The streets of Sacramento were pretty harsh for anyone new to them, but Vash had been living here all his life, he knew how to take it.

Coming to an intersection Vash waited for the light to turn. He leaned against the light post and took the time to gaze up at the sky. Skyscrapers disappeared in the wisps of charcoal gray clouds. He remembered when the sky used to be blue, so fucking blue, but now it was just a wisp away from being completely black with smoke. He was sure in the country there were still some patches of blue left, but in the city a blotch of blue was a rarity. The thought of how much destruction humanity could cause to their own home saddened him. As his gaze intensified on the sky he heard a shrill voice screaming from one of the alleys.

Vash usually would have ignored it, but that voice sounded familiar, too familiar. Cautiously he made his way through a swarm of people, following the voice into a narrow alley between a tattoo parlor and a gunsmith.

On the rough pavement there was a girl who looked no older than 17. Her black hair fell messily over her head and she clutched tightly at her sides. Above her stood two people who seemed to be on the verge of beating her senseless. It took Vash only a couple of seconds to realize the girl on the ground was Meryl Strife.

"Meryl," he whispered as he rushed past her assailants to look at her injuries. Her breathing was heavy and labored. She struggled to get away from his grip but his soothing voice calmed her down.

"Shh.. its ok Meryl, its me Vash.." He brushed her hair away from her confused eyes looking down on a bruised and bleeding face.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled angrily at the two people who had hurt his friend. One was a really huge guy. Tall and muscular, probably twice Vash's size. The other was a girl with long raven hair. She had an eye patch on her left eye.

"We were just trying to get our money" replied the raven haired girl casually as she looked Vash up and down. He looked awfully familiar.

"What money?" he asked struggling to support Meryl's body which was slumped against his.

"Don't you know?" she said leaning against the wall were Vash was located. "You're friend here is one of our best customers" to prove her point she took a clear white bag containing angel dust from Meryl's black jeans. "But she hasn't paid for our service, so we came to ask her nicely when she was planning on paying."

"How much does she owe you?" He asked glancing back and forth between the two drug dealers. He didn't even want to think of what Meryl must have gone through. She was not a perfect student but never in his life did Vash think Meryl would be the type to be addicted to drugs.

"Well, it all depends on you." She said with a broad smirk gracing her elegant features. Despite the eye patch she was quite a sight. Sexy and elegant with a bit of roughness to her. She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully and turned to her partner in crime. They began talking in low voices, to low for Vash to hear.


"What is it Meryl?" He asked helping her bruised form get up.

"I can't let you pay for me.. It wouldn't be right"

"Don't worry about it, you can pay me back later."

"I just don't think it would be right for.."

The sound of gunshot stopped her mid-sentence.

Whipping around Vash was able to see two forms stumble out of the gunsmith. One was a tall dark haired man, the other a short spiky haired metal freak.

"Damn E.G, that shit hurt," muttered the dark haired man grasping his arm. A small trickle of blood slid down it.

"That's what you get for fucking with me Wolfwood, told ya I could shot your arm from 50 meters" Replied the spiky haired man. His entire body was covered in piercing and tattoos.

"Whatever man, just wait till my guns are ready I'll bust a cap in your ass from 80 meters" With that he made his way towards the rest of the people in the ally.

"So whats happening here?" He asked gazing from face to face.

"Were doing business" Dominique replied. "You remember Meryl don't you Wolfwood?"

Scrutinizing the girl on Vashs arm Wolfwood smiled, "Oh I remember Meryl, one of our best customers."

"That's right and since she is our best customers I think she deserves a discount." The raven girl said smiling thoughtfully.

"How much of a discount?" He asked glancing down at his wound.

"A big one,"

"Just tell me how much money and I'll pay," Vash told her holding Meryl up.

"Ok then, give us $100 and you'll friend wont be in debt." She told him.

"I don't have that amount on me, but if u let me go home I can get it for you." Vash told her.

"No problem," she said smiling sweetly turning towards her left, "Wolfwood?"

"Uh, you swear I don't have other things to do," he muttered walking towards his car. "Well hurry up blondy I don't have all day" he shouted towards Vash who was still struggling with Meryl. The muscular guy who had assaulted Meryl earlier lifted her off Vash and promptly threw her in the back seat of the black 1969 Shelby Mustang. Vash nervously followed him and slid in the front seat next to the guy they called Wolfwood.

"The things I do for this bitch" muttered Wolfwood before setting into first gear. He turned up his stereo as high as it could legally go before stepping on the pedal and flying out of the driveway. Leaving behind a cloud of smoke and the vibrations of a heavy bass.

"$100, huh, Isn't that a little cheap compared to what she really owes us?" asked E.G from the corner in the alley.

"Did you notice the guy who came to her rescue?" Dominique asked flicking her hair behind her, "He looks exactly like him."

"He did," piped the muscular guy perched on the steps to the gunsmith, "Do you believe its him?"

"I'm almost sure it is…" she said gazing towards the empty lot were graffiti decorations filled a sky of dust.


End Note: hmmmmm I still don't know were this is going, I know it has to do with drugs and a very evil Knives. This takes place on Earth, and it's basically a what if? Fic. What if Vash and Knives grew up separately and landed on Earth instead. Well anyway if I write chapter 2 I have to go back and re watch Trigun, cuz I forgot pretty much everything, so yea.