Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to get this up I had finals and a lot of homework.

Disclaimer: I don't have a J. K. or Rowling in my name so I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter 6: A Certain Wolf

A London Apartment, July 30, 1986

Remus Lupin woke up early to get ready for a meeting with a certain best friend of his. Why Padfoot wanted to meet the day before Harry's would have been 6th birthday he would never know. When Remus read the paper back in march he couldn't believe he ever thought Sirius guilty of betraying James and of being a Death Eater. The news had made him as happy as he had been in his school days but in that same paper under a picture of the Dark Mark:



The Minister of Magic called a press conference to day to say that the body of our savior, who had been kidnapped last month, was found dead underneath the Dark Mark. On his body magical law enforcement found a letter from the killer that read:

This is what happens when you cross the Dark Lord. Come back my lord, the one who vanquished you is dead. We need you

Long live the Dark Lord

Peter Pettigrew

Pettigrew is an illegal animagus and has been charged with the murders of Lily and James Potter and 12 muggles that died in his escape attempt. His animagus form has been described as a rat with brown fur with a missing toe that he cut off during his escape from Auror Black. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Pettigrew in either rat or human form contact your Auror department immediately.

For more on Peter Pettigrew see page 5.


When he first had read the article he couldn't believe that Pettigrew was the secret keeper, but after a bit of thinking he realized that James and Sirius would expect that if he was the suspected spy back then. Pettigrew being the traitor made sense as well, he was a suspicious guy during the war, never liked rolling up his sleeves when Lily put them to work at the Potter home. After working out that he believed Pettigrew guilty, he became sad and angry that not only did he killed his best friends and their son but also imprisoned the other for his own crimes. Barely 5 minutes after he read the article he noticed an owl tapping at his window. Remus went over to open the window so he could get the letter. He opened the letter which read:


Dear Moony,

If you believe every word of this letter than you already know I am innocent and the rat guilty but also that Harry is dead. I would like to meet you July 30th at noon at The Leaky Cauldron. I have a few things to explain to you. If you don't believe what you have read come anyway I have someone you need to meet.


P.s. If you believe me cut off your ties with Dumbledore. I'll explain when I meet with you.


After that day he had been mourning and patiently wait for July 30, today, so he could meet the mysterious person that Sirius wanted me to meet. He cut off ties with Dumbledore the year Lily and James died because he wouldn't let him take Harry. He got dressed and ready to head to his first meeting with Sirius since he had been set free. He was finally ready to go at 11 so he grabbed a pinch of floo powder and flooed to The Leaky Cauldron where he asked Tom, "Does Sirius have a certain meeting place for our meeting or can I sit anywhere to wait for him?"

"He set it up an 'our ago when he came through with a young boy," replied Tom. "Follow me if you would." Remus followed him to a parlor off to the right of the main dining area. "He'll be with you in thirty minutes would you like something to eat or drink?"

"Not right now. Thank you Tom," he replied pulling out the morning prophet. 30 minutes later Tom came back accompanied by Sirius and a young boy that had a smile identical to his friend's and the more he looked at the boy the more he looked like Sirius.

"Thank you Tom, could you get us some sandwiches and three butterbeers," Sirius said to Tom as he left the room.

"Right away, Mr. Black," he answered as he backed out of the room.

"Hello Moony. I'd like you to meet Phoenix Black, my son."

"Your son huh. Nice to meet you Phoenix," Remus said holding his hand out to shake his hand. Phoenix saw the hand and backed away afraid that Remus would hit him.

"It's okay Nix, he just wants to shake your hand. He wouldn't hurt a fly," Sirius told the boy who shyly shook Remus's hand. "Sorry about that his mother died while I was in Azkaban and the Ministry in Ireland put him in an abusive orphanage while they searched for family to place him with. It took them 4 years to find someone and they finally found and contacted Narcissa back in February telling her that he was my son and being the first of the Black family that the found, she should go to Ireland and pick him up. When she went to pick him up she found him beaten and untrusting of any and all adults."

"Poor kid. I wouldn't trust adults either if I were you."

"Y-yo-you wouldn't"

"Nope. How old are you Nix."

"I turn 6 in two days."

"6 huh. Padfoot how come you didn't tell us that you had a son."

"I didn't know back then. I was with his mom for a week before she decided to go into hiding. I didn't hear about her again till I was free and Narcissa told me Nix was my son," Sirius replied as Tom returned with their sandwiches and butterbeers.

"Anything else Mr. black and Mr. Lupin?" Tom asked.

" No thank you Tom," they replied together as Tom left and the three of them started on the sandwiches.

"What was his mother's name?" Remus asked.

"Mary McKnuckle a muggleborn from Ravenclaw a year below us," replied Sirius.

"How did she die?"

"Rogue Death Eater went to their home in Ireland and murdered her because she wouldn't hide him from Aurors. Luckily he didn't know she had a son or Nix would have died that day as well."

"So what have you been up to since March?"

"We both were on recovery and we had to spend some time with each other. This kids definitely a prankster. I haven't had to watch my back this much since I lived with James when we were 16. Have you cut off your ties with Dumbledore?"

"I did that when Lily and James died because Dumbledore wouldn't let me take Harry."

"I miss the little Prongslet but Nix here has helped me through it though. Every time he saw me sad he would set a prank for me and sometimes it wouldn't hit me but Narcissa instead. She would yell at me for setting a prank but Nix would run into the room and tell her that he was trying to cheer his dad up It made me laugh just to see her face every time that happened."

"It sounds like he has helped you a lot."

"He has and it's good that you cut off your ties with Dumbledore."

"Why is it so important that I do?"

"I believe that he knew I was innocent."

"You have a good reason then. I would have helped you but I sadly believed the papers."

"That's alright Moony. Everything is good now."

"So Nix, what do you want for your birthday?"

"Whatever you think I want," Nix replied.

"Padfoot did he never get presents before?"

"No, it took us a long time to get him to say that instead his question of I get presents."

"I am going to get you a bunch of muggle presents but I need some suggestions, think can you give me some?"

"Legos and a bike."

"I'm on it then."

"Sure you can afford them Moony."

"Yes apparently I inherited the Potter fortune when Harry was killed."

"Really I suppose you deserve it," Sirius said as they finished the meal. "well I should get this little guy back home before he wants to go see the brooms again."

"Can we come back tomorrow then, with Moony?" said Nix with a grin on his face.

"No Nix I told you Aunt Cissy wants to find you something nice to wear for your birthday."

"Where is home Padfoot?" said Remus.

"Malfoy Manor till the end of the week. That's why we were in Diagon Alley today before the meeting with you."

"Did you decide on a house?"

"Yes it's right here in London, about 5 blocks from Diagon Alley."

"You'll have to send me the floo address when you are settled in," Remus said. He say Nix whisper in his dads ear.

"How about you come to Nix's party at the Manor?" asked Sirius.

"Sure, who all is going?"

"Just family, boys Nix's age, and you if you agree."

"I'll be there. What time is the party?"

"1:00 see you then," Sirius said as he took Nix's hand and walked to the floo.

"See you then," Remus said as the two Blacks disappear. He thought, "This has been a good day," and he left for muggle London to pick up some Legos and a bike for a birthday boy.

A/N: Phew I thought this chapter would never end. I meant for the birthday party to be thrown into this chapter but I realized the meeting was a bit longer than I have written with 2 events in a chapter. Whoop longest chapter yet. *bows to fans* Planing the birthday party to be just as long. *crossing fingers* hopefully this chapter is better then the last one. I have edited my previous chapters. After Sirius and Nix move to their new house I will be writing about Christmas and birthdays because I want to get to the boys first year. Yes Draco is a big part in this story and will visit Nix often.