This is my second Soul Eater fanfiction. The summary/prologue will be in the next chapter. I will get that up today. :) This idea just kind of came to me so, yeah.

Broccolio: Soul will you please do the disclaimer?

Soul: That's so uncool though. This isn't even a chapter. Get someone else to do it. I'll do it on a more exciting chapter.

Broccolio: Fine... Medusa - will you do the disclaimer?

Maka: Soul quick! Transform!

Soul: *tries to turn into scythe but can't* I... I can't. What did you do Broccolio?!

Broccolio: In this story you're a wolf - not a scythe...

Soul: So not cool...

Medusa: That was interesting... Anyway, Broccolio does not own Soul Eater or any of the characters from the show/manga.

Character Guide:

Maka - She is a princess that ran away seeking adventure. She hated her life as a princess, and the fact that everyone was always treating her like she was weak and fragile.

Soul - He was kicked out of his home town for being considered a monster. Really he is just cursed - a human by day, a white wolf by night.

Black*Star - He is an assain for hire. He ends up getting hired by Medusa to kill Maka.

Spirit - He is an over protective father. When he finds out that his beloved daughter is missing; he, Kidd, and Crona go searching for her thinking she was kidnapped.

Kidd - He is Maka's "fiancé". He cares for Maka dearly, but she wants nothing to do with him.

Crona - He is the castle's best guard, but he is very shy. He is Maka's good friend and would do anything for her safe return to the castle.

Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki - They are travelers who wander around trying to find new places and forget old pasts.

Witch Medusa - She is a witch with very dark magic. She can control snakes and place them in people's bodies. She holds a deep grudge with Maka - and wishes nothing more than to destroy her.

Training Witch Eurika - She is being trained by Witch Medusa in order to become a full on witch. She hates Witch Medusa, but Medusa placed snakes inside of her so she has no choice but to listen. She will do anything to become a witch and have enough magic ability to take the snakes out of her. She controls frogs and mice.

Asura - He is a demon who has no fear. He kills without thinking and has no regret. He believes messing with people's heads is sometimes more enjoyable than killing them. So when Soul gets on his dark side he changed his plans and began targeting one person - Soul.

Ok, now I'm going to work on the summary/prologue! :) Yay.

Until then, please review!
