Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater. Only the plot of this story.

As promised, Shoutouts:

CheezeMonster: I guess you'll have to read and see. ;)

Twany Haired Wild Flower: Thank you, I have gotten much better over my absence. :)

Da Newbie: I love wolf stories to, that's why I started writing this! :) Thanks for reading and I'm glad you like it!

LameGuest: Thank you very much, it's good to know people like my stories!

IdolizedFan: Haha, reading your comment puts a smile on my face, I love to see people enjoying my story!

Draco Wolves: And so your wish has come true... Though it took a really long time. xD

97kingdomwolf: Ikr! I was so mad when that happened!

Monkeyqueen88: I'm glad you like it!

TheDemonsInsideMe: I'm glad you like it... And your puppy dog eyes make me want to update! :3

Wow… I finally managed to update. Geez, what's it been 5 months? 0-0

Yeah… Sorry about that. But, thank you all for waiting this long.

I'm pretty sure this is the best chapter yet, and it is longer than usual.

Now, without further a due...

Chapter 5 – Memories

*Black Star's POV*

"Something about her… Why wasn't she afraid? She didn't even scream." Black Star said to himself, being shockingly calm and collected for once. Staring down at the young girl made him fell slightly guilty. She was lying there, helpless and bleeding. I don't have time for regrets… Black Star thought to himself as he fled the scene.

Black Star approached a small stable and smiled at his friends, "Hey Patty, Liz, Tsubaki…" He had met the three girls about a month ago, and had taken it upon himself to look after them after all the pain and remorse he had caused them. After the incident, he was all they had left.

~ Flashback ~

The three of them had originally been from a small city that wouldn't be found on any maps. Why would there? After the incident, there was nothing left to charter… It was there they lived peacefully. The three of them knew each other, but you couldn't really call them friends; and Black Star's reason for residing in the city was for the assassination of a man that everybody wanted dead.

When he first arrived in the small town, Black Star found it hard to believe that the man he was sent to kill was all that bad. But the rumors spread were those of a grim nature. Spoken in hushed tones these rumors whispered tales of a man so horrible that those who knew his name dared not to speak it and those who didn't dared not to inquire. He was a man who had killed thousands before him and likely to kill thousands more before his time came. His second name was like a second skin molded to mimic his alter ego. It was a name that seemed to suit him better than any name of earthly nomenclature. For this man was seen as not a man at all, but as an unearthly demon sent to purge the earth of everything it touches. The man's name was Asura, meaning "people slayer".

Shrugging his shoulders as he walked down the narrow street, Black star allowed the thoughts of his target to quietly permeate into the back of his mind. "It's a good thing I'm getting paid for this job." Black Star spoke aloud to himself. The growling in his stomach seconded only to the questions in his mind. Black Star had found it strange that the person who had hired him hadn't even given him his name. All he had received was a letter stating whom to kill, how much he would be paid, and where to find his target as well as a note at the bottom stating that he would reveal himself once there was proof that Asura was dead.

What a strange man his boss was…


Black Star left his questions behind him and gazed quickly down at a girl about his age sitting on the ground. Blushing, she just as quickly apologized as she stood up, "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!"

Black Star gave her a lopsided grin. "It's fine, honestly, your god forgives you! But in return for his kindness may I ask you for your name?" he smirked.

The girl eagerly nodded her head and spoke, "My name is Tsubaki."

Black Star quickly examined the girl from head to toe. She was a beautiful creature, one of unique beauty and a natural glow about her. The way her long black hair shimmered reminded Black Star of a raven's feathers in the dim glow of moonlight. Her bright yellow dress reminded him of a sunflower, and her pale skin reminded him of that of a porcelain doll. Even though she was slightly taller than him, it was easy for even the ever proud Black Star to admit how strikingly radiant her beauty really was.

Blushing slightly he offered her another smile and said, "Mine's Black Star, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going. Your god has to find a place to stay for the night!" silently thanking all the Gods he could think of for not stumbling over his words as he turned away and waved goodbye.

"W-Wait," Tsubaki said right as he was about to run off, "If you don't have a place to stay, you're welcome to stay at my place." Black Star couldn't help noticing how her face had seeped a few shades redder, but he was pretty sure his was twice as dark. He responded with a gracious "yes please", trying his best not to yell like he normally does.

It was during dinner with Tsubaki that people outside started shrieking. Black Star quickly jumped up from his spot at the table and looked out of Tsubaki's window. Sure enough, he saw Asura going around with a sword cutting people down as if they were thin sheets of paper.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes," Black Star said commandingly. Tsubaki nodded her head as Black Star ran out of the house.

"Asura!" He yelled as he lunged at his target. Asura smiled at him, insanity dripping from his mouth. Lifting his hands, Asura blocked Black Star's attack by grabbing his blade, stopping it from coming any closer to his body.

His hands had been cut deeply, yet Asura laughed it off as if it were a mere scratch. Cold fear quivered through Black Star's body. "This is what fear truly is…" he thought. It is not red hot, like the people describe it, it is a frigid cold that stops the heart and soul from moving forward. The face Black Star saw reflected through Asura's eyes was one he did not recognize. It was the face of a scared little boy, not the face of the world's greatest assassin.

Asura ran towards Black Star with amazing speed, rapidly swinging his sword at him. He was unlucky enough to only block four or five of the attacks thrown at him. Black Star panted heavily, blood dripping from each of his new wounds. He could feel himself losing consciousness. Without being given a chance to guard, Asura ran towards Black Star, kicking him in the stomach hard enough to make him fly down the street and into the dirt flat on his face.

As Black Star faded in and out between consciousness, he heard Asura speak for the first time, "Listen here boy, and listen closely. For tonight the moon's smile bleeds." And with that, Asura set the town ablaze. His laughter booming through the night was the last thing Black Star managed to hear.

When Black Star awoke, he was no longer in the same spot he was before and he quickly tried to sit up. Feeling a sharp pain shoot through his stomach he instinctively grabbed his abdomen. Looking around him, all he saw was rubble. There were ashes and crumbled rocks were buildings used to stand, and so many dead bodies. The memories from last night came rushing into his head; the ones of Asura, their fight, and the fire. Taking a closer look, Black Star realized that most people hadn't died from a fire, but of a blade. Hot, searing anger shot through him, it stuck to the back of his throat like molten lead. "All of these people died because of my arrogance." He spat out with tears in his eyes.

"You're awake!" said a familiar voice. Turning to his side, he saw Tsubaki standing there. Relief washed away most of his anger like cool rain after a fire. It took all of his strength, but he forced himself to stand. Stumbling over to Tsubaki he collapsed with her tightly in his arms.

"Please tell me we aren't the only two survived," Black Star mumbled in and worried tone. He was sure such a tone had never crossed over his lips before. Black Star couldn't help being angry with his own arrogance. He was unfamiliar with his feeling of grief and regret that he so often saw in others. He always pitied them for their weakness, as he pitied himself now, which only made him angrier.

Tsubaki quietly mumbled, "Aside from you and me, there are two sisters by the name of Liz and Patty Thompson." Black Star could have hit himself when he heard her pain behind her attempt to be optimistic.

Black Star cringed upon hearing the news, "Only two others…" he thought to himself. He let go of Tsubaki and looked into her azure eyes as he spoke, "Grab the two girls, from here on out… the three of you will stay with me…" That was all he said before he turned away.

Nodding her head Tsubaki went to grab the Thompson sisters. Black Star looked back as he tried to think of something better to say but all he could think was, "I couldn't complete my job… and all of these people died because of my arrogance… my stupid, blinded arrogance."

~ End Flashback ~

"That was fast, so who was the unlucky fellow?" Liz asked me.

I was glad that when I finally built up the courage to tell the girls that I was an assassin for hire, they didn't mind too much. Tsubaki was a little cautious at first, but seeing as it was our main source of income, she managed to deal with it. Looking over to Liz I answered her question, "Her name was Maka Albarn."

"You mean as in the princess Maka!" Patty said jumping up and down. Patty was a weird girl, she was only a year younger than me and yet she had the maturity of a six year old. I smiled at her, "Yes Patty, she was the princess. Though when she ran away from home we got lucky; she happened to be visiting this very town."

Tsubaki spoke up this time, her voice a little more than a whisper. "Wait… Did she have blonde pigtails and emerald eyes?" Confusion swept over my face, "Yeah, but how did you know that?"

"She came by here with her horse earlier. I said I would watch it for the night…" Tsubaki said, pointing to a brown horse with white spots. "That's a shame…" I said. Poor horse, she wasn't ever going to go back to her owner.

"Can we keep it Black Star?" Patty asked, getting excited as she usually does.

"No." I said in a manner that left no room for argument. The last thing we needed was a horse slowing us down… Then again, it could be helpful.

"Please!" Patty asked again, this time more pleading than anything. "I'll think about it," I said in a tone that Patty knew she would be getting what she wanted, as usual.

There was an intense knocking on the stable door, it almost sounded desperate. Tsubaki got up to answer it, but I motioned her and everyone else to stay where they were. With my sword in hand I opened the door.

To my surprise, there was a boy around my age standing there panting, as if he had just run a marathon. His white hair, red eyes, and sharp teeth were features that made me wonder what someone like him was doing in a town like this. Before I had a chance to ask him why he was here, he looked up at me with pleading eyes. He spoke as quickly as he could, despite him being out of breath, I could hear the urgency in his voice. "P-Please…" he said through chocking breaths, "Have you seen a girl? She's a little shorter than me, and she's around our age. She has blond pigtails and green eyes! I-I really need to find her… Please help me…"

Don't hate me…. Sorry for the cliff hanger…

Not really though. ;)

I hope you guys aren't too upset that Soul & Maka weren't really in this chapter, but what can I say… I'm really proud of how this chapter turned out.

Please Read and Review

Until Next Time,
