Author Notes: this is my first attempt at fanfiction, so be warned the road may be a bit bumpy at times. I am shipping Alex & Jo so much and was getting frustrated that I couldn't find more Jolex stories so I decided to write one. This is just my thoughts about how their relationship might look after that awesome finale kiss. I welcome constructive criticism but please be kind!

Just FYI, this story is told in 3rd person limited to Jo. I find her absolutely fascinating and I am so excited about the possibilities for her character. At times this will go into her past and may be dark at times. You've been warned.

Also, Alex is my absolute favorite character and has been since day one. He's a softie in this story. I realize it's a little out of character, but I feel he is a big sweetie when he's in love. So that's the Alex I'm showing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy, ABC, the characters, writers, actors, set designers, etc, etc, etc and I seriously doubt I ever will.

Rating: T for mild language, references to past abuse (including child abuse) and sexual innuendo.

Hope you all enjoy!

Jo was thoroughly enjoying the feel of Alex's arms encircling her as his multitalented mouth explored her own. Damn he was a good kisser. Much better than even hospital gossip had built him up to be. Jo quickly decided that she never wanted him to stop kissing her. As his hands roamed her back while simultaneously holding her upright as close to his body as physically possible, she felt safer than she had in her entire life. It almost scared her how deeply she already loved him.

And oh God he loves her too. The full magnitude of the moment had been lost to her after his lips first met hers. He loves me. And he actually said the words. Holy crap Alex Karev loves me! Her feet suddenly met the ground again and she regrettably realized that their first kiss was coming to an end.

Alex continued to place soft, feathery kisses on her bruised lips. When his lips finally left hers, they rested their foreheads together while their ragged breathing slowly returned to normal. Jo began to panic slightly as she couldn't think of anything to say, and too much to say at the same time. She felt she was going to ruin what had been a perfect moment. 'Say something,' she berated to herself.

'Anything will work'

'This is quickly becoming uncomfortable.'

'Dammit moron, just tell him something!'

She began to stammer out, "uh. That was...I mean ... I've never...just... Wowzers." She should have never joked about him writing greeting cards. He certainly would not let her forget this embarrassing lack of functional vocabulary.

Alex slowly pulled back from her and brought his hands to cup her face. He tilted his head to the side and gave a quick half smile. "Yeah, Wowzers."

Jo snorted loudly which earned a quick "Sexy" from Alex, whose half smile had grown into a wide grin.

Jo lightly slapped at his arm and muttered "jerk face" while never losing eye contact with him. She realized now that she had the freedom to gaze into those ever expressive windows to his complex soul whenever she liked, she was going to have difficulty doing anything else. Currently, his eyes seemed to convey a peacefulness that she had never seen before. His whole being seemed to be more relaxed than she had ever witnessed and it made her giddy as a schoolgirl to realize that she had something to do with this change. However, there was a lot for them to sort out which she mockingly realized was mostly due to her baggage. It hit Jo at that moment she was basically homeless. Again. 'What a great way to start off a relationship.' Jo decided it was time to rip off the band aid and burst the beautiful bubble they had enjoyed for the past several minutes.

"Listen Alex, we really should talk about what...," Jo began but was interrupted by the high pitched shrill of a pager. Both swore softly as they broke contact to check their respective beepers.

"Incoming trauma to the pit. Kepner's asking for help," Alex stated before looking back at Jo. He seemed to be having an internal struggle of some sort, but Jo couldn't read what was on his mind. "Listen, Robbins will need some more help up here so stay put and do what you can for her. I'll come find you when I'm done so we can leave."

Jo's eyes fell to her shoes. She quietly murmured a quick "okay" while silently wondering if she would have the courage later to approach a discussion about their future. Her head was soon forced up by Alex's gentle pull of her chin. He gazed into her eyes seemingly searching for something. He leaned in for a slow sweet kiss while at the same time played with the hair directly behind her ear. He then tilted her head back down to place a kiss on her forehead. She held his wrists where his fingers were still rubbing her hair and gave them a quick squeeze before he quickly walked out of the room without a backwards glance.

Thanks for staying with me so far! My plan is to add a chapter a week until the finale; hopefully I'll accomplish this :) As I said before, I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions to help me improve. Thank you!