Fabian's POV

"Eddie. It's time to go." I said coldly as I entered our bedroom. I mean how could Nina trust him? He just seems do secretive and deceptive.

"Cool, I'll just grab my stuff." He came into the corridor carrying a small metal box. I bet it's probably something stupid like sports cards or a baseball or something like that. How dare he intrude on me and Nina's relationship..even if it hasn't started yet...It's plain to see how we feel about each other, then he came along with his American accent and Tennessee roots. He's even got himself some piercing green eyes just like sweet Nina.

"Um Fabian, Nina said there'd be a clearing involved, how much farther is it?"

"Just be patient. We're almost there." Within 5 minutes, we caught sight of the already burning fire. The rage I had built up for Eddie had finally ignited when Nina scurried over to hug him instead of me.

"Great you're hear. Now we can start the initiation."she walked over to the rest of the gang." Okay, Eds, what sis you bring?" He opened the metal box and walked closer to the fire.

"I brought the only picture I have of my dad. I haven't seen him since I was a kid, but I came here to England to find him."

"Oh, Eddie. Are you sure you want to sacrifice this?" she came over to place a comforting hand on his back.

"Yea, besides, I'm closer than I ever was to finding him. Let's finish this."

She nodded and walked back to her spot across the fire from him. "Raise your right hand and repeat after me." He nodded. "I Eddie Miller, being of sound mind.."

"I Eddie Miller being of sound mind."

"Do promise to protect the secrets of Anubis house.."

"Do promise to protect the secrets of Anubis house."

"Along with my fellow members, Nina Martin, Amber Millington, Patricia Williamson, Alfie Lewis and Fabian Rutter."

"Along with my fellow members, Nina Martin, Amber Millington, Patricia Williamson, Alfie Lewis and Fabian Rutter."

"Sibuna." She looked at us all and nodded before placing her hand over her eye.

"Sibuna." We all repeated. After everyone, apart from me, congratulated him, they all began to leave.

"Hey Nina," she turned around with a gorgeous smile. " can I...will you...do you want to go with me to the attic, I-I think I might have found something useful up their for your uhm adjusting to the new country."

"Oh well, Eddie and I were gonna go catch a movie, you wanna come?"

I looked into her eyes and knew that the love she once had for me was gone. "Ah, no. I'll just stay here and study, it'll be fine."

"You sure?" I wish I could have worked up the courage to just grab her in my arms and kiss her; but instead I nodded and let her walk off into the night with Eddie.

I stayed around the fire, putting out the flame to see exactly what he'd put inside. A small frame was singed at the edges. The picture was still intact luckily. "Who are you, Eddie?" I blew away the ash to reveal a picture of a young Mr. Sweet holding a little boy who resembled Eddie. I threw the picture down in shock.

If Eddie is Mr. Sweet's son, Nina could be in danger...we all could be in danger ! I have to stop him from hurting the people I love. I'll confront him tonight, if he's working with Victor and the teachers, he won't be stupid enough to harm me while others are there.

Eddie's POV

Nina and I were the last to get back to the house. She went upstairs to get ready while I walked down the hall to chill in my room til she was done. I opened my door to see Patricia on my side of the room. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. She was taken my surprise and fell back against the dresser.

"I'm sorry, I was just looking for you," she gulped.

"Why?" I took a few steps closer to her.

"I wanted to talk to you." I now stood in front of her looking her up and down.

"Well go ahead, I have somewhere to be."

"Yet you're here." We stood glaring at each other until she continued. "Do you even really like Nina?"

I nodded. "She's a sweet girl..who happens to respect people's privacy."

"But why would you like her? She's so plain. And in top of that she's always counting on people to do stuff for her."

"Why do you care?"

"I asked first."

"Well, if ya haven't noticed, Yacker, this is my room. And I'm not the one against the wall, so answer my question. Why do you care how I feel about Nina?" She looked into my eyes with her grey ones before pressing her lips to mine. I almost got lost in the kiss; it'd been so long since I last had one. I pushed her away forcing her onto Fabian's side of the room. "So you're jealous? And you think that kissing me is gonna make me feel any different?" I was so focused on my hatred towards the Brit that I hadn't even noticed Nina walk into the room. She stood looking surprised.

Patricia was on the floor and I looked like an angry bull. Not exactly the best sight to walk in on.

"What's going on?" Nina asked looking between us.

"It's nothing Nina. Let's go before she get's any other useless ideas into her head." I placed my arm around her shoulder and walked out of the house to the cab I had called not to long ago.

2 hours later

The movie was great. Nina and I got to know each other even better. "I had a great time Eddie. We should do it again sometime."

"Eh, I was thinking that maybe next time we go, it could be more of date? Me, you a night on the town." she giggled.

"That's be great. Goodnight. She hugged me and gave a kiss on the cheek before heading up to her room. I entered my room for the second time tonight, greeted by yet another person snooping through my things.

"Finding everything okay, Fabian?" He jumped nearly out of his skin. Mick was knocked out in his bed, snoring like a truck horn.

"I don't know, how about I ask your dad, Sweet?" I stared shocked at him.

"What did you say?"

"Your name isn't Eddie Miller, it's Edison Sweet. Your the son of our headmaster."

"And so what if I am?"

"I know what you're up to Edison. You're trying to get close to Nina so you can tell your dad our secrets."

"What the hell are you talking about Fabian?" I walked over to him, seeing that he was holding the picture I had sacraficed. "That was my sacrafice, why do you have it?"

"Because of you Eddie. I find it a little strange how as soon as you get to the house, the first person you're attached to is the leader of our group-"

"She is the only person who's actually taken the chance to get to know me, unlike almost everyone here who's been judging me for no reason. As for telling secrets why would I tell that old fart anyways? He left me and my mom when I was 5 and suddenly he wants to get to know me? Think about it Fabian, I don't trust him, In fact the only person in this whole country that I do is upstairs getting ready for bed, and I would never tell her secrets, to anyone that could harm her! Got that, Rutter?" I sat down on my bed, snatching the picture away from him as I moved away from him. He nodded slowly with a clenched jaw. "Good. Now goodnight." I got ready for bed and climbed under the duvet. I began texting my dad.

Rutter's on to me, what do I do?

Just play it off, find someway to make him trust you. We can't risk exposure.

I put away my phone and went to sleep thinking of Nina.