A/n: Happy summer everyone! it is stupid hot here and both on and off base they are begging for people to watch energy consumption by tuning off the A/C and to make other conservation choices. Make sure your pets have plenty of water!


The man escorted into the richly appointed private office stood out in stark contrast to his surroundings. Where he was dressed shabbily, in ill fitting clothes that bore numerous stains, rips and tears, the chair in which he was silently invited to sit was expensive leather, well tanned and lavishly decorated with hand carved wood accents. It sat across an equally impressive mahogany desk, massive in both size and decor, with inlaid mother of pearl and a Tiffany Lamp in the corner that was worth several hundred thousand dollars.

Behind the desk sat a gentleman whose own attire much more closely matched the room. He was dressed in an impeccably tailored Italian pinstripe suit; with hand made Italian leather shoes; a Rolex that cost as much as a car; and the signet ring bore a diamond that rivaled the Hope itself. Finishing the ensemble was a pure snow white carnation in the lapel. He was of indeterminate age; he could have been 50, or 80. The hair was as white as the carnation, and slicked back in a style last seen in old gagster movies. The two men could not have been more different in appearance. Nevertheless, the man stood, came around the desk and warmly embraced the poorly dressed man as an old friend.

"Aldo, amico mio. It has been too long." The man smiled as he kissed each cheek before returning to his chair. "Allow me to express my condolences on your loss." He got a grunt in return, although the attitude was deferential. "I am most happy you decided to come to me upon your return. Anything you wish; if it is within my power to grant, it is yours!" the man proclaimed expansively.

"I wish for Retribution, capo crimini." Aldo spoke with a heavy Sicilian accent, his voice thick with suppressed rage.

"Ahh." The gentleman steepled his long, slender fingers as he contemplated. "This is no easy thing you request, caporegime."

"I understand, signor. But I must have my revenge." The unkempt man refused to be swayed. The other man sighed softly, and a bit sadly but knew that he would eventually capitulate. He owed far too much to this disheveled person in front of him to dismiss him so lightly, even if what he requested was outside of his own comfort zone. La Familia was the most important thing.

"Very well." He leaned back into his sumptuous chair and steepled his long elegant fingers in front of his mouth. He appraised the figure before him silently. He had an inkling of the nature the request as going to take. Question was, was he going to agree? There was no doubt in his mind that he wished fervently to exact his own retribution. But currently, according to his own personal code of conduct, he was helpless to do so. Perhaps, he mused silently as he regarded his Lieutenant, it was time to consider straying from that code. It was no secret that his business dealings had been greatly curtailed in recent months, and his ability to keep the lesser Families in line had become nearly nonexistent since the deaths of his Piccioto, the two brothers of the man before him currently. Fortunately, with the return of Aldo, he now had at his disposal his most lethal and terrifying caporegime again. Aldo Mazzola, eldest of the three brothers. An expert in his field; skills which he not only put to good use practically, he shared his knowledge and expertise with his brothers. Brothers who were excellent students.

Mario Vincente made a decision. It was time to change, to adapt to the new century. He still fervently wanted revenge in his own right. He also owed it to Dominic and Luigi Mazzola's memories to honor their sacrifice in his service. "What are your intentions, Aldo?" he finally asked.

"Joe Hardy must die." Aldo spoke flatly.

A/n: and thus begins your weekend. These will be very short chapters.. exceedingly short in some cases so I am gonna be nice. instead of posting a new one weekly, it will be more often. Might be M/W/F, might be T/Th. This takes place immediately before my last one shot, Get Me to the Church on Time. In fact it will roll right on past that and will be given its own chapter( albeit written from a different angle). Fear not, this will not be nearly as bad as you think, I promise. the Joe at the Mercy of a Crazy Person story comes later. Like this fall later.