Before you read be warned, this is mostly Sonic underground with

Characters from other Sonic games and shows. Its all twisting everything you

know about Sonic, if you want to continue read on.

Prince of Shadows

By Firehedgehog

Chapter One

      A blue hedgehog whimpered as his body slammed into the side of a

cliff, pain flared throughout his entire body. His eyes opened to slits, he

could see Robotnik coming towards him with his new ultra super swatbot.

      'This isn't good, I'm too hurt to fight back... but at least the villagers

are safe' he thought through his pain, as he readied for his death he

remembered how he had gotten here.

      He had been on a mission for Sonia and Manic, Robotnik had been

raiding a small village... he had been sent to help the mobians there escape.

But there had been a surprise attack and he had been hit with something

that took away his speed, now he was paying the price.

      "Manic... Sonia... forgive me," he whispered when Robotnik and the

swatbot were only ten feet away. Robotnik sneered at the bane of his

existance, Sonic only closed his eyes sadly as Robotnik caused the cliff above

to explode and cover him.

      Darkness and pain came quickly.

Three years later:

      A pink hedgehog sighed as she leaned back onto her bed, at the age

seventeen her world had not become easier since she had found out she was

of the royal family. It had become even worse since Sonic the youngest of

her two brothers had been killed by Robotnik, sadly his body had never

been found to give him a proper burial.

      "Were loosing more ground every year to Robotnik, how much more

ground can we loose before he destroys us all' Sonia thought sadly, she

feared deeply for her two remaining family members. Manic was her

brother... part of her soul, then there was there mother who was still out

there somewhere.

      As if in tune with her thoughts a certain green hedgehog entered her

room, she smiled lightly at Manic.

      "How did your mission go today?" she asked, thankfully after being

together so long he had lost most of his street lingo and she longer talked

liked a spoiled child and was startled less at things.

      "We did good sis, we destroyed five factories... were gaining back some

territory Sonia," Manic said happily, she gave a happy sigh glad that they

were finally getting back what they had lost.

      "Thats great Manic, everything hasn't been this good since... " she said

but let that thought trail off, they both knew when it had started going bad...

when Sonic the pillar stone of there family had been killed.

      "Its been three years, I thought that after all this time thinking of him

wouldn't cause me so much pain," Manic said sadly, Sonia nodded in

agreement and gently touched her medallian.

      "I still remember when we learned how to use these, we were such

impatient kids. Remember how much we argued then, if Sonic saw us now he

would probably ask if we were sick or something else funny," Sonia said

with a sad little grin, Manic gave a small laugh seeing it too.

      "But one day it won't hurt, one day we'll be even be able to bury him

like he deserves," Manic whispered a far off look in his eyes, Sonia nodded.

      "I hope so," she whispered back, if only Sonic was there then

everything would be set right.


      "Not bad," a almost emotionless voice said.

      "You know you don't have to stay in the shadows," a second voice said.

      "Yes I do, its better that I help them this way Knuckles," the first said.

      "But why don't you speak to them, let them know your alive?"

Knuckles asked.

      "Because I'm not who I use to be," the first said.

      "Thats no excuse," Knuckles complained.

      "I know, but I'm not him anymore," the first explained.

      "The scientist Gerald changed you alot didn't he?" Knuckles asked.

      "Yes he did, he saved my life in the process. But my DNA makes me

not even related to them, it would only hurt them now," the first voice


      "I guess, but why don't you at least meet them as you are?" Knuckles


      "Are you kidden, I'd be nuts... ninty percent of my memory is zippo

and I'd probably scare them anyway," The first said in slight agitation.

      "If you say so Sonic," Knuckles sighed.

      "Call me Shadow, that is what Gerald Kintobor renamed me when he

woke me up," the black hedgehog said stepping out of the shadows, for a

second Shadows crimson eyes flashed to Sonics sapphier blue.

      He remembered being crushed under hundreds of tonnes of dirt and

rock, most of his body lost of feeling when he felt his spine break under the

pressure. He blacked out, he was near death when a week later a very old

mobian and his grandaughter rescued him from his earthly grave.

      Thankfully even buried he had plenty of air, he had been trapped in a

huge air pocket that would of kept him alive for about a week more.

      He was taken to a placed called ARK in space where he was placed in a

tube, there his DNA was scanned and altered so he would survive. Gerald

made him the ultimate being, immortal and ageless. He had been aged till he

looked sixteen so he could move around easier, his body was changed

entirely in looks and... well everything.

      This process also erased most of his past, renamed Shadow he learned

to love little Maria like a little sister. Then one day Ark was attacked, Maria,

Gerald, and the scientists were killed.

      He himself had escaped when he was forced into a pod by Maria

before she killed, to this day he promised himself not to let anyone close to

his heart ever again.

      He had traveled mobius for the next year getting to know it, but it was

not the same.. and his memories from his time as Sonic were quite sketchy.

Then he had met Knuckles and somehow the guardian of the floating island

had reconized him, because of this Shadow told him of how he had become

this way.

      Knuckles of course wanted him to tell Sonia and Manic he was alive,

Shadow shook his head at such an unrational thought. Sonic was dead and he

was in a way Sonics Legacy, anyway it wasn't like he was there brother...

and he had no idea if he could use Sonics medallian.

      "But there is something you can do for me Knuckles," he told the

echidna, Knuckles looked at the ebony and crimson hedgehog with narrowed

eyes. He knew how dangerous this mobian was, and how fast Shadow could

be when he used a choas emerald.

      "What is it Shadow?" he asked, crimson eyes met his own with


      "Give this to the royal hedgehog children," Shadow said tossing a small

object to Knuckles, it was Sonics medalion and when Knuckles looked up to

ask him about it the dark hedgehog was gone.

      "Figures, Shadow does hate questions," Knuckles mused, he then

started on his way to where he knew Sonia and Manic would be.


      "Sonia," a voice said, Sonia looked up from the book she was reading to

see that Cyrus and his face was pale.

      "What is it Cyrus?" she asked, he took a deep breath and motioned for

someone to come in.

      "Knuckles?" she questioned when she saw her crush, he sighed and

smiled weakly at her.

      "Hi Sonia, before I say anything can you get Manic in here?" he asked,

from the way he was acting Sonia could tell that whatever it was it wasn't


      "Someone say my name?" Manic said strolling into the room, Knuckles

nodded and asked him to close the door. Manic frowned but did as he was

asked, he then moved to stand beside his sister.

      "What is it knuckles?" Sonia asked, he sadly tossed something to her.

      "A friend of mine came across it Sonia, I'm sorry," he told her, Sonic

becan to sob heavily as she looked at the medalion in her hands.

      "Thank you Knuckles for bringing us this, is there any chance that this

friend of yours found his body?" she asked hopefully, maby he was even

alive by some chance.

      "No my friend didn't find Sonics body, this is all he found," he told

them, Sonia sighed deeply.

      "Is there anyway I can meet this friend of your Knuckles, to thank

him?" she asked, he shook his head no.

      "Not likely Sonia, he travels alot and its hard to track him down. We

stopped traveling togeather two days ago and went seperate ways when he

sent me to give you this, no one has much of a chance to find him now,"

Knuckles said, Sonia gave yet another sigh.

      "Thanks anyway Knuckles, if you see him though... say thankyou," she

said, he nodded and left the room.

      "Why didn't you ask him his friends name?" Manic asked, Sonia

frowned and wondered why.

      "I don't know why Manic, but I have a feeling were going to meet this

mysterious friend of his," Sonia said, she said nothing more and only gazed at

the object Knuckles had tossed to her.

      'Sonic where are, why can't I get rid of this nagging feeling that your

somehow still alive' she thought sadly.


      Crimson eyes watched the lives of normal mobians, it confused him

the way they interacted with one another. He knew that once as Sonic he had

been able to understand them and feel the so many complex emotions, now

there was a void... like his many lost memories of that life.

      "So innocent," he whispered looking at children play, many were

homeless yet even in this age of robotocization they found happiness.

      "Was I like that as a child?" he asked himself, his childhood was part

of the void... lost. He shook his head, sure he was the perfect ultimate being

yet he still hadn't figured out what type of person he was.

      At the momet the dark hedgehog was sitting on the edge of a roof,

here he could watch all and maby learn about his world.

      'Maria would of thought this place sad where is the music she so much

loved' Shadow thought, Maria had been a music lover and had disliked

Robotnik for taken away the music.

      It was at that moment that a sound of screaming caught his attention,

he peered down to see a strange vehicle chasing a young mobian... a freedom

fighter if he guessed right.

      'Should I help this person?' he thought to himself, he shrugged and

made sure his choas emerald was secure in his sneakers.

      'Here I come, hope mobius is ready for Shadow the hedgehog' he

thought with his usual slight smirk, he then slipped to the street below.


      Cara ran, running was all she could do at this point. She had found out

an important bit of information and had to get it fats to the resistnce, if she

didn't half teh resistance could be robotcized in two weeks.

      She took a glance behind her and wished she could run faster, Sleet

and dingo in there vehicle was catching up... fast.

      'Oh no' Cara thought as her foot caught on something, she gave a brief

wimper as her body fell forward and skidded a few feet on the pavement.

      "Well well, what do we have here," an annoying snobbish voice said,

she wimpered as a rough large hand pulled her off the ground. She quickly

found herself looking into Sleets face, she realized that the person holding

her still was Dingo.

      "I think its a resistor," Dingo said in his idiotic voice a stupid smile on

his face, Cara and Sleet sweatdropped and decided to ignor him.

      "Now what should we do with you," Sleet sneered, Cara began to cry

knowing that they were going to robotocize her.

      "I suggest you put her down, that is if you know whats good for you,"

a cold voice said, startled the three of them turned and blinked.

      A hedgehog stood there and one they didn't reconize, but his crimson

eyes seemed to warn of danger. he had ebony fur with crimson stripe in it,

the stripes even went through his spines.

      He wore strangely designed shoes and gloves but they seemed to fit

him, there was only one bit of white fur on him and it was on his chest.

      "Who are you, are you with the resistance?" Sleet demanded, the

hedgehog looked at them without them and then gave them a chilling smile...

one that sent chills down there spines.

      "You may call me Shadow, but that is all I will say," the hedgehog said,

his voice was clam yet for some reason Cara knew there was a warning in it.

      "Swatbot get him," Sleet yelled pointing at Shadow, Shadows smirked

and suddenly... was gone.

      "Where did he go, swatbots search everywhere!" Sleet yelled, quickly

the gathered swatbots ran to find Shadow.

      "I don't know about you, but I'm right here," a familliar voice said,

Cara gasped as Dingo suddenly let her go falling unconcious to the ground.

      "What the," Cara said confused, it was then that a gloved hand came

into view and helped her up. She gasped seeing who it was, it was that

strange hedgehog known as Shadow.

      "I would run now kid, I'll keep them busy for now," he said and she

blinked, then suddenly he smirked and vanished again. Cara heard an

enraged yell from Sleet, turning she sweatdropped.

      Shadow was standing on a streetpole taunting Sleet was was jumping

up and down enraged, she gave a nervous laugh noticing that all the

swatbots had been destroyed.

      'Okay, I don't want to know how he destroyed them so fast... I'll just

get out of here like he suggested' Cara thought, then still scared of the days

happenings she ran for safety where she could pass on the information she



      Shadow had to stop himself from laughing at Sleets expression, he

kept his face and eyes unemotional as he taunted the wolf. Using Choas

control he had quickly destroyed the swatbots and knocked out Dingo, from

his streetlight post he could see the girl escape.

      "Now that the girl is gone so is my reason to be here is gone, see you

around," Shadow said calmly, then using Choas control he teleported away

leaving a bewildered and enraged Sleet behind.


Errr... this is a fic i work on when i am in a total sugar rush. I know people

might hate me for killing Sonic and making him shadow, but i plan for

leaping between dimentions.... I would love to see Tails from the cartoon

react to this shadow or sonic from that dimension.

Ja Ne