A/N: Yo! I decided to upload a new story that I came with out of nowhere last weekend. Hope you enjoy reading! XD

I've always wonder how will Lucy look like if she's in a butler uniform, thus, this idea was born :D

By the way, I know the word blunette doesn't exist, but I use it to refer people who had blue hair, okay?

Cover found in Google! Credits to the person who drew it!

Okay! Enough saying! I won't talk much OwO

Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail! I own nothing.

Butler Café


Chapter 1 – Bubblegum

Lucy Heartfilia stared at her own reflection with a grumpy face; her mood worsened by the minute.

Letting out a wary sigh, she combed her lon-, let me rephrase that, her SHORT blonde hair. She washed herself quickly and dressed in her school uniform, muttering something under her breath.

Her uniform was a long sleeved baby blue shirt with a navy blue blazer, plus a black skirt that reached her knees. A white tie was tied loosely around her neck; she didn't even have the mood to fix it straight. Addition to that, she wore a red wristband with the initials S.C, indicating that she is a part of the Student Council. This year, she's a sophomore in the local high school – Fairy Academy.

By the way, today is a Monday.

She did a final check up and went to the kitchen. She grabbed a box of cereal and poured its contents into a bowl. Adding some milk in her breakfast, she munched her cereal with a sad aura around her. Even her pet dog, Plue that has an orange snout and white fur, which was very rare, sensed it's master's gloomy mood and tried to comfort the blonde.

Lucy appreciated Plue's effort and in return, she patted its head with a soft smile. Clueless about its master lingering sad aura, it barked happily and continued its activities.

After finishing her meal, she grabbed her bag and left the apartment to Plue.

Never imagined a simple walk down the street to your school will be that sorrowful.

Lucy felt everybody's stare on her, making her mood damper; ten times worse. She knew why they are looking at her with that confused and shocked face; she herself had a long time getting used to this hair style.

She knows that she looked like a boy. WHICH OFFENED HER TO NO END.

Even the saleslady that she passed by every morning to school looked at her with a surprised expression.

"Oh my! What happened to you Lucy-chan? What had happened to your beautiful long hair? You looked like a male now; no pun intended."

Great. Everyone thinks that she looked like a boy now. Just great.

From normal side walkers (Female) P.O.V:

Woah! That blonde dude looks hot! Maybe I should introduce myself to him! Wait…he had boobs? OMG!

Yep. That was the impression alright.

"I'll torture the one who did this to me…" Lucy muttered once again.

Once she stepped inside the campus, the students around there gaped like a hooked fish. Their blonde beauty turned into a blond-haired dude. Some of her fans (mostly males) cried openly, saying that her image is ruined. And how true was that.

She doesn't want to deal with the awkward atmosphere, so she ran to her classroom as fast as she could. When she bolted into the classroom, a girl who was reading her book was awfully startled and her thick book dropped on her toes.


Lucy froze and saw her best friend, Levy McGarden, holding her foot with tears threatening to fall. She quickly stands beside her, and picked up the book and placed it on the table, mumbling a 'sorry' for the girl. The blunette wanted to thank the person who helped, but she fell into a state of shock when she realized it was a blonde with short hair, long bangs covering her left side of her face. She really looked like a guy, if you exclude her grown chest.

"W-What had happened to your hair Lu-chan?" Levy asked with a hint of curiousity.

Lucy got all depressed and sat on a chair beside Levy with slight watery eyes. Levy got up and patted the blonde at the back. After a moment, the blonde decided to speak up.

"Last Friday when I got back from school, I noticed that there was a HUGE piece of bubblegum sticking all of my hair together…" The blonde sulked. Levy dawned with the truth and nodded in understanding.

"And I can't get it out! I tried pulling my strands of hair from the gum but it's too sticky!" Lucy continued to wail. Currently, Levy felt bad for Lucy. I wonder how the bubblegum got stuck in her hair in the first place, Levy thought.

"My dream of becoming one of the popular girls in high school is now ruined! RUINED!" Now, Lucy sniveled with a tear streaked face.

"Lu-chan, yo-"

The door slid open rather forcefully. The girls whipped their heads to the door in a flash.

There stood a scarlet-haired girl with a darkened expression. Lucy and Levy could feel the dangerous aura flowing out of the redhead even if the distance is quite big. Beside her was a blue-haired boy, a little bit higher than the redhead and a red tattoo was shown at his right cheek. His face show concern and a sigh broke through his lips.

"Lucy…" The redhead said slowly with a dangerous tone splashed with a little concern.

"Y-yes, Erza?"

The redhead walked towards the blonde with heavy footsteps. Lucy and Levy gulped and prepared for the worst.

"Did someone bullied you and cut your hair off by force?" Erza spoke again.

The girls blinked once, twice before letting out a relief sigh.

"No Erza," Levy started. "Lu-chan got some bubblegum stuck in her hair and she had to cut her hair."

The redhead raised her eyebrow before nodding. "That's good. I heard that Lucy's hair became short along the way to school, so I thought that she was bullied and forced to cut her hair off."

Both of them sweatdropped at Erza's theory. Their redhead has a wild imagination when it's about her friends.

"Lu-chan," Lucy looked up to see the petite girl giving her a smile. "You'll get your hair back soon, so don't worry."

The other blunette patted ruffled Lucy's hair and continued, "Yeah. It will grow back, you know."

Lucy pouted and tried to swat his hand away. "But that'll take years!"

"Jellal's right. Besides, it will only take a few months to grow until your shoulder. And then it will grow a few inches longer for each month." Levy clarified.

Lucy went quiet and thought for a moment. The others smiled and went back to their seats to give the blonde some space.

But, their effort went down the drain soon enough.

The time for the class to start is getting closer, which means the classroom was also filled slowly. Most of the classmates felt pity for Lucy, and they made it quite clear when some of the boys mumbled "poor Lucy". The girls also gossiped about her hair, which didn't went unnoticed by the blonde. Heck, one of the girls even went to buy a wig for Lucy, telling Lucy should use it so she won't be mistaken as a male!

Lucy grew despair and shadows loomed over her body. And it didn't help that one of her dearest friend made fun of her.

Gajeel Redfox entered the room with a small frown etched in his facial features. But when he saw our dear blonde, he actually clutched his stomach and muffled his laughter with his free hand.

"Gihi, bunny-girl looked splendid today!" He grinned. The blonde glared at him, but he continued nevertheless. "No, scratch that, it should be bunny-boy. How about you go and request some pants for wearing the rest of your year. You'll become a full-fledged male student in no time!"

"Gajeel!" Levy gasped.

Ohhhh, our lovely blonde finally snapped.

Lucy stood up abruptly and hold on to her chair. And then, she lifted up her chair with ease, showing a dark expression to the piercing-full boy. He stopped his laughter and stepped back slowly, suddenly felt that he will be going to the other side soon.

"Ha..ha…ha..ha…" Lucy followed Gajeel with a creepy laugh. The whole class felt a chill crawling up their spine, yes, even our mighty S.C President, Erza Scarlet.


Lunch time. A good time to chat with your friends and some friendly fighting as well.

But this is not the case for Lucy.

She slumped to their personal group's table, showing no hunger as she stared into space. The others looked at her worriedly, especially the redhead and both of the blunettes.

"Hey, what's wrong with her?" Alzack, a boy who had black hair and tan skin, asked Erza.

"Yeah. What happened?" Bisca, a girl who had long green hair followed.

"She's in a state of depression right now," Erza answered.

"Why?" A white-haired beauty questioned. The name's Mirajane, Mira for short.

Levy pointed to Lucy's hair, and all nodded their heads.

"Cheer up blondie, it's not like it will stay this short forever," Laxus, who is a muscular man with blond hair spoke.

"For your information, your're blonde too," Lucy said with a slight glare.

"By the way, where's Gajeel?" Freed, who also had long green hair, asked.

"He's in the infirmary right now, don't bother," Jellal said with a sigh.

"Why?" The people who didn't witness the whole thing, all spoke in unison with a questioning look.

"Like I said, don't bother," Jellal said again with a look towards Lucy.

Some who caught the look nodded again in understanding while the others brushed it off.

"But really, is this the only thing you're upset about?" Laxus asked Lucy.

Lucy sighed and shook her head. The whole table went silent and everyone was ears to hear the rest of the blonde's worries.

"Well, I got fired yesterday from my work as a cashier."


"Umm…the boss said that I won't attract any male customers anymore, so he just fired me right off the bat."

Knuckles cracked sounds could be heard from a certain redhead, a blunette and a blonde.

"I'm so gonna kicked this man's ass!" Jellal declared.

"Don't. He hired another person anyway, and I don't want to pay for his medical bills. I'm already broke."

"Wait…so does that mean you don't have enough money to pay for your rent?!" Laxus was boiling up right now.

"Yeah. I stay up late all night to find a job, but it's getting harder to find a suitable part time job." Lucy said with more shadows looming over her.

"Hey! What's up with that depressing aura?"

They all looked up to see a grinning man, slightly muscular with blue-black hair. He also wore a silver mask on his face.

" Oh, hey Bickslow," Lucy greeted him nonchalantly.

Bickslow averted his eyes to see Lucy's short hair, and with a moment of realization, he yanked Freed from his seat and dragged him across the cafeteria.

This peeked up Lucy's and Laxus's interest, so they followed them silently. They were hiding under a table with is unoccupied, and spied on them.

"Why did you led me here Bickslow?" A feeling of irritation flowed through him.

"Uhhh….actually I'm the one who stuck the bubblegum on the cheerleader's hair."

A wave of confusion hit him first. Then anger replaced confusion.

"Why did you do it?!" Freed hissed.

"Well, cheerleader was napping soundly, and it's the perfect chance to prank her." Bickslow started. "I happen to eat a bubblegum right then so I just stuck it there. I totally forgot about it until I saw her state just now."

"You made her lose her job!"

"I know! I'm-"

"Sorry? No can do my dear friend Bickslow."

Shocked faces replaced their previous one as they stared at the two blonde's standing right before them. Laxus cracked his knuckles while Lucy was wearing a menacing grin.

"I hope you have fun staying in the infirmary with Gajeel later Bickslow."



The group was still staying in their seats, until they heard Bickslow's pained scream echoing from the other side of the cafeteria.

Everyone was confused and Erza sprinted to that direction. Alzack and Jellal stared at each other and slowly closed their eyes and pray.

No matter what it is, we hope that you rest in peace Bickslow.


Lucy cursed loudly while walking back to her house. Some of the parents immediately covered their children's ears while glancing at the angry blonde.

"Fuck that idiot! He has to pay full price I tell ya!"

Suddenly, her cellphone buzzed in her bag. She grumpily took the phone out, and answered without a moment of hesitation.

"Who the hell are you?" Lucy asked, not caring who the caller is.

"My my Lucy. That's some way of greeting." A man's voice spoke with a tone of amusement from the other end.

Lucy immediately straighten her back when she heard the voice. She held the phone closer and answered back with a surprised tone.
