By Loxodontack

Rating: M/NC-17/Mature/18
Fandom: Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just hoping to bring them closer. Anything you recognise from the movie or extra's is not mine! They were originally Lauren Weisberger's but by the time I got to them they were Fox's. I do however own all the mistakes herein and apologise for any that offend your grammatical sensibilities.

A/N: Thank you to my wonderful wife who created the masterpiece that is the graphic to go with my fic. She also read it through to let me know it made sense (to her at least!)

A/N: Thank you to Punky and XenaVirgin for arranging the wonderful DWP extravaganza that has been June and July, I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

A/N: Thank you to XenaVirgin for an initial beta reading and also for a last minute crisis avoidance. Thanks also to Akasarasmom for a mental health check with a last minute question I had completely tied myself up in knots about.

Miranda slowly woke the following morning and it took her a moment to realise there was someone in the bed next to her.

"Good morning gorgeous." Andrea whispered in her ear. Miranda turned over to see a smiling Andrea gazing at her, it was then she realised the light in the room.

"What time is it?" She wondered.

"It's just after ten." Miranda was shocked, she couldn't remember the last time she slept past six. She kissed Andrea before getting up and going to the bathroom. When she eventually looked in the mirror she gasped, her hair was sticking out at odd angles, she had a crease down one cheek and slight wrinkles to frame it, not to mention she didn't have a lick of make-up on, how on earth had Andrea addressed her so sincerely as gorgeous?

After trying to pull herself into some semblance of acceptable presentation and brushing her teeth she looked in the mirror before going back to the bedroom, well this is as good as it gets.

When she returned to the room she realised Andrea was no longer there, hearing movement in the hall she looked out to see Andrea coming up the stairs with a tray of coffee and eggs on toast, served with a smile and a red rose. Miranda was touched and got into bed before taking the tray from Andrea. Andrea left the room and returned shortly with a tray of her own. Over breakfast they discussed how they wanted to spend the day. Deciding on a lazy day in, just enjoying each other's company they relaxed and spoke about Caroline and Cassidy's interests, Andrea asked if Miranda would join her for dinner with her mother and grandmother the following Thursday, which she reluctantly agreed to. Miranda then brought up the possibility of Andrea going with her to collect her daughters the following day and meeting her mother, which caused Andrea to pale but still agree enthusiastically to the short road trip.

After breakfast Andrea suggested a cuddle before getting up to start the day, Miranda eagerly agreed and they curled into each other as they lay back on the pillows. As if they had been doing it for years they simultaneously turned to kiss each other, the kiss was slow and gentle, a good morning kiss.

"Have you thought about what you want me to call you?" Andrea said out of seemingly nowhere.

"No, it was crucially important the other evening, now I find I am not as invested in being Miriam." Miranda was beginning to wonder about herself, she had been Miranda so long it almost felt like she was now denying who she had become.

"I was thinking, Mir, but it's up to you." Lost in her own thoughts Miranda almost lost what Andrea was saying. "I understand you are Miriam, I feel so honoured that you shared that part of your life, but you're also Miranda, Miranda who rules the fashion industry and is a wonderful mother. So Mir, both."

Miranda thought it was the perfect solution and decided to demonstrate that with a kiss. It was a deep soulful kiss, however it wasn't long before Andrea turned her attention from Miranda's lips and travelled down her throat and kissed the area explored the evening before. Miranda felt like all the sensations that had been there last night were released, as if banked for the night. Gasping she couldn't keep track of where Andrea's hands were, they seemed to be everywhere, but she needed her closer and pulled at her t-shirt, needing the feel of flesh in her hands. But when Andrea started to remove her own nightdress she froze.

Andrea immediately stopped and crawled up beside her. "Hey, everything okay?"

'What is wrong with you? You silly old fool, you knew if you pursued this at some point she would want to see you! Haven't you dreamed of exactly this scenario? Woman up!'

When she opened her eyes her gaze immediately fell on the earnest and open face of Andrea patiently waiting. Grabbing every ounce of courage she had, she pulled Andrea in for another kiss. This time she moved first, rising up she straddled Andrea's legs and pulled her T-shirt over her head. Miranda immediately had to have her lips and hands on the other woman. The sounds Andrea was making drove her need, she took one nipple in her mouth and sucked, as Andrea cried out and arched off the bed she took her other breast in her hand and kneaded it.

Sitting back she replaced her mouth with her other hand and gazed at the beauty beneath her, big brown eyes pleaded with her for more. Keeping her hands alternately kneading ample breasts and plucking nipples she allowed her lips to kiss every inch of exposed skin.

Still it wasn't enough, she wanted more. Lifting slightly she pulled at the shorts Andrea was wearing, Andrea lifted her hips and kicked them away. Frantically Miranda lowered her mouth to Andrea's breasts and feasted on them as she let hands roam the luscious body beneath her.

"Please, oh please more." Came the cry from a moaning Andrea. Moving so she only straddled one leg she let her hand move across and through the hair at the apex of her loves thighs. Gently she explored the whole area, spreading the evidence of Andrea's arousal to move smoothly up and down, setting a pace counterpoint to the movement of Andrea's thrusting hips.

"More Mir, please more." Miranda pressed her fingers a little harder and she felt Andrea open to let her in. They groaned together, overwhelmed Miranda leaned over to passionately kiss Andrea and caught her moans with her mouth. It was incredible, never had Miranda ever felt like she was truly bringing another such pleasure. When Andrea's thrusts became erratic Miranda pinched a nipple while pushing hard with her fingers and rubbing her thumb over Andrea's clit. Miranda was overcome with a profound sense of love she needed to let the other woman know how she felt.

"I love you Andrea" she stated looking deeply into her eyes.

Andrea's eyes widened before she lifted off the bed and screamed out her pleasure, Miranda was astounded by the sheer beauty of Andrea as she was consumed by orgasm she became breathless. Miranda moved to capture her in a hug as her breathing settled and she relaxed. Kissing her gently Miranda was stunned when Andrea reared up and kissed her. Andrea moved so Miranda found herself straddling the other woman again.

Andrea caught her lips in a fierce kiss and before she knew what was happening Miranda felt her nightdress move over her head, and in the corner of her eye she saw it flung to parts unknown. However she had no time to feel self conscious as Andrea moved her hands and lips over Miranda's torso in a possessive manner. Miranda's head was thrown back as she moaned when Andrea took her breasts in her hands kneading them powerfully, kissing over her chest and neck.

Miranda felt consumed. Andrea's hands and lips took possession and treated her to a world of sensation only dreamed about. Miranda had no control over her reaction as Andrea took her right nipple in her mouth and sucked, she screamed. As Andrea teased her nipple Miranda felt the first touches of Andrea's hand between her legs. There was nothing tentative about the touch, Andrea seemed to read her needs perfectly and met each and every one. Within minutes Miranda found herself shamelessly riding the fingers that seemed made for the sole purpose of bringing her pleasure.

All thought left her and she was a mess of emotion, sensation and need. Just as she was going to ask for more Andrea added another finger filling her deliciously. Her nipples were overly sensitised as Andrea moved her mouth between the two, biting and sucking driving her further and further to heights unexplored. Giving herself to Andrea was the only option, so she did so with a whimper and a long drawn out moan.

Frantically she moved her hips searching, desperate for the release her body craved. Andrea slammed her fingers in as she kissed her deeply and then she started talking. "You are gorgeous... most beautiful women in the Universe... got to have you... want to hear you scream... need you... amazing... take it Mir... take everything I have... beautiful... Oh, I love you so much..."

Body on overload Miranda felt as if she were near a precipice, one that she was both anxious and excited to fall over, she couldn't stop, she needed this. Then Andrea shifted slightly, and Miranda felt her fingers deeper, more completely, and then a finger circled her clit as a place deep within her was touched Miranda exploded.

Her body was racked with wave after wave of pleasure, she felt free, untethered, yet knowing Andrea was there she felt connected, safe.

As she came back to herself Andrea moved her fingers gently setting off aftershocks. Not fully aware yet Miranda wondered why Andrea held her hips as she lay back in the bed. The Andrea was under her, guiding her over her face. When Andrea took her in her mouth, Miranda could do nothing but grab the headboard and groan. Andrea kissed, licked, sucked and nibbled her leaving no area, no crevice unexplored, she was being devoured. Looking down into adoring eyes wide with pleasure Miranda couldn't believe she was climbing towards the precipice again.

When Andrea speared her tongue into her, Miranda groaned and started grinding, helpless to do anything else but give herself to this wonder. Andrea's hands cupped her ass to encourage her movement which created a new wave of need. Unrecognisable to herself Miranda sought the pleasure Andrea was introducing her to. Need consumed her, momentum built and before she knew it her body and mind were overcome with pleasure.

When she came back to herself she was lying in Andrea's arms. Andrea was kissing her gently and had her hand between her legs, just holding her. Miranda felt cherished, adored and loved, what an incredible feeling.

When she returned fully to herself she needed Andrea again. Insatiable was the only way to describe her. They spent the day satisfying their voracious appetite for each other. Between ravishing each other they talked, they laughed, they enjoyed being together.

When they ventured downstairs for food Miranda took Andrea up against the counter, then found herself served to Andrea on the table, legs over the other woman's shoulders as she sat at the head of the table. They didn't make it all the way back up the stairs before getting lost in each other again, frames were knocked and their joint creativity was put to very good use. During the night they woke each other to make love, sometimes gently, other times possessively, always lovingly.

When they woke Sunday morning Andy looked over to the other woman, unable to believe how lucky she was. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she would be allowed to make love to Miranda, to be able to do so repeatedly, and to be consumed in return, was mind blowing. Unable to help herself she allowed her hands to roam over the other woman's back before her lips followed.

Andy's lips roamed over the other woman's back, kissing down her spine, licking under her shoulder blades as she woke. When Miranda woke up she moaned into the pillow and arched into Andy's hands. Taking that as permission to continue Andy, allowed her hands to wander lower and play in the wetness she found. Massaging Miranda's back as she kissed over her ass Andy groaned as she tasted Miranda again.

Meeting the slightly thrusting hips with her mouth she brought her hands to the other woman's hips and raised them slightly giving her better access. She moved her hands underneath to squeeze and pull at Miranda's breasts, drawing out endless moans and whimpers. Constantly kissing and licking she brought her hands down to spread Miranda's cheeks and burrowed a thumb in the area. Miranda groaned and pushed back into her, gasping as Andy became more insistent, bringing her other hand lower, exploring, teasing, finally she entered Miranda.

Both women moaned when Miranda became wetter and opened for another of Andy's fingers. Positioning herself over Miranda's heel Andy ground down on it to the same rhythm she pressed into Miranda. For long moments there was a frenzy of pumping fingers, gyrating hips, moans and groans before both women screamed in pleasure.

When they eventually had a shower together and got dressed they sat over breakfast. Chatting about the afternoon and coming week Andy was delighted to realise Miranda wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. Inevitably Miranda declared it time to go collect the girls which caused Andy's stomach to do a few back flips and explode with butterflies.

On the way to their destination Miranda pulled the car over into an abandoned car park and promptly straddled Andy. Always willing to meet each and every one of Miranda's needs Andy quickly took advantage of the moment and had Miranda moaning as she rode her fingers in no time. Andy kissed Miranda with every ounce of love and passion she held for her and savoured the moans and pleas coming in an increasingly fractured stream. After Miranda screamed in release Andy pulled her into a hug and peppered kisses to her cheek, letting her know how much she was loved.

Then with agility Andy never expected, even after the last twenty-four hours Miranda settled onto the floor and pulled her trousers off. Miranda was relentless and in no time Andy exploded twice. Pulling themselves together Andy looked over at Miranda and was amazed by how composed she appeared, you would never believe what they had just done, the only reason she was sure was the sated feeling running throughout her body. The rest of the car journey was spent holding hands and talking, but was otherwise uneventful.

As they pulled up to a fantastic house overlooking the ocean in Greenwich, Connecticut, Miranda and Andy got out of the jeep and met just in front and joined hands before heading up to the front door. Andy's stomach was in knots, this woman was one of the most important people in Miranda's entire life, only second to her daughters and she was about to meet her, Miranda's mother. What was she going to say? How should she address her?

Just before they reached the front door Caroline swung it open and launched herself at Miranda for a big hug, while calling out to Cassidy they had arrived. Andy was relieved to see a familiar face in unfamiliar surroundings and when both Caroline and Cassidy gave her a big hug, having hugged Miranda, her nerves began to settle, remembering she was accepted by the three most important people here. That all worked very well until a woman came out of a room at the end of the hallway.

She moved with a fluidity and presence that rivalled Miranda's natural air of authority. She immediately went to Miranda and pulled her in to a bone shattering hug which Miranda returned just as enthusiastically. They spent long moments enjoying being close to each other before they pulled apart. Anna looked deeply into Miranda's eyes before turning to Andy.

"Who do we have here?" She said it in such a manner that it was obvious she knew exactly who Andy was.

"Anna, I'm delighted to introduce you to Andrea Sachs." Andy was used to that look so took it in her stride, after all Miranda had already deemed her acceptable in such a glorious way.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms Kleid." Andy was amused by the bobbing heads of Caroline and Cassidy who seemed to be waiting for something, looking over at Miranda she was surprised to see the nervous look on her face. Looking back at Anna she had the feeling she could see through her and was assessing her worth still and her stomach rolled.

For long agonising hours, which were probably only seconds, they all maintained their places. Andy took the opportunity to observe Anna, she was slightly taller than Miranda with striking blue eyes and blond hair, as she looked she realised she looked remarkably like Barbra Streisand.

"Welcome Andrea, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, please come." With that all three Priestly woman breathed again, Andy was amused when they pulled together, a girl under each of Miranda's arms, to follow Anna and her into a kitchen area. From that point on the afternoon was very pleasant, they talked, they went for a walk and they watched Cassidy and Caroline play in the garden.

During their walk Anna moved to beside Andy and looked at her intently. "What are your intentions young lady?"

Andy was taken aback, not expecting the question at all, it seemed very old fashioned. However she thought over everything she and Miranda had shared, and everything she knew of this woman and what she meant to the three Priestly ladies walking slightly ahead, holding hands and talking.

"My intention is to love her forever and get to know the girls as well as they want me to." Andy said as sincerely as possible. Anna stopped walking and grasped her hands.

"She is more sensitive than most people realise, don't hurt her please."

"I can assure you that I will try my best not to." Just then Miranda looked over her shoulders and asked if everything was okay.

"Just taking a break Mir, coming now." Andy smiled at Miranda before looking back to Anna.

"Mir? She lets you call her Mir?" Anna asked, with an odd inflection to her voice.

"Yes." Andy said before turning to walk up to the three Priestly women who were waiting for them.

Miranda asked Andy if everything was alright, Andy assured her it was before taking her hand and continuing their walk

As they were preparing to leave Andy overheard Anna tell Miranda she was delighted to finally see her happy, which caused a few tears and a long hug. Anna kissed Miranda and the girls' goodbye and Andy was delighted to receive a hug.

In the car on the way home Caroline and Cassidy spoke about their weekend and their plans for the week, Patricia joined in occasionally with her own bark. Andy and Miranda listened giving the appropriate responses while holding hands.

Just as they were pulling into the townhouse Caroline and Cassidy started singing "Mom and Andy up a tree, g, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a golden carriage."

After a couple of repeats, Caroline turned to Miranda very seriously and asked "Are you getting married again Mom."

Fortunately Miranda had parked the car because Andy got the distinct impression that if she hadn't there was a very real possibility they would have crashed. Miranda took a moment before she turned around in her seat and asked "Would that be okay with you Bobbsey's?"

Andy was shocked with the question and almost missed the responses, "Definitely!" "For sure!"

"That's great, but Andrea and I are still only getting to know each other, but we'll let you know first if that ever changes, okay?"

"Yes!" Came the twin responses as they jumped from the jeep and headed inside. Inquisitive daughters were definitely going to take time to get used to, but Andy was excited at the prospect.

Miranda turned to Andy and kissed her which brought Andy right back to the present. Lost in kissing it was only a call from outside for "Mom!" that pulled them apart.

Following a very domestic evening Andy hated to leave to go to her own apartment. She got a hug from all the Priestly women at the door, but she desperately craved for more from Miranda, separating was agony, the only slight balm was that she would see them all again soon and it was evident Miranda was feeling the same from the look in her eye. When Cassidy suggested "You can kiss you know." They took the suggestion and kissed softly before Andy left for home.

The ache of longing stayed with her over the coming days, only eased when she was talking to Miranda. They had no opportunity to spend an evening together due to work commitments so Andy invited Miranda to lunch on Wednesday. Miranda agreed and suggested an extended lunch which Andy readily agreed to.

On Wednesday Miranda picked Andy up for lunch in the car and Roy drove them to Miranda's townhouse. Asking Roy to collect them in a couple of hours Miranda pulled Andy inside and up the stairs.

As soon as they entered Miranda's bedroom they pulled frantically at clothes until they were both naked and wrapped around each other on the bed. Andy straddled Miranda this time and while Miranda was exploring her, she explored Miranda so they entered each other at the same time and moved together. Rocking over Miranda, Andy looked down and was overcome with need, she moved her thumb so it was moving against Miranda's clit and immediately Miranda followed her example. As they were getting closer and closer Miranda reached up with her other hand and pinched Andy's nipple. Andy exploded, at that moment she felt and heard Miranda join her.

Not completely satisfied Andy removed her fingers and settled over Miranda so they were sliding against each other. Andy followed Miranda's thrusts and also laid claim to her breasts. It wasn't elegant, it was hot, sweaty and frantic, but it felt wonderful and as they looked into each other's eyes they cried out in pleasure.

The remaining time was spent curled up in each other's arms kissing, fondling and exploring. It was pure bliss. They made good use of the walk in shower before grabbing a quick sandwich they ate in the car on the return journey to work.

Miranda let Andy know the girls were staying over at friends the following night while they went to have dinner with her grandmother and invited Andy to stay with her, Andy readily agreed and was comforted by the fact that regardless how dinner went the evening was going to end perfectly.

When Thursday evening arrived Andy collected Miranda, and dropped in her overnight bag, before they made their way down the street to Andy's grandmother's house. As they neared Miranda fell into 'Miranda editor extraordinaire' persona, it was fascinating for Andy to watch, over the last couple of weeks she had become so used to being with Mir she hadn't spent time with Miranda.

"Is this okay?" Miranda asked just as they reached their destination.

"Perfect." Was Andy's immediate response as she put her own shoulders back and assumed her own public persona. Miranda looked over with a glint in her eye that spoke of love, respect and not a little lust. "Shall we?" Andy asked before ringing the bell.

They were greeted by Sophie, a long time employee of Andy's grandmother, who Andy gave a hug to before following her into the lounge. There they were greeted by Andy's grandmother and mother. Conversation, in contrast with their time with Anna, was stilted and awkward, time was spent discussing the weather and business.

At one point during dinner Andy's grandmother asked after Caroline and Cassidy which eased the flow of conversation and caused Andy, Miranda and Margaret to relax into more general conversation, which caused Andy to relax slightly. It was fascinating to watch Miranda and her grandmother in action verbally sparring with each other over economics and business strategy, but both thoroughly enjoying the conversation.

The peace that had settled over dinner was shattered when Andy's mother confronted Miranda when they were settled once again in the lounge.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Katherine demanded looking directly at Miranda.

"What would you have me say?" Miranda calmly enquired.

"Explain how you can justify taking advantage of my daughter."

"Andrea is an exceptional person, however I am in no way taking advantage of her. As I'm sure Andrea will attest to." Miranda said turning to Andy.

"She's correct, I am involved with Mir of my own free will and am thankful every day that such a marvellous woman will spend time with me." Andy looked over at Miranda and smiled.

"You don't know what you're doing, you could do so much better!" Katherine replied, a note of desperation in her voice.

Andy turned to challenge her mother head on. "That simply isn't possible mother." Andy missed the smile that crossed Miranda's face, but Margaret didn't.

Before anyone had anything more to say Andy's grandmother jumped in. "Katherine, give it a rest. Are you completely blind or just stupid? It's obvious these two girls are in love. Congratulations Andrea, never take it for granted. Miranda, you take care of her." The 'or else' was left hanging in the air. With that Katherine fell silent and conversation resumed.

They stayed another hour before returning to Miranda's, having promised to go to dinner again in the coming month. As soon as they entered the townhouse Andy let out the breath she had been holding.

"I love you Miranda, thank you very much for coming this evening." She kissed Miranda deeply.

"I love you Andrea, there is no where I would rather be than with you." Miranda said before guiding her up the stairs. "Now our families know, next step the world!"

Andy followed eagerly, knowing that they could overcome anything together, nothing would stop her from spending the rest of her life with Miranda. Miranda may find her odd, but she was definitely persistent when something meant so much to her. Andy pinched Miranda's bottom and chased a laughing Miranda into her bedroom.