Author's Note: Here's the epilogue. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! It's the final chapter, guys. It'd be cool to get up to 35-40 reviews on this story. Here you go, final chapter.

A few months later, Monica and Chandler had a beautiful white wedding at a nearby church. Jack Geller proudly gave his only daughter away, while Judy sat in the audience trying her best not to harshly judge, though it was very hard for her. Ross and Joey were proudly standing by the altar with their best friend who was getting married today. Rachel and Phoebe were both Monica's bridesmaids, each bringing something different to the mix, and they stood in tears as Monica walked up the aisle. She was beautiful. She had a floor-length, smooth, sleek, silky white wedding dress on. The skirt wasn't puffy, rather more elegant and thin, and it had sparkly diamond embroidery making it an empire waist dress without straps. Her hair was in an elaborate, beautiful updo and she had some sparkles in there too, her beautiful long veil trailing behind her.

After the wedding, they jetted off to the Maldives for their honeymoon, and had the hottest, most romantic trip. Chandler and Monica had a happy marriage. They cooked together, cleaned together, did husband-and-wife things together. He took her to work dinners, she took him to conventions, they went away for weekends sometimes etc. Throughout all this their sex life remained good. Well, more than good, in their opinions. Their other friends had never seen either of them so happy. Sure, they had fights, but they always managed, because they truly loved each other.

About a year after their wedding, they had a handsome son, and two years after that, a beautiful daughter. They grew up well, they had great parents. The boy's name was Daniel Joseph, named after Joey, and the daughter was called Karen Rachel, in honor of Monica's best friend and former roommate. They grew up to be wonderful children. They got a goldfish as a compromise, although Daniel and Karen wanted a more interactive animal, but Chandler hated dogs. They still spent as much time as they could with their other friends, but of course they moved to a bigger place. It still wasn't too far out, though. Daniel and Karen loved their uncles Ross and Joey, and adored their aunts Phoebe and Rachel. They tried to take family vacations every year, and they made it through the awkward dinners with Chandler's and Monica's parents. It couldn't have been better for them.

Monica and Chandler grew old together, and never lost touch with the other four, remembering all their good times. Daniel and Karen grew up to become very successful in their fields of work, too.

All in all, Chandler was so glad he let himself be convinced to propose to the woman of his dreams.

They belonged together.

Chandler belonged with Monica, not anybody else. And that was exactly how they wanted it.

Author's Note: Thanks! Tell me what you thought! I hope you enjoyed this story, thanks to everybody who's been reading and reviewing. And I ask you all to please check out some of my other stuff when you're done! There's a few one-shots up and one not-so-popular chaptered story, Life Goes On, which I'm not updating much since I'm not getting responses to it, so read it and review it please! I want to know whether to continue it.