The Writer

Anime/Manga crossover


I do not own the anime or manga's, I do not own the characters; I do however own the plot of this story.

Kagome was a modern day young writer with a bright future in the world of literature with already 5 Best Sellers in many countries. But her Author name is different than her original name: She goes by Sakura; but as Sakura is invited exclusively to talk at a University and High School. She just didn't expect it to be Ouran Academy for the rich and powerful.

She also didn't expect to find the nice girl in the apartment complex across from hers to be parading around in boy's clothes.

The Writer

Kagome shifted through the mail that she just got as she craned her neck to listen to her mother's ramblings on the phone that was held by her ear and shoulder.

"Uh huh. Yeah, Momma I got it- I'll be sure to help you pay for Souta's football gear. I know it's expensive. I've already been through school, Momma. I have success with being a writer and if I'm ever in hot water Sesshoumaru promised to help me in any financial crisis I've managed to burry myself in. Uh huh, yes Momma. I love you too. Bye Momma."

Kagome shut her cell phone and sighed deeply, finishing shifting through the rest of her mail and her eyes landing on one from her manager. Or publisher. However you wanted to look at it.

She usually didn't get very many letters from her, strange.

As she read through it her eyes widened and she glanced at the calendar, so in three days she was supposed to talk to a college class AND a high school class?

Well, shit.

Kagome quickly picked up her phone and called her publisher, she drummed her fingers as she waited for the damnable woman to pick up.


"Mizuki, what is the meaning of this?!"

"Oh, Kagome! I hear you got my letter, yeah?"

"We didn't discuss this."

"Kid your popularity is going down and going down fast. So unless you got a new idea in that pretty little head of yours ,this is a quick and easy way for you to make more money for you as well as myself. Also who knows, you might meet a nice guy."

"Mizuki." Kagome sighed and the older woman laughed.

"I'll even pick you up and drop you off there, as a surprise gift from me to you- Oops, spilled the surprise. Bye Kagome."

"Wait-" Kagome blinked as the phone cut out. She then glared at the offending object and sat it down, huffing and crossing her arms as she thought what to do about her publisher, Mizuki. The woman was infuriating but had a heart of gold, most of the time.

She picked the phone up again and dialed a number before holding it up to her ear and opening the rest of her mail.

"Hello? Hi Momma, guess what?"