Chapter 1

Cold eyes were viewing the sleeping cat man on the bed. The neko had tattoos running down his entire upper body. He was wearing a thick leather collar that most owners would never use, since it was very uncomfortable. The cat ears on top of his head were twitching slightly as he slept. He had found the neko on the street. He found the thin neko quite attractive and decided that he needed a new slave. That was five years ago. During this time the man had totally broken the neko's spirit, making him a scared and submitted person.

Yes, Sosuke Aizen was a cool, cruel, rich man who took what ever he wanted. He ran a hand through the red locks while the other began to play with the red tail. The cat began to stir and slowly woke up, looking around the room with sleepy eyes. "Good morning pet" Aizen hissed in the neko's human ear. He quickly turned around and looked into the cold eyes. "Good morning master" he answered and got out of bed and quietly got dressed. When dressed, the neko hurried out into the kitchen and began to make his master's breakfast. He knew that if he didn't complete his chorus in time, he would he punished.

Just as he sat down a cup of coffee, Aizen entered. The neko bowed slightly and hurried into the living room where he curled up on a blanked in the corner. This was his place, he was beneath his master and he didn't deserve to sit with him as he ate. He stayed there until came walking out from the kitchen with a cat bowl with leftovers in his hand. He placed it in front of the neko. He looked up at the man before he tried to reach for the bowl but a hand grabbed onto his hair, stopping him. "Oh no kitten. You know that you have to earn it" Aizen walked over to the sofa while dragging the thin neko behind him by his red hair. He sat down and pushed the neko between his thighs. "You know what to do" the rich man unzipped his pants and took out his hard member.

The neko looked at his master but did as he was told; he did not want to be punished. He carefully started to lick the tip. His tongue travel down to the shaft and up again. Aizen laid back his head and moaned slightly, still no releasing the red locks. The neko so took the pulsing member in his mouth and began to suck on it. His hands were placed on his master's thighs to keep his balance, his tail low in submission and ears flat on his head.

The hand in his hair soon began to push his head down faster and faster almost making him gag. With one final push, Aizen shot his loud down his neko's throat. The neko pulled back his head to spit it out but a firm hand on his chin made him look up into the cold eyes of his master. "Swallow it all, pet" He tried to shake his head but he was slapped hard across the face, sending him onto the floor where he coughed up all of the seed. A strong kick to the ribs made him curl up to protect himself; he was going to be punished.

"Bad kitten" the neko tried to crawl away but Aizen stomped hard on his tail making his pet gasp in pain. With one last kick he left the shivering neko and walked into the bedroom, coming back with a few items in hand. "Well it looks like I will need to teach you a lesson about who is in charge" He reached down and pulled of the neko's shirt and with that a sharp lash across the thin back echoed in the room. Aizen continued to whip his pet while looking down at him with sadistic eyes. When he was bored with the whip, he bet down, unclipped the neko's collar and put on a barking collar.

The neko tried to beg for forgiveness but received a strong shock when he tried to speak. The rich man chuckled and poisoned himself behind the poor neko and without any preparation; he pushed in as hard as he could. The neko couldn't help but to scream as the pain overtook his backside. The collar gave him painful shocks and he tried to keep quiet but with Aizen brutally taking him it was hard. This continued until Aizen felt his climax drawing near. He dug his nail into the already beaten back as he came deep within his poor slave.

He pulled out and looked down at the shivering, bleeding and crying neko. He removed the barking collar and put back the usually one. He stroked the red hair as he whispered "This is for your own good kitten. I have to go to work now and when I come home I want to penthouse spotless and food on the table. Okay?" his master said with his cold voice. The exhausted neko gave a small nod.

When he heard the door lock, he slowly dragged himself to the bathroom the clean of. As soon as he was done, he grabbed a cloth and a bucket and began to clean up all of the blood and come on the living room floor. He worked quietly and quickly. When he was done, he walked over to his blanket on the floor and laid down in a tight ball. This was what a normal day looked like for him. But some days were worse then others, some times his master would bring home strangers that would take their turns with him, and then pay him after. The neko didn't understand why he did this but he didn't argue. He would only be punished even more.

Yes, life had not been kind to the small and thin neko Renji. Bur Aizen wasn't his first master, but during his time on the street he had been involved in an accident where he had hit his head, making him forget most of his previous life. It hadn't been easy to survive on the street. It was also illegal for neko's to bee strays, they needed to have an owner or stay at a shelter or an animal store. Many people took advantage of this and threatened him to get what they wanted from him. His time on the street, along with his time as Aizen's pet had made him lose all trust for humans.

Right now he didn't really know what to think. Aizen had saved him from the street but he could some times be as cruel as the men on the street. Also, Aizen made sure to always remind the neko that he was his savior and that if he didn't obey and be a good slave, he could just send him right back or sell him to some drug lord that would love a new fuck toy.

So he stayed there and tried to please his new master the best that he could, but he couldn't help but imagine a better life for him, even if it was not possible. I mean, who would ever see him as something else then a useless slave?


This is my new story. Hoped you liked it. Please send a review and tell me what you think