Justin got in the car and buckled his seat belt while Brian situated himself in the driver's seat. Neither man spoke but it was obvious that both were preoccupied with their own thoughts. Brian wasn't sure if Justin would want to talk about the judge's decision or if he should leave the topic alone. His mouth held a tight grimace, unwilling to voice his disappointment, fearing his words would upset Justin, but he was angry. The world had injured his partner yet again.

It was different this time. Justin was still a victim, hurt by another man's actions, but he wouldn't have months of therapy to recover and there would be no residual loss of functioning like there had been after the bashing. Justin wouldn't have hand cramps, panic attacks or headaches. The residuals were not physical in nature, but more psychological, intangible and unseen by anyone who did not know Justin. He might have some lingering fears but so far Brian had only seen Justin's creativity blocked. In many ways that block was worse than the physical symptoms he'd experienced after the bashing. He adapted, used other mediums to express himself and the artist thrived. With the latest attack, his creativity was stifled which was much more harmful to Justin. His identity was wrapped up in his art; it was how he expressed himself and the inability to create resulted in a lack of identity. Brian wanted to lash out at the universe for doing this again, but he didn't. Instead, he turned on the ignition and drove towards their temporary home at the Suites.

Justin was unsure how he felt when he left the courthouse. He was relieved that his stalker would not be lurking around Pittsburgh trying to convince him that they belonged together; but he also felt sorry for the man and the delusions that brought him to this place. He believed the man wouldn't bother him again, his friends assuring Justin they'd keep him away. Justin was wary about other people and their actions. Would there be another stalker? Would a potential fan want to "share" pictures with Justin or the media? Would he always be looking "out" for someone who didn't belong? He began to understand what it meant to be a celebrity. Their private lives no longer private as soon the media determined there was an interest in anything they did. Luckily, artists were not the media darlings that actors and actresses seemed to be. The only people interested in the lives of artists were fans of their work and a few critics. He was not a mafia family head nor was he some huge celebrity. He didn't want to live in a gated home with a huge security system nor have body guards surround him. He needed to feel safe but maintain his privacy. He couldn't think any more about what ifs. He closed his eyes, laid his head back on the seat and tried to clear his mind of any thoughts.

Brian looked over at Justin as he waited for the stop light to turn green. His partner had a pained look on his face. He didn't like seeing that expression and was determined to change the pain to elation. He parked the car along the street close to the Suites and tapped Justin on the shoulder.

"We're home. Come inside."

Justin opened his eyes and scanned the street, half expecting a small gathering outside their place. Daphne had been in court with them, but none of the family had come. He asked them not to be there, preferring to tell them the outcome after the proceedings. He was relieved to be alone with Brian.


They walked into their set of rooms and each man took off his coat. Brian hung his up in the closet by the entry way while Justin placed his on the back of a chair in the dining area. Brian inwardly cringed at Justin's failure to hang up his coat; his feeling of chaos when things weren't in order increased when Justin was around, but he'd given up long ago in addressing this and accepted this was just one of his partner's quirks. He walked over and picked up his partner's coat, foregoing his usual "Justin" that accompanied this action.

Justin walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water for himself. Tilting his head toward Brian, he saw Brian's nod and got one for him as well. He sat on the couch in the living room, propping a pillow behind his back. Brian followed him into the room and sat on the opposite side of the couch, turning his body toward Justin.

"Thank you for coming." Justin let his shoulders relax and closed his eyes for a moment as he inhaled the familiar scent of the residential unit. It wasn't his home, but he'd begun to associate it with safety.

"I wouldn't have been anywhere else." Brian refrained from reaching out to Justin, although he wanted nothing more than to wrap the man in his arms and make love to him.

"I'm okay, Brian. I don't think he'll bother me again. I believe his friends." Justin took a drink from the bottle and twirled it in his hands. "I've done a lot of thinking these last few weeks. He was sick. It nothing like Hobbs. He didn't do this because he was denying his homosexuality or because he hated me. The courts could have punished him for sending the notes and showing up at your office, but really what good would that have done? It would be like getting mad at a child for getting sick in your car. The child doesn't want to throw up but it just happens. I'm pretty sure that John did not intend to be a stalker; he just thought that he and I were in a relationship."

Brian didn't respond. He took several drinks from his bottle as he tried to wrap his mind around the notion that Justin could forgive this man. He wanted to punish him, have the courts do something, retaliate for the hurt and anguish that Justin experienced, but as he listened he realized Justin was right. Being sick was different than hating someone or denying your feelings and acting out.

"I know you probably wanted something different from today," Justin said as he watched his partner's face.

"You know me well," Brian said as he finally reached out for Justin's hand and laid his over it. He gently squeezed and gave Justin a smile.

"We're married and I've known you for a long time. I'd hope I'd know how you think by now." Justin scooted over toward Brian and laid his head on Brian's shoulder. They sat like that for quite a while, both men lost in their own thoughts.

"And I think since you have the day off and my studio is still not calling my name we should go into the bedroom and make good use of that luxurious bed."

"You do have some excellent thoughts."

They spent the next several hours in the bedroom, but when Justin's stomach started grumbling, they got dressed.

"We've been here for almost two weeks and haven't explored any of the restaurants except those that deliver," Justin said as he walked over to the business desk in the living area. "I think I saw a book with information about the area. I'm sure it would have some good suggestions."

They looked at the book together and settled on a small bistro nearby. They ordered lunch and enjoyed each other's company. Nothing was said about the court room or Justin's painting. After lunch, they went shopping as Brian insisted he needed a new shirt and tie for an upcoming presentation. Justin didn't argue, recognizing the ruse for what it was, a way to pass the afternoon together. It was after 6:00 when they finished shopping; Brian having purchased three new shirts and Justin buying a new pair of jeans and a club shirt.

"Let's go to Woodys. I bet the guys will be there. I'm sure they're eager to get an update," Justin suggested, realizing he was ready to talk to about the court proceeding.

"You sure? We can wait a few days. No one is going to be hounding us," Brian said as he placed the shopping bags in the trunk of the car. "It's on the other side of town. We're not close."

"I'm sure. I want to see everyone and I'm in the mood to play some pool. Think we could convince Michael and the Professor to play a few rounds?"

"Sure. Michael loves to play pool and he's gotten better, but I doubt he can beat us. It will be nice to hang out at Woodys."

They got in the car and drove toward Woodys. "I'm going to call Michael and let him know we're on our way. He can tell everyone else," Brian said as he pushed the button on his steering wheel that activated his bluetooth.

Justin listened to the conversation and smiled when Michael said he and Ben would be there and was pretty certain that Ted and Emmett would be able to come too. He liked his little family and was eager to share the results of the judge's decision. They'd all been supportive and he wanted to thank them.

Brian and Justin spent a fun evening at the bar and beat everyone in pool. At the end of the night, they said their goodbyes and returned to their suite. They undressed and got ready for bed.

"You going to work tomorrow?" Justin asked as he placed his clothes in the dirty laundry bin.

"I enjoyed today with you, but someone's got to pay for these digs," Brian said and immediately regretted his words. He ran his hand through his hair and squinted his eyes. "I didn't…"

"It's okay, Brian. I've got a show in a few weeks and I'm sure that I'll want to return to my studio soon." Justin closed the hamper and walked to the bed, lifted the blanket and climbed in. He reached over and lifted the blanket for Brian. Brian reached over toward Justin, pulling him toward his chest. Justin settled into the embrace, his back to Brian's chest and they lay there quietly for several minutes.

"I'm going to spend some time with Gus tomorrow. I promised we would paint again and he's off school for teacher's meetings. Tomorrow seemed like the perfect day to do that." Justin reached over to the light on the nightstand and shut it off, bathing them in darkness. "It's been a long day."

Brian kissed Justin behind the ear and on his back, understanding that he was asking to forego their normal bedtime sex for some much needed sleep. Brian knew Justin had not been sleeping well for the last week. They had an unspoken agreement that when one or the other of them stated it was a long day it meant no sex that night. Brian respected the request, wrapped his arm around his partner, closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Justin laid there for a few minutes and took inventory of his feelings. He realized he was relieved the court proceeding was over and that his stalker was getting the help he needed. He wasn't anxious any more. Tomorrow he would be starting a new chapter in his life- sans stalker and he was ready to get back on track. He had everything he wanted; a partner who loved him, a family that cared about him and an art career that provided the opportunity for him to create. He closed his eyes and slept very soundly for the first time in a week.

The next few weeks were busy for both Brian and Justin. Justin spent some time with Gus and helped him paint. He also spoke to Carol regarding his upcoming show. He and Brian had discussed returning to Britin and Justin said he would probably want to do so after his show.

About a week before the show, he woke from a vivid dream and knew he was ready. Creeping out of bed, he curled up on the couch with his sketch book and pencils and began working. He really didn't think about the act, just started to draw as the ideas flowed out of his body and on to the paper. After several hours, he was tired and returned to bed. Curling up to Brian, he reached out and held his partner as he fell asleep quickly.

As usual, Brian got up early to go to work. He and Justin shared their mutual blow jobs and Justin went back to sleep for several hours. As he was getting ready, he saw the sketch books lying on the couch; a very welcome site. It had been a long time since Justin had his sketch books out and Brian was happy to see them. He quickly resigned himself to seeing a little less of his partner for a while, understanding Justin's ability to lose track of time when he was in his studio.

Brian left the Suites in a good mood. When he got to work, he called Rosa.

"I think Justin may be ready to paint again. Can you please go shopping? You may need to start cooking again."

"Will you be here for dinner, Mr. Kinney?"

"I don't think so, but could you go out to the house this morning and fill the cupboards with snacks and lunch food. It won't hurt to have a few things in the fridge. I think we should be there for dinner in a few days. I'll let you know in advance."

"I'll go to the market this morning. I'm happy to see you return. It's been very quiet," Rosa said as she brought out the pen and paper that were stored in a drawer by the phone. She quickly wrote a list of food items she wanted to purchase.

Brian hung up the phone and called Jennifer.

"Brian, is everything alright?" Jennifer asked as she saw the caller ID and noticed the early hour. She saw Tucker still sleeping so she took the phone and went into the living room.

"I found Justin's sketch books in the living room this morning when I was leaving for work." Brian smiled to himself when he pictured the books lying on the couch.

"Oh," Jennifer said, not really understanding the significance of the statement. She turned on a light as it was still a little dark in the room.

"Jennifer, he hasn't been in the studio in over a month."

Jennifer swallowed hard, shaking her head in sadness. "I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?"

"There was nothing you or anyone could do. You know that Justin wasn't comfortable being at Britin; we relocated to town." Brian walked to the coffee machine and poured a cup of coffee into a mug.

"He told me that he needed to get away and that you were very busy with Kinnetik so this was a compromise." Jennifer felt the chill in the room and grabbed the afghan from the back of the couch, placing it on her legs.

"Well, he told you part of the story. Jennifer, he did want to get away. He couldn't go into the studio; his creativity was hindered by all of this stalker business and everything else. Being at Britin just reminded him of his difficulties. He's been working for me, helping with a few campaigns and spending time with Gus and Daphne for the last month. He hasn't touched his art supplies in a long time."

"I wish you had told me. I could have…" She frowned as she learned of Justin's difficulties. Her heart was filled with sadness.

"No, you couldn't have. You know that as well as I do. Justin would never want to admit that he was unable to work on his art. It's who he is and without it, he's been very uneasy." Brian poured cream and three sugar packets into his coffee and blew on it to cool it off.

"You're right. So you found his sketch books on the couch. That's wonderful. He's creating again." Tucker came into the living room and mouthed to Jennifer, asking if everything was alright. Jennifer nodded and Tucker came to the couch and shared the blanket with her.

"I think so. I called Rosa and asked her to go to the market and start cooking again. I'm sure there isn't much to eat at Britin." Brian made a mental note to call the market too. He set up an account at the market and put money on it for Rosa to use. It was much easier to use the account then to deal with carrying cash or getting money to Rosa. Since they hadn't been at Britin for several weeks, he needed to make sure the account had money it.

"My son will need food. Of course, when he is painting, he forgets to eat."

"For someone who loves to eat like Justin, I don't know how he forgets, but when he is painting he can go 10-12 hours without food. It is a mystery to me as well." Brian returned to his desk and clicked on the computer, typing in the market's website.

"I'm so happy that he's creating again. His show is in a week and I know he was worried about it."

"Yes," Brian said as he checked the account balance. He had a few more calls to make and needed to get moving. "I have loads of work to do so I will talk to you later."

"Of course. Thank you for telling me. I'll call in a few days."

After hanging up with Jennifer, he made another call to Daphne.

"He's recovering."

"Good morning to you too, Brian. Now why don't you start the conversation from the beginning, instead of 5 minutes in so I don't have to figure out what you are talking about?"

Brian sighed, loving Daphne for her ability to communicate.

"This morning I found Justin's sketchbooks on the couch in the living room. They weren't there last night."

"He must have been hit with inspiration in the middle of the night, but wasn't ready to go to his studio. That's wonderful." She smiled and pulled her bathrobe from the bottom of the bed and put it on. She made a mental note to call him today. "Now wasn't that easier than playing 20 questions with me?" She walked to the kitchen where the coffee maker was set to start in 10 minutes and reset it to manual start. This was great news, but she needed her caffeine in order to fully wake up.

"You can't tell him I know."

Daphne shook her head. "Brian, you're his partner. You don't have to keep secrets. I'm sure he would be thrilled to share this news with you."

"I'll let him tell me when he's ready. Part of being his partner is respecting his privacy and letting him return to work on his own time table. If I asked every day if he was sketching, going to the studio, etc, he would feel a lot of pressure to do so."

"True. Okay. Brian Kinney has spoken and I have to say that after all these years, you really do know how to read Justin Taylor."

Brian smiled at Daphne's compliment. "My first conference call is in 10 minutes, so I have to go."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll talk to you in a few days." She took down her coffee cup and filled it with warm coffee. Inhaling the wonderful aroma, she was excited to start her day.

Brian was glad that his phone calls had only taken 30 minutes to complete. He never would have thought he would voluntarily pick up the phone to call Jennifer or Daphne, but was so thankful for their love and support, he didn't even think twice about updating them on Justin's progress.

As Brian predicted, Justin did go out to Britin that day. He called the car service and set up to go there in mid morning. As he met the car, he was surprised that he was feeling no fear and was actually excited about working in his studio again. He knew Rosa would be there and when he arrived, she was in the kitchen putting away groceries.

"Rosa, will you please fix dinner tonight? I'll be working today. Also, if you could put a sandwich in the fridge? I might eat that later as well."

"Yes, Mr. Taylor." She turned from him and continued her unpacking.

Justin spent several hours in his studio and came down for lunch. He quickly ate his sandwich and texted Brian to come to Britin for dinner. Brian texted back that he would be there by 7:30.

Justin returned to the studio to work on his latest piece. He had stretched the canvas in the morning and he was mixing his paints after lunch. As he began working, the picture seemed to flow from his body. He was elated with the piece. He'd feared that he might be unable to paint again since it had been so long so he created anything but "baby" pieces with Gus. The smile on his face as he admired the finished piece was huge.

Brian arrived home in the early evening. Justin wasn't in the living room when he got home and he thought he might still be in the studio. As he walked toward the door, he wasn't disappointed. Justin was sitting on the floor looking at the painting and the ecstatic look on his face warmed Brian's heart. It had been too long since he'd seen that smile.

"It's amazing," Brian said as he walked into the studio. It was an accepted rule that Brian could enter the studio if the door was open; otherwise he had to knock before entering.

Justin was startled by the sound, but turned around and grinned. "It was so much fun to paint today. I could never leave it forever."

Brian started to hug Justin, but stepped backwards instead. "Go get clean and we'll celebrate."

Justin laughed, a genuine laugh, the first in a long time. "Why Brian, I'm guessing you don't want to get paint on your $1000 suit!" he said, tongue in cheek. "I don't think I'd ever hear the end of that lament. How about you join me to make sure all the paint is gone?"

"I think that can be arranged. I'm feeling a little grimy myself."


It was the night of the show. Justin was excited for the opening, but also had qualms about the pieces. Carol had a small space for the artists to gather before a show. It was set up with a galley kitchen and a small living room arrangement. Some of her artists liked to meditate before a show. Others, like Justin used the room for sex, but she had the forethought to remove any recording devices from the room and insured that the doors locked from the inside.

"What if they don't like it?" Justin was sitting on the couch in the back room of the gallery,

"They'll love it. Your paintings are masterpieces." Brian was reknotting his tie, looking in the mirror to ensure perfection.

"I hope no one asks about the stalker. I don't want to talk about that." Justin rung his hands several times, reminiscent of Macbeth and crossed and recrossed his legs.

"That's old news, weeks ago. The critics are more likely to ask about the new gallery where you're going to showcase some of your early works. That is what they're interested in." Satisfied with the knot, he turned toward Justin and smiled.

"Are you sure?" Justin asked, still not convinced.

Brian did not want to tell him that Carol had been approached by several people for copies of Justin's strip pictures. It seemed his fame had increased when people thought they could catch a glimpse of his semi naked body. She had refused and only told Brian. He hoped that some crass critic or reporter wouldn't bring that subject up. Justin had been doing so well, painting every day. He practically had to bribe him with sex to get him out of his studio.

"I'm sure. If it will make you feel better, I'll have Tim Callen follow you around as your personal publicist. He can field any weird questions." Brian sat down next to Justin, kissing his cheek.

Justin smiled his thousand watt smile and gave me a hug. "I love you. That would be great."

"Done." Brian had already approached Carol and Tim about just this situation and both agreed it was a perfect solution. He had worried that Justin would object, but it appeared that his worries were unfounded.

"We need to get out to the gallery. The guests should be arriving in a few minutes." Brian looked in the mirror in the room where he and Justin waited before entering the gallery. Justin looked at his suit; he still refused to wear a tuxedo, making sure his shirt was tucked in and his collar was straight. Brian had given him a quick blow job to calm his nerves and he didn't want to look disheveled. After reviewing his clothing in the mirror and admiring Brian in his suit, he nodded his head and kissed Brian on the lips.

"I love you."

"You too," Brian said as they walked into the gallery.

The show was a success and Brian's idea of asking Tim Callen to accompany Justin was brilliant. There were several occasions where a critic or reporter started asking questions about the stalker or Justin's history as a dancer and Tim redirected them to a nearby piece in the exhibit. By the time Tim had conveniently asked Justin questions about the specific piece, the person forgot their initial inquiry.

"I appreciate all the help you provided tonight, Tim. Without you, I don't think I would have made it," Justin said after the show ended.

"Nonsense. I respect your work, Justin. I would do anything to help your career." He stuck out his hand and Justin shook it solidly.

After the last guest had departed, Brian and Justin were in the gallery sitting on a bench toward the back of the exhibit.

"I don't remember seeing this one in the catalog," Brian said as he looked at the piece in front of them. "It's about the stalker and your dancing, isn't it?"

It was less abstract than normal for Justin. A viewer could see pieces of the picture; a gavel, a boom box, letters and photographs spread throughout the piece. It was titled, "history".

"Yeah. I finished it a few days ago and asked Carol to include it. She agreed. It has a sold sticker on it." Justin felt relief that the piece had sold. It had been cathartic to paint, but now he did not want it. Being an artist was both a blessing and a curse. His art was an extension of him, and each time a piece sold, he was selling a part of his soul. This time, he was happy to sell the painting; it was a part of him that he wanted to forget.

"It does."

"You didn't buy it, did you?" a slight fear caught in his throat as he thought about Brian buying the piece.

"No. I recognized it for what it was. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Good." Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian gently. Justin turned toward Brian, smiling.

"Life is good. I'm painting again. I have you as my partner. The world even knows about my dancing and doesn't seem to care."

"There's a "but" in there. I can practically see the wheels turning in your head."

"You know me so well."

"I do, but I don't know what the "but" is. Why don't you share?"

"Hanging out with Gus while all this was happening was awesome. He helped me so much. His innocence was refreshing. All he wanted was my time. Even when I couldn't paint, I felt like I could still contribute to society by being with him."

Brian felt the pit in his stomach growing larger with each statement. He schooled his features to accept whatever Justin was going to share.

"Daphne and I were talking about children before all this happened and she told me I was great with Gus and that I'd make a great parent. At that time I wasn't so sure, but now I think I want to be a father. I realize that no matter what is going on in my life, I can always give to a child." Justin looked eagerly at Brian, hoping for a positive reaction. He and Brian had discussed the issue a few weeks ago, but there was really no consensus.

Brian nodded his head but didn't say anything. He knew Justin was great with Gus and he had pushed Lindsay to bring Gus by to occupy Justin's time when things got really rough. He couldn't say no to his partner. He smiled and reached out to Justin, pulling him into a hug. A quick flash of Justin with a small child in his arms melted his heart and he could envision that future. Justin had overcome so much adversity and he recognized his strength. They had a great partnership and could deal with anything the universe threw at them.

"Okay. But for tonight, I've got you all to myself and I want to celebrate." Brian kissed Justin strongly on the lips and pulled him up from their seat.

"Sounds great to me. Let's go celebrate." Justin smiled his largest smile. Happy with his life, his partner and his future. Life goes on despite the little snags and his had a bright future.

The end- Thank you to all my readers and my wonderful betas. This story has been a very long journey- much longer than I ever anticipated. I hope my readers enjoy the ending and find it satisfactory. I wasn't sure if parenthood was the way to go but after rereading the story and seeing how Gus was with Brian, it appeared to be answered for me.

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