"Who's there?" she asked into the darkness.

There was a moment of silence and then a figure stepped out from the shadows onto the shore. A broad shouldered young man with slick, dark hair, wearing a leather jacket, dark trousers and shoes. The moon was reflected in his piercing blue eyes. Laura relaxed. "Peter."

"Everyone's looking for you. The packs will arrive soon."

"I needed to clear my head, I was dealing with things," Laura said, putting her shirt on again, wringing the water from her hair.

"So you decided to go swimming in the middle of the night. Halfway across the state?"

She looked up, a brow raised.

"I was dealing with a lot of things."

He smirked and waited for her to put on her jeans, before he tossed her his jacket.

"Wouldn't want you to catch a cold now."

She smiled, wrapped the jacket around her shoulders – she was almost disappearing in it. She closed her eyes, enjoyed the familiar scent that always made her feel at home. Then she took her shoes and walked over to her uncle. "You come out here often?" he asked, looking over the lake.

"Sometimes. It takes me back… reminds me how quickly things can change," she said. Then she looked up at him. "How did you know where to find me?"

He put an arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her wet hair.

"I always know where to find you, Laura."

She laughed and leaned against him as they began their way back home.

Author's note:

Hello my lovely readers! Long time no post. But I have not forgotten, I have just been working through the entire concept and came to a conclusion that might shock you at first. 'Blinding' ends with chapter 28: Nagual. Why? Because I think for now, Lyka and Deucalions story moves to the background as major events will happen in the next years outside of their control. So, I have decided to close this fanfiction and put it down as first part of a series.

What you have just read up here is a teaser for the second part of that series. It is from 'Hale Fire' - which I will soon open here. It will feature Laura Hale as main character and will follow her rise and fall as Alpha of her surviving family. Hale Fire will take off where Blinding ended, so it will feature all familiar characters and some new people! Fans of Lyka and Deucalion will of course not be left out, both will feature strongly in the new fanfiction, don't you worry! I hope you will all follow Laura's story as eagerly as you followed Lyka and that you will have as much fun with it as I am having writing the first few chapters right now. I can promise Hale Fire will have all the things that made Blinding fun!

So please keep your eyes open for Hale Fire, coming soon!