Rin P.O.V.

"So, are you going to surf with us, miss Rin?" Gakupo asked. I shook my head no. I wasn't going to surf anymore. I needed to relax and somehow find a way of communicating with the people around me. I wasn't going to be around for much longer so I wanted to say everything before it was too late. I lied there on the sand, motionless. I could hear the waves crashing, children laughing and playing, surfers, and the obnoxious giggles and chit-chat between Miku and Len. It was day two of my voiceless countdown till death and it was highly disturbed by Len and Miku suddenly liking each other. It's like life was trying to make my situation worse than it was. I knew I burned to many bridges with Len and Leon so I tried to stay to myself and not bother them, but it was killing me. I wanted my Len back. He was so kind and then all the sudden he started to hate me. Kinda like everyone else now that I think of it.

"Hey, Rin, you gonna join us or what? Miku packed enough lunch for you too!" Len called. I sat up and lazily walked towards him. We sat down and Miku handed me a plate of salad and an apple. The only reason Len was eating that salad was because Miku made it. Len HATED veggies and refused to touch them on a normal occasion. I glared at him. It made me angry. He was pretending to be something he wasn't for someone who could care less whether he was dead or alive. Unlike me who loved him as a friend. Len noticed my glare and said, "What? It's salad. You like salad. Last night you went back for seconds so eat up. I'm not cooking for you anymore. You don't want it you can find something else to eat."

"It's ok, Rin. Not everyone loves veggies as much as Len and I." Miku said. I directed my glare towards her. It was really my only defense at the moment. I shoved a few bites in my mouth and swallowed then left to go to my little reef. Len looked mad but I could care less. I needed to let of some steam. I dove into the ocean and swam to the reef Len found me in. I slipped myself inside and cried a little bit.

"Oh, look who decided to show up?" a familiar voice said mockingly. I froze. It couldn't be. Could it? "And I thought I'd never see you alive again. Life is just full of surprises isn't it, 0.2?" I felt tear trickle down my cheeks, not from anger but fear. Miki swam from behind me and faced me, looking me in the eye. "Enjoying life on the surface? I bet money you've got a special someone by now. Human boys are so stupid though. Then again the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."I glared at her even though I was afraid. I was a free mermaid and didn't have to take that crap from her. "Aw, aren't you cute as ever. Too bad you'll be nothing but a pile of sea foam before too long."

"She's still useful to us, Miki." Teto said.

"Yes, she and 0.1. They are still worth a little money and can take care of the jobs that we can't risk our good slaves getting harmed doing." Meiko said.

"She's not going to live any longer than the excursionist is abroad. I want her dead!" Miki screamed. I cried silently to myself.

"She's not going anywhere. I have a plan. She'll be of good use. They say only a descendant can take on the heart of a lost one. If we can have little Rin here take Luka's heart, she'll bring our sister back. Ever thought of that?" Teto said.

"And then we can use the heart and turn Rin into Luka." Meiko said.

"Exactly, then we've eliminated her and brought back Luka." Teto said. Miki glared.

"Fine! Only because we're getting Luka back." Miki pouted.




"Welcome to Sea Spells, how can I help you?" a green haired girl asked.

"Gumi, we need to recover a voice taking spell ordered by 0.1." Miki said. Gumi nodded and grab an elixir.

"This should do the trick, your highness." she said. Miki gave me the elixir and forced me to drink it. After five minutes I could speak again.

"I-I..." was all I managed to say.

"Thank you Gumi." Miki said as we swam away. I was scared again. We swam to a sea cave and I was left there. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was I was looking for princess Luka. I wasn't her descendant so I didn't understand why they were making me search for her.

"U-um, princess Luka? A-a-are you here? My name is Rin slave 0.2." I finally said.


Len P.O.V.

I honestly couldn't figure out what was up with Rin. She was acting like a child. I was looking for her. She couldn't have strayed too far. She never does. I decided to talk to Leon about it. "Hey, Leon?" I started. Leon turned to face me.

"What's on your mind, Len?" he asked.

"It's almost dinner time, you think Rin is ok? She normally is home by now. I'm a bit worried." I admitted.

"She'll come around. She probably is just spending time with that Oliver kid." Leon said.

"But still, I feel like something's wrong. I can't tell why, but I can't help but feel like she's in danger." I said.

"I haven't seen you this worried about Rin in a long time." Leon commented. I starred.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You seem to dislike her now days." Leon said.

"N-no! Of course not! She's just so distant, and kinda nosey. Maybe I've been a jerk but she needs to learn to keep her nose where it belongs. " I said. Leon sat in a chair. I decided to sit across from him at the table.

"I think you should try to make it up to her. I'm pretty sure she's trying to give you your space. After all, all you ever do is yell at her now. Maybe if you can find her, you can explain and apologize." Leon told me. I thought about what he said. I had been yelling at Rin a lot. Maybe that's why she was glaring at Miku and I the whole time we were at the beach.

"I'm gonna look for her, BRB!" I exclaimed as I ran out the door.


Rin P.O.V.

" Please don't hide... I know what it's like to be all alone. " I continued. No luck still. I started to cry. It was hopeless. "I'm sorry." I murmured under my breath. I kept crying but soon I felt something warm holding me close. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful mermaid figure of sea foam. She smiled down at me.

"It's ok, don't cry." she said. "I'm proud of you, Rin. You've grown up nicely. Don't cry. I'm right here." I continued to cry. I was still afraid.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"Your mother. It's ok, don't cry anymore ok." she said as she whipped my tears away.

"M-mommy? B-but is it all true? Did Miki kill you or did you abandon me?" I asked.

"It truly isn't all Miki's fault I'm not with you right now. She only meant to kill you and your father but wouldn't let her. I still won't let her kill you. And you can bet she won't lay a single harmful finger on you anymore. I promise." she said. I cried on her shoulder.

"Thank you. Thank you for coming back. Will you take me home to Leon and Len. I'm scared and cold. I want to go home but they won't let me." I cried. She smiled softly at me and kissed my forehead. I saw from the corner of my eye Miki, Teto, and Meiko sneak into the cave. Mom faced them and gave the three of them a hug. I was confused. If Miki hurt her why would she be so happy to see her?

"I'm sorry. SIS I"M SORRY!" Miki cried on mom's shoulder. I was highly confused.

"Don't cry, Miki. It's ok now. But you need to take Rin to Leon and leave her to be with her father. She can't stay away from the surface. There needs to be a balance between the land and the sea or she might fall ill. Keep her safe when she's in the sea. You still can even though you harmed her in the past. Don't think I didn't know what you did to my daughter." mom told Miki. Miki was still crying.

"I was wrong. Please don't hate me." Miki cried.

"No, no. I don't hate you but I'm highly disappointed. You have a second chance to regain my trust so don't mess it up." mom said.

"I-I won't sissy." Miki murmured in mom's shoulder. I was trying to fit the pieces together in my head.

"Luka we killed Leon years ago, what do we do with Rin?" Teto pointed out. The sudden rush of knowledge ran through my veins. I hit the floor of the sea cave in a bow. Luka raised me to my feet.

"You don't have to bow, sweetie." Luka said.

"Your highness it's required of me." I reasoned.

"No daughter of mine is going to bow to anyone." Luka said. She confirmed herself to be my mom. I was royalty. I never imagined such but it was true.

"Leon is still alive, Teto. You are to take Rin to the surface." Mom said. She turned to me. "Rin, when you find Leon give him this." Mom folded a gold locket in my right palm and faded. I reached out to hug her and begged her not to leave but I was begging to a warm pile of sea foam. I cried a little but then was led to the surface by Miki, Teto, and Meiko. On the shore I saw Len resting against a rock. I pulled myself to my feet and ran over to him.

"Len, you'll get sick if you stay out wet this late at night!" I exclaimed. He opened his eyes to see me.

"You're back. And you're talking again. That's great." Len said as he got on his feet.

"Len I need to speak to Leon." I said.

"Well can I say something first?" Len asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry for acting so harshly towards you lately, will you forgive me so we can start over?"

"Of course! I still want to be your friend. So please don't replace me with Miku." I said. Len stared at me.

"I'm not replacing you. I can't. After all you are my first friend beside Leon." Len said. I smiled. "Let's go home and eat." I nodded and we walked back to the house.


"Leon I have to give you something." I said. Leon handed me my plate and I set it on the table. "It's important."

"Give it to me at the table." Leon said, putting together Len's plate. I sat down and looked at the locket. It had a beautiful carving of a crescent moon and sun of the ocean. Leon sat down and I handed it to him.

"It's from Luka. She didn't tell me why or even what it really was but she told me to give it to you." I said. Leon stared at the golden necklace. He opened the oval and pink sea foam was in it. Leon glared at me.

"Really, Rin. This is a joke right. This isn't possible for Luka to give to you much less me.." he scolded. Was it mom? Leon threw it at me. I started to cry. Was it a dream?

"I-I don't get it? She handed it to me. Have I lost my mind?" I said to myself. I took the locket and ran upstairs, crying. My tears fell on the sea foam and my small voice quivered. I was wondering why this was happening when I felt something stroke my hair. I looked up from my pillow and saw mom. She smiled and raised me up. I gave her a hug. "What's happening?" I asked

"Rin, do you know what gifts you possess? Sea foam is actually as alive as you are. But it takes a special something to really bring it to life. You have a healing power that is buried deep within you DNA, normally coming out of your tears. Get Leon." she said. I nodded and ran to the steps.

"LEON COME UP HERE!" I yelled. Leon groaned.

"What is it now?" Leon said in an irritated voice.

"I shattered my mirror on accident." I made up. Leon rolled his eyes and walked to my room. Mom sat there patiently. Leon stared at her.

"Hi, Leon, it's been a while. How've you been?" she asked. Leon sat next to her.

"L-Luka? H-how did this happen?" he stuttered.

"Thank Rin." Mom said. "She was born with healing powers but they just now got used."

"R-Rin?" Leon said in shock. I smiled at him.

"We'll be a family now, right, Dad?" I asked. Leon started to cry a little bit. Mom pulled the two of us into a hug and we just stayed there for a little bit. "I love you." I murmured. Dad kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." he said. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't expect a response. Len walked into the room. I extended my hand to him. He hesitated but grabbed it then I pulled him into our group hug.


Miku P.O.V.

I walked to the beach for a progress report. Miki was waiting on the shore with two guards. "0.1, your work is over. Guards, take her and throw her in the dungeon." Miki said. I froze. They grabbed me and drug me down into the ocean.


The sound of cheers flourished everywhere. I was frozen in front of the large door. Behind was an audience and tiger sharks ready to attack. The doors opened wide and I felt tears trickle down my face. It was the end. In the distance though, I heard a voice. "Miku!" it screamed. I strained my eyes trying to see what was going on but soon everything went dark.


When I woke up I saw Rin, curled up on the ocean floor, slowly but surely dissolving into sea foam. I rushed over and shook her. She opened her blue eyes and smiled softly. "Are we still friends?" she asked.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"Then stop scarring me. I can't fix every situation. Is it night time?" Rin asked. It was broad daylight. She must have been closer to the end than I thought.

"Y-yes it's night." I felt tears stream down my face.

"You lie." Rin mumbled. A pink haired woman cradled her and swam quickly away. I followed wondering if she'd live. On the shore was a blonde human man that quickly rushed her into a jeep and drove away. I felt a bit helpless lying there on the shore, unsure of what was next.


Rin P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see the white room of the hospital. I seemed to always wake up there. Dad stroked my hair.

"Are you ok, baby?" he asked. I nodded. My side hurt badly but I knew it would most likely heal. "I'm glad. We were so worried."

"I'm ok, Dad. You don't have to worry." I said.


A week later I was back on my feet. I walked to the shore and sat on a rock. I saw blurred teal in the water. Miku showed herself. "Thank you for saving me." Miku said. I giggled.

"No problem. Do you want to swim?" I asked.

"Yeah, your mom is doing a great job with the country. It's more stable and less innocents are being enslaved and killed." Miku said. I hopped in the water.

"And how's your new family?" I asked.

"Great. Let's go. How's your Dad and Len?" Miku asked.

"Good. Len won a surf championship yesterday." I said.

"Cool, sounds like he's doing well." Miku said.

"You better believe it." I said. We continued to giggle and swim around.

... (3 yrs later)

"Hey, Len, what are you going to major in?" I asked. Len looked up at me from his book.

"I'm gonna be a marine scientist. What about you?" Len answered.

"I think I'm going to be a makeup artist." I said. Len giggled.

"I'm your test dummy, right?" Len asked.

"The one and only. Blues look really good on you by the way." I said.

"Well let's make one thing clear, I'm not going to work with eye shadow on." Len said.

"So in other words I CAN put foundation on you?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure but not too much." Len said.

"Yay!" I exclaimed. "Hey ,Len, wanna surf some later?"

"Sure." Len said.