I'm With You

I looked down at rushing water beneath me. I looked at my shoes, never have I felt so empty. Right when I was about to jump, arms pulled me down and a voice yelling and screaming at me.

I just looked at his worried face. It made me feel wanted for once. I just started crying on his shoulder, then he hushes me to quiet down. I begin laughing at him.

It starts pouring, yet no footsteps on the ground. I realize we're the only ones there.

"What were you thinking? Are you insane?" the boy asks.

I look at him. Why would he do that, why'd he pull me down?

"Why do you care? I'm a stranger to you, yet you stopped me", I asked him in wonder.

"I couldn't just let you kill yourself now could I?" the mysterious boy replied, sounding amused.

"Thank you", I say smiling softly.

"Now would you care to entertain me on why you would attempt to kill yourself?" he said in a tone that let me know he was joking yet serious.

"Well since I have nothing to lose. My father is a business man ever since my mother died of leukemia when I was six he's been different. He used to be kind and warm. Now he's a cold-hearted man who doesn't care for anything. For the last ten years of my life, he's ignored me, I was raised by the maids and butlers. And now that I'm sixteen he's forcing me to marry some guy that I don't even know. I'm sorry this must be boring." I said sheepishly.

"No, not really. I can relate, my mother and my sister fight every day. They started fighting ever since my father died of lung cancer. And after they fight my mother locks away in her room barely coming out. My younger brother and I can't even remember the last time we all sat down and had a proper diner without my mom and sister yelling at each other" the boy said sighing.

"I'm sorry", I replied softly.

"It's not your fault. Sometimes life can be unfair", he said smiling "It sure is cold tonight."

"Yeah, and here we are trying to figure out this life."

"Come on", he said reaching out his hand.

I looked at it hesitantly, before grabbing it.

"Lucy" I whispered.


"My name. It's Lucy." I said more firmly.

He smiled. "I'm Lyon."

The rain stopped and he took me by the hand and started leading me somewhere new. It was kind of funny, here I was with a guy I just met and barely knew, yet I feel like I could trust him with anything. He made me feel warm inside. Is that normal?

"We're here." Lyon exclaimed.

I looked around and realized we were at a lake and it seemed to be hidden.

"It's beautiful", I said in awe "How'd you find it?"

"I was taking a walk and I ended up getting lost and I stumbled upon this place", he chuckled "You know before I met you nothing was going right, everything was a mess. But right now I feel like I could tell you anything."

"It does feel like that doesn't it? Why is everything so confusing?
Or maybe I'm just out of my mind", I said smiling.

"We both started running around the lake. And for the first time since my mother died I truly felt happy.

"It's midnight, make a wish." he said smiling.

"I wish this night would never end."

"So do I, so do I", he murmured.

We just laid down staring up at the midnight sky. But as all good things come to an end, we both had to go home.

We started walking back to the bridge. We didn't even notice, until now that is, that we were holding hands.

"You know we could just run away right? From everything, we could run and never come back", he said looking me straight in the eye letting me know he was dead serious.

I started laughing at the boy in front of me.

"What's so funny?" he asked me but he smiles at the same time.

"I don't know who you are, but I'm with you," I answered stifling my laugh.

-The End-