"Nooo, seriously guys, I need help with this!" James fussed and hissed at Logan and Carlos, who had been called into an emergency meeting in James's room. It was late in the evening, and the two shorter boys plopped down onto the floor. James was starting to have a fit. "We have no idea what we're doing! You know I'm not smaaart!"

"It's not a big deal," Logan began. "Anal sex is an easily executed act of love making. But, it's not unreasonable to worry. Done wrong, it can be very painful. Do you mind if I ask how big your penis is?"

James stared at Logan. "What?"

"Your penis. How big is it?"

"I don't think that matters," James said blankly. Here, Carlos butted in with, "He's the catcher, Logie."


"Why do you keep thinking this?" James yelled.

"Chill, chill," Logan said calmly. He held his palms out towards James and motioned them downwards. "Alright. Have you ever put anything inside your butt before?"

"Just fingers."

"That's a good start. So you're somewhat familiar with insertion."

"I guess…"

"Number one important thing is that Kendall's penis is sufficiently lubricated. Make sure that you get it nice and slick."

"Yeah, then let him ram in it!" Carlos suddenly exclaimed with a giant smile on his face. "Ram it in!"

"Shhh!" Logan snapped. "James, don't listen to him. Our sex life is nothing like that, anyway." James stared at the couple oddly. "Uhhh, okay," he said.

"Well, so," Logan continued, trying to ignore Carlos entirely. "Make sure Kendall eases himself inside you very carefully. Then, as you both get comfortable, you can find a suitable rhythm. But other than that, just have fun and go wherever the passion takes you." He smiled sweetly at James, who returned the motion. "Before you know it, you'll be having sex all the time, like it's no big deal," Logan added. He nudged Carlos gently. "Yeah, all the time," the Latino boy added. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Alright guys, well," James got up from his bed and put his hands onto his hips. "I guess I'm going to go lose my virginity to my best friend. Now get out of my room."

Carlos and Logan scrambled to their feet and headed for the door. Before leaving, Carlos leaned over to James and said, "ram it in!" before Logan grumbled and yanked him away. The door closed and left James alone. This was it. The moment of truth. In a few hours, he would no longer be a virgin. It was about time, right? The last few days had been such a bizarre and twisted journey, nobody could have foreseen it. But it seemed to have worked out perfectly. So. Damn. Perfectly.

James combed his hair up, made sure he looked alright (like he could look anything else!), put on a little extra cologne then popped out of his room and slid over to Kendall's. He opened the door slowly and crept inside. Kendall was in bed with the lights off. He had his tablet out, propped up on his knees. He stared at the screen intently. "Hey," he greeted James, keeping is eyes on the small computer. "Been reading up on some pretty awkward stuff."

"Oh?" James asked while he tiptoed over to the bed. He took off his shorts and crawled beneath the covers. His face lit up when he put his hand on Kendall's bare chest.

"But it makes sense," Kendall said. "I think we can do this." He powered down the computer and put it on his nightstand. James lay down rather stiffly, no pun intended. Kendall slid up alongside James's body and put an arm around him. His fingers rested upon the firm, tan chest and stroked it gently. "Are you nervous?" Kendall asked. James nodded and said nothing. "Me, too," the blond boy said. "But it's gonna be alright. I promise."

Kendall lightly tugged at James's side and made him roll over, so that they were facing each other. Their arms entwined around their bodies and pulled them together. A warm, wet kissed was shared, both hearts fluttering with arousal and anxiety.

"I'm scared," James whispered.

"Don't be," Kendall reassured him, "You'll be fine. I love you."

James smiled sweetly at the sentiment. Kendall ran his fingers down James's sides and pulled up his shirt. He lifted himself a little, and the tee slid over his head. James's firm, sparkly chest raised and lowered strongly with his heavy breathing. Kendall told him once more that it was going to be alright, and that he should relax. Then he took James's underwear off, revealing a hot and wanton cock.

"Let me get on my back again," James whispered. Kendall nodded, and James did as he had said. "You go down there, and get like, under me sorta," James said.

"Like this?" Kendall got up on his knees and shifted down towards James's waist. He hoisted up the muscular-yet-slender ass and put it between his own thighs. Then Kendall lifted James's legs and propped the feet upon his shoulders. "Is this comfortable?" Kendall asked.

"Kinda." James looked up at his boyfriend in the darkness of the room and smiled. He wriggled his ass against Kendall's groin, causing the blond guy to let out a small, desperate groan. He smoothed his hands down James's legs and met at his dick. Kendall wrapped one set of fingers around the shaft and jerked it briefly. James bit down onto his lower lip and suppressed a cry of pleasure.

"So," Kendall said nonchalantly. "Carlos and Logan…"

"Huh? Why are you thinking about them right now?"

"They are a couple, aren't they?" Kendall talked as he continued to jerk James off.


"You can tell me, duh."

"Yeah. We were scared you would get mad or something!"

"I sorta already knew. Sometimes I'd wake up 'cause they were making a lot of noise at night. Yeah, you don't hear 'em since your room is at the end. But I do. Usually I just put my headphones on, but once I actually listened to them, and it sounded a little too cute to be 'just friends.'"


"Not a big deal," Kendall smiled and released James's penis from his grip. "Now, try this." He took up a bottle of lubricant, which must have been sitting somewhere in the bed already, flipped open the cap and squeezed a few pearls onto his finger tip. "It's probably gonna feel cold," Kendall warned. James braced himself. The blond dabbed a finger onto James's smooth asshole. He tightened and inhaled sharply. "Okay?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah. Just, well, cold," James said with a nervous giggle. Kendall nodded and began to insert a finger. "Try to relax your butthole," he said. James tried to relax his butthole. It was difficult. Kendall's finger pushed inside further. It felt good, but also hurt a little bit.

"Think you can take my dick?" Kendall asked.


"Maybe yes or maybe not? I can't half-fuck you." Kendall laughed after he said said.

"Maybe yes!" James said confidently. He spread his legs further and pushed against the finger which was still inside him. Kendall slipped it out and took the bottle up again. He squeezed some out across the length of his own penis and rubbed it around a little.

"Make sure it's…sufffiiissssshaaaaanttlly lubercated," James said stupidly, trying to remember what Logan had told him earlier. Kendall chuckled and shook his head at how cute James sounded. "I will," he said. "Ready?

"Yeah. Just uh. Ram it in."

"I'll be a little more careful than that, James."


Kendall breathed in deep. He took his dick in his hand and tapped it against James's tight asshole. Nerves were high. Their breathing was choked and nervous. The greasy head of Kendall's cock rubbed a tight circle around the sphincter. "Okay, ready," Kendall said, basically to himself. James winced and prepared for the imminent penetration. Slowly, Kendall's cock pushed inside. It stretched James's asshole apart and started to be swallowed up. James arched his back and let out a long, airy moan. It hurt for sure, but it felt so good. It was amazing to have Kendall finally inside him. Finally inside him.

"It's alright?" Kendall asked.

"Ohh, it's more than alright," James moaned. "Fuck me…"

Kendall pressed further inside. His hips began to thrust, very delicately, in and out. James put his hands on the pillow and dug his nails into it. Now, Kendall started to pick up the pace. Obviously this was an asshole that was meant to be fucked. His cock thrust harder. James cooed and groaned, writhing his waist in utmost ecstasy. Kendall put his hands onto James's shoulders and started to…well…ram it in. He huffed and puffed as the muscular boy took his thick cock totally unlike a virgin. It was just fantastic! Who would have known that Kendall wasted so much time fucking women, when he could have been doing it with men! He did his best to lean over and place a tender kiss onto James's lips. All of the sudden, POW! Kendall unexpectedly shot a big, hot load deep within James's ass.

"Did you cum?!" James called out.

"Sssorry," Kendall panted. He moaned and cried as his cock lost blood flow and removed itself from the hot cavern it so loved. The blond sat back and tried to catch his breath. "It felt REALLY good," he said.

"Can you get me off…" James said weakly.

"I can try." Kendall shrugged and put his hand back onto James's dick. He began to jerk him off. James looked up at Kendall and moaned louder. It felt great. Better than when he did it to himself. Kendall's long, slender fingers wrapped around his shaft so perfectly…

"Faster," James begged. "Pleeeease." Kendall winced and picked up the pace. James whined and whimpered, and soon his cock began to throb deeply from within. He dug his fingers deeper into the pillows and thrust upward into Kendall's palm harder. Beads of sweat ran down his perfect forehead, and a long rope of cum shot out and onto his abs. Kendall slowly let off of the penis and let is shrink.

"Good?" Kendall asked. James nodded. "Cuddle with meee," he said. Kendall laughed and laid back onto his side. He put an arm around James and held him close. "Was that a good virginity…losing…moment?" he asked.

"Perfect!" James said, breathing heavy still. "I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought it was perfect anyway."

"You know," Kendall said quietly. "I sorta miss you being a girl."

"Sorry. I don't."

"It's fine. You're sexy as a guy, too. I love you as a guy. I love you, period." Kendall hugged James tight and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night."

"Night," James whispered. He held onto Kendall and closed his eyes. Life was good. Life was very good. His mind wandered, and he soon fell into the most comfortable and relaxed sleep of his life (so far).

In his band, James Diamond was always the pretty one. That was his designated place. The reason for his popularity was, clearly, his looks. But sometimes, maybe looks aren't everything. After that whole girl incident, James changed slightly. Not only did he begin an amazing journey with an even more amazing boyfriend, but for once, he actually put another person ahead of himself. And that was alright.

~*~ THE END ~*~

[Didn't you love it? Wow. It turned out completely different than I had originally thought! Thanks to everyone for your (continued) reivews! I love you all! Mean it!]