hello! this is my first story on FF. I hope you like it! if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me. uvu

I don't own Maid-sama.

full summary~

He could see it in her eyes.

They were empty. There was no determination present. They were just beautiful, vacant orbs.

She was sad. Unhappy with her life. Putting on a mask to hide away her pain. Never wanting to worry others. Sometimes she would come to school looking battered as if she hasn't slept for the past few days. People would ask, but she would always shrug it off, saying that she stayed up a little too late studying, that she had a little too much caffeine the other night.

She was lying, of course. He saw how she acted. Always happy, always smiling. Never wanting to disappoint others. Faking laughs and forcing smiles. But no matter what kind of mask she put on, he saw through it.

He saw through everything. However, as much as he wanted to help, he couldn't. She wouldn't let anyone in.

So that became his mission.

To help Misaki Ayuzawa.

chapter one.

She giggled as the car went over a road bump. Small tufts of raven hair bounced around her tiny round face.

"Misaki," a soft voice called to her, "are you having fun?"

Yes, mama," she replied as the car went over another road bump, causing her voice to sound exaggerated. Her mother laughed a sweet musical laugh. Misaki joined in. She had always loved her mother's laugh.

That was her last thought as her eyes caught sight of a shiny speeding car coming straight at them.

The impact was heavy. Misaki's head banged against the side of the car. She saw red all around her. Her mother wasn't moving. Her dad was frantic. What was happening? Everything was turning black. She slipped away...

Beep beep. Beep beep.

She woke up with a start. Turning off her alarm, she sighed. It was the same scene that had been haunting her dreams for months. When would she ever be able to let go?

Misaki walked to her closet and started to get ready for the first day of her third year in high school. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Empty amber eyes stared back at her. What had happened to the stubborn, headstrong Misaki Ayuzawa? She was long gone. The car crash had killed her sister and her mother, which in turn killed a little bit of Misaki. Her father broke completely, drowning himself in alcohol. He refused to see Misaki, saying that she reminded him too much of his wife.

Misaki shook her head to get rid of the vivid images running through her mind and started getting ready for school. There was no use in wasting time musing over things that had already happened.

Carefully stepping around the multiple empty beer cans strewn throughout the house, Misaki stepped out the doorway and started walking toward Seika High School.

so... *hides behind random tree* how was it? should I continue this story? Please let me know! (:

can you guess who the person is in the summary?

until next time!


p.s. sorry if it seems kind of dark. Misaki's going through a tough time right now. ;-;