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Me: Yo, my new job has completely drained me, however I will find some holes to get some of my stories in. Now before we begin, I decided to start TrueReader1597's challenge. So read & review. Also for all of those people that read this story and have played Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, I need help with the first round of Orre Coliseum. I know the trick is to either use Safeguard or Taunt, but none of the pokemon I use are fast enough(gengar and alakazam included). If you know anything that can help me, PM me the title "Orre Round One." For now enjoy this story.

Chapter 1: Let the Journey Commence!

2 years ago

Pallet Town, also known as the Town of Beginnings. When a child reaches the age of ten, they are allowed to get their trainer license. However, some can wait until they are 16 and learn under the supervision of Professor Oak. If one does this, they are allowed to choose ANY first stage pokemon they wish. Most people don't do this though. They rather get out of Pallet and travel. However, 2 young boys decided to wait until they were 16. Their names were Ash "Red" Ketchum and Gary "Blue" Oak. Ash's family was a very famous one until his 14th birthday. Their local gym leader (1) passed away. The gym leader was Ash's father (2). It was hard on the Ketchum family. Gary's family attended the funeral. However Gary, himself, did not show. He has seen Ash walk over to a nearby lake. When Gary reached there he saw Ash balling his eyes out. Gary felt sad for him. His parents has passed away too, except they died by crossing over into Nidoking territory by accident. It had hit the young Oak very hard. Ash, however stood by his side (3).

2 years later

The young boys have finally reached their age of 16. Ash was about to head out of his house, when his mother called him back inside. Behind her was her Mr. Mime, Mimey. Mimey was a gift from Ash's father to his mother.

"Ash, I have something to give to you." His mother said while holding something behind her back.

"Mom?" Ash asked (4).

"If your father was still alive he would be so proud of you. He wanted you to have this." She said while taking her hands from behind her back. In them was an Pokemon Egg.

"….." Ash said nothing. He only just looked at the egg. This was something his father left behind for him.

"I have something for you as well." His mother said while heading up the stairs and coming back down with a box. "This was your Father's."

Ash opened the box to see a Green Backpack, a Red and white Overcoat, a mask with one side red and the other black. On the black side there was a hole for his eye. Further in there was a contact. When he looked closer, it was a red contact. He also saw a cap, it was red on the back and white in the front. However, on the white side there was a little flame symbol. Ash just looked at them and went upstairs. He later came back down with the Overcoat on, the backpack, and cap. He also changed his pants from blue to red. When he opened his eyes one of them was brown and the other red. His mother looked at him and gasped. He just looked like his father. Ash proceeded to pick up the egg. When he touched it, he heard a crack. He looked down and saw cracks begin to form all over the egg. He put it down and it flashed brightly. Everybody in the room had to close their eyes. When the flash was gone they looked down and saw a charmander. However, this Charmander was different. It was not orange, but yellow. They both looked at each other. If one had studied the bonds of Pokemon, they would see that these two had just formed one. Although weak, it would bound to become unbreakable.

"I'm leaving…..I'll be back after every journey." Ash said while hugging his mom. He then opened the door and walked out, the Charmander on his shoulder.

When Ash arrived to the Lab, he saw his friend and rival waiting for him.

"When did you get a pokemon?!" Gary said while stunning the newborn Charmander. Gary noticing this stopped what he was doing. He looked at Ash for an answer.

"My father gave it to me, it only hatched this morning." Ash said while getting a look from Gary. "Apparently, it was laid 2 years ago, but once I touched it, it hatched." Ash said while getting a dumbfounded look from Gary.

"Well, where did you get those clothes?" Gary asked.

"They were my Father's. My mother said I looked just like him." Ash said with a hurt face. Gary knew when to stop. He didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings.

"Well, let me get my pokemon and pokedex." Gary said while opening the door to his Grandfather's lab. Ash was right behind him.

"Ah, Gary and Ash." The old professor said. He was not surprised to see the Charamander on Ash's shoulder. His mother had called and informed him of it. He had Gary pick out his pokemon which was an Eevee. They both received pokeballs and pokedexs. They thanked the professor for all he has done for them and they walked out.

"So, I guess I will see you at the league?" Gary asked Ash.

"I guess you will." Ash said while Gary was leaving. When Gary was out of sight, Ash reached into his overcoat and pulled out his mask. He put it on giving him a mysterious air around him. "Let's go, Charmander, we have a lot of work to do." Ash said to the lizard on his shoulder.

They were walking in the Viridian Forest. They had done some training in here, but had not caught any pokemon. His Charmander had learned Ember, Metal Claw, and surprisingly Flamethrower. Ash had looked it up and said that a Charmander may be able to learn it if it was known by one of its parents. Something was rustling in the bushes. From the way they were rustling, It had to be a huge pokemon. What Ash saw next stunned him.

"Scy, Scyther!" A pokemon had jumped out of the bushes. It hands were scythes. It stood at about four feet and eleven inches. Its name was Scyther.

"Scyther's are rare, but they are only supposed to be in the Safari Zone, so why is this one here?" Ash thought while looking at it. His answer was soon confirmed when a person was holding a Safari Ball.

"Again?! This is the fifth time you have run off!" A man said to the Scyther. "I'll teach you, Go Nidorino!" A purple pokemon that stood on four feet was brought out of a pokeball, It had a dangerous purple liquid dripping from its horn. "Nidorino, Hyper Beam on Scyther! Teach him a lesson!" The man yelled at his pokemon. Nidorino lifted its horn and a orange ball began charging. Ash couldn't take it anymore. This man was attacking a defenseless pokemon that was his.

"Charmander, Smokescreen!" Ash yelled to his Charmander who blew black smoke out of its mouth. It obscured the Nidorino's vision and made it fire in the air.

"Don't get in my way, Nidorino use Acid on both of them!(5)

"Light it up with Flamethrower, Charmander!" Ash yelled to his pokemon who happily obliged by blowing out a stream of red flame. The flame traveled faster than the acid and they made contact. When they hit each other, a huge explosion took place knocking out Nidorino. Charmander was safe, along with Scyther in a green barrier.(6) The man returned his Nidorino and was about to return his Scyther. Ash had ran in front of him. He twisted and broke the man's arm making him scream. The man dropped the Safari Ball and ran off, telling him that e would report him. Ash just scoffed at him and turned around. He looked at his Charmander and saw it was exhausted. He couldn't blame it. It fought an very high level Nidorino. Ash looked at the Scyther and put its ball on the ground. Charmander lowered its barrier and walked over to him.

"If you ever want to join us, look for a campfire. We'll be there." Ash said while walking away.

The Scyther made up its mind the minute he saw the young man. Scyther took its ball in its mouth and ran after Ash. When it caught up, it threw the ball in front of Ash's feet. Ash looked behind him and smirked.

"Are you sure?" Ash asked the Scyther. The Scyther replied by nodding its head.

"Scyther, Return!" Ash yelled and a green beam hit Scyther. Ash then threw the Safari Ball and Scyther popped out. They then began traveling through the forest.

(1): I decided to give Pallet Town a Gym. However, only people that have gotten all of the Badges in all 7 regions may challenge it. (Seventh is X and Y region)

(2) Ash's Father will return in a later Arc. He only faked his death.

(3) Since this is my version, I decided not to give Gary his snobbish and arrogant attitude.

(4) Since the "supposed" death of his father, Ash has hardened his emotions. Only a few can get more than 5 sentences out of him. They are his mother, Gary, Professor Oak, Charmander and his pokemon, and the final will be on a poll which the deadline is 2 and a half weeks from now.

(5) Nidorino CAN learn Acid. However, it is a extremely long process of explaining and I will say this. In a double battle Acid hits both pokemon.

(6) If anybody can guess what this is, I will allow them to choose one pokemon they want ash to catch. The Legends have already been decided and which order he will catch them in.