So we have reached the end of our story! it seems a little abrupt? and im sorry for anyone that was hoping for it to continue :( but this is the end! i hope you guys enjoyed it, cause i enjoyed writing it!

Chapter 13

Tenten sat in the back seat in Neji's lap as he was beside Lee with Saskue and Naruto up front, Shikamaru and Kiba were in another car, she was in half a fetal position as Neji muffled her screams with his neck feeling her hot tears burn his skin. Lee held her kicking and flailing legs so she wouldn't hurt herself, Neji held her securely against him as she convulsed violently. Lee grunted

"Neji what is, is this, mph! What is happening to our dear blossom?!"

"they, dammit," his hold tightened "they put something inside her, I, I dont know what but whatever it is" she began to relax "it's whats causing this" she clung to him for dear life gasping for breath

"please" she whispered into his neck "take it out" her voice cracked with tears

"step on it Naruto" with a firm nod the car screeched as it sped down the highway.

The sound of beeping broke Tenten's slumber as it started soft and muffled to high pitched and incessant. She groaned and attempted to open her eyes but was only met by a bright white light

"fuck.." she hissed as she quickly closed her eyes and scrunched her face turning it to the side. She heard a chuckle and a familiar voice say

"here, let me get that" then there was a click, testing it she began to open her eyes again, and was met by just a dimly lit room. She began to look around in search of the voice, her vision slightly blurry, she saw a fuzzed figure that she could always recognize

"Neji?" she suddenly felt a pressure and looked down to see their hands tightly intertwined. She tried to recollect what had happened, remembering, she reached her left hand up and began to feel her abdomen

" it?" she felt a warm hand come on top of hers

"it's out". Relief flooded her in a way she couldn't comprehend, it was like a giant weight had just been lifted off and she could breath again. She closed her eyes as silent tears slipped pass them, she felt his thumb brush them away, she opened her eyes to see him clearly now, he was no longer wearing his suit jacket and his sleeves were rolled up while the first few buttons of his collar were undone he had dark circles under his tired eyes and his hair was no longer tied at the end, but he had never looked more handsome to her.

Before anything else she punched him in the arm

"oi, what was that for?"

"you made me panic for a bit thinking it was still in their"

"and that's my fault?" he smirked as he raised an eyebrow, she pouted

"yes, and the fact that I almost went blind when I woke up"

"oh, you mean like this?"



CLICK He laughed as Tenten rubbed desperately at her wounded sight

"you bastard, i'm probably blind now!"

"dont be over dramatic"

"over dramatic?! When I recover I'm going to kick your ass so hard that-mph!" He cut her off with an opened mouthed kiss as he shoved his tongue into her sweet mouth, she squeaked as he began to caress the roof of her mouth, but then relaxed and whimpered at the wonderful feel of his tongue dominating hers. She felt his lightly calloused hands run up her fore arms and grip her biceps tightly as she felt the sinking of the mattress on both sides of her hips where his knees now were, he continued ravaging her mouth a he sucked on her tongue and nipped at her lips eliciting mewls of want from her, with a small pop he released her and then began laying open mouthed kisses on her jaw and down her neck. She squirmed at the feel of him suckling on her sensitive flesh, she'd never felt so alive, she whimpered as he gnawed on the red skin and left his mark on each. His palms ran over her clothed abdomen, then slipped under her shirt, she gasped as she felt his finger tips run over the still healing aching flesh, her skin was on fire in the most sensual of ways. She then felt the cool air hit her as he lifted her shirt, she shivered and watched as he lowered himself down to her belly button and began to gently kiss stitch by stitch, scar by scar. Her face was a furious red as her panting breaths came out short and uneven, she grabbed a fistfull of his hair and tried to pull him away from what she deemed as her uglyness but he tightly gripped her wrist and slid his hand into hers intertwining their fingers.

He continued to kiss the wounded flesh, she shivered as his slightly cracked lips touched each and everyone. When he finished he immediately began to devour her lips again in the most animalistic way. She smiled into the heated passion of there lip lock

'I could live with this'

Finished! i hope you guys enjoyed!