Dan's P.O.V

"Dan? What the hell are you doing?" Pj asked. He wasn't laughing as such, but I saw the happy glint in his eyes, and the smile that was tugging at his lips.

"Well, Peejmeister. As you very well know, I am currently LOSING!"

"He gets pretty violent when he loses. You guys are only now getting the chance to see. How lucky you are."

"PHIL! You're supposed to be my friend. And yet, you are making fun of me, for the enjoyment of Chris, Pj, and yourself."

"I'm sorry. But you have to admit. You get very...competitive when it comes to video games."

"And food eating contests!"Chris contributed.

"And how much he can procrastinate."

"Yes! Oh, and Pj, do you remember the time you and Chris came over, and Dan was trying to water the cactus properly? He wouldn't let me do it."

"RIGHT! I will not stand for this any longer. I'm leaving." I slammed the door, and then opened it again.

"Danisnotonfire, is OUT!" And I re-slammed the door.

Phil's P.O.V

"Where do you think he went?"

"Honestly, Chris. I don't know. Would you and Pj mind if I went and looked for him?"

"Not at all, no problem."

"Can you also please stay here, just in case he comes home?"

"Yes. If we hear from or see him we will let you know. Now GO!"

That, is just a little taste of what may be a new fanfiction. If you guys like it of course. Please let me know what you thought, and where you think Dan went/what's going to happen next.

Thanks for reading.