Several days passed without mention of the magazines, leaving Draco free to enjoy his vacation in the sun and get some more homework done. He was the only boy there with his own elf and there was an endless number of things one could do with an elf. He and a few other boys liked to catch bugs and stuff from the river and see if Dusty would eat it. Of course Dusty had to eat it if Draco ordered him to, so for the game to work he had to be very careful in how he worded the command. He liked being the center of attention and having all of the kids clamoring to watch him with his elf.

It wasn't until a large parcel wrapped in plain blown paper arrived that Draco's bubble burst. Lucius hid the parcel from his wife's view, before slipping it to his son. Only the parcel came with strings attached, "Now son," Lucius had started, once he and Draco were in the privacy of Draco's room. "I don't mind you selling the ones you don't want and I even ordered the busty one specifically for you to sell, but I must insist that you look through all of them before you sell them. One of these will be your thing. The only way to discover your desires is to look."

With that Lucius left and Draco set about his arduous task of looking through page after page of tasteless smut. A lot of these magazines were worse than the previous ones. Some of them featured halfbloods doing racy things, like touching themselves down there. One was even full of witches inserting toys into themselves; Draco gulped when he saw it, before flinging it away in disgust. There was another particularly tacky halfblood one filled with witches tied up in bondage. He ordered Dusty to burn it, rather than sell it to Blaise and have to see it crop up around school. The others were just weird, such as the New Zealand one with witches riding brooms naked and the American one filled with shots of women's feet and shoes. The French one with lots of leg shots wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. The Canadian one seemed impractical, with all of the girls out in the snow dressed in only furs that failed to conceal anything; Draco felt sorry for those girls and hoped they'd at least been allowed warming charms, especially the one making the snow angel.

Draco was beginning to think that none of the magazines were going to be his cup of tea. He was looking through them for the sake of doing as his father had told him, because Blaise would pay good money for this trash. And then he turned to the next one in the stack and jumped in surprise. He almost accidentally flung the magazine out of his grip in excitement, but then he pulled it closer. He took it to the bed to examine, his cock already hardening in his pants.

This magazine was completely different from the rest in all of the right ways. The naked chest had absolutely no horrible breasts at all; instead there were a pair of muscular pecks. The torso sported chiseled abs and the biceps on the arms were bulging; the cock in between the legs was bulging too. This was a gay publication called Poufy PureBlood Pounces, the Workout Addition. The man on the cover was lifting a weight with one hand and had his wand in the other. He was young, but several years older than Draco; there was a note on the bottom of the back cover proclaiming that everyone in the magazine was eighteen or older, so he was likely barely legal. He was fit and hot, with short brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

Draco's heart was racing, his breath coming in short pants, and he was throbbing down there. He made short work of his clothes and began to stroke himself in earnest, still staring at the picture. It felt good, much better than before, but not quite as good as when he was dreaming. He'd been looking at the same picture on the cover for at least five minutes and he decided it was time to turn the page, revealing a two page spread of shots of the same naked man on the cover. It was very good wanking fodder.

At first Draco had hoped that this would be the time when it would happen and he would cum, but then his wrist started to ache. He switched wrists and got through another six pages of naked men, but then that wrist started to hurt too. He switched back to the first hand, but it still hurt. Finally he stopped stroking himself, instead concentrating on the images. There was half the magazine left to get through.

Lunch passed without sight or sound from Draco. Lucius knew his son was busy handling personal matters, so he covered for Draco to his wife. Then dinner came and Draco still hadn't emerged. Obviously something had gone right, but his son shouldn't still be spanking the monkey. Even with the right magazine, there were times when one must put it away, wash up, and have a nice meal with one's parents. Ordering Dusty to bring something to eat in the bedroom wasn't acceptable. Thus Lucius approached Draco's room with caution, rapping on the door loudly to announce his presence.

"Draco, are you alright in there? It's dinner time," Lucius called.

Having finished poring over the magazine and given up on tossing one off, Draco had decided to take a nap. If he was asleep, his body would figure the orgasm thing out and then his ballocks would stop aching. The only problem with that was he wasn't sleepy. His wrists and dick were sore, but he was wide awake. He tried grinding himself into the mattress like he did when he was asleep, but that was painful now that he'd wanked himself raw.

"Um, just a minute!"

Draco called frantically for his elf and ordered the creature to fetch his clothes. Once he was covered, he informed his father that it was safe to come in.

Lucius cracked open the door and spoke, without looking inside the room. "I don't mean to spoil your fun, but your mother and I are requesting your presence for supper. You can return to what you were doing after you eat. I would advise taking a shower first."

"I will Father; give me half an hour." Draco stood up to move toward the loo, but his raw penis rubbed against the too harsh fabric of his robes, since in his haste, he hadn't put his pants back on. "Ow," he hissed.

"Draco, are you alright?"

"Yes Father, just a little sore."

"In that case, it's best to put your magazines away for the night. Too much of a good thing, it seems."

"Yes Father." Draco didn't want to have this conversation.

"Try a cold shower and I'll see you at supper in half an hour," Lucius called.

Draco was left alone to shower. He cleaned himself up the best that he could, but he was still quite sore. He tried to act like he wasn't, especially in front of his mother during supper, but judging by the look she gave him, she noticed. He normally loved steak, but his wrists hurt too much to cut it. Instead he'd stuck to his mashed potatoes, chopped veggies, and pudding. Luckily his mother didn't say anything about it.

Cissy excused herself to the restroom when she finished and Lucius took the opportunity to talk to his son. "Do you need help with your meat?" he asked.

Draco nodded, unable to verbalize his predicament.

"Definitely too much of a good thing. Moderation is the key, son," Lucius said, before calling Dusty to cut the meat. Cissy didn't approve of having an elf cut your food.

By the time his mother returned, Draco was eating the neat chunks of meat, and Dusty had vanished from sight.

The next day Draco tried again, staying inside all day and pulling at himself while he perused the smut. The one gay magazine was looking much worse for wear, with crinkled pages. The rest had been put out of sight in the closet to sell.

Lucius came home from work an hour early to check on his son, who was still holed up in his room. He knocked loudly before speaking. "Draco, I would like to talk to you. Perhaps you can shower and then spare me a few minutes before supper?"

Draco agreed, jumping into the shower, while Dusty cleaned up the evidence of his activities. He dressed in his softest pants, but was even tenderer than the day before and it still hurt. There was nothing he could do about that and he was left with no choice but to let his father in.

"Thank you Draco. I was wondering if you cared to share with me just which magazine it is that has you in this state?" Lucius asked.

Draco blushed even redder than before, but opened his nightstand drawer. The gay magazine was clearly visible on top, the only one retained.

Lucius took one look at the magazine and smiled, incredibly relieved it wasn't the bondage one. He even preferred gay to shoe fetish. Shoe fetish was just weird. "This is great, Draco!" he exclaimed, taking his son into a hug.

"It is?" Draco asked skeptically. Such enthusiasm wasn't like his father at all.

"Yes, it is. You can marry a nice pureblood bloke who will bear your children and your mother and I can still have grandchildren. That's what's important in life, Draco, children and grandchildren."

"You mean it? You're not upset?"

"Yes, I mean it. This is great news; you're not some pervert who'd be hard to marry off, you just like men. I'll have no problem finding you a husband. That is if you don't find one for yourself first. Am I still not allowed to fix you up on dates, or might I arrange something with a nice young wizard and his parents? Let the Zabini boy have the witches, I'll have you set up with all the wizards."

Draco sighed. He was happy his father was being accepting of this, but Lucius could be rather overbearing at times. "Maybe. I need time to process this first."

"Totally understandable. You know you can still come to me with anything. If it's something I don't know, I'll find someone who does."

"Yes Father."

"I'm glad we have this thing figured out. Is it alright if I tell your mother? She'll be glad to know."

Draco agreed, which meant that there was a whole thing at supper, involving lots of hugs and kisses on his cheek from his mother. She was happy for him, his father was happy for him, and even the elves were encouraging. It was a bit overwhelming and he was eager to get back to his room, only his father followed after him. He clutched one of his school books to his chest, and sat down on his bed, hoping to show his intention to study. If he was studying, his father couldn't fault him.

"Draco, I wanted to talk to you about the amount of time you are spending in here. You are still on summer vacation: you shouldn't spend all of your time inside. Why don't you go to that event down at the castle tonight? The one for teenagers with the maze?"

That was a new one coming from Lucius. Normally it was Draco's mother who suggested the recreational activities. But just the thought of running around a maze of trees and bushes with the sores on his dick made Draco cringe.

"Is there something wrong, son?" Lucius asked concerned.

"No…fine, yes, but it's not a big deal. I'm just a little sore."

"You over did it. Try not to do it more than three times in a row."

"Huh?" Draco was confused.

"You know, when you are handling your business. It's not a good idea. For the time being, you should stick to one or two."

Draco blushed so darkly red that he looked like a radish. He stammered and shook his head.

"You have been doing it multiple times, son, haven't you? That's why it hurts," Lucius continued.

Draco shook his head in denial. He hadn't even gotten once handled completely. What was worse was that he hadn't had a wet dream last night, so his ballocks were aching. If he didn't cum soon, he didn't know what he was going to do.

"No? Just once then?"

The dam finally burst and Draco spilled his secret to his father. "No, I can't do it alright! I'm weak and it hurts and I can't make it happen right. I have this magazine and these pictures, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it! You explained sex to me, but I don't think it works like that with men."

"I will find a specialist to help you through this, Draco. It doesn't work the same, but we'll get it figured out. In the meantime, I'll get you a salve and you can take a cold shower," Lucius said.

Before a week had passed, Lucius had a young homosexual male tutor there for Draco. The tutor was cute, but Draco was apprehensive. He didn't know what was expected of him and he wasn't ready for a relationship with anybody. His father tended to be a match maker and he worried that this was a set up as a prelude to a date. There was a chance his father expected him to bed this tutor, so that he could be ahead of Blaise. He'd just barely found out he was gay; it was a big adjustment and he wasn't ready for any more changes right now, including dates and especially sex. He was barely fourteen, for Salazar's sake.

With all of that on his mind, Draco was scarcely keeping his cool leading up to his scheduled appointment with his new tutor. Dusty opened the door and Lucius made introductions. Draco held it together that far, but then Dusty vanished and Lucius excused himself. Draco was left alone in his second bedroom with Mister Perfect Hair Tutor. Tyler's dark hair was fascinating and Draco just couldn't figure out how it stayed in those perfect little ringlets.

"Draco, are you alright?" Tyler the tutor asked concerned. That was the wrong thing to ask and started Draco off hyperventilating. "Shit. Um, take deep breaths and try to calm down. I'll go get your father."

"No!" Draco bit out in between shallow breaths. He didn't want his father to find out about this. He'd endured enough of Lucius' embarrassing concern to last a lifetime and he didn't want Lucius to think he was weak.

"Whatever you say, man. How about I just wait on the other side of the room, by this door here, while you calm down?" Tyler asked.

Draco nodded and took a gulping breath, which was as close to calm as he could get.

"You know that I'm not expecting you to do anything difficult or physical in any way, correct? I've brought diagrams and books in my satchel here." Tyler indicated the bag slung over his shoulder. "The plan for today is nothing more than an introduction to our lesson plan."

"No touching?" Draco asked. By the way Tyler spoke he knew the wizard couldn't be a pureblood. His father might hire a halfblood gay tutor if a pureblood couldn't be found on such short notice, but he doubted whether Lucius would approve of a relationship with one. Thus he started to think he was overreacting.

"No way, what kind of tutor do you think I am? I wouldn't ever do that with a student. It's not allowed and I have a boyfriend who'd be very cross."

That was the right thing to say and Draco started to calm down. "Are you reporting this to my father?" The tutor had been hired by his father and he feared that Tyler would turn into another of Lucius' many spies. It wasn't that he feared his father knowing every detail of his life, because Lucius was on his side, even if he was strict, but his father already knew so much about his personal life. It felt like Lucius was intruding on a topic he wasn't comfortable with sharing. He couldn't open up to Tyler if everything he said was being reported back to his father.

"Um, no. He hired me, so he knows that I'm a gay tutor, if that's what you're worried about. He obviously knows that you're gay too and seemed fine with it. He knows what's on the syllabus and which books you're reading. If there's a serious problem that might affect your health, then I have to tell your parents. But, you know, with most gay kids their parents aren't so comfortable with it, so I have a policy that I don't tell the parents anything they don't need to know. It's up to you what you tell him. You're lucky though, that your parents are so cool. Mine weren't, which is why I need this job so badly."

It eased Draco's mind to know that he'd have some level of confidentially with Tyler. It was a few minutes more, but he got control of his breathing and began to relax.

Tyler pulled out a small board, which he enlarged into a life-sized diagram of the male body. There were boxes of text pointing out key features. It was full on anatomically correct, down there, and charmed to go through a loop of the stages of an erection. Tyler removed two books and a scroll of parchment. "This is a two week course. I'll come for an hour and a half every day, five days a week for the next two weeks, but you are also expected to do homework. We have a fiction book that is more of a leisurely read, but still very important, along with a textbook with the technical details and related facts. This scroll has your syllabus on it and details what you are to read and when. Now this will be rather fast paced, so I must insist you keep up, even though you're on vacation. You can take these books down to the shore. They're yours to keep, although you should try not to ruin them, so that you'll have them for a reference."

Draco nodded and they went over the syllabus. Up first on the agenda for today was to go over the parts of the male anatomy using both the life-sized diagram and a section in the textbook. Most of it was stuff he already knew, except for the bits on the prostate. Draco got the feeling that the prostate was somehow used in gay sex, but he didn't see how it could be.

The first lesson passed quickly and soon they were wrapping up, with Tyler explaining his homework assignment. "Now I'm going lite on you tonight, since it's your first day, but tomorrow we are going to pick up the pace. You'll start off by reading the rest of chapter one in the textbook on getting to know your body and read chapter one in the other book as well. It's a cute piece of fiction about two gay boys and their first relationship. It demonstrates the intricacies of their relationship and how these boys work through them. It gets rather steamy in later chapters, which is why you'll find the later chapters wiped out. I don't want you getting too far into it until you're ready. I'll reverse the spell when the time comes. Any questions?"

"Yes, um, how exactly does one perform gay sex?" Draco asked. Maybe if he knew, he could simulate it on himself and give himself a proper toss off. He'd had a few wet dreams in the last week, but his ballocks were in a constant achy state these days. He hadn't tried to wank again, but the stimulation from watching the other boys playing in the river and lake was enough to keep him horny.

"Are you going to attempt this tonight, or do you just want to know?" Tyler asked.

"Well, um, no, I don't have anyone to attempt it with."

"Is this about your wanking problem your dad mentioned?"

"My father told you that?" Draco was mortified.

"Yes, but only so that I can help you. There is something that I think will help, but you aren't ready for it yet; you have a lot of chapters to read first."

"So you won't tell me?"

"Not today, but soon," Tyler promised.

And so Draco was left to enjoy the rest of his day in paradise. He wanted to get a start on his work right away, hoping to get ahead. If he read enough, Tyler might think he was ready tomorrow. Thus he lay out on a lawn chair on the patio and set about his reading. When his friends came along, he told them he was busy and to bugger off, because he didn't want them to find out what he was reading. He'd known these boys since he was little, because the lot of them had their summer homes in the same village. They were all purebloods who went to Hogwarts, but Stephen Cornfoot was the only one in his year. Stephen was in Ravenclaw, so although they did hang out sometimes at school, it wasn't as often as if Stephen had been in Slytherin.

The first chapter of the textbook was just more of the introduction to the gay body. There was a bit on treating one's partner's body with love and respect and also on treating your own body with respect, which somehow translated into using protection. The chapter ended with a protection spell that would prevent unwanted male pregnancies and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. STDs were much more prevalent in the muggle world, but the few magical STDs, such as dragon herpes, were horrible.
Then Draco started reading the novel, really getting into the story about Jack and John. They were his age, inexperienced, and just as apprehensive about their first relationship as Draco was. But they were good friends, incredibly attracted to one another, and at the end John plucked up the courage to kiss Jack for the first time. The second chapter included a first date, hiding their relationship from their parents, because they didn't know how their parents would react, and more kissing. The third chapter and on was blank.

It was past noon, so Draco took a break to spend some time with his mother. After they ate, they went for a walk around the riverfront town, taking in the beauty. There were large magical iguanas sun bathing on the beaches and every once in a while one would belch out a small fireball. The fire was colorful and often had shapes swirling around inside, before vanishing in a puff of smoke. The animals had monitoring charms on them, to make sure they didn't wander off into a neighboring muggle village.

Draco's friends from the area were down there discussing the possibility of hijacking an iguana and leaving it in a muggle inhabited area as a prank. Cissy told them to knock it off and she and Draco continued on, towards the castle. There was a wedding being held there today; there were often weddings, especially during the summer. They had hundreds of filled chairs set up in front of a beautiful arch, absolutely strewn with flowers. The groom and his men were there, wearing their fancy dress robes. The mother and son stopped to watch as the bride, in her splendid white gown, walked down the aisle.

Draco always loved weddings. He'd planned on having a huge lavish wedding since he was a little boy. It would be just as magical as this one, only it would be in the garden at Malfoy Manor. The garden would be in bloom and he'd truck in even more flowers for his bride. Only he wouldn't have a bride now.

"Mother, do you think it will be the same with two men?" Draco asked, indicating the wedding still going on a short distance away.

"Nearly dear. There will be two grooms, instead of a bride, but everything else will be the same. I am sure your wedding will be lovely, my dragon, I'll make sure of it," Cissy replied, squeezing Draco's hand.

Draco was satisfied with that answer. He could still have the lavish wedding he wanted, just substituting the bride with someone a little more attractive. His mother would help make everything perfect.

After the walk, Draco went swimming with his friends, now that the magical iguana prank was out. Later they went to the rec center at the castle and played a game of darts with a field of Horklumps; whoever killed the most won. He came in third, which was not the type of thing to come home bragging about when your father was Lucius Malfoy.

Draco had supper with his parents, during which his father wanted to know how class had gone. He told him it went well and after supper he retired to his room to read the second chapter of the gay textbook. It was on blowjobs, which was hot, but not something that could be done solo. He grudgingly pulled out one of his regular textbooks to read for a bit; History of Magic was good pre-bed material, even without Binns teaching it, and he often fell asleep while reading it.

Tyler was pleasantly surprised by Draco's progress and was able to skip ahead to the chapter on bottoming. There were cleaning spells, healing potions for the bum, and instructions on how to be careful with that sensitive area. Draco was taken aback at first when he realized Tyler thought he was a bottom, but then the tutor pointed out a section of text that fit Draco perfectly. "Oftentimes the bottom is the one with the smaller penis, but that doesn't have to be the case. Some bottoms are well endowed, but prefer anal stimulation. Some of them even need it to achieve ejaculation."

Anal stimulation did sound hot and eventually Draco had to admit there was a possibility he was a bottom. It would explain why he had such trouble wanking and gave him hope that it wouldn't always be so hard. If he could learn to perform anal fingering on himself, then maybe he could empty his ballocks while awake without rubbing himself raw. The only problem was what his father would think, because Lucius clearly expected Draco to be the top. What was it his father had said? That Draco's husband would bear the children? Maybe being homosexual was alright with his father, but he highly doubted that the same would be true for being a bottom.

During that day's lesson, Draco learned how to perform the cleaning spell, vanishing all fecal matter from his anus safely, went over the importance of stretching, preparation, and lube, and even learned how to find the prostate. He was given a reading assignment which included a chapter on John fingering Jack for the first time and the rest of the chapter in the textbook. Tyler said it was okay to experiment with his arse on his own, as long as he promised to use lots of lube, which he did.

That night, after all of his homework was done, Draco performed the feces vanishing spell, covered his fingers with plenty of lube, and set to work. It felt bloody amazing, like pleasurable whiz-bangs exploding in his groin. It was most assuredly the sensation from his dreams that was missing when he wanked.

When it was done, Draco collapsed back onto the bed finally satisfied, drifting off to sleep.

The rest of the tutoring sessions were informative and useful. They helped Draco become more comfortable with his sexuality and learn the basics about being gay. He had hope for the future and was finally able to wank properly. He was considering letting his friends know he was gay. He wasn't ready for that yet, but he thought that in a year or two he would be. He definitely wasn't ready for a relationship and had a fear of letting someone know he was a bottom. His father didn't even know that and although Lucius was okay with his homosexuality, his father still expected him to be the dominant, not the bottom. He was too ashamed and embarrassed to brooch that topic with his father, which was why he could never have a proper relationship with a boy; he didn't want it getting back to Lucius.

Lucius was so pleased with Draco's progress that he suggested he might hire Tyler to come back for another session the following year, but that never happened. The Dark Lord was back the next year, Lucius was busy, and Draco's grades had been worse, meaning that a regular tutor was more important. The year after Lucius was in Azkaban and the following year was the war. When Lucius got out, the war was already raging. There never was another summer in which he was free to spend so much quality time with his son. He still thought Draco was repressed and could use another course, this time on opening up and dating, but he figured it could wait until after the war. He had no idea things would turn out the way they did. He'd done everything he could to convince the Dark Lord not to use his son, even begging, but nothing had worked. He'd been powerless to stop it and he considered that his greatest failure.

As for Dusty the house elf, he was a victim of the war. He put himself between Draco and Bellatrix during one of her rages and paid for it with his life. She wouldn't have done permanent harm to Draco, but the impertinence of the elf enraged her further. Still, his sacrifice had saved Draco from the cruciatus curse.

Author's note: Please let me know what you think! This is the last of Draco's outtakes and I have already posted the first chapter of the sequel: the wedding! It took a while, but I've finally gotten a handle on the sequel; the key was figuring out what was going on with Lucius.

As of right now, this is the last chapter of this story. Please take the time to save it as one of your favorites and leave me a review, if you enjoyed it. I'd also love to hear from you over at the sequel! Thank you all for reading and especially to those of you who have already left reviews; this story would never have been great without you :D