Hey there everyone! :D So, this is part 2 of my Sailor Moon story "A Fight Worth Fighting For". I hope you're enjoying the story and this is the final part! Enjoy! ^_^

**Just a few heads up: Zoisite is a girl in this and the names of the characters in this story are all different; some are English names and some are the Japanese names.**

Please comment/review and let me know what you think of it, thanks!

Pairings: Rei Hino –Sailor Mars- and Jadeite (I didn't like the ending because I completely love Jadeite; I was so upset that Queen Beryl did that to him –put him in eternal sleep- so I decided to change it up a bit… let's see what happens…) -Also has mentions of Sailor Moon/Serena and Darien/Tuxedo Mask- (They tease each other and stuff ^_^)

Full Summary: Based on Episode 13. What if during the Sailor Scouts' last fight with Jadeite at the airport ended differently? What if Sailor Mars begins to have feelings towards the man who is supposed to be the enemy? She cannot help, but feel the way she does and when she finds out Jadeite changed and might feel the same way, where will things go? When Sailor Mars gives Jadeite a chance to change and join their side, everything changes and Queen Beryl is annoyed and angry. She wants revenge against the general that betrayed her. Just how far things will go and what will happen to the Sailor Scouts and Jadeite? Is this all a fight worth fighting over or all a lie?

Story Based On: The show/anime- episode 13


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'A Fight Worth Fighting For'

Part 2

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Jadeite's eyes widen and he falls to his knees beside Sailor Mars' body, "Rei? Rei come on . . . open your eyes. Come on, Mars, open your eyes and just let me know you are going to be okay."

Nephrite chuckles, "Pathetic, you use to be better than this. What has happened to you, Jadeite? You are weak now and you are definitely not yourself anymore . . . you grew soft."

Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury slowly stand up and watch everything that has just happened. Both of the girls have their eyes wide in shock and both of their mouths are hanging open.

"Sailor Mars . . ." Sailor Moon whispers to herself and Luna nudges her leg. Sailor Moon looks down at Luna and Luna whispers to Sailor Moon, "Now would be the perfect time to fight him; Nephrite is distracted right now because he and Jadeite are fighting over what just happened. Mercury, use your attack and then Sailor Moon, use your tiara attack and quickly!"

Sailor Moon takes in a long, shaky, deep breath, but gives Luna a nod, "Got it."

However, before either Sailor Scout could do anything, Nephrite turns around and shakes his head with a mocking frown, "I'm hurt that you would try to attack me with my back turned against you."

"You hurt Sailor Mars and for that you are not going to get away with that; she's our friend and we will make sure you will pay for that violent attack against her." Sailor Mercury says as she eyes Nephrite.

"Oh, is that so?" Nephrite asks with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle escaping his lips.

"You bet your butt is it!" Sailor Moon yells as she pouts and places both hands on each of her hips.

Nephrite then gives them an annoyed and hateful look, "Yeah, well we'll see about that." Then with that, Nephrite goes to, once again, use the Starlight attack. The energy is all charged up and right before he is about to unleash it and attack Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury, a red rose strikes the side of Nephrite's face.

Sailor Moon's eyes turn into hearts when she sees the rose, "Oh yay, Tuxedo Mask!" She places both of her hands on her each side of her cheeks and happily and dreamy says, "He has come to save us; oh how romantic!"

Sailor Mercury just sighs, "Now is not the time, Sailor Moon."

Tuxedo Mask smiles at the Sailor Scouts, "You could do it, girls. I know you can. You just have to stay strong and work together. Jadeite, I have seen you fight; you are good and powerful . . . use that power for good and destroy this evil once and for all. Come on Scouts, believe in yourselves and fight . . . fight for your friend. Fight for the world. I believe in you." Then with that, he vanishes.

Sailor Moon sighs as her heart is pumping hard and fast and her eyes are filled with love and hearts, "Oh . . . isn't he just soooo dreamy?"

Sailor Mercury rolls her eyes, "Sailor Moon, stay focus."

"Oh, you're no fun, Mercury." Sailor Moon whines as she rolls her ocean blue eyes and pouts.

Sailor Mercury rolls her eyes once again and sighs, "Sailor Moon, we need to stay focus and save and help Sailor Mars. Don't you want to stop the Negaverse and help Sailor Mars?"

"Oh fine, okay I get it." Sailor Moon mumbles and then eyes Nephrite, getting back into her fighting stance.

"Say goodbye, Negaverse!" Sailor Moon shouts, but before she could do or say anything else, Nephrite tackles her to the ground and goes to actually make a run for it. Knowing he already lost the fight and that he is outnumbered.

'Oh no you don't!' Jadeite says to himself in his head and then runs after Nephrite, tackling him to the ground.

By the time both, Jadeite and Nephrite stand up and Jadeite eyes him, "Tell Queen Beryl she won't be getting away with this and that she lost."

Sailor Moon then takes off her tiara and shouts out for the final time to finish this off, "Moon . . . tiara . . . MAGIC!" Then with that, she spins around once and then sends her tiara finally towards Nephrite.

Nephrite's eyes widen before the tiara hits him and he automatically teleports to the Dark Kingdom . . . to go face Queen Beryl.

. . .

Sailor Moon falls to her knees in exhaustion, "Oh, I am so tired; aren't you guys tired too? Mmm?"

Sailor Mercury rolls her eyes at Sailor Moon and she instantly runs over to where Sailor Mars and Jadeite are.

Jadeite is holding Sailor Mars close to his body; his arms are wrapped around hers, her head is in his lap, and his eyes are a bit watery, but he would never let them show. Jadeite would never let one tear drop from his eyes and slide down his cheek, he will never show a weakness and sadness because that is just not his type of person . . . that is just not who he is. And that is something he and Sailor Mars share in common.

"How-how is she, Jadeite?" Sailor Mercury asks softly as she kneels down next to him.

Sailor Moon and Luna walk over to them as well and Luna shakes her head, "She doesn't look so good, Scouts, Jadeite."

"We need to do something and quick. She lost lots of blood and probably has a lot of damages inside of her body." Sailor Mercury says with worry and concern in her deep blue eyes.

"Well we can't bring her back to the temple because her grandfather would go crazy and want to know everything that happened. We can't take her to my house because of my parents; Mercury?" Sailor Moon says as she bites her lower lip. Despite all the times she –Sailor Moon- and Sailor Mars has fought, they have and always will be friends who have each other's backs and honestly, at the moment, she is scared that she is going to lose her friend . . . she thinks she is going to lose Sailor Mars . . . she thinks she is going to lose Rei Hino.

Sailor Mercury shakes her head, "I cannot either; my parents and school work."

"Well we can't take her to the hospital because they will have to report whatever happened and it will probably be hard to explain how the 'Negaverse' is trying to take over Earth!" Sailor Moon shouts out, becoming frustrated.

Jadeite then looks at Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury and says, "Why don't I take her? I got this small apartment only a few blocks away from the temple and from the hospital. I will always keep a good eye on her. I will take care of her and make sure she heals."

"You really do care for the girl; don't you, Jadeite?" Luna asks a bit taken back that a man who was brainwashed to hate good and work for bad and for someone who worked for the Negaverse can be so different and actually . . . in love.

Jadeite nods his head slowly and looks back down at the unconscious girl in his arms, "I do."

"So, that's the plan. Rei will go to your place and stay there until she is healed." Sailor Mercury says with a small nod and everyone else nods in agreement.

"I hope she will be alright, but I am sure she will pull through, she is a Sailor Scout after all." Luna says as she watches Jadeite lift Sailor Mars in his arms and they all begin walking towards Jadeite's apartment.

Blood is on Sailor Mars' forehead, shoulder, and her side and all Jadeite could do is worry even when he tries to force himself not to.

He sighs and continues to walk with the Scouts who still haven't changed back to their usual selves. "Aren't you girls going to change back?" Jadeite suddenly asks, breaking the silence.

Sailor Mercury shakes her head, "We'll change back at your apartment. We might as well help Mars change back as well."

"Alright." Jadeite replies and then looks back down at Sailor Mars' pale face. In his head, he thinks to himself, 'I hope you're okay, Rei. I know you're supposed to be 'Sailor Mars' right now, but to me you will always be Rei. I just hope you're okay . . . I need to talk to you. You need to know that even though I use to work for the Negaverse, I have changed and I am in love with you. I know you already know I changed, but I still want to tell you face to face . . . I want you to know how much I care about you. Please wake up . . . please? Wow, it's funny how I'm usually not the one who is pleading or begging for things. I usually just don't care . . . do you see what you did to me? Ha . . . ha . . . ugh, I miss you a lot. I hope you'll wake up soon.'

*The Dark Kingdom: With Queen Beryl*

"So I see that you failed me, Nephrite." Queen Beryl coldly says.

Nephrite, who is kneeling, flinches at the tone of his Master's voice and he says quietly, "Forgive me, my Queen."

"You not only failed me, but you also received no energy." Queen Beryl continues, her dark eyes never leaving her glass ball.

"My Queen, I did receive little energy and-" Nephrite begins, but Queen Beryl immediately cuts him off in a harsh tone, "A little energy is the same as no energy! You failed me and do it again and you will regret it."

"Yes, my Queen, I am sorry." Nephrite says in a low voice, his head staring at the ground.

Queen Beryl lifts her eyes for a split second at Nephrite and then back at her crystal ball, "Stand up, Nephrite."

Nephrite nods his head and then stands up straight. He looks at Queen Beryl and says sternly, "I have another plan to make Jadeite and those Sailor Scouts pay. My plan also involves gaining energy for our Kingdom."

"Ah, I see." Queen Beryl starts, a small, very small smirk forming on her dark colored lips, "And what is this plan, Nephrite, and are you sure it will work? For the reason that if it does not work, you will pay. Your punishment will be severe, I will assure you that."

"Ah, my Queen, I would not want to spoil my plans, but I do assure you, it will work." Nephrite says with a small smirk of his own forming on his lips. With that, Nephrite goes to leave, but Queen Beryl's next few words stop him.

"Remember, Nephrite, this is your last chance. Do not fail me." Queen Beryl says slowly and clearly and then with that, Nephrite gives his Queen one sharp nod and then leaves the room.

*Jadeite's Apartment: With The Scouts And Jadeite.*

Jadeite, who is carrying Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Luna finally arrive at Jadeite's apartment.

Slowly and gently, Jadeite places Sailor Mars on his bed that is in his bedroom while Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury change back to their normal selves in the bathroom.

Jadeite strokes Sailor Mars' cheek and then places a random strand of hair behind her ear. He stares at the conscious girl and then lets out a long, stressful sigh.

"How is it going, Jadeite? Did Sailor Mars wake up yet?" Ami asks as she walks into the bedroom. Serena follows her into the room with Luna trailing along behind her.

Jadeite slowly shakes his head and when he replies, his eyes never leave Sailor Mars' pale face, "No, she is still unconscious."

"Why don't you two girls change Sailor Mars back?" Luna suggests and Serena and Ami both nod in response.

"Okay. Hey, Jadeite, can you leave the room for a moment?" Serena asks Jadeite, who is still staring at Sailor Mars and isn't looking away at all.

Jadeite doesn't answer at first and the girls start to worry. Ami gives Jadeite a worried look and gently asks, "Jadeite?"

Suddenly, Jadeite's head snaps up. He then stands up and faces Ami and Serena.

"Yeah. I'll be in the other room." Then with that, Jadeite leaves the room with Luna following behind him.

. . .

In the other room, Jadeite is sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. Luna watches him for a few moments, thinking he does not notice her, but he does.

"What are you staring out?" Jadeite hisses, his tone cold and bitter.

Luna narrows her eyes at the man and then hops onto the couch, sitting beside Jadeite. She stares at him and then finally says, "You are different."

"Well, I would think so." Jadeite says with a sarcastic tone, "I use to work for the Negaverse, I use to be cruel and my words use to be harsh. I used to not care for anyone, but myself and I always thought I was better than the rest: that I was stronger. I was stubborn, hateful, I thought humans and the Sailor Scouts were losers and idiots, and now look at me."

Luna stares at him, different thoughts run through her head. Then, the clever, purple cat finally says, "Now you're in love with Sailor Mars and working on the good side; the Sailor Scout side."

"Do you think she is going to make it?" Jadeite suddenly asks with a quiet voice.

Luna's silent for a moment and then right before she could answer, Serena and Ami come out of the bedroom and over to Jadeite and Luna.

"Hey guys." Serena says with a small smile as she walks over to Jadeite and when she notices Luna, she raises an eyebrow and sarcastically says, "Oh no, did Luna start nagging at you. Don't worry, Jadeite, she has a habit of doing that."

Luna eyes Serena and snaps, "Oh, quiet you, Serena! Shouldn't you be discussing Sailor business with Ami?"

Serena pouts and she folds her arms across her chest, "Maybe, but shouldn't you be the one telling us what exactly to discuss?"

"We should plan our next move and figure out how to defeat the Negaverse. Also we need to find out a way to wake Rei up; she seems badly hurt and we need to help her." Luna explains.

"Nephrite is going to pay for what he has done to Rei. I will kill him with my own bare hands if I have to, but assure you that he will pay." Jadeite says in a low growl. His eyes are cold and hard and his voice low and dangerous.

"You know, Jadeite," Serena begins, twirling her thumbs together as she sits down on the couch next to Jadeite, "during the fight . . . you well . . ." Serena trails off, not exactly knowing the right words to say.

Jadeite raises an eyebrow at Serena and she continues to mumble words to herself. She uses different words while trying to say what she wants, but she cannot find how she wants to say it. Jadeite, who is in no mood, finally snaps at the blonde-headed girl, "Spit it out!"

Serena's eyes widen for a quick second and then she rubs the back of her neck and says, "You said you loved Sailor Mars . . ."

Jadeite stares at her blankly for a moment, not exactly knowing what to say. Ami, who walks over to the chair that is in the corner of the room, next to the couch, and raises a small eyebrow at Jadeite, "Jadeite?"

A small tint of red forms on his cheeks and he looks down at his lap, "What?"

"Jadeite, do you really love Rei?" Ami asks, a small smile forming on her lips; she thinks it's sweet how a man who use to be evil and work for the Negaverse could actually change so much and be . . . well . . . in love.

Before Jadeite could respond, a flash of anger suddenly takes over him. He jumps to his feet and harshly says, "Why does it even matter now? Rei is hurt, unconscious, and I doubt after everything she would ever care for me."

"What are you talking about, Jadeite? Did you hit your head or something because I think we all noticed how protective you were of Rei when we were fighting against Nephrite." Serena says with a raised eyebrow and a confused look on her face.

"You don't understand . . ." Jadeite trails off and looks away.

"Did something happen between you the two of you?" Ami asks, a bit curious and worried at the same time.

With a sigh, Jadeite explains, "Rei told me she loved me and I didn't know what to say. I was shocked and confused and so I said nothing. She got mad, I believe hurt, and then she just left! Then that is when she ended up in the park and was attacked by Nephrite."

"Why didn't you respond to Rei when she told you that she loved you? What is wrong with you?!" Serena practically screams and her blue eyes go wide.

"Because I didn't know what to say!" Jadeite yells, but then lets out a sigh, and then continues, "I was shocked; there I was, standing in front of a beautiful woman and she was telling me she loved me. I use to be cruel, evil, ruthless, careless, and whatever else. I never would have thought that a Sailor Scout would love someone who used to work for the Negaverse. Before I could say anything though, she left. She ran away and I was left there dumbfounded and confused."

He then continued on talking, explaining what else Rei told him before she dashed off, "She also was saying how she feels very connected to me; she said to her it feels like she has known me in a past life or something. In a way, I feel the same way, but now I can never tell her because she is unconscious and hurt and- and I don't even know if she'll make it!"

"First of all, Jadeite, she is not going to die." Ami says in a calm, assuring voice, "Rei just has a lot of injuries and her body needs to heal and the fastest way of doing that is by resting and sleeping. She will be awake in no time and she will still be in love with you; I assure you. There is no need to worry."

"Yeah, Jed, not worrying and freaking out. Yeah Rei could be stubborn and nasty at times, but she's a good person and she won't just leave you for some stupid fight." Serena says while shrugging her shoulders, but then she frowns, "Well . . . she is stubborn so she may leave you . . ."

Ami slaps Serena's arm and she shakes her head, "Ignore her; her and Rei always fight, but trust me, when Rei awakens, she will be very happy to see you."

Luna, however, is sitting beside Serena on the couch. She has been very quietly and Serena has noticed it, "Hey, Luna, what's got you all quiet?"

The purple cat blinks her eyes a few times and then she looks at Serena, then Ami, and then Jadeite, "Rei is right."

"About what?" Jadeite questions and Serena starts whining, "How is it that she's unconscious and she still manages to be right about something?"

Luna ignores Serena and continues, "You see, before you and the other generals were brainwashed, you and all the Sailor Scouts lived on the Moon. You all had, well, a 'special bond' with each other. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion, Sailor Mercury with Zoisite, Sailor Venus with Kunzite, Sailor Jupiter with Nephrite, and then Sailor Mars with Jadeite. So yes, you two do have a connection that it's like it is from other life time and you two are bonded in a certain way which no one could break."

"Wait, isn't Zoisite a girl?" Serena raises an eyebrow and Luna rolls her eyes, "Of course that is what you think of. However, yes and no to answer your question. In the past life Zoisite was a male, but now –I do not fully understand, but it is what it is- Zoisite is now a female."

"Oh . . . well that's weird." Serena mumbles, but shrugs her shoulders.

"Very." Ami says with a frown.

"So you're saying that Jadeite and Rei were lovers in the past and well now they are lovers again only with a stronger bond and a stronger connection?" Ami asks with curious eyes and a small smile forming on her lips.

Luna smiles at the blue-haired girl and nods her head, "Yes, Ami, that is exactly what I am telling you."

"Hey! Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Serena yells at Luna as she begins to pout that the purple cat has been keeping this from them.

"You girls are not ready yet. Nowhere near ready and when the time was right, I was going to tell you." Luna explains with a sigh.

Jadeite stands there, still in shock, his mouth slightly opened, and his eyes wide. 'What?!' His mind yells, but then all he could think about is how he and Rei shared something strong before and now they are sharing it again . . .

That brings a small smile to his face.

They both shared this before and are once again sharing it now in this lifetime . . . love.

Jadeite blinks a few times and then walks back to the bedroom, without saying a word to Luna, Serena, and Ami.

Serena and Ami share a worried look and quietly Ami asks once she hears the bedroom door shut, "Do you think Jadeite is alright?"

Serena shrugs her shoulders and lets out a small sigh, "I don't know, Ami . . ." Serena then turns her attention to Luna and she practically screams, "Why did you tell him?! You made him upset, Luna!"

Luna gasps and instantly goes to defend her reasoning, "I thought he should know and the two of you should know!"

"How come we can't remember anything?" Ami asks with curious eyes as she cocks her head to the side, showing she is curious and confused.

"You were all reborn; none of you had any memory of the Moon Kingdom or anything else or of each other. Anyways, it does not matter now, all that matters is we need to find out who the other scouts are and how to defeat the Negaverse." Luna says and then walks off into another room in the apartment.

"Oh . . ." Serena says and then after a minute of thinking, her eyes widen, "Oh, Ami, can we go to the arcade? Please, Ami? I want to play the new Sailor V game so bad!"

Ami rolls her eyes and she gives Serena a look, "We should be staying here with Rei and making sure she is alright."

"She has Jadeite; if she wakes up –which I'm sure she won't, but if she does- he will be right there beside her. So now can we, pleaseeeeeeee?" Serena begs and she bats her eyes at her best friend.

Ami rolls her eyes and thinks about saying no, but then Serena adds, "I'm sure when she wakes up she would want to spend time with Jadeite anyways."

With that, Ami sighs and nods her head, "Alright, let's go, but only for a little while."

With a loud cheer and 'yay' from Serena, the two rush to the door and right before Serena shuts the door, she shouts out, "We're be back later! Bye Jadeite, bye Luna!"

Then with that, they shut the door and leave.

. . .

Jadeite is sitting on a small metal chair that is next to the bed where Rei is lying. He is staring at Rei's unconscious body and at her slow breathing.

He lets out a sigh and rubs his hands over his face, 'So we loved each other then in another life and now here we are . . . in love again. What am I doing? Shouldn't I be some jerk that works for the Negaverse and be trying to take down the Sailor Scouts? Shouldn't I be fighting against the Sailor Scouts and be trying to gain energy for the Negaverse? No, here I am, sitting beside a Sailor Scout while the others plan on how to defeat the Negaverse. What am I supposed to do? Maybe Nephrite is right . . . maybe I am becoming too soft . . . too nice. Maybe I should go back to my normal, evil, stubborn, jerk self . . . I could work with the Negaverse again and work for Queen Beryl . . . what am I thinking? Why am I thinking like this?! Ugh . . . !'

Jadeite's eyebrows are tightly knitted together, a look of frustration, annoyance, and anger is on his face as he stares at the floor with his head in his hands. He looks like he is fighting with himself in his head and it looks like he is about to burst into flames at any second.

"W-what's got you a-all worked up?" A small, weak, and quiet voice fills the once silent room. Jadeite's head snaps up and he is greeted with a pair of bright violet eyes.

A small smile spreads across Jadeite's lips and he takes Rei's hand into his, "You're awake."

Rei smirks at him and lets out a small laugh, "Yeah . . . and I'm in a lot of pain."

With that last comment, Jadeite frowns and immediately stands up, "Do you need anything? What can I get you?"

Rei raises an eyebrow at him, "First off, since when have you become so . . . gentlemen like? And can you please just sit down and stay with me?"

Jadeite winces at that first comment, but he hides it and slowly sits down on the metal chair, "You have been out for a while, you know."

"Did I worry you?" Rei teases, but when she sees he has a straight and serious face, her own face turns serious, "What's wrong, Jadeite?"

Jadeite stays silent for a moment and then finally says, "You told me you loved me and then you ran off. You got yourself into trouble with Nephrite, you got seriously hurt, and now I am still wondering what is going to happen with the two of us."

"Uh-huh . . . I'm so sure that's the thing that is wrong." Rei says with a raised eyebrow, "You look like you are having a war with yourself in your head. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Sailor Scout." Jadeite says with a slight shrug to the shoulders and a nonchalant look on his face.

Rei eyes him and hisses, "Save it and just tell me what's going on. Tell me everything."

"Fine," Jadeite practically snaps, "you want to know everything? Okay, I'll tell you." He sounded angry, but Rei doesn't care. She just wants to know what is going on with him . . . she is actually worried and he knows it.

"You told me you loved me and I didn't answer so you ran away getting yourself into a serious fight with Nephrite. Then the Scouts and I helped you in the fight, Nephrite wanted revenge against you, I stepped in, told him that I . . . that I loved you, you got hurt, and then we ended up here." Jadeite is talking to fast, all his thoughts and emotions are just rushing out of him and he can't control what he says anymore, "I was worried about you and I couldn't wait for you to wake up. Oh, but then Luna tells us that we knew each other in a different time and we loved each other in that lifetime too! She told us how we all forgot the memories and such; so much has happened, Rei. I have been thinking about how much I have changed and how I use to be all strong, selfish, a jerk, stubborn, sarcastic and, now I am soft, nice, stupid, and weak! Now I've been having thoughts about going back to the Negaverse!"

However, Jadeite didn't mean the last part to come out and Rei's eyes widen at that. "You want to go back to working for the Negaverse?"

Jadeite stares at her blankly and she continues, only her tone is harsher than before, "Oh, so you like being rude, harsh, obnoxious, and a jerk?! Fine, go back to the Negaverse or Dark Kingdom or whatever you call it and just leave!"

Before he could say anything, Rei continues yelling at him, fire is dancing in her now dark eyes, "How could you tell me you love me and then say you miss your old self and you want to go back to the Negaverse? Fine, go work for Queen Beryl and hang out with your friends Nephrite and whoever!"

"Rei . . ." Jadeite starts off, but Rei points to the door. He sees the scars and bruises on her arm and he frowns at it, "Rei, you're tired and you don't understand-" Before he could continue, Rei snaps, "Get out now, Jadeite."

"Rei-" He begins again, but only to get cut off once again, "Get out!"

"Fine! You know something, Princess, Serena is right about you. You are a mean, annoying brat." Jadeite spits out and then stamps out of the room, slamming the door shut on his way out.

Rei can feel her blood boiling and she just lets out a sigh of frustration, "Ugh!"

. . .

Once Jadeite slams the bedroom door shut, he stamps into the living room and Luna looks at Jadeite with a confused look, "What happened between you and Rei?"

"Nothing!" Jadeite yells and then leaves the apartment, once again slamming the door shut.

Luna frowns and then faces the bedroom door, wondering if she should check on Rei and see if she is alright or if she should leave her alone to rest.

*The Dark Kingdom: With Queen Beryl*

"You wanted to see me, Zoisite?" Queen Beryl asks with a raised eyebrow, her eyes cold and dark.

"Yes, my Queen. You see, I have a plan that could help destroy the Sailor Scouts and a way to seek revenge against Jadeite and that pathetic Scout of his. What was her name again? Sailor Mars?" Zoisite says with a smirk.

"Oh, is that so? Did you forget that Nephrite is on the job for this or do you just not care?" Queen Beryl says in a cold voice.

Zoisite shakes her head and finally stands up from kneeling, "My plan includes Nephrite. You see, Jadeite has an old partner, who you knew very well and you even like her, Titus. You remember her, don't you, Queen Beryl?"

"Yes, I do." Queen Beryl replies, but then adds, "She was killed by Sailor Moon, was she not?"

"Let's just say that with a lot of energy and magic and other few tricks, she is back and stronger than ever. You see, she and Jadeite knew each other very well and they worked together. Titus knows Jadeite inside and out and she has very good ideas on how to fight and defeat the Sailor Scouts. Also, she used to have a thing for Jadeite, which he would never admit to, but I believe that he returned those same feelings."

"Get to the point, Zoisite." Queen Beryl snaps; she is starting to get impatient.

Zoisite licks her lips and then continues, "You see, my Queen, everyone believes Titus is dead and they believe Nephrite is the only one around for now. So, let Nephrite and his Youma deal with Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury while Titus and I deal with Jadeite and Sailor Mars. Titus does work best when it deals with love energy anyways."

"Did you run this by Nephrite yet, Zoisite?" Queen Beryl asks and Zoisite nods her head, "He said it sounds good, but he wants to know what you think of it."

"Yes. Do the plan and make sure it works." Then with that last comment, before Zoisite leaves, Queen Beryl adds, "I want no more failures. Get the job done. Destroy these Scouts once and for all."

Zoisite smirks and then leaves while thinking to herself, 'Oh trust me, this plan will work. I will end those Sailor Scouts and show Jadeite who is the strongest. They won't even see what is coming until it hits them . . . hard.'

*At the Arcade: With Serena and Ami.*

"Oh, I love this game so much, but it's so hard to win!" Serena whines as she presses the buttons to the game quickly.

Ami sits on the chair next to her and watches Serena play the game. She smiles at Serena and asks, "You make it look so hard, but the game is pretty easy to win."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure it is, Ami." Serena says sarcastically and continues to shout at the game and play. Ami just smiles and rolls her eyes playfully at her friend.

"Hey girls, how's it going?" Andrew appears behind them. Serena instantly jumps out of her seat, twirls around, and faces Andrew with wide, cheerful eyes, "Oh, hi Andrew!"

"Hey there, Serena. What are you guys up to?" Andrew kindly asks and Ami frowns, "Serena, weren't you just in the middle of your game?"

"Ah, you're playing the new Sailor V game?" Andrew asks and Serena nods, "Yeah, it's super fun. Have you played it yet?"

Andrew smiles, "Yeah, it was really cool. How about you, Ami? I know last time you played the Sailor V game you had the highest score; you were amazing."

"Oh, well thank you, but no, I haven't played in a while. I am just watching for today." Ami replies in a nice, kind voice and Serena glares at her. She somewhat blames Ami a little for taking Andrew away from her attention.

"Hey Andrew!" A new voice appears and at first Serena smiles, thinking the new voice is cute and sweet, but instantly regrets it when she hears the next line and figures out who it is, "Oh, and if it isn't meatball head."

Fire appears in Serena's eyes and she instantly snaps when she is face to face with Darien, "I am not a meatball head!"

"Uh-huh, whatever you say. Hey, where's your other friend?" Darien asks and Ami's eyebrows knit together, "You mean Rei?"

Darien nods and Andrew then realizes she is missing too, "Yeah, where is Rei? Usually the three of you, and that other guy, are always together."

Serena looks at Ami and Ami starts thinking of excuses, "Um, she wasn't feeling very well and Jadeite is taking care of her."

"Oh, well I hope she feels better." Andrew says nicely and Darien just nods his head.

"Hey, Andrew," Serena begins with a huge smile on her face and heart eyes, "would you like to go to the diner to get some milkshakes and some food?"

"I would love to." Darien replies with a smirk and Andrew chuckles, "Sure, why don't the four of us go?"

Serena frowns and mumbles quietly, "I thought it would be just the two of us . . ."

"What was that, Serena?" Andrew asks, not hearing what Serena mumbled under her breath.

Serena shakes her head and smiles, "Oh nothing! Let's go!"

*Jadeite's apartment: With Rei.*

Rei is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. She is still mad at Jadeite and the whole situation. She hates him . . . but she also loves him and she is so confused at the moment, it's making her crazy.

She then slowly looks around the room and notices it is a male's room. It's Jadeite's room.

Rei suddenly feels angry once again and she slowly gets up and out of the bed. Pain rushes through her body and she can barely stand, but she refuses to stay in this apartment that she is in.

She winces at the pain, but slowly she makes her way out of the bedroom and into the living room.

Luna sits up straight when she sees Rei, "You're awake and up, Rei. Shouldn't you be lying down and relaxing? You were hurt pretty bad."

"Luna, I'm fine." Rei says and then starts making her way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Luna asks with concern in her voice.

"I'm going home; back to the temple and as far as I can get away from Jadeite." Rei harshly replies and then opens the door. Luna tries stopping her, but then next thing the purple cat knows is that Rei stamps out of the apartment and slams the door shut.

"Great, this could not get any worse." Luna mumbles to herself and then lies back down on the couch.

If only Luna knew that, she was wrong and that things could and will get a lot worse.

. . .

Rei is slowly walking back to the temple. She is holding her sides; she's still in much pain. "Stupid Jadeite. How dare he say those things to me and dare call me 'Princess'? Ugh! That jerk! He's a liar, that is what he is. How could he possibly tell me one minute he loves me and then the next tell me how he misses being his old self?"

"Aw, what's the matter? Did you and little Jadeite have a fight?" A sharp voice asks with a mocking laugh. "He was always too serious. He thought he wasn't, but I knew he was the serious one out of all of us."

Rei turns around, wincing at her pain from her side and right shoulder. "Who are you?" She looks around to see no one. Rei narrows her eyes and calls out, "Where are you? Show yourself!"

"Oh, are you talking to me?" The voice says, coming from behind Rei.

Rei swiftly turns around and sees once again, no one. She lets out a frustrated sigh, "Listen, I'm not in the mood. So, either show yourself or take a hike!"

When there is no response, Rei shakes her head and continues to walk back to the temple, her home. She sighs, holding her sides as she breaths in and out slowly. She looks down at the ground as she walks; her head is killing her. She swallows hard and closes her eyes as she walks, hoping the pain would go away.

However, she bumps into something –or someone- as she walks. She gasps and looks up instantly only to see a girl, standing there, wearing the same thing Jadeite and Nephrite wear, and a smirk on her pale face. Her dark orange hair in a ponytail and her finger is twirling with a piece of loose hair.

"Who- who are you?" Rei yells, but when she notices what she is wearing, she gets an idea, "You're another one of the generals?" She narrows her eyes, "You work for the Negaverse, don't you?"

The girl lets out a loud laugh and takes a step back, "How'd you guess?"

"You're outfit. It's the same ones as the other generals have." Rei says bitterly and then she asks, "What do you want? What's your name?"

"I'm Zoisite. I'm Queen Beryl's third general." She, Zoisite, says with a smirk.

"What happened to Nephrite? Did we scare him away?" Rei asks as a smirk plays on her lips as well. Despite the pain she is in, she won't look weak in front of Queen Beryl's next general.

"Of course not!" Zoisite laughs and then she shrugs her shoulders, "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you did scare him away, but no. He should be arriving here momentarily."

Rei bites the inside of her cheek, trying her best not to wince at the pain she is experiencing. Her entire body is aching and her head is throbbing.

"So," Zoisite begins with a sigh, "where is good ol' Jadeite?"

Rei narrows her eyes at Zoisite and keeps her chin held high, "He is . . . busy with some things at the moment."

Zoisite could see right through her lies and she just lets out a powerful, loud laugh, "What a bad liar you are. I wonder, what does Jadeite see in you?"

Rei eyes Zoisite and says nothing. She glares at her and shakes her head slowly and then speaks through clenched teeth, "If you don't get out of my way, I will make sure you regret ever bumping into me."

"Oh, but yet, you're the one who bumped into me, no?" Zoisite says with a laugh, "So, tell me, you and Jadeite had a fight?"

"No." Rei hisses as her hands turn into fists by her sides.

Zoisite tilts her head to the side and asks with a shrug, "Are you sure about that? You looked pretty upset." However, before Rei could respond, Zoisite spots the bandages on Rei's shoulder and the side of her head. She smirks as she folds her arms across her chest, "You're bleeding. The blood is seeping through your bandages. Tell me, did Nephrite hurt you?"

Rei rolls her purple eyes and coldly replies, "That's none of your business."

"I'm hurt that you can't trust me." Zoisite mockingly says with a fake frown, "I thought we were just starting to become friends."

"I walked into a door, happy?" Rei says sarcastically and then adds, "Now, get out of my way or I'll make you."

"I'm most likely sure you didn't get hit by a door. Why don't you tell the truth?" A new, but familiar, voice says, only this time coming from behind Rei.

Rei spins around quickly and comes face to face with Nephrite. She narrows her eyes at the man and harshly spits out, "Listen, I don't know what the two of you losers want, but get out of my way!"

"Ouch, is the yelling really called for?" Nephrite asks with a frown.

Rei looks away from his face and huffs, bitterly responding, "What do the two of you want from me?"

"Well," Nephrite begins with a sigh as he folds his arms across his chest, "I told you that I would get my revenge on Jadeite for leaving and for switching sides. My master wants me to make sure he and the little bratty Sailor Scouts pay. And that, my dear, is exactly what I plan on doing!"

Before Rei could respond, Nephrite grabs a lock of Rei's jet-black, silky hair and pulls hard on it. Rei gasps at the pain and yelps out, "Ow! Ah, get off of me!"

Zoisite chuckles and walks around so she is standing beside Nephrite. She narrows her eyes at him and says with a shake to the head, "I thought I told you that I would take care of this brat and Jadeite while you and your monster take care of those other Sailor twigs."

Nephrite eyes his partner before roughly letting go of his hold on Rei's hair and he slams her to the ground. Rei lands on her right side, her bad side, and she winces. She holds back the yelp she wants to release and could feel tears coming to her eyes. The pain is killing her.

"Fine." Nephrite coldly says to Zoisite with a nod before snapping his fingers and then with that, he vanishes.

Zoisite bends down so she is eye level with Rei and she says with a smirk, "Looks like it's just you and me until Jadeite decides to join us. Then I could show my real plan once he arrives."

Rei glares up with her and holds back her yelps of pain she wants to scream out. She takes a deep, shaky breath and then desperately tries to come up with a plan out of this mess.

. . .

Serena, Darien, Ami, and Andrew are sitting in the dinner, all chatting as they wait for their milkshakes to be delivered. Ami and Serena are sitting on one side of the booth while across from them Andrew and Darien are sitting next to each other.

Serena smiles at Andrew and lets out a loud laugh, "Oh, Andrew! You're so funny!"

Ami rolls her eyes and just shakes her head, "Oh, Serena."

"So, Serena," Darien begins with a smirk, "did you get another F on your test?"

Serena narrows her eyes at him while he laughs at her. She pouts and shakes her head, "No, for your information. I did not."

Andrew smiles widely and nods his head, "Well, that's good!"

"Yes, I have been trying to help her with her academics. She has been getting a lot better." Ami says with a kind smile.

"Wow, who knew meatball head would know how to pay attention?" Darien jokes with a chuckle while Serena just glares at him.

"Hey, so do you think Rei's going to be okay?" Andrew asks as the server hands them their milkshakes and walks off.

Ami and Serena share a look before Ami nods at them with a smile, "I believe so. When we left she was still sleeping though."

"Yeah, but she'll be fine!" Serena says with a roll to the eyes and a small smile, "She's strong enough. I'm sure everything's gonna be okay with her."

"Yeah and-" Ami goes to say, but gets cut off when they hear a loud 'bang' and suddenly the window they were sitting by shatters.

"Ahh!" Everyone in the diner screams out when all the glass in the place shatters and the tables are flipped over at the gush of wind.

Serena falls on top of Darien meanwhile Ami and Andrew slide across the floor, slamming against the wall on the other side of the room.

"Oof!" Serena mutters as she slams against Darien and their heads collide. "Ow . . ."

Darien moans at the pain and mumbles into Serena's messy, blonde hair that is shattered across his face, "Get off me, meatball head!"

Serena slowly sits up and looks down into Dairen's eyes. She rubs the top of her head and slowly slides off him, "Oh . . . well sorry." Dairen nods to her and sits up, also rubbing his head, "What was that?"

Ami slowly stands up with the help of Andrew and she holds her head, "I think I have an idea." Ami rushes over to where Serena is and grabs her arm. She then whispers to her friend, "It's the Negaverse! Come on, Serena, let's go!"

Serena gives her a sharp nod, but as the two girls dash off, Andrew grabs Serena's arm, "Hey! Serena! Where are you going? It's too dangerous out there!"

"We have to get out of here!" Ami tell him, "Just stay hidden and be careful, Andrew!"

Andrew goes to say something else, but suddenly a large Spider-like Youma appears by the now shattered window. The Youma has orange skin, short purple hair, red eyes with six more eyes on her forehead, two black stripes on each sides of her face, two black antennas, and a spider-like body.

"Oh where are you, Sailor Scouts? Come out and PLAY!" The Youma screeches. Her voice is high-pitch and scratchy. When she screams, you could see she has only four teeth and a long, dark tongue.

She crawls on her eight legs and tilts her head, searching around the area for the certain people she is looking for. "Come out, come out where ever you are, Sailor brats."

Now, Serena, Ami, and Andrew and a few other normal citizens are hiding behind the bar of the small diner. Serena looks around and then whispers, "Where'd Dairen go?"

Ami and Andrew shrug their shoulders and then Ami whispers quietly to Serena, "We have to get out of here! This has to be another one of the Negaverse's monsters. We need to stop it!"

Serena gives her a sharp nod and then with Andrew's back to them, the two friends sneak out of the diner and they run behind the building. Sailor Moon takes a deep breath and then raises her hand in the air, shouting out, "MOON PRISM POWER!"

"MERCURY POWER!" Ami screams as she raises her blue pen in the air.

The two girls quickly transform and the next thing they know, the two girls are standing behind the building as Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury.

The two girls quickly rush back into the diner only to see the Youma attacking Andrew. The monster spit out a web and trapped Andrew in it and now he is trying to struggle his way out.

Andrew has a look of panic on his face as he continues to struggle out of the web the monster trapped him in. "Ahh! S-Someone h-help!"

"Let him go, you fiend!" Sailor Moon shouts as she places her hands on her hips.

The Youma quickly turns around and eyes Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury, "And who are you?"

Sailor Moon eyes the monster and shouts out her usual opening speech, "I am Sailor Moon! Champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!"

"Oh, so you're the famous Sailor Moon?" The monster spits out and turns around to face the Sailor Scouts.

"Let him go!" Sailor Mercury yells out as she narrows her eyes at the monster. "Who are you?!"

"Me? I'm Widow! You're worst nightmare!" The Youma, Widow, hisses and then releases Andrew, slamming him to the ground.

Sailor Moon gasps and then when Widow starts to crawl towards her, Sailor Moon frowns and lets out a whine, "Ohh! I hate spiders! They're so creepy and disgusting!"

"Sailor Moon, this is not the time!" Mercury tells her friend and then turns her attention back to the monster, "Bring it on, you monster!"

Widow only smirks as she starts chasing after the two Sailor Scouts. Mercury and Moon's eyes widen and they jump out of the way quickly as the monster runs right passed them.

Now, they're fighting on the street. Sailor Mercury takes a deep breath as she prepares to do her attack. "Mercury bubbles BLAST!" Groups of bubbles come out of her hands and attack the Youma, who screeches out in pain.

"Ah!" Widow yelps and then hisses when the attack is over, "You'll pay for that!"

Sailor Moon runs up behind the Youma and shouts out, "Sailor Moon KICK!" Sailor Moon then jumps high in the air and goes to land a strong kick to the Youma's back, but Widow quickly turns around and stops her attack by spraying a web out of her mouth and wrapping Sailor Moon in it.

Sailor Mercury's eyes widen and she screams after her friend as she watches Widow trap Sailor Moon and then slam her roughly into the ground. "Sailor Moon!"

Mercury goes to help her friend, but suddenly a man appears right in front of her. She gasps and quickly looks up only to be greeted by the same general she met the other day. "Ah! Nephrite?!"

"That would be me." Nephrite says with a smirk. "Surprised?"

Sailor Mercury narrows her eyes at the man and she bitterly replies, "So, you're the one who created this monster!"

Nephrite smiles widely and nods his head, "That would be correct, my dear." He takes a step towards her and glares down at her, "Looks like you won't be helping either of your friends today."

Sailor Mercury gives him a confused look and she shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"

"You see, you won't be able to save Sailor Moon and you won't be able to save your other precious friend either." Nephrite says coldly.

"What?" She questions, still confused. "Sailor Mars is fine. She is safe with Jadeite."

Nephrite shakes his head and lets out a mocking sigh, "I don't think so. You see, Jadeite and your friend had a fight and now she is all alone . . . with a good friend of mine while Jadeite is nowhere to be found."

Mercury's eyes widen and she gasps, "No! She's already badly hurt! She . . . she cannot fight or defend herself alone in her condition!"

"Well, that's too bad, little girl." Nephrite says and then with that, he goes to attack her, but she quickly jumps out of the way. She takes a deep breath and quickly glances over at Sailor Moon, who is still struggling to get free from the web that is tightly around her.

This cannot go well . . .

. . .

Jadeite is walking the streets of the city, alone. He has his arms folded across his chest and a distressed look on his face. He sighs and shakes his head as he mumbles to himself quietly, "Stupid. I'm so, so stupid! Why did I have to go say that to her? I should have just told her how I felt and then we would be fine."

Jadeite huffs and runs his hand through his messy golden hair, "I have to fix this . . . but she yelled at me to get out . . . and it's my apartment!"

"I miss my Fire-Fly." He finally whispers to himself and then adds quietly, "I love her." His eyes widen and he remembers how in another lifetime he used to call her that. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, "I need to fix this."

However, as he goes to make a turn, someone runs right into him, almost knocking him over. Jadeite stumbles, but doesn't fall and he yells, "Hey! Watch it!"

Suddenly, Jadeite takes a good look at the person that ran into him and narrows his eyes, "Andrew? What are you running from?"

Andrew, who is panting, has fear in his eyes and his face is pale. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, "Me . . . me and-and Serena, Ami, a-and Darien were all at the diner and then . . . and then some monster started to attack! I lost sight of S-Serena, Ami, and Darien though."

Jadeite's eyes widen and he quickly asks, "Did you see Rei with them at all?"

Andrew shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair, "No. Serena and Ami said she wasn't feeling well so she stayed at your apartment with you. Oh! But Sailor Moon is there fighting the monster."

Jadeite nods his head, "Okay, thanks. See you later, Andrew." Jadeite quickly brushes him off and then runs off towards the direction where all the madness is.

. . .

Sailor Moon finally got out of Widow's hold on her and now she is running in circles, trying to come up with a plan.

Sailor Mercury and Nephrite are going head to head; he is throwing attacks at her and she is dodging them the best she could.

Jadeite then comes into view and he gasps at he watches Nephrite attack Mercury and Sailor Moon running away from a large, spider-like monster.

"Nephrite!" Jadeite yells at his old friend as he narrows his eyes at him. Nephrite looks over his shoulder and smirks at his friend, "Ah, there you are, Jadeite. We were starting to worry about you."

Jadeite rushes over to where Nephrite and Mercury are standing and he narrows his eyes as he hisses through clenched teeth, "What are you doing?!"

"Getting my revenge." Nephrite coldly replies as he glares at Jadeite. He then cocks his head to the side, "Why are you here and not with the one with the feisty personality?"

Jadeite gives him a confused look and Nephrite nods his head with a smirk, "I knew the two of you got into a fight. Well, my old friend, you better go save your girlfriend, I don't think she'll last long with Zoisite."

Jadeite's eyes widen and he growls as he asks, "What did you do to her?!"

"I suggest you go and find out." Nephrite says with a wink and then turns his back to him and continues to fight Sailor Mercury.

Jadeite huffs and then runs off in the direction towards his apartment, hoping she is still there and Nephrite is lying and she is still safe in bed.

. . .

Jadeite slams the door open to his apartment and rushes inside, surprising Luna as she was just sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"Oh! Jadeite! You scared me!" Luna cries, but Jadeite pays no attention to her. He quickly rushes over to his bedroom and lets out a frustrated groan. He stomps his way back into the main room and runs his hand through his hair.

"What is it?" Luna asks, concerned and curious.

"Where's Rei?" Jadeite anxiously asks the sleepily purple cat. "Have you seen her?"

Luna sits up and yawns, "No. She left a few hours ago, I believe. She seemed very . . . upset and frustrated. But she could barely walk either."

Jadeite sighs, "Damn it! She's in trouble. The Negaverse sent Nephrite and one of the other generals, Zoisite, to attack the Sailor Scouts. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury are taking care of Nephrite and his Youma, but now I need to find Rei!"

"Jadeite, you must be careful!" Luna says and then adds, "Let me go with you!"

"No! I need you to stay here in case Rei comes back. Okay? Be back later and hopefully with good news!" Jadeite yells out to Luna and then with that, he runs off.

. . .

Rei is lying on her back on the cold concrete that is only a few blocks away from her home. She takes a deep, shaky breath and holds in the screams of pain that she wants to let out.

Zoisite is standing a few inches away, smirking down at her. She shakes her head and sighs, "I thought you were the strong one out of all the Scouts. You're kind of weak to be honest."

Rei clenches her jaw and lets out a frustrated huff as she winces at the amount of pain her shoulder and side is in. "Shut up."

"Well, aren't you going to fight back?" Zoisite asks as she tilts her head to the side and asks curiously.

Rei sits up slowly and she narrows her eyes at the Zoisite, "Oh, shut up."

"Hey," Zoisite begins with a shrug, "I'm just waiting for an actual fight with you. Why don't you turn into your Sailor Scout side so we could actually have a real fight?"

Rei rolls her eyes and goes to stand up, but Zoisite then kicks her side, again. Rei falls back onto her back and groans at the pain. Zoisite sighs and shrugs, "I'm waiting."

Rei clenches her jaw and then realizes she has no other choice. If she doesn't transform then she has no chance against Zoisite and she will only get more and more hurt. She huffs and struggles to her feet as quickly as she can.

Zoisite goes to hit her again, but this time Rei hops out of the way and clenches her jaw. She whips out her red pen that was in her pocket and she points it up in the air, "MARS POWER!"

Fire begins to wrap around Rei and only in a matter of seconds, Sailor Mars is standing in front of Zoisite. Zoisite smirks and claps her hands together, "Now that's better!"

Sailor Mars rolls her eyes and holds her sides. "You want to fight? I'll give you a fight."

Zoisite smirks and nods her head, "That's all I ask." Zoisite creates fire in her hands and moves the flames around her fingers. "This should now be interesting."

Rei narrows her eyes and goes to say something, but Zoisite cuts her off by slamming her foot against Sailor Mars' stomach.

"Ahh!" Sailor Mars yelps as she slams against the ground. She moans at the pain and could see blood seeping through her bandages. "Ugh! You witch!"

"I'm not a witch; I'm just your nightmare." Zoisite says with a smirk and then goes to hit her again, but this time, someone grabs her wrist, stopping her. "Huh?" She mumbles to herself and then turns her head only to come face to face with Jadeite.

"Oh, if it isn't Jadeite." Zoisite says with a smirk, "How nice of you to join us."

Sailor Mars slowly gets up onto her feet and she looks over to Jadeite. She bites her lower lip and he could see all the pain and emotions she has in her bright, violet eyes. He goes to say something to her, but Zoisite speaks before he can, "Well? What are you waiting for, Jadeite? Why aren't you rushing to her side and checking to see if she is alright? She lost a lot of blood, you know."

Jadeite rolls his eyes and looks back over at Sailor Mars, who is narrowing her eyes at Zoisite. Sailor Mars swallows hard and harshly says, "You talk an awful lot."

Jadeite chuckles and nods, "She always did and she was always the annoying one."

Zoisite frowns and then asks, "Did the two of you get into a fight? You know, Jadeite, when I first ran into your girlfriend here, she seemed very . . . upset. What'd you guys fight about? I'm curious."

"Does it matter to you?" Jadeite asks harshly as he raises an eyebrow at her.

Zoisite shrugs and then smirks, "Not really."

"Then what do you want?" Sailor Mars snaps, "You're out numbered since Nephrite left you."

"Eh, I don't think so." Zoisite says with a shrug.

Jadeite turns to Sailor Mars and nods at her, "I saw Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury. They're holding up against Nephrite. They're both fine."

Zoisite clenches her jaw at that and Sailor Mars lets out a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"Enough!" Zoisite shouts, now angry. She floats in the air and snaps her fingers, "It is time to get this fight started, no? Good luck."

Suddenly, a Youma appears in front of Jadeite and Sailor Mars, only this time, Sailor Mars and Jadeite recognize this Youma very well.

"What?!" Sailor Mars gasps, "You're supposed to be dead! We killed you!"

Jadeite stares at the Youma in shock. He turns his attention to the smirking Zoisite and he yells, "You're using my old and supposed to be dead Youma against me and Sailor Mars?"

"You bet I am." Zoisite says with a smirk.

There, standing in front of them is Titus. She has long teal hair flowing down her back and a smile on her pale lips and dark emerald eyes. She is wearing a short blue dress with light blue gloves that go up to her elbows with blue heels.

She cocks her head to the side and softly says, "Miss me, Jadeite?"

"Titus . . . what are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead." Jadeite says as he shakes his head at the Youma.

"You see, Sailor Scout," Zoisite begins as she continues to float in the air, "long before you, Titus and Jadeite had a . . . thing."

"No, we didn't." Jadeite corrects as he growls through his teeth. He turns to look over at Sailor Mars, "She liked me, but I never saw her that way."

"You may have never admitted it, but I know you felt something for me too, Jadeite!" Titus yells at him. "Once we get rid of her, you and I could share something. We could start over. Maybe Queen Beryl will even take you back and forgive your betrayal."

Sailor Mars laughs and Jadeite shakes his head, "I'll never see you that way and I will not go back to the Negaverse. I love someone else, not you."

"What?!" She screeches, "Who could that be?"

Sailor Mars and Jadeite share a look and Mars could see the sorry look in his eyes. She smirks, turns her attention back to Titus, and proudly says, "Me." Her smirk widens at Titus' confused and shocked look and she adds, "He loves me and I love him."

"No!" Titus screams and then she feels rage when she sees Jadeite and Sailor Mars smile at one another. She growls and then throws her arms in the air, growling, "Fine! You want it that way, you will regret it . . . the both of you!"

Her entire body shakes and she frowns at Jadeite, "I have sent most of my life devoting myself to you; trying to prove myself to you! I loved you and this is what you do to me in return? I adored you!"

Zoisite smirks and shakes her head, "You should know Jadeite, she is one of the most powerful Youma we have."

Titus' whole body is shaking and suddenly, a beam of light shoots out of her, covering her entire body so no one could see her. Sailor Mars and Jadeite shield their eyes and suddenly, when the light is gone, Titus true form is shown.

Her hair is much darker, almost black now, and instead of wearing a dress, she is wearing a dark blue jumpsuit and she has her light blue gloves on still. Her eyes are now pure red and now her lips are gone. She has golden spikes coming out of her shoulders and a golden headpiece attached to her forehead.

Sailor Mars frowns at the Youma and sighs, "I really didn't want to fight you in the first place because you were creepy looking."

"I'm still much prettier than you, Sailor Scout!" Titus shouts and then bends the water out of the lake that is a few feet away from where they are. She lifts the water up in the air, creating two columns, and then she thrashes the water towards Sailor Mars.

Sailor Mars quickly jumps out of the way, but she lands roughly on her bad side, which makes her yelp out in pain. Jadeite's eyes widen and he goes to rush over to her and help her, but Titus then throws an attack at him.

He hops out of the way and then he creates a ball of energy in his hands and shoots it at Titus. It slams against her and she screeches out of pain, but isn't dead yet.

Sailor Mars slowly stands back up and she turns to Jadeite, "You take care of Zoisite, I can handle Titus."

Jadeite shoots her a concerned look and he asks with an unsure voice, "Are you sure you're okay?"

She smirks at him and nods, "I got this."

Jadeite nods and then runs over to where Zoisite is standing and begins the fight with her meanwhile Sailor Mars and Titus continue to fight.

Titus bends another column of water out of the lake and aims it at Sailor Mars, which she is unable to dodge so the attack hits her, hard. She groans and quickly stands up, shaking her head, "Can't you learn some new attacks?" Sailor Mars ducks under one of the water whips and then shakes her head, "You know, I have had about enough of you!"

Sailor Mars presses her index fingers together and her thumbs and points it upwards. She squeezes her eyes shut and shouts out, "Mars . . . Fire . . . IGNITE!"

A ball of flames start to rush toward Titus, but unfortunately, Titus is able to dodge it and stop the attack with a wave of water she sends towards it.

Sailor Mars drops to her knees and begins to pant. She already wasted so much energy from fighting with Nephrite before and now in the past hour Zoisite has been attacking her. She gasps and holds her sides and she could feel her old wound opening back up and letting the blood seep through her Sailor Scout outfit.

Jadeite glances her way and his eyes widen. She needs help and fast. He turns his attention back to Zoisite and he sends a power ball of energy at her. Her eyes widen and she goes to dodge it, but suddenly she teleports away. Jadeite sighs, knowing that it was Queen Beryl who forced her back to the Dark Kingdom to deal with her and to see if Titus fails, because if Titus fails, then so does Zoisite.

Jadeite rushes over to Sailor Mars side and he kneels down beside her. He cups her cheek with his hand and he smiles down at her, "Are you alright? Everything's going to be okay."

Sailor Mars moans at the pain and she looks up at him; scars and bruises are scattered across her face.

He kisses her forehead and holds her close to him, "Don't worry, Mars, everything will be okay, I promise."

"You . . . you already s-said that." She says with a grin. "I'm f-fine though. Just a little . . . bruised."

Titus makes her way over to them and she growls, "How sweet. You two really do love each other. Too bad I'll be taking you away from one another! He's mine!" Titus grabs Jadeite's arm roughly and yanks him up. He glares down at her and before he could do or say anything to the Youma, she presses her mouth against Jadeite's lips.

Sailor Mars gives her a disgusted look and shakes her head, "You don't even have lips! You creep!"

Jadeite pushes the Youma off him and he growls, "Get off of me! I do not and never will love you, Titus!"

Sailor Mars struggles to her feet as she watches Titus shake her head at Jadeite. She starts pleading to him, yelling at him, but no noticing Sailor Mars standing back on her feet. Jadeite doesn't notice Sailor Mars either back on her feet.

Sailor Mars takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She breaths in and out slowly and she presses her index fingers and thumbs tightly together. She could feel all the heat and rage boiling inside of her and running through her body. She clenches her jaw and she could feel her body shaking. She tunes out all the yelling coming from Jadeite and Titus and she focuses on her attack.

She then shouts loud enough to Titus and gains both, her and Jadeite's attention, and yells, "Stay . . . away . . . from . . . my . . . BOYFRIEND!"

Titus' red eyes widen and Jadeite smirks when he sees Sailor Mars aim her fingers towards Titus and she shouts out in a powerful, strong voice, "Mars . . . fire . . . IGNITE!"

Then with that, this time a powerful ball of flames rush towards Titus and she could do nothing, but scream as the attack slams into her and kill her. She melts into a pile of water and shortly afterwards, she dies and disappears.

She opens her eyes slowly and she could feel her legs go weak. She stumbles to the ground, but before she could fall, Jadeite rushes to her side and catches her in his arms. He holds her tightly against him and grins down at her, "So, I'm your boyfriend, huh?"

She rolls her eyes and nuzzles her head in his neck. She smiles widely and plants a soft kiss on his neck, "Jadeite?"

"Yes, Fire-Fly?" He says with a wide smile.

"I love you." She says softly and then closes her eyes, sighing. He smiles down at her and caresses her cheek gently, "I love you too, Rei . . . or well, Sailor Mars."

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "I'm so tired." She laughs and then sighs, becoming serious, "I'm sorry for the fight we had before."

He shakes her head and smiles, "It's okay. Don't worry about it, my dear. I didn't mean what I said. I never want to go back to the Negaverse, I was just upset because Nephrite kept taunting me that how I became weak and soft. It made me lose my mind. I'm sorry."

She grins up at him and shakes her head, "It's okay. I understand. I shouldn't have exploded on you like that though. I just kind of have a short temper."

He laughs and shrugs his shoulders, "I like it that way anyways. I have always loved that about you, your short temple and feisty personality."

She smirks and then looks down at her Sailor Scout outfit. She purses her lips and sighs, "I wonder if Sailor Moon will be angry that I kind of got blood stains all over this outfit."

Jadeite frowns at that. He looks down to see all the blood stains that seeped through her outfit and it pains him to see her like that, in so much pain.

Sailor Mars notices his upset look and she shakes her head, placing her hand on his cheek gently, "Hey, I'm fine. Stop your worrying. I'm sure Ami will find a way to get the stains out and for me, I'm okay, really."

He nods his head and the leaves his head down. She smiles as his lips gently press against her soft ones. They deepen the kiss by Jadeite slipping his tongue in her mouth and they both smile into the kiss. They stay like that for what seems like forever, in each other's embrace, holding each other, and kissing passionately until they hear a familiar voice behind them.

"Oh! Get a room you two!" Sailor Moon says from behind them, gagging at the sight. "Ew!"

Sailor Mars and Jadeite pull apart and they smirk up at Sailor Moon. Luna is shaking her head, looking away from the sight while Sailor Mercury smile widely, "Aw, be nice Sailor Moon. They love each other."

Luna walks over to Sailor Mars and tilts her head to the side, "Are you alright, Sailor Mars?"

Sailor Mars nods her head and leans against Jadeite's strong chest, "I will be."

Sailor Moon plops herself next to Jadeite and Sailor Mercury sits next to Sailor Moon. They all look at each other and they are all worn out.

"So, you guys defeated Nephrite?" Jadeite asks with a raised eyebrow.

Sailor Mercury nods her head and smiles, "Yes, we did. It was a hard, but we pulled through."

"That's good." Sailor Mars says with a smile, "I'm sure they didn't go so easy on you guys either."

Sailor Moon sighs and shakes her head, "Nope. Not one bit. Oh! Buuuuuut, Tuxedo Mask gave to the rescue and helped us when the Youma almost tried eating me!"

Sailor Mars rolls her eyes and Jadeite just laughs, shaking his head. Sailor Mars runs her hand through her messy hair as she mumbles, "Unbelievable you are."

"What?" Sailor Moon pouts as she folds her arms across her chest.

Sailor Mercury and Luna shake their heads as they watch Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon begin to bicker back and forth with each other.

Sailor Mars just rolls her eyes and kisses Jadeite's cheek, "I'm glad we all pulled through. We're a team. All of us and soon we'll find the rest of the Sailor Scouts."

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Moon nod their heads and Luna smiles, "It's good you girls know that you are a team, now and always and Jadeite, you're now officially part of it too."

He smiles and kisses the top of Sailor Mars' head, "I know and I am so grateful and glad for it."

"But," Sailor Moon says with a shrug, "you guys do realize this fight is nowhere near over."

"Yes, I am sure the Negaverse has a lot more monsters to send our way." Sailor Mercury says with a sigh, but a small smile rests on her lips.

"But," Sailor Mars begins as she looks up in Jadeite's sapphire color eyes that she loves. She smiles widely and says with a strong, confident voice, "it may not be over and we may all still have a long way to go before the end of this darkness and evil, we're a team. We're the Sailor Scouts. And, this . . . this is a fight worth fighting for."


That is it for this story! I hope you all liked it! :) I really hope you enjoyed reading it!

Please comment/review and let me know what you thought of it, thanks!

Thanks for reading! ^_^