Author's Note: Well, we've reached the end. This story has been so much fun to write, and truthfully I'm sad to see it go. The only plus is it gives me time to work on the other story I started a while back. Thank you all so much again for the reviews, follows and favorites! Without further or do, here is the epilogue of Lighter. =)

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

One Year Later

Lima, OH

He'd been sitting here for close to an hour, his knees are starting to get stiff and there are probably grass stains on his suit. But he can't seem to stop staring, the dates carved into the marble, beginning of a life, and the end. He likes that this place is as beautiful and serene as it is. Heaven is probably more perfect, better. But at least they have a decent place to rest. If he had to choose, he would want his ashes spread into the air of some far off place. Being buried underground just doesn't sit well with him.

Death still confuses him. Yeah it's supposed to happen, no one's immortal. But the when and where of it all? It's not something that can be predicted and if he's honest sometimes he would prefer knowing. So those around him could get used to the idea, he could plan his own funeral. Then he reminds himself that knowing would just leave you nervous and counting the days. Just waiting for it all to end.

And there's that whole mystery of where you go. He's never been a religious person, but he likes to believe that Heaven does exist and God or whoever runs it will save a place for him. He really hopes she'll be there. Because doesn't someone somewhere have a belief that when you die all your loved ones will be there to greet you? The idea sounds nice. He'll need her to help him get used to the afterlife. She'll probably get all the angels together and force them to reenact scene's from her favorite musicals. Their own afterlife Glee club.

Checking his watch he notices it's close to three. This was supposed to be a quick visit, place fresh flowers and say a prayer. But he thinks best when he's alone, and his thoughts distracted him. There's a buzzing in his pocket.

-Where are you? Are you ok?-

He supposes he should answer, she's the biggest worrier he's ever known.

-Still at the cemetery. I'll be home in ten. Love You-

-Ok, drive safe, I love you-

Glancing one last time at the grave marker, he makes his way back to his truck. When he pulls up in the drive way, his mother is already at the door.

"Hi, sweetheart, you were gone a while. Did you put those flowers I gave you there?"

"Don't worry mom, it's all taken care off. They look beautiful, thanks for picking them out. I even cleaned things up a little."

"Is that what took you so long?"

"No, I just got lost in thinking."

She gives him a sympathetic look, probably trying to decide if it's okay to hug him.

But instead, she holds the door open and lets him inside. Burt is on the couch, watching pre-season football, and he notices Kurt and Blaine at the kitchen table, arguing over the answers to the Sunday paper crossword.

"Hey guys, where is..-"

"She's upstairs, taking a nap. Probably in your room."

He heads up the stairs, his dress shoes slightly squeaking with every step up. When he reaches his old bedroom, the door is slightly ajar.

She's curled up on top of the comforter, her phone resting in her palm. Shrugging off his suit jacket and kicking off his shoes he lays down and pulls her against him. The slight movement behind her nestles her awake.

"Hey babe, you're back. How did it go?"

"Oh it went fine. I just got a lost in thinking."

"Well, I'm glad you're back. I missed you."

"I'm back now, you can stop worrying so much."

"I'll never stop worrying. This year has been hard for you. I just want you to be okay."

"You make me okay. It's because of you, you know. Everything you said, did for me. I owe you big time."

"Finn you should know by now that you'll never owe me anything. I do those things because I love you."

"Well, if you love me so much, will you do something for me?"


"Marry me?"


"Yes, really. I was thinking a spring or fall wedding in the city. Or here if you prefer. Most of our family is here so-"

"Of course. Yes I'll marry you."

Tears are starting to pool in her eyes and she's smiling. Last year he wouldn't have predicted any kind of happy endings or forever's.

And to be honest he wasn't actually going to ask her until next week, when they were back in the apartment alone, with a bottle of wine.

But today, he'd decided to hell with it. Sitting there staring at that grave stone, he knew. Life is far too fantastic and amazing to live it alone. She was it, there was never any question, he just needed a blessing, telling him it was time.

His father had never left him any kind of letter, telling him what kind of man he should be or how to love a girl. But in that moment sitting in the grass, he felt it in the breeze. A gentle hand on his shoulder. Telling him to do nothing but live and love.

He remembers when he thought he wasn't going to have it all. But then the monitor started to beep again and she was breathing and living, and perfect. Life started for him again that day. And it would keep going, because he has her.

"Mrs. Rachel Hudson. I like the sound of it. Rolls nicely off the tongue."

"What? I thought you were going to hyphen it?"

"I changed my mind. Losing you certainly helped me realize what's important, and keeping my maiden name for the purposes of the stage is ridiculous."

"If I haven't said it enough already, I love you."

"Love you too Finn Hudson. Oh by the way, there's something I want to show you."

She reaches into the side table drawer, pulling out a small object. The lighter.

"Did you steal it?"

"Noah let me have it. I was thinking about setting it on fire, a much better solution than leaving it in some evidence room."

"God you're perfect."

"I try."

He kisses her then, because she totally stole that lighter just so they could burn it.

She laughs into his kisses.

Six months later, they get married. The flowers are yellow.

AN/2: I really hope I held you until the end. There was no way this was going to end badly. Happy endings are never wrong. Thanks for reading. =)